Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Display optimization log
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="localstartX"></param>
        /// <param name="localstartY"></param>
        private void ShowLogOptim(float localstartX, float localstartY, float width, float height)
                Rect zone = new Rect(localstartX, localstartY, width, height);
                GUI.color = new Color(.8f, .8f, .8f, 1f);
                GUI.Box(zone, "");
                GUI.color = Color.white;
                float posx = localstartX;
                GUI.Label(new Rect(posx + espace, localstartY + espace, 40, buttonHeight), new GUIContent("Logs:"), styleBold);
                posx += 40;
                float btw = 25f;
                if (GUI.Button(new Rect(posx + espace, localstartY + espace, btw, buttonHeight), new GUIContent(buttonIconSave, "Save Log")))
                    // Save log file
                    if (LogInfo != null)
                        string filenamelog = string.Format("SoundFontSetupLog {0} {1} .txt", MidiPlayerGlobal.ImSFCurrent.SoundFontName, DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH-mm-ss"));
                        using (System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(Path.Combine(Application.persistentDataPath, filenamelog)))
                            foreach (string line in LogInfo.Infos)

                if (GUI.Button(new Rect(posx + 2f * espace + btw, localstartY + espace, btw, buttonHeight), new GUIContent(buttonIconFolders, "Open Logs Folder")))

                if (GUI.Button(new Rect(posx + 3f * espace + 2f * btw, localstartY + espace, btw, buttonHeight), new GUIContent(buttonIconDelete, "Clear Logs")))
                    LogInfo = new BuilderInfo();
                if (LogInfo != null && LogInfo.Count > 0)
                    float heightLine = styleRichText.lineHeight * 1.2f;

                    Rect listVisibleRect = new Rect(espace, localstartY + buttonHeight + espace, width - 5, height - 25);
                    Rect listContentRect = new Rect(0, 0, 2 * width, LogInfo.Count * heightLine + 5);

                    scrollPosOptim = GUI.BeginScrollView(listVisibleRect, scrollPosOptim, listContentRect);
                    GUI.color      = Color.white;
                    float labelY = -heightLine;
                    foreach (string s in LogInfo.Infos)
                        EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(localstartX, labelY += heightLine, width * 2, heightLine), s, styleRichText);

                    if (MidiPlayerGlobal.CurrentMidiSet.ActiveSounFontInfo != null && MidiPlayerGlobal.CurrentMidiSet.ActiveSounFontInfo.PatchCount == 0)
                        float xpos = 0;
                        float ypos = labelY + 2 * heightLine;
                        EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(xpos, ypos, 450, itemHeight), "No patchs and waves has been yet extracted from the Soundfont.", styleRed); ypos += itemHeight / 1f;
                        EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(xpos, ypos, 450, itemHeight), "On the right panel:", styleRed); ypos += itemHeight / 2f;
                        EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(xpos, ypos, 450, itemHeight), "   Select banks you want to keep.", styleRed); ypos += itemHeight / 2f;
                        EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(xpos, ypos, 450, itemHeight), "   Select default bank for instruments and drums kit.", styleRed); ypos += itemHeight / 1f;
                        EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(xpos, ypos, 450, itemHeight), "Click on button:", styleRed); ypos += itemHeight / 2f;
                        EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(xpos, ypos, 450, itemHeight), "   'Optimize from Midi file list' to keep only patchs required or", styleRed); ypos     += itemHeight / 2f;
                        EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(xpos, ypos, 450, itemHeight), "   'Extract all Patchs & Waves' to keep all patchs of selected banks.", styleRed); ypos += itemHeight;

            catch (Exception ex)
        void OnGUI()
                if (window == null)
                if (LogInfo == null)
                    LogInfo = new BuilderInfo();

                float startx = 5;
                float starty = 7;

                if (styleRowListNormal == null)
                    styleRowListNormal = new GUIStyle("box");
                if (styleRowListSelected == null)
                    styleRowListSelected = new GUIStyle("box");
                    styleRowListSelected.normal.background = ToolsEditor.SetColor(new Texture2D(2, 2), new Color(.6f, .8f, .6f, 1f));

