protected void CreateVerticies(Color color)
            m_vertices = new ExtendedVertex[m_relativeTransforms.Count * 6];

            // Calculate the position of the vertices on the top face.
            Vector3 topLeftFront = new Vector3(-0.5f * Width, 0.5f * Height, 0.0f);
            Vector3 topLeftBack = new Vector3(-0.5f * Width, 0.5f * Height, 0.0f);
            Vector3 topRightFront = new Vector3(0.5f * Width, 0.5f * Height, 0.0f);
            Vector3 topRightBack = new Vector3(0.5f * Width, 0.5f * Height, 0.0f);

            // Calculate the position of the vertices on the bottom face.
            Vector3 btmLeftFront = new Vector3(-0.5f * Width, -0.5f * Height, 0.0f);
            Vector3 btmLeftBack = new Vector3(-0.5f * Width, -0.5f * Height, 0.0f);
            Vector3 btmRightFront = new Vector3(0.5f * Width, -0.5f * Height, 0.0f);
            Vector3 btmRightBack = new Vector3(0.5f * Width, -0.5f * Height, 0.0f);

            for (int i = 0; i < m_relativeTransforms.Count; i++)
                // Add the vertices for the FRONT face.
                m_vertices[i * 6 + 0] = new ExtendedVertex(Vector3.Transform(topLeftFront, m_relativeTransforms[i]), m_tints[i], UVs.m_uvs[0], UVs.Bounds);
                m_vertices[i * 6 + 1] = new ExtendedVertex(Vector3.Transform(btmLeftFront, m_relativeTransforms[i]), m_tints[i], UVs.m_uvs[1], UVs.Bounds);
                m_vertices[i * 6 + 2] = new ExtendedVertex(Vector3.Transform(topRightFront, m_relativeTransforms[i]), m_tints[i], UVs.m_uvs[2], UVs.Bounds);
                m_vertices[i * 6 + 3] = new ExtendedVertex(Vector3.Transform(btmLeftFront, m_relativeTransforms[i]), m_tints[i], UVs.m_uvs[3], UVs.Bounds);
                m_vertices[i * 6 + 4] = new ExtendedVertex(Vector3.Transform(btmRightFront, m_relativeTransforms[i]), m_tints[i], UVs.m_uvs[4], UVs.Bounds);
                m_vertices[i * 6 + 5] = new ExtendedVertex(Vector3.Transform(topRightFront, m_relativeTransforms[i]), m_tints[i], UVs.m_uvs[5], UVs.Bounds);
            //Console.Out.WriteLine("There are {0}", m_relativeTransforms.Count);
        private void CreateVerticies(Color color)
            Vertices = new ExtendedVertex[RelativeTransforms.Count * 4];

            Vector3 topLeftFront = new Vector3(-0.5f * Width, 0.5f * Height, 0.0f);
            Vector3 topRightFront = new Vector3(0.5f * Width, 0.5f * Height, 0.0f);
            Vector3 btmLeftFront = new Vector3(-0.5f * Width, -0.5f * Height, 0.0f);
            Vector3 btmRightFront = new Vector3(0.5f * Width, -0.5f * Height, 0.0f);

            short[] indices = new short[RelativeTransforms.Count * 6];

            for(int i = 0; i < RelativeTransforms.Count; i++)
                int vertOffset = i*4;
                Vertices[vertOffset + 0] = new ExtendedVertex(Vector3.Transform(topLeftFront, RelativeTransforms[i]), Tints[i], UVs.UVs[0], UVs.Bounds);
                Vertices[vertOffset + 1] = new ExtendedVertex(Vector3.Transform(btmLeftFront, RelativeTransforms[i]), Tints[i], UVs.UVs[1], UVs.Bounds);
                Vertices[vertOffset + 2] = new ExtendedVertex(Vector3.Transform(topRightFront, RelativeTransforms[i]), Tints[i], UVs.UVs[2], UVs.Bounds);
                Vertices[vertOffset + 3] = new ExtendedVertex(Vector3.Transform(btmRightFront, RelativeTransforms[i]), Tints[i], UVs.UVs[3], UVs.Bounds);

                int indOffset = i*6;
                indices[indOffset + 0] = (short)(vertOffset + 1);
                indices[indOffset + 1] = (short)(vertOffset + 0);
                indices[indOffset + 2] = (short)(vertOffset + 2);
                indices[indOffset + 3] = (short)(vertOffset + 1);
                indices[indOffset + 4] = (short)(vertOffset + 2);
                indices[indOffset + 5] = (short)(vertOffset + 3);

