Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Method creates a file handler and returns to the caller.
        /// IFileHandler implements all labeling and protection operations in the File API.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="options">Struct provided to set various options for the handler.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private IPolicyHandler CreatePolicyHandler(ExecutionStateOptions options)
            // Create the handler using options from FileOptions. Assumes that the engine was previously created and stored in private engine object.
            // There's probably a better way to pass/store the engine, but this is a sample ;)
            var handler = engine.CreatePolicyHandler(options.generateAuditEvent);

Beispiel #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Create ApplicationInfo, setting the clientID from Azure AD App Registration as the ApplicationId
            // If any of these values are not set API throws BadInputException.
            ApplicationInfo appInfo = new ApplicationInfo()
                // ApplicationId should ideally be set to the same ClientId found in the Azure AD App Registration.
                // This ensures that the clientID in AAD matches the AppId reported in AIP Analytics.
                ApplicationId      = clientId,
                ApplicationName    = appName,
                ApplicationVersion = appVersion

            string newLabelId     = string.Empty;
            string currentLabelId = string.Empty;

            // Initialize Action class, passing in AppInfo.
            Action action = new Action(appInfo);

            // List all labels available to the engine created in Action
            IEnumerable <Label> labels = action.ListLabels();

            // Enumerate parent and child labels and print name/ID.
            foreach (var label in labels)
                Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} - {1}", label.Name, label.Id));

                if (label.Children.Count > 0)
                    foreach (Label child in label.Children)
                        Console.WriteLine(string.Format("\t{0} - {1}", child.Name, child.Id));

            Console.Write("Enter a label ID: ");
            currentLabelId = Console.ReadLine();

            Console.Write("Enter a new label ID: ");
            newLabelId = Console.ReadLine();

            ExecutionStateOptions options = new ExecutionStateOptions();

            options.newLabel             = action.GetLabelById(currentLabelId);
            options.actionSource         = ActionSource.Manual;
            options.assignmentMethod     = AssignmentMethod.Standard;
            options.contentFormat        = Microsoft.InformationProtection.Policy.ContentFormat.Default;
            options.contentIdentifier    = "MyTestFile.pptx";
            options.dataState            = DataState.Use;
            options.isDowngradeJustified = false;
            options.generateAuditEvent   = true;
            options.metadata             = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            var initialActions = action.ComputeActions(options);

            // If you need addition actions, modify GetSupportedActions in ExecutionStateImplementation.cs
            // Then, iterate through teh actions for the one you care about, say, apply header, footer, or watermark.
            // From those derived actions, you'll be able to get the content marking information.
            foreach (var item in initialActions)
                switch (item.ActionType)
                case ActionType.Metadata:


                    foreach (var data in ((MetadataAction)item).MetadataToAdd)
                        options.metadata.Add(data.Key, data.Value);

                case ActionType.ProtectByTemplate:

                    options.templateId = ((ProtectByTemplateAction)item).TemplateId;



            options.newLabel = action.GetLabelById(newLabelId);

            var result = action.ComputeActionLoop(options);

            Console.WriteLine("Press a key to quit.");
Beispiel #3
 public ExecutionStateImplementation(ExecutionStateOptions executionStateOptions)
     _executionStateOptions = executionStateOptions;
Beispiel #4
        public bool ComputeActionLoop(ExecutionStateOptions options)
            ExecutionStateImplementation state = new ExecutionStateImplementation(options);

            var handler = CreatePolicyHandler(options);
            var actions = handler.ComputeActions(state);

            while (actions.Count > 0)
                Console.WriteLine("Action Count: {0}", actions.Count);

                foreach (var action in actions)
                    switch (action.ActionType)
                    case ActionType.Metadata:

                        var derivedMetadataAction = (MetadataAction)action;

                        if (derivedMetadataAction.MetadataToRemove.Count > 0)
                            Console.WriteLine("*** Action: Remove Metadata.");

                            //Rather than iterate, in the same we just remove it all.

                        if (derivedMetadataAction.MetadataToAdd.Count > 0)
                            Console.WriteLine("*** Action: Apply Metadata.");

                            //Iterate through metadata and add to options
                            foreach (var item in derivedMetadataAction.MetadataToAdd)
                                options.metadata.Add(item.Key, item.Value);
                                Console.WriteLine("*** Added: {0} - {1}", item.Key, item.Value);


                    case ActionType.ProtectByTemplate:

                        var derivedProtectbyTemplateAction = (ProtectByTemplateAction)action;
                        options.templateId = derivedProtectbyTemplateAction.TemplateId;

                        Console.WriteLine("*** Action: Protect by Template: {0}", derivedProtectbyTemplateAction.TemplateId);


                    case ActionType.RemoveProtection:

                        var derivedRemoveProtectionAction = (RemoveProtectionAction)action;
                        options.templateId = string.Empty;

                        Console.Write("*** Action: Remove Protection.");


                    case ActionType.Justify:

                        var derivedJustificationAction = (JustifyAction)action;
                        Console.WriteLine("*** Justification Required!");
                        Console.Write("Provide Justification: ");
                        string justificationMessage = Console.ReadLine();

                        options.isDowngradeJustified   = true;
                        options.downgradeJustification = justificationMessage;


                    case ActionType.AddContentFooter:

                    // Any other actions must be explicitly defined after this.



                state   = new ExecutionStateImplementation(options);
                actions = handler.ComputeActions(state);
                Console.WriteLine("*** Remaining Action Count: {0}", actions.Count);
            if (options.generateAuditEvent && actions.Count == 0)
Beispiel #5
        public ReadOnlyCollection <Microsoft.InformationProtection.Policy.Actions.Action> ComputeActions(ExecutionStateOptions options)
            var handler = CreatePolicyHandler(options);
            ExecutionStateImplementation state = new ExecutionStateImplementation(options);

            var actions = handler.ComputeActions(state);

            if (actions.Count == 0 && options.generateAuditEvent)