                GUIContent content = new GUIContent()
                    text = "Setup SoundFont - Version " + ToolsEditor.version, tooltip = ""
                EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(startx, starty, 500, itemHeight), content, styleBold);

                if (GUI.Button(new Rect(startx + 370, starty - 5, 25, 25), buttonIconHelp))
                    //CreateWave createwave = new CreateWave();
                    //string path = System.IO.Path.Combine(MidiPlayerGlobal.MPTK_PathToResources, "unitySample") + ".wav";
                    ////string path = "unitySample.wav";
                    //HiSample sample = new HiSample();
                    ////sample.LoopStart = sample.LoopEnd = 0;
                    //byte[] data = new byte[10000];
                    //for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++) data[i] = (byte)255;
                    //sample.SampleRate = 44100;
                    //sample.End = (uint)data.Length/2;
                    //createwave.Build(path, sample, data);
                GUI.color = ToolsEditor.ButtonColor;
                content   = new GUIContent()
                    text = "Help & Contact", tooltip = "Get some help"
                // Set position of the button
                Rect rect = new Rect(window.position.size.x - buttonLargeWidth - 5, starty, buttonLargeWidth, buttonHeight);
                if (GUI.Button(rect, content))
                    PopupWindow.Show(rect, new AboutMPTK());

                starty += buttonHeight + espace;

                widthRight = window.position.size.x - widthLeft - 2 * espace - startx;
                //widthRight = window.position.size.x / 2f - espace;
                //widthLeft = window.position.size.x / 2f - espace;

                heightLeftBottom  = window.position.size.y - heightLeftTop - 3 * espace - starty;
                heightRightBottom = window.position.size.y - heightRightTop - 3 * espace - starty;

                // Display list of soundfont already loaded
                ShowListSoundFonts(startx, starty, widthLeft, heightLeftTop);

                ShowListBanks(startx + widthLeft + espace, starty, widthRight, heightRightTop);

                ShowExtractOptim(startx + widthLeft + espace, starty + heightRightTop + espace, widthRight, heightRightBottom + espace);

                ShowLogOptim(startx, starty + espace + heightLeftTop, widthLeft, heightLeftBottom + espace);
            catch (ExitGUIException) { }
            catch (Exception ex)
Beispiel #3
        void OnGUI()
                if (window == null)
                if (LogInfo == null)
                    LogInfo = new BuilderInfo();

                float startx = 5;
                float starty = 7;

                if (styleRowListNormal == null)
                    styleRowListNormal = new GUIStyle("box");
                if (styleRowListSelected == null)
                    styleRowListSelected = new GUIStyle("box");
                    styleRowListSelected.normal.background = ToolsEditor.SetColor(new Texture2D(2, 2), new Color(.6f, .8f, .6f, 1f));

                GUIContent content = new GUIContent()
                    text = "Setup SoundFont in your application - Version " + ToolsEditor.version, tooltip = ""
                EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(startx, starty, 500, itemHeight), content, styleBold);

                GUI.color = ToolsEditor.ButtonColor;
                content   = new GUIContent()
                    text = "Help & Contact", tooltip = "Get some help"
                // Set position of the button
                Rect rect = new Rect(window.position.size.x - buttonLargeWidth - 5, starty, buttonLargeWidth, buttonHeight);
                if (GUI.Button(rect, content))
                    PopupWindow.Show(rect, new AboutMPTK());

                starty += buttonHeight + espace;

                widthRight = window.position.size.x - widthLeft - 2 * espace - startx;
                //widthRight = window.position.size.x / 2f - espace;
                //widthLeft = window.position.size.x / 2f - espace;

                heightLeftBottom  = window.position.size.y - heightLeftTop - 3 * espace - starty;
                heightRightBottom = window.position.size.y - heightRightTop - 3 * espace - starty;

                // Display list of soundfont already loaded
                ShowListSoundFonts(startx, starty, widthLeft, heightLeftTop);

                ShowListBanks(startx + widthLeft + espace, starty, widthRight, heightRightTop);

                ShowExtractOptim(startx + widthLeft + espace, starty + heightRightTop + espace, widthRight, heightRightBottom + espace);