            IndexBuffer = new IndexBuffer(GameState.Game.GraphicsDevice, typeof(short), RelativeTransforms.Count * 6, BufferUsage.None);
        protected void CreateVerticies(Color color)
            m_vertices = new ExtendedVertex[NUM_VERTICES];

            // Calculate the position of the vertices on the top face.
            Vector3 topLeftFront = new Vector3(-0.5f * Width, 0.5f * Height, 0.0f);
            Vector3 topLeftBack = new Vector3(-0.5f * Width, 0.5f * Height, 0.0f);
            Vector3 topRightFront = new Vector3(0.5f * Width, 0.5f * Height, 0.0f);
            Vector3 topRightBack = new Vector3(0.5f * Width, 0.5f * Height, 0.0f);

            // Calculate the position of the vertices on the bottom face.
            Vector3 btmLeftFront = new Vector3(-0.5f * Width, -0.5f * Height, 0.0f);
            Vector3 btmLeftBack = new Vector3(-0.5f * Width, -0.5f * Height, 0.0f);
            Vector3 btmRightFront = new Vector3(0.5f * Width, -0.5f * Height, 0.0f);
            Vector3 btmRightBack = new Vector3(0.5f * Width, -0.5f * Height, 0.0f);

            // Add the vertices for the FRONT face.
            m_vertices[0] = new ExtendedVertex(topLeftFront, color, UVs.m_uvs[0], UVs.Bounds);
            m_vertices[1] = new ExtendedVertex(btmLeftFront, color, UVs.m_uvs[1], UVs.Bounds);
            m_vertices[2] = new ExtendedVertex(topRightFront, color, UVs.m_uvs[2], UVs.Bounds);
            m_vertices[3] = new ExtendedVertex(btmLeftFront, color, UVs.m_uvs[3], UVs.Bounds);
            m_vertices[4] = new ExtendedVertex(btmRightFront, color, UVs.m_uvs[4], UVs.Bounds);
            m_vertices[5] = new ExtendedVertex(topRightFront, color, UVs.m_uvs[5], UVs.Bounds);
        public void InitializeFromChunk(VoxelChunk chunk, GraphicsDevice graphics)
            if (chunk == null)


            isRebuilding = true;


            Voxel v = chunk.MakeVoxel(0, 0, 0);
            Voxel voxelOnFace = chunk.MakeVoxel(0, 0, 0);
            Voxel[] manhattanNeighbors = new Voxel[4];
            for(int x = 0; x < chunk.SizeX; x++)
                for(int y = 0; y < Math.Min(chunk.Manager.ChunkData.MaxViewingLevel + 1, chunk.SizeY); y++)
                    for(int z = 0; z < chunk.SizeZ; z++)
                        v.GridPosition = new Vector3(x, y, z);

                        if((v.IsExplored && v.IsEmpty) || !v.IsVisible)

                        BoxPrimitive primitive = VoxelLibrary.GetPrimitive(v.Type);

                        if (v.IsExplored && primitive == null) continue;
                        else if (!v.IsExplored)
                            primitive = VoxelLibrary.GetPrimitive("Bedrock");
                        BoxPrimitive.BoxTextureCoords uvs = primitive.UVs;

                        if (v.Type.HasTransitionTextures)
                            uvs = v.ComputeTransitionTexture(manhattanNeighbors);

                        Voxel worldVoxel = new Voxel();
                        for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                            BoxFace face = (BoxFace) i;
                            Vector3 delta = FaceDeltas[face];
                            faceExists[face] = chunk.IsCellValid(x + (int) delta.X, y + (int) delta.Y, z + (int) delta.Z);
                            drawFace[face] = true;

                                voxelOnFace.GridPosition = new Vector3(x + (int) delta.X, y + (int) delta.Y, z + (int) delta.Z);
                                drawFace[face] =  voxelOnFace.IsEmpty || !voxelOnFace.IsVisible || (voxelOnFace.Type.CanRamp && voxelOnFace.RampType != RampType.None && IsSideFace(face) && ShouldDrawFace(face, voxelOnFace.RampType, v.RampType));

