private IEnumerable<NavigationButtonInfoMeta> getPrimaryButtons(ViewModelBaseExt viewModel)
            //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(PrimaryNavigationEntryPath))
            //    //need to break it down

            //adding them twice and setting page shouldnt change primary buttons (extra gets dropped, just pass empty - no, smoehting? and handle)
            //null for no change, 0 for 0
            //windows UAP cache
            if (viewModel is ShellViewModelExt)
                return null;

            if (viewModel is SettingsPageViewModelExt)
                return null;

            IEnumerable<NavigationButtonInfoMeta> buttons = new NavigationButtonInfoMeta[]
                new NavigationButtonInfoMeta()
                    PageType =  Type.GetType("Minimal.Views.HomePage"),
                    PageParameter = "Source=Shell",
                    Text = "Home",
                    Symbol = Symbol.Home
                new NavigationButtonInfoMeta()
                    PageType =  Type.GetType("Minimal.Views.MasterPage"),
                    PageParameter = "Source=Shell",
                    Text = "Master",
                    Symbol = Symbol.ImportAll
            if (viewModel is DetailPageViewModelExt)
                buttons = buttons.Union(new NavigationButtonInfoMeta[] {
                    new NavigationButtonInfoMeta()
                        PageType = Type.GetType("Minimal.Views.DetailPage"),
                        PageParameter = "Source=Shell",
                        Text = "Detail Page",
                        Symbol = Symbol.AddFriend
                    } });
            return buttons;
        private IEnumerable<NavigationButtonInfoMeta> getSecondaryButtons(ViewModelBaseExt viewModel)
            //if ((viewModel is ShellViewModelExt) == false)
            //    return null;

            if (viewModel is ShellViewModelExt)
                return null;

            return new NavigationButtonInfoMeta[]
                new NavigationButtonInfoMeta()
                    PageType =  Type.GetType("Minimal.Views.SettingsPageExt"),
                    PageParameter = "Source=Shell",
                    Text = "Settings",
                    Symbol = Symbol.Setting
        internal void OnViewnNavigatedTo(ViewModelBaseExt viewModel)
            //manage page specific nav buttons
            syncNavButtons(getPrimaryButtons(viewModel), this.PrimaryButtons);
            syncNavButtons(getSecondaryButtons(viewModel), this.SecondaryButtons);