                ShowLogOptim(startx, starty + espace + heightLeftTop, widthLeft, heightLeftBottom + espace);
            catch (ExitGUIException) { }
            catch (Exception ex)
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Return information about a midifile : patch change, copyright, ...
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pathfilename"></param>
        /// <param name="Info"></param>
        static public void GeneralInfo(string pathfilename, BuilderInfo Info)
                int NumberBeatsMeasure;
                int NumberQuarterBeat;
                Debug.Log("Open midifile :" + pathfilename);
                MidiLoad midifile = new MidiLoad();
                if (midifile != null)
                    Info.Add(string.Format("Format: {0}", midifile.midifile.FileFormat));
                    Info.Add(string.Format("Tracks: {0}", midifile.midifile.Tracks));
                    Info.Add(string.Format("Ticks Quarter Note: {0}", midifile.midifile.DeltaTicksPerQuarterNote));

                    //if (false)
                        foreach (TrackMidiEvent trackEvent in midifile.MidiSorted)
                            if (trackEvent.Event.CommandCode == MidiCommandCode.NoteOn)
                                // Not used
                                //if (((NoteOnEvent)trackEvent.Event).OffEvent != null)
                                //    //infoTrackMidi[e.Channel].Events.Add((NoteOnEvent)e);
                                //    NoteOnEvent noteon = (NoteOnEvent)trackEvent.Event;
                            else if (trackEvent.Event.CommandCode == MidiCommandCode.NoteOff)
                            else if (trackEvent.Event.CommandCode == MidiCommandCode.ControlChange)
                                // Not used
                                //ControlChangeEvent controlchange = (ControlChangeEvent)e;
                                //Debug.Log(string.Format("CtrlChange  Track:{0} Channel:{1,2:00} {2}", track, e.Channel, controlchange.ToString()));
                            else if (trackEvent.Event.CommandCode == MidiCommandCode.PatchChange)
                                PatchChangeEvent change = (PatchChangeEvent)trackEvent.Event;
                                Info.Add(BuildInfoTrack(trackEvent) + string.Format("PatchChange {0,3:000} {1}", change.Patch, PatchChangeEvent.GetPatchName(change.Patch)), 2);
                            else if (trackEvent.Event.CommandCode == MidiCommandCode.MetaEvent)
                                MetaEvent meta = (MetaEvent)trackEvent.Event;
                                switch (meta.MetaEventType)
                                case MetaEventType.SetTempo:
                                    TempoEvent tempo = (TempoEvent)meta;
                                    Info.Add(BuildInfoTrack(trackEvent) + string.Format("SetTempo Tempo:{0} MicrosecondsPerQuarterNote:{1}", Math.Round(tempo.Tempo, 0), tempo.MicrosecondsPerQuarterNote), 2);

                                case MetaEventType.TimeSignature:

                                    TimeSignatureEvent timesig = (TimeSignatureEvent)meta;
                                    // Numerator: counts the number of beats in a measure.
                                    // For example a numerator of 4 means that each bar contains four beats.

                                    // Denominator: number of quarter notes in a beat.0=ronde, 1=blanche, 2=quarter, 3=eighth, etc.
                                    // Set default value
                                    NumberBeatsMeasure = timesig.Numerator;
                                    NumberQuarterBeat  = System.Convert.ToInt32(System.Math.Pow(2, timesig.Denominator));
                                    Info.Add(BuildInfoTrack(trackEvent) + string.Format("TimeSignature Beats Measure:{0} Beat Quarter:{1}", NumberBeatsMeasure, NumberQuarterBeat), 2);

                                case MetaEventType.SequenceTrackName:   // Sequence / Track Name
                                case MetaEventType.ProgramName:
                                case MetaEventType.TrackInstrumentName: // Track instrument name
                                case MetaEventType.TextEvent:           // Text event
                                case MetaEventType.Copyright:           // Copyright
                                    Info.Add(BuildInfoTrack(trackEvent) + ((TextEvent)meta).Text, 1);

                                case MetaEventType.Lyric:     // lyric
                                case MetaEventType.Marker:    // marker
                                case MetaEventType.CuePoint:  // cue point
                                case MetaEventType.DeviceName:
                                    //Info.Add(BuildInfoTrack(trackEvent) + string.Format("{0} '{1}'", meta.MetaEventType.ToString(), ((TextEvent)meta).Text));
                                // Other midi event
                                //Debug.Log(string.Format("Track:{0} Channel:{1,2:00} CommandCode:{2,3:000} AbsoluteTime:{3,6:000000}", track, e.Channel, e.CommandCode.ToString(), e.AbsoluteTime));
                    //else DebugMidiSorted(midifile.MidiSorted);
                    Info.Add("Error reading midi file");
            catch (System.Exception ex)
Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Display optimization
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="localstartX"></param>
        /// <param name="localstartY"></param>
        private void ShowOptim(float localstartX, float localstartY, float width, float height)
                Rect zone = new Rect(localstartX, localstartY, width, height);
                GUI.color = new Color(.8f, .8f, .8f, 1f);
                GUI.Box(zone, "");
                GUI.color = Color.white;

                string tooltip = "Remove all banks and Presets not used in the Midi file list";