                                bool success = chunk.Manager.ChunkData.GetNonNullVoxelAtWorldLocation(new Vector3(x + (int) delta.X, y + (int) delta.Y, z + (int) delta.Z) + chunk.Origin, ref worldVoxel);
                                    drawFace[face] = !success || worldVoxel.IsEmpty || !worldVoxel.IsVisible ||
                                                     (worldVoxel.Type.CanRamp && worldVoxel.RampType != RampType.None &&
                                                      IsSideFace(face) &&
                                                      ShouldDrawFace(face, worldVoxel.RampType, v.RampType));

                        for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                            BoxFace face = (BoxFace) i;
                            int faceIndex = 0;
                            int faceCount = 0;
                            int vertexIndex = 0;
                            int vertexCount = 0;
                            primitive.GetFace(face, uvs, out faceIndex, out faceCount, out vertexIndex, out vertexCount);
                            Vector2 texScale = uvs.Scales[i];

                            int indexOffset = accumulatedVertices.Count;
                            for (int vertOffset = 0; vertOffset < vertexCount; vertOffset++)
                                ExtendedVertex vert = primitive.Vertices[vertOffset + vertexIndex];
                                VoxelVertex bestKey = VoxelChunk.GetNearestDelta(vert.Position);
                                Color color = v.Chunk.Data.GetColor(x, y, z, bestKey);
                                Vector3 offset = Vector3.Zero;
                                Vector2 texOffset = Vector2.Zero;

                                if(v.Type.CanRamp && ShouldRamp(bestKey, v.RampType))
                                    offset = new Vector3(0, -v.Type.RampSize, 0);

                                    if(face != BoxFace.Top && face != BoxFace.Bottom)
                                        texOffset = new Vector2(0, v.Type.RampSize * (texScale.Y));

                                ExtendedVertex newVertex = new ExtendedVertex((vert.Position + v.Position + VertexNoise.GetNoiseVectorFromRepeatingTexture(vert.Position + v.Position) + offset),
                                     uvs.Uvs[vertOffset + vertexIndex] + texOffset, uvs.Bounds[faceIndex / 6]);

                            for (int idx = faceIndex; idx < faceCount + faceIndex; idx++)
                                int vertexOffset = primitive.Indices[idx];
                                accumulatedIndices.Add((short)(indexOffset + (vertexOffset - primitive.Indices[faceIndex])));

            Vertices = new ExtendedVertex[accumulatedVertices.Count];
            IndexBuffer = new IndexBuffer(graphics, typeof(short), accumulatedIndices.Count, BufferUsage.WriteOnly);

            isRebuilding = false;

            chunk.NewPrimitive = this;
            chunk.NewPrimitiveReceived = true;
        protected void CreateVerticies()
            m_vertices = new ExtendedVertex[NUM_VERTICES];

            // Calculate the position of the vertices on the top face.
            Vector3 topLeftFront = new Vector3(0.0f, Height, 0.0f);
            Vector3 topLeftBack = new Vector3(0.0f, Height , Depth);
            Vector3 topRightFront = new Vector3(Width , Height, 0.0f);
            Vector3 topRightBack = new Vector3(Width, Height , Depth); ;

            // Calculate the position of the vertices on the bottom face.
            Vector3 btmLeftFront = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
            Vector3 btmLeftBack = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, Depth);
            Vector3 btmRightFront = new Vector3(Width, 0.0f, 0.0f);
            Vector3 btmRightBack = new Vector3(Width, 0.0f, Depth );

            // Normal vectors for each face (needed for lighting / display)
            Vector3 normalFront = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f) * SideLength;
            Vector3 normalBack = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f) * SideLength;
            Vector3 normalTop = new Vector3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f) * SideLength;
            Vector3 normalBottom = new Vector3(0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f) * SideLength;
            Vector3 normalLeft = new Vector3(-1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f) * SideLength;
            Vector3 normalRight = new Vector3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f) * SideLength;

            // Add the vertices for the FRONT face.

