Beispiel #1
        private void GetInterestedUsers(Entity post, Entity comment, Entity entity, IOrganizationService org, HashSet <EntityReference> userIds, Dictionary <Guid, Link> entityRelationships)
            var processedEntities = new HashSet <Guid>();

            // Get any users mentioned in the post
            var userRegex = new Regex(@"@\[(?<etc>[0-9]+),(?<id>[a-z0-9-]+),", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

            foreach (Match user in userRegex.Matches(comment.GetAttributeValue <string>("text")))
                FollowMention(Int32.Parse(user.Groups["etc"].Value), new Guid(user.Groups["id"].Value), org, processedEntities, new Link {
                    From = comment.ToEntityReference(), Description = "Mentions"
                }, userIds, entityRelationships);

            // Get the user who posted the comment
            var createdBy = comment.GetAttributeValue <EntityReference>("createdby");

            if (userIds.Add(createdBy))
                entityRelationships.Add(createdBy.Id, new Link {
                    From = comment.ToEntityReference(), Description = "Posted By"

            // Get the user who posted the original post
            createdBy = post.GetAttributeValue <EntityReference>("createdby");
            if (userIds.Add(createdBy))
                entityRelationships.Add(createdBy.Id, new Link {
                    From = post.ToEntityReference(), Description = "Posted By"

            // Add any user who has also replied to this same post
            var replyQry = new QueryByAttribute("postcomment");

            replyQry.AddAttributeValue("postid", post.Id);
            replyQry.ColumnSet = new ColumnSet("createdby");

            foreach (var reply in org.RetrieveMultiple(replyQry).Entities)
                createdBy = reply.GetAttributeValue <EntityReference>("createdby");
                if (userIds.Add(createdBy))
                    entityRelationships.Add(createdBy.Id, new Link {
                        From = entity.ToEntityReference(), Description = "Also Commented On By"

            // Get anyone otherwise interested in the record being posted on
            GetInterestedUsers(entity, org, processedEntities, userIds, entityRelationships);
Beispiel #2
        public static async Task <HttpResponseMessage> Run([HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Function)] HttpRequestMessage req, TraceWriter log)
            log.Info("C# HTTP trigger function processed a request.");
            var content = req.Content;

            string jsonContent = await content.ReadAsStringAsync();

            //log.Info($"Received D365 Event with payload: {jsonContent}");

            Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.RemoteExecutionContext remoteExecutionContext = DeserializeJsonString <Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.RemoteExecutionContext>(jsonContent);

            //read Plugin Message Name
            string messageName = remoteExecutionContext.MessageName;

            log.Info($"Message Name : {messageName}");
            //read execution depth of plugin
            Int32 depth = remoteExecutionContext.Depth;

            log.Info($"Depth : {depth}");
            //read BusinessUnitId
            Guid businessUnitid = remoteExecutionContext.BusinessUnitId;

            log.Info($"Business Unit ID  : {businessUnitid.ToString()}");
            //read Target Entity
            Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Entity targetEntity = (Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Entity)remoteExecutionContext.InputParameters["Target"];
            log.Info($"Target Entity Logical Name   : {targetEntity.LogicalName} - ID : {targetEntity.Id.ToString()}");

            //read attribute from Target Entity
            string dataPayload = targetEntity.GetAttributeValue <string>("fkh_eventdata");

            log.Info($"Data PayLoad : {dataPayload}");

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dataPayload))
                log.Info($"Sending Event to EventGrid Topic...");
                callTopicAsync(log, dataPayload, targetEntity.ToEntityReference()).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
                log.Info($"Event successfully sent to EventGrid Topic...");

            return(jsonContent == null
                ? req.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "Please pass a name on the query string or in the request body")
                : req.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, "Hello " + jsonContent));
Beispiel #3
         * Currently unable to get this function working.
         * Soemthing about the WinQuoteRequest and CloseQuoteRequest does not fuction as expected
         * error: "cannot close the entity because it is not in the correct state" always occurs
         * ******************/
        private static void ConvertQuoteToOrder(Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Client.OrganizationServiceContext context, Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Entity myQuote)
            // Activate the quote
            SetStateRequest activateQuote = new SetStateRequest()
                EntityMoniker = myQuote.ToEntityReference(),
                State         = new OptionSetValue(1),
                Status        = new OptionSetValue(2)


            //Console.WriteLine("Quote activated.");

            Guid quoteId = myQuote.GetAttributeValue <Guid>("quoteid");

            var quoteClose = new Entity("quoteclose");

            quoteClose.Attributes["quoteid"] = myQuote.ToEntityReference();
            quoteClose.Attributes["subject"] = "Won The Quote";

            WinQuoteRequest winQuoteRequest = new WinQuoteRequest()
                QuoteClose = quoteClose,
                Status     = new OptionSetValue(-1)              //2?  -1??

            var winQuoteResponse = (WinQuoteResponse)context.Execute(winQuoteRequest);

            ColumnSet salesOrderColumns = new ColumnSet("salesorderid", "totalamount");

            var convertOrderRequest = new ConvertQuoteToSalesOrderRequest()
                QuoteId   = quoteId,
                ColumnSet = salesOrderColumns

            var convertOrderResponse = (ConvertQuoteToSalesOrderResponse)context.Execute(convertOrderRequest);
Beispiel #4
        private static Entity GetFullPostText(IOrganizationService org, EntityReference entityRef, Entity post,
                                              ref Entity postComment)
            // Retrieve the full wall for this record to expand out any standard posts
            var wallPage = 1;

            while (true)
                var wall = (RetrieveRecordWallResponse)org.Execute(new RetrieveRecordWallRequest
                    Entity          = entityRef,
                    CommentsPerPost = 10,
                    PageSize        = 10,
                    PageNumber      = wallPage,
                    Source          = post.GetAttributeValue <OptionSetValue>("source")

                var foundPost = false;

                foreach (var wallPost in wall.EntityCollection.Entities)
                    if (wallPost.Id == post.Id)
                        if (post == postComment)
                            postComment = wallPost;

                        post      = wallPost;
                        foundPost = true;

                if (foundPost || !wall.EntityCollection.MoreRecords)


            if (postComment == post)
                postComment = post;
                EntityCollection comments;
                if (post.RelatedEntities.TryGetValue(new Relationship("Post_Comments"), out comments))
                    foreach (var wallComment in comments.Entities)
                        if (wallComment.Id == postComment.Id)
                            postComment = wallComment;