                GUIContent content;
                if (MidiPlayerGlobal.ImSFCurrent != null)
                    float xpos = localstartX + xpostitlebox;
                    float ypos = localstartY + ypostitlebox;
                    content = new GUIContent()
                        text = "Extract Patchs & Waves from " + MidiPlayerGlobal.ImSFCurrent.SoundFontName, tooltip = tooltip
                    EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(xpos, ypos, 380 + 85, itemHeight), content, styleBold);
                    ypos += itemHeight;// + espace;

                    if (MidiPlayerGlobal.ImSFCurrent.PatchCount == 0 || MidiPlayerGlobal.ImSFCurrent.WaveCount == 0)
                        EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(xpos, ypos, 380 + 85, itemHeight), "No patchs and waves has been yet extracted from the Soundfont.", styleRed);
                        ypos += itemHeight / 1f; // + espace;
                        EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(xpos, ypos, 380 + 85, itemHeight), "On the right panel, select one bank for instruments and", styleRed);
                        ypos += itemHeight / 2f; // + espace;
                        EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(xpos, ypos, 380 + 85, itemHeight), "optional, one bank for drums kit, others banks will be removed.", styleRed);
                        ypos += itemHeight / 1f; // + espace;
                        EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(xpos, ypos, 380 + 85, itemHeight), "Then, choose between 'Optimize from Midi file list'", styleRed);
                        ypos += itemHeight / 2f; // + espace;
                        EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(xpos, ypos, 380 + 85, itemHeight), "or 'Extract all Patchs & Waves' with the buttons below.", styleRed);

                        ypos += itemHeight;// + espace;
                        string infoSf = string.Format("Patch count: {0}   Wave count:{1}   Wave size:{2}",
                                                      (MidiPlayerGlobal.ImSFCurrent.WaveSize < 1000000) ?
                                                      Math.Round((double)MidiPlayerGlobal.ImSFCurrent.WaveSize / 1000d).ToString() + " Ko"
                                                      Math.Round((double)MidiPlayerGlobal.ImSFCurrent.WaveSize / 1000000d).ToString() + " Mo"
                        EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(xpos, ypos, 380 + 85, itemHeight), infoSf);

                        ypos += 2 * heightLine;
                    int widthCheck = 110;

                     * KeepAllZones = GUI.Toggle(new Rect(xpos, ypos, widthCheck, itemHeight), KeepAllZones, new GUIContent("Keep all Zones", "Keep all Waves associated with a Patch regardless of notes and velocities played in Midi files.\n Usefull if you want transpose Midi files."));
                     * xpos += widthCheck + espace;
                     * KeepAllPatchs = GUI.Toggle(new Rect(xpos, ypos, widthCheck, itemHeight), KeepAllPatchs, new GUIContent("Keep all Patchs", "Keep all Patchs and waves found in the SoundFont selected.\nWarning : a huge volume of files coud be created"));
                     * xpos += widthCheck + +2 * espace;
                     * RemoveUnusedWaves = GUI.Toggle(new Rect(xpos, ypos, widthCheck + 40, itemHeight), RemoveUnusedWaves, new GUIContent("Remove unused waves", "If check, keep only waves used by your midi files"));
                     * ypos += itemHeight;// + espace;