            m_vertices[0] = new ExtendedVertex(topLeftFront, Color.White, UVs.m_uvs[0], UVs.Bounds[0]);
            m_vertices[1] = new ExtendedVertex(btmLeftFront, Color.White, UVs.m_uvs[1], UVs.Bounds[0]);
            m_vertices[2] = new ExtendedVertex(topRightFront, Color.White, UVs.m_uvs[2], UVs.Bounds[0]);
            m_vertices[3] = new ExtendedVertex(btmLeftFront, Color.White, UVs.m_uvs[3], UVs.Bounds[0]);
            m_vertices[4] = new ExtendedVertex(btmRightFront, Color.White, UVs.m_uvs[4], UVs.Bounds[0]);
            m_vertices[5] = new ExtendedVertex(topRightFront, Color.White, UVs.m_uvs[5], UVs.Bounds[0]);

            // Add the vertices for the BACK face.
            m_vertices[6] = new ExtendedVertex(topLeftBack, Color.White, UVs.m_uvs[6], UVs.Bounds[1]);
            m_vertices[7] = new ExtendedVertex(topRightBack, Color.White, UVs.m_uvs[7], UVs.Bounds[1]);
            m_vertices[8] = new ExtendedVertex(btmLeftBack, Color.White, UVs.m_uvs[8], UVs.Bounds[1]);
            m_vertices[9] = new ExtendedVertex(btmLeftBack, Color.White, UVs.m_uvs[9], UVs.Bounds[1]);
            m_vertices[10] = new ExtendedVertex(topRightBack, Color.White, UVs.m_uvs[10], UVs.Bounds[1]);
            m_vertices[11] = new ExtendedVertex(btmRightBack, Color.White, UVs.m_uvs[11], UVs.Bounds[1]);

            // Add the vertices for the TOP face.
            m_vertices[12] = new ExtendedVertex(topLeftFront, Color.White, UVs.m_uvs[12], UVs.Bounds[2]);
            m_vertices[13] = new ExtendedVertex(topRightBack, Color.White, UVs.m_uvs[13], UVs.Bounds[2]);
            m_vertices[14] = new ExtendedVertex(topLeftBack, Color.White, UVs.m_uvs[14], UVs.Bounds[2]);
            m_vertices[15] = new ExtendedVertex(topLeftFront, Color.White, UVs.m_uvs[15], UVs.Bounds[2]);
            m_vertices[16] = new ExtendedVertex(topRightFront, Color.White, UVs.m_uvs[16], UVs.Bounds[2]);
            m_vertices[17] = new ExtendedVertex(topRightBack, Color.White, UVs.m_uvs[17], UVs.Bounds[2]);

            // Add the vertices for the BOTTOM face.
            m_vertices[18] = new ExtendedVertex(btmLeftFront, Color.White, UVs.m_uvs[18],  UVs.Bounds[3]);
            m_vertices[19] = new ExtendedVertex(btmLeftBack, Color.White, UVs.m_uvs[19], UVs.Bounds[3]);
            m_vertices[20] = new ExtendedVertex(btmRightBack, Color.White, UVs.m_uvs[20], UVs.Bounds[3]);
            m_vertices[21] = new ExtendedVertex(btmLeftFront, Color.White, UVs.m_uvs[21], UVs.Bounds[3]);
            m_vertices[22] = new ExtendedVertex(btmRightBack, Color.White, UVs.m_uvs[22], UVs.Bounds[3]);
            m_vertices[23] = new ExtendedVertex(btmRightFront, Color.White, UVs.m_uvs[23], UVs.Bounds[3]);

            // Add the vertices for the LEFT face.
            m_vertices[24] = new ExtendedVertex(topLeftFront, Color.White, UVs.m_uvs[24], UVs.Bounds[4]);
            m_vertices[25] = new ExtendedVertex(btmLeftBack, Color.White, UVs.m_uvs[25], UVs.Bounds[4]);
            m_vertices[26] = new ExtendedVertex(btmLeftFront, Color.White, UVs.m_uvs[26], UVs.Bounds[4]);
            m_vertices[27] = new ExtendedVertex(topLeftBack, Color.White, UVs.m_uvs[27], UVs.Bounds[4]);
            m_vertices[28] = new ExtendedVertex(btmLeftBack, Color.White, UVs.m_uvs[28], UVs.Bounds[4]);
            m_vertices[29] = new ExtendedVertex(topLeftFront, Color.White, UVs.m_uvs[29], UVs.Bounds[4]);

