private async void Handle_GetStockInfo(object sender, EventArgs e)
            float max_value = float.MinValue; // max is 0.000
            float min_value = float.MaxValue; // min is Highest value of float

            GetData.flag = false;

            // for parsing the TimeSeriesData
            List <ParsedDayData> dataList = new List <ParsedDayData>();

            //Enetered stock name
            string selection = stockName.Text;
            string key       = "L0DPQVDUEO0WGBV";

            HttpClient client   = new HttpClient();
            var        response = await client.GetStringAsync("" +
                                                              "function=TIME_SERIES_DAILY&symbol=" + selection + "&apikey=" + key);

            var stock = TimeDaily.FromJson(response);

            //check for valid stock name. If invalid stock name then nofify user
                GetData.dailyStockList = stock.TimeSeriesDaily.Values.ToList();
                GetData.stockDate      = stock.TimeSeriesDaily.Keys.ToList();

                // get data from the json into the list

                int           count       = GetData.dailyStockList.Count;
                ParsedDayData currentdate = new ParsedDayData();

                //loop through the list
                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    //Convert date to "Jan 22, 2019" format
                    DateTime dt = DateTime.Parse(GetData.stockDate[i]);
                    currentdate.Date = dt.ToString("MMM dd, yyyy");

                    //high_prc and low_prc are in float for checking with min_value and max_value
                    float high_prc = float.Parse(GetData.dailyStockList[i].The2High);
                    float low_prc  = float.Parse(GetData.dailyStockList[i].The3Low);

                    //converting high_prc and low_prc to string
                    currentdate.High = "$" + high_prc.ToString();
                    currentdate.Low  = "$" + low_prc.ToString();

                    float open_prc  = float.Parse(GetData.dailyStockList[i].The4Close);
                    float close_prc = float.Parse(GetData.dailyStockList[i].The1Open);

                    currentdate.Close = "$" + open_prc.ToString();
                    currentdate.Open  = "$" + close_prc;

                    /*Find the Highest and Lowest for the entered stock */
                    if (high_prc > max_value)
                        max_value = high_prc;
                    if (low_prc < min_value)
                        min_value = low_prc;

                    currentdate  = new ParsedDayData();
                    GetData.flag = true;

                /*Display the data on screen*/

                StockListView.ItemsSource = dataList;
                Highest.Text = "$" + max_value.ToString();
                Lowest.Text  = "$" + min_value.ToString();
            catch (NullReferenceException)
                GetData.flag = false;
                await DisplayAlert(selection + ":Invalid stock Name", "Please Enter valid stock Name", "Ok");
 public static string ToJson(this TimeDaily self) => JsonConvert.SerializeObject(self, Midterm.Converter.Settings);