                    // Always true
                    RemoveUnusedWaves = true;
                    xpos = localstartX + xpostitlebox;
                    Rect rect = new Rect(xpos, ypos, widthCheck * 2 + espace, buttonHeight);
                    if (GUI.Button(rect, new GUIContent("Optimize from Midi file list", "Your list of Midi files will be scanned to identify patchs and zones useful")))
                        KeepAllPatchs = false;
                        KeepAllZones  = false;
                        OptimInfo     = new BuilderInfo();
                        SoundFontOptim.OptimizeSFFromMidiFiles(OptimInfo, KeepAllPatchs, KeepAllZones, RemoveUnusedWaves);
                        //listPatchs = PatchOptim.PatchUsed();

                    xpos += 3 * espace + 2 * widthCheck;
                    rect  = new Rect(xpos, ypos, buttonWidth, buttonHeight);
                    if (GUI.Button(rect, new GUIContent("Extract all Patchs & Waves", "All patchs and waves will be extracted from the Soundfile")))
                        KeepAllPatchs = true;
                        KeepAllZones  = true;
                        OptimInfo     = new BuilderInfo();
                        SoundFontOptim.OptimizeSFFromMidiFiles(OptimInfo, KeepAllPatchs, KeepAllZones, RemoveUnusedWaves);
                        //listPatchs = PatchOptim.PatchUsed();
                    if (GUI.Button(rect, new GUIContent("Optimize from Midi file list [PRO]", "You need to setup some midi files before to launch ths optimization")))
                        PopupWindow.Show(rect, new GetVersionPro());
                    xpos += 3 * espace + 2 * widthCheck;
                    rect  = new Rect(xpos, ypos, buttonWidth, buttonHeight);
                    if (GUI.Button(rect, new GUIContent("Extract all Patchs & Waves [PRO]", "")))
                        PopupWindow.Show(rect, new GetVersionPro());
                    ypos += itemHeight + espace;

                    if (MidiPlayerGlobal.ImSFCurrent.PatchCount != 0 && MidiPlayerGlobal.ImSFCurrent.WaveCount != 0)
                        // Show patch list
                        xpos = localstartX + xpostitlebox;
                        EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(xpos, ypos, 380, itemHeight), "List of available Patchs:");
                        ypos += itemHeight / 2f;
                        List <string> patchList = new List <string>();
                        for (int i = 0; i < MidiPlayerGlobal.MPTK_ListPreset.Count; i++)
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(MidiPlayerGlobal.MPTK_ListPreset[i]))
                                patchList.Add(string.Format("Instrument - Patch: [{0:000}] {1}", i, MidiPlayerGlobal.MPTK_ListPreset[i]));
                        for (int i = 0; i < MidiPlayerGlobal.MPTK_ListDrum.Count; i++)
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(MidiPlayerGlobal.MPTK_ListDrum[i]))
                                patchList.Add(string.Format("Drum - Midi note: [{0:000}] {1}", i, MidiPlayerGlobal.MPTK_ListDrum[i]));

                        float heightAvailable = height - (ypos - (localstartY + ypostitlebox)) - 16;
                        Rect  listVisibleRect = new Rect(localstartX, ypos, width - 5, heightAvailable);
                        GUI.color = new Color(.8f, .8f, .8f, 1f);
                        GUI.Box(new Rect(localstartX + 5, ypos + 5, width - 30, heightAvailable - 4), "");
                        Rect listContentRect = new Rect(0, 0, width - 20, patchList.Count * itemHeight + 5);

                        scrollPosListPatchs = GUI.BeginScrollView(listVisibleRect, scrollPosListPatchs, listContentRect);
                        float boxY = 0;

                        foreach (string patchInfo in patchList)
                            GUI.color = new Color(.7f, .7f, .7f, 1f);
                            float boxX = 5;
                            GUI.Box(new Rect(boxX, boxY + 5, width - 30, itemHeight), "");
                            GUI.color = Color.white;
                            EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(boxX, boxY + 9, 300, itemHeight), patchInfo);
                            boxY += itemHeight;

                        ypos += heightAvailable + heightLine;

                        //List<PatchOptim> listPatchs = PatchOptim.PatchUsed();

                        //float heightAvailable = height - (ypos - (localstartY + ypostitlebox)) - 15 - 4 * heightLine;
                        //Rect listVisibleRect = new Rect(localstartX, ypos, width - 5, heightAvailable);
                        //Rect listContentRect = new Rect(0, 0, width - 20, listPatchs.Count * itemHeight + 5);

                        //scrollPosListPatchs = GUI.BeginScrollView(listVisibleRect, scrollPosListPatchs, listContentRect);
                        //float boxY = 0;

