Inheritance: IAuthenticator
Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// This method initializes a new RESTClient. The host URI for Amazon is set to virtual hosted style
        /// if usePathStyle is false. Otherwise path style URL is constructed.
        /// </summary>
        internal void InitClient()
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.BaseUrl))
                throw new InvalidEndpointException("Endpoint cannot be empty.");

            string host = this.BaseUrl;

            var scheme = this.Secure ? utils.UrlEncode("https") : utils.UrlEncode("http");

            // This is the actual url pointed to for all HTTP requests
            this.Endpoint = string.Format("{0}://{1}", scheme, host);
            this.uri      = RequestUtil.GetEndpointURL(this.BaseUrl, this.Secure);
            RequestUtil.ValidateEndpoint(this.uri, this.Endpoint);

            // Initialize a new REST client. This uri will be modified if region specific endpoint/virtual style request
            // is decided upon while constructing a request for Amazon.
            restClient = new RestSharp.RestClient(this.uri)
                UserAgent = this.FullUserAgent

            authenticator            = new V4Authenticator(this.Secure, this.AccessKey, this.SecretKey, this.Region, this.SessionToken);
            restClient.Authenticator = authenticator;
            restClient.UseUrlEncoder(s => HttpUtility.UrlEncode(s));
Beispiel #2
        private async Task <ResponseResult> ExecuteTaskCoreAsync(
            IEnumerable <ApiResponseErrorHandlingDelegate> errorHandlers,
            HttpRequestMessageBuilder requestMessageBuilder,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))
            var startTime = DateTime.Now;

            // Logs full url when HTTPtracing is enabled.
            if (this.trace)
                var fullUrl = requestMessageBuilder.RequestUri;

            var v4Authenticator = new V4Authenticator(this.Secure,
                                                      this.AccessKey, this.SecretKey, this.Region,


            HttpRequestMessage request = requestMessageBuilder.Request;

            ResponseResult responseResult;

                if (requestTimeout > 0)
                    this.HttpClient.Timeout = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, requestTimeout);

                var response = await this.HttpClient.SendAsync(request,
                                                               HttpCompletionOption.ResponseHeadersRead, cancellationToken)

                responseResult = new ResponseResult(request, response);
                if (requestMessageBuilder.ResponseWriter != null)
            catch (OperationCanceledException)
            catch (Exception e)
                responseResult = new ResponseResult(request, e);

            this.HandleIfErrorResponse(responseResult, errorHandlers, startTime);
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// This method initializes a new RESTClient. It is called by other Inits
        /// </summary>

        internal void Init()
            this.uri = RequestUtil.GetEndpointURL(this.BaseUrl, this.Secure);
            RequestUtil.ValidateEndpoint(this.uri, this.Endpoint);

            // Initialize a new REST client. This uri will be modified if region specific endpoint/virtual style request
            // is decided upon while constructing a request for Amazon.
            restClient = new RestSharp.RestClient(this.uri)
                UserAgent = this.FullUserAgent

            authenticator            = new V4Authenticator(this.Secure, this.AccessKey, this.SecretKey, this.Region, this.SessionToken);
            restClient.Authenticator = authenticator;
            restClient.UseUrlEncoder(s => HttpUtility.UrlEncode(s));
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates and returns an Cloud Storage client
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="uri">Location of the server, supports HTTP and HTTPS</param>
        /// <param name="accessKey">Access Key for authenticated requests</param>
        /// <param name="secretKey">Secret Key for authenticated requests</param>
        /// <returns>Client with the uri set as the server location and authentication parameters set.</returns>
        public MinioClient(Uri uri, string accessKey, string secretKey)
            if (uri == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException();

            if (!(uri.Scheme == "http" || uri.Scheme == "https"))
                throw new UriFormatException("Expecting http or https");

            if (uri.Query.Length != 0)
                throw new UriFormatException("Expecting no query");

            if (!(uri.AbsolutePath.Length == 0 || (uri.AbsolutePath.Length == 1 && uri.AbsolutePath[0] == '/')))
                throw new UriFormatException("Expecting AbsolutePath to be empty");


            String path = uri.Scheme + "://" + uri.Host + ":" + uri.Port + "/";
            uri = new Uri(path);
            this.client = new RestClient(uri);
            this.region = Regions.GetRegion(uri.Host);
            this.client.UserAgent = this.FullUserAgent;
            if (accessKey != null && secretKey != null)
                this.authenticator = new V4Authenticator(accessKey, secretKey);
                this.client.Authenticator = new V4Authenticator(accessKey, secretKey);