                        //for (int i = 0; i < listPatchs.Count; i++)
                        //    GUI.color = new Color(.7f, .7f, .7f, 1f);
                        //    float boxX = 5;
                        //    GUI.Box(new Rect(boxX, boxY + 5, width - 30, itemHeight), "");
                        //    GUI.color = Color.white;
                        //    PatchOptim patch = listPatchs[i];
                        //    string patchinfo = string.Format("{0,15} [{1:000}] {2}", patch.Drum?"Drum":"Instrument", patch.Patch, patch.Name);
                        //    //content = new GUIContent() { text = patchinfo, tooltip = MidiPlayerGlobal.CurrentMidiSet.MidiFiles[i] };
                        //    EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(boxX, boxY + 9, 200, itemHeight), patchinfo);

                        //    //boxX += 280 + espace;
                        //    //patch.Selected = GUI.Toggle(new Rect(boxX, boxY + 9, 80, buttonHeight), patch.Selected, "Selected");

                        //    boxY += itemHeight;
                        //ypos += heightAvailable + heightLine;
                    // Show stat
                    //EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(localstartX + xpostitlebox, ypos, 100, heightLine), "Patch count :");
                    //EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(localstartX + xpostitlebox + 110, ypos, 100, heightLine), MidiPlayerGlobal.ImSFCurrent.PatchCount.ToString());
                    //ypos += heightLine;

                    //string strSize = "";
                    //if (MidiPlayerGlobal.ImSFCurrent.WaveSize < 1000000)
                    //    strSize = Math.Round((double)MidiPlayerGlobal.ImSFCurrent.WaveSize / 1000d).ToString() + " Ko";
                    //    strSize = Math.Round((double)MidiPlayerGlobal.ImSFCurrent.WaveSize / 1000000d).ToString() + " Mo";

                    //EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(localstartX + xpostitlebox, ypos, 100, heightLine), "Wave count :");
                    //EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(localstartX + xpostitlebox + 110, ypos, 100, heightLine), MidiPlayerGlobal.ImSFCurrent.WaveCount.ToString());
                    //ypos += heightLine;

                    //EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(localstartX + xpostitlebox, ypos, 100, heightLine), "Wave size :");
                    //EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(localstartX + xpostitlebox + 110, ypos, 100, heightLine), strSize);
                    //ypos += heightLine;
                    content = new GUIContent()
                        text = "No SoundFont selected", tooltip = tooltip
                    EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(localstartX + xpostitlebox, localstartY + ypostitlebox, 300, itemHeight), content, styleBold);
            catch (Exception ex)
Beispiel #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Display, add, remove Soundfont
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="localstartX"></param>
        /// <param name="localstartY"></param>
        private void ShowListSoundFonts(float localstartX, float localstartY, float width, float height)
                Rect zone = new Rect(localstartX, localstartY, width, height);
                GUI.color = new Color(.8f, .8f, .8f, 1f);
                GUI.Box(zone, "");
                GUI.color = Color.white;
                if (MidiPlayerGlobal.CurrentMidiSet != null && MidiPlayerGlobal.CurrentMidiSet.SoundFonts != null)
                    string caption = "SoundFont available";
                    if (MidiPlayerGlobal.CurrentMidiSet.SoundFonts.Count == 0)
                        caption = "No SoundFont available yet";
                        MidiPlayerGlobal.ImSFCurrent = null;

                    GUIContent content = new GUIContent()
                        text = caption, tooltip = "Each SoundFonts contains a set of bank of sound. \nOnly one SoundFont can be active at the same time for the midi player"
                    EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(localstartX + xpostitlebox, localstartY + ypostitlebox, 300, itemHeight), content, styleBold);
                    Rect rect = new Rect(width - buttonWidth, localstartY + ypostitlebox, buttonWidth, buttonHeight);
                    if (GUI.Button(rect, "Add SoundFont"))
                        //if (EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Import SoundFont", "This action could take time, do you confirm ?", "Ok", "Cancel"))
                            scrollPosSoundFont =;
                            KeepAllPatchs      = false;
                            KeepAllZones       = false;
                            //listPatchs = PatchOptim.PatchUsed();
                    if (GUI.Button(rect, "Add SoundFont [PRO]"))
                            PopupWindow.Show(rect, new GetVersionPro());
                        catch (Exception)
                            // generate some weird exception ...

                    Rect listVisibleRect = new Rect(localstartX, localstartY + itemHeight, width - 5, height - itemHeight - 5);
                    Rect listContentRect = new Rect(0, 0, width - 20, MidiPlayerGlobal.CurrentMidiSet.SoundFonts.Count * itemHeight + 5);

                    scrollPosSoundFont = GUI.BeginScrollView(listVisibleRect, scrollPosSoundFont, listContentRect);
                    float boxY = 0;

                    for (int i = 0; i < MidiPlayerGlobal.CurrentMidiSet.SoundFonts.Count; i++)
                        SoundFontInfo sf = MidiPlayerGlobal.CurrentMidiSet.SoundFonts[i];

                        GUI.color = new Color(.7f, .7f, .7f, 1f);
                        float boxX = 5;
                        GUI.Box(new Rect(boxX, boxY + 5, width - 30, itemHeight), "");
                        GUI.color = Color.white;

                        content = new GUIContent()
                            text = sf.Name, tooltip = ""
                        EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(boxX, boxY + 9, 200, itemHeight), content);

                        if (sf.Name == MidiPlayerGlobal.CurrentMidiSet.ActiveSounFontInfo.Name)
                            GUI.color = ToolsEditor.ButtonColor;

                        boxX += 200 + espace;
                        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(boxX, boxY + 9, 80, buttonHeight), "Select"))
                            OptimInfo = new BuilderInfo();
                            string soundPath = Path.Combine(Application.dataPath + "/", MidiPlayerGlobal.PathToSoundfonts);
                            soundPath = Path.Combine(soundPath + "/", sf.Name);
                            ToolsEditor.LoadImSF(soundPath, sf.Name);
                            if (MidiPlayerGlobal.ImSFCurrent != null)
                                KeepAllPatchs     = MidiPlayerGlobal.ImSFCurrent.KeepAllPatchs;
                                KeepAllZones      = MidiPlayerGlobal.ImSFCurrent.KeepAllZones;
                                RemoveUnusedWaves = MidiPlayerGlobal.ImSFCurrent.RemoveUnusedWaves;
                                if (Application.isPlaying)
                            //listPatchs = PatchOptim.PatchUsed();
                        boxX += 80 + espace;

                        GUI.color = Color.white;
                        rect      = new Rect(boxX, boxY + 9, 80, buttonHeight);
                        if (GUI.Button(rect, "Remove"))
                            OptimInfo = new BuilderInfo();
                            string soundFontPath = Path.Combine(Application.dataPath + "/", MidiPlayerGlobal.PathToSoundfonts);
                            string path          = Path.Combine(soundFontPath, sf.Name);
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(path) && EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Delete SoundFont", "Are you sure to delete all the content of this folder ? " + path, "ok", "cancel"))
                                    Directory.Delete(path, true);
                                    File.Delete(path + ".meta");
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    Debug.Log("Remove SF " + ex.Message);
                                PopupWindow.Show(rect, new GetVersionPro());
                            catch (Exception)
                                // generate some weird exception ...

                        GUI.color = Color.white;

                        //boxX = 5;
                        //boxY += itemHeight;
                        //if (MidiPlayerGlobal.ImSFCurrent.WaveSize < 1000000)
                        //    strSize = Math.Round((double)MidiPlayerGlobal.ImSFCurrent.WaveSize / 1000d).ToString() + " Ko";
                        //    strSize = Math.Round((double)MidiPlayerGlobal.ImSFCurrent.WaveSize / 1000000d).ToString() + " Mo";
                        //string.Format("Patch count: {0} Wave count:{1} Wave size:{2}", MidiPlayerGlobal.ImSFCurrent.PatchCount, MidiPlayerGlobal.ImSFCurrent.WaveCount, strSize);

                        //content = new GUIContent() { text = sf.Name, tooltip = "" };
                        //EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(boxX, boxY + 9, 200, itemHeight), content);

                        boxY += itemHeight;
            catch (Exception ex)
        /// <summary>
        /// Display, add, remove Midi file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="localstartX"></param>
        /// <param name="localstartY"></param>
        private void ShowListMidiFiles(float localstartX, float localstartY)
                Rect zone = new Rect(localstartX, localstartY, widthLeft, heightList);
                GUI.color = new Color(.8f, .8f, .8f, 1f);
                GUI.Box(zone, "");
                GUI.color = Color.white;

                string caption = "Midi file available";
                if (MidiPlayerGlobal.CurrentMidiSet.MidiFiles == null || MidiPlayerGlobal.CurrentMidiSet.MidiFiles.Count == 0)
                    caption  = "No Midi file available yet";
                    ScanInfo = new BuilderInfo();

                GUIContent content = new GUIContent()
                    text = caption, tooltip = ""
                EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(localstartX + xpostitlebox, localstartY + ypostitlebox, 300, itemHeight), content, styleBold);

                if (GUI.Button(new Rect(widthLeft - buttonWidth - espace, localstartY + ypostitlebox, buttonWidth, buttonHeight), "Add Midi file"))

                if (MidiPlayerGlobal.CurrentMidiSet.MidiFiles != null)
                    Rect listVisibleRect = new Rect(localstartX, localstartY + itemHeight, widthLeft - 5, heightList - itemHeight - 5);
                    Rect listContentRect = new Rect(0, 0, widthLeft - 20, MidiPlayerGlobal.CurrentMidiSet.MidiFiles.Count * itemHeight + 5);

                    scrollPosMidiFile = GUI.BeginScrollView(listVisibleRect, scrollPosMidiFile, listContentRect);
                    float boxY = 0;

                    for (int i = 0; i < MidiPlayerGlobal.CurrentMidiSet.MidiFiles.Count; i++)
                        GUI.color = new Color(.7f, .7f, .7f, 1f);
                        float boxX = 5;
                        GUI.Box(new Rect(boxX, boxY + 5, widthLeft - 30, itemHeight), "");
                        GUI.color = Color.white;

                        content = new GUIContent()
                            text = i.ToString() + " - " + MidiPlayerGlobal.CurrentMidiSet.MidiFiles[i], tooltip = MidiPlayerGlobal.CurrentMidiSet.MidiFiles[i]
                        EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(boxX, boxY + 9, 200, itemHeight), content);

                        boxX += 285 + espace;
                        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(boxX, boxY + 9, 80, buttonHeight), "Analyse"))
                            ScanInfo = new BuilderInfo();
                            midifile = MidiPlayerGlobal.CurrentMidiSet.MidiFiles[i];
                            MidiScan.GeneralInfo(midifile, ScanInfo);
                            scrollPosAnalyze =;
                        boxX += 80 + espace;

                        GUI.color = Color.white;

                        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(boxX, boxY + 9, 80, buttonHeight), "Remove"))
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(MidiPlayerGlobal.CurrentMidiSet.MidiFiles[i]))
                        boxY += itemHeight;
            catch (Exception ex)
        void OnGUI()
                if (window == null)
                if (LogInfo == null)
                    LogInfo = new BuilderInfo();

                float startx = 5;
                float starty = 7;

                GUI.Box(new Rect(0, 0, window.position.width, window.position.height), "", styleWindow);

                GUIContent content = new GUIContent()
                    text = "Setup SoundFont - Version " + ToolsEditor.version, tooltip = ""
                EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(startx, starty, 500, itemHeight), content, styleBold);

                //if (GUI.Button(new Rect(startx + 300, starty, 200, buttonHeight), "Look at the Pro version"))
                //    Application.OpenURL(ToolsEditor.UnitySite);

                content = new GUIContent()
                    text = "Doc & Contact", tooltip = "Get some help"

                // Set position of the button
                Rect rect = new Rect(window.position.size.x - buttonLargeWidth - 5, starty, buttonLargeWidth, buttonHeight);
                if (GUI.Button(rect, content))
                    PopupWindow.Show(rect, new AboutMPTK());

                starty += buttonHeight + espace;

                widthRight = window.position.size.x - widthLeft - 2 * espace - startx;
                //widthRight = window.position.size.x / 2f - espace;
                //widthLeft = window.position.size.x / 2f - espace;

                heightLeftBottom  = window.position.size.y - heightLeftTop - 3 * espace - starty;
                heightRightBottom = window.position.size.y - heightRightTop - 3 * espace - starty;

                // Display list of soundfont already loaded
                ShowListSoundFonts(startx, starty, widthLeft, heightLeftTop);

                ShowListBanks(startx + widthLeft + espace, starty, widthRight, heightRightTop);

                ShowExtractOptim(startx + widthLeft + espace, starty + heightRightTop + espace, widthRight, heightRightBottom + espace);

                ShowLogOptim(startx, starty + espace + heightLeftTop, widthLeft, heightLeftBottom + espace);
            catch (ExitGUIException) { }
            catch (Exception ex)