            // Add the vertices for the RIGHT face.
            m_vertices[30] = new ExtendedVertex(topRightFront, Color.White, UVs.m_uvs[30], UVs.Bounds[5]);
            m_vertices[31] = new ExtendedVertex(btmRightFront, Color.White, UVs.m_uvs[31], UVs.Bounds[5]);
            m_vertices[32] = new ExtendedVertex(btmRightBack, Color.White, UVs.m_uvs[32], UVs.Bounds[5]);
            m_vertices[33] = new ExtendedVertex(topRightBack, Color.White, UVs.m_uvs[33], UVs.Bounds[5]);
            m_vertices[34] = new ExtendedVertex(topRightFront, Color.White, UVs.m_uvs[34], UVs.Bounds[5]);
            m_vertices[35] = new ExtendedVertex(btmRightBack, Color.White, UVs.m_uvs[35], UVs.Bounds[5]);
Beispiel #6
        private void CreateVerticies()
            Indices = new short[36];
            Vertices = new ExtendedVertex[NumVertices];

            // Calculate the position of the vertices on the top face.
            Vector3 topLeftFront = new Vector3(0.0f, Height, 0.0f);
            Vector3 topLeftBack = new Vector3(0.0f, Height, Depth);
            Vector3 topRightFront = new Vector3(Width, Height, 0.0f);
            Vector3 topRightBack = new Vector3(Width, Height, Depth);

            // Calculate the position of the vertices on the bottom face.
            Vector3 btmLeftFront = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
            Vector3 btmLeftBack = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, Depth);
            Vector3 btmRightFront = new Vector3(Width, 0.0f, 0.0f);
            Vector3 btmRightBack = new Vector3(Width, 0.0f, Depth);

            // Normal vectors for each face (needed for lighting / display)

            // Add the vertices for the FRONT face.
            Vertices[0] = new ExtendedVertex(topLeftFront, Color.White, UVs.Uvs[0], UVs.Bounds[0]);
            Vertices[1] = new ExtendedVertex(btmLeftFront, Color.White, UVs.Uvs[1], UVs.Bounds[0]);
            Vertices[2] = new ExtendedVertex(topRightFront, Color.White, UVs.Uvs[2], UVs.Bounds[0]);
            Vertices[3] = new ExtendedVertex(btmRightFront, Color.White, UVs.Uvs[3], UVs.Bounds[0]);

            Indices[0] = 0;
            Indices[1] = 1;
            Indices[2] = 2;
            Indices[3] = 2;
            Indices[4] = 1;
            Indices[5] = 3;

            // Add the vertices for the BACK face.
            Vertices[4] = new ExtendedVertex(topLeftBack, Color.White, UVs.Uvs[4], UVs.Bounds[1]);
            Vertices[5] = new ExtendedVertex(topRightBack, Color.White, UVs.Uvs[5], UVs.Bounds[1]);
            Vertices[6] = new ExtendedVertex(btmLeftBack, Color.White, UVs.Uvs[6], UVs.Bounds[1]);
            Vertices[7] = new ExtendedVertex(btmRightBack, Color.White, UVs.Uvs[7], UVs.Bounds[1]);

            Indices[6] = 4;
            Indices[7] = 5;
            Indices[8] = 6;
            Indices[9] = 7;
            Indices[10] = 6;
            Indices[11] = 5;

            // Add the vertices for the TOP face.
            Vertices[8] = new ExtendedVertex(topLeftFront, Color.White, UVs.Uvs[8], UVs.Bounds[2]);
            Vertices[9] = new ExtendedVertex(topRightBack, Color.White, UVs.Uvs[9], UVs.Bounds[2]);
            Vertices[10] = new ExtendedVertex(topLeftBack, Color.White, UVs.Uvs[10], UVs.Bounds[2]);
            Vertices[11] = new ExtendedVertex(topRightFront, Color.White, UVs.Uvs[11], UVs.Bounds[2]);

            Indices[12] = 8;
            Indices[13] = 9;
            Indices[14] = 10;
            Indices[15] = 9;
            Indices[16] = 8;
            Indices[17] = 11;

            // Add the vertices for the BOTTOM face.
            Vertices[12] = new ExtendedVertex(btmLeftFront, Color.White, UVs.Uvs[12], UVs.Bounds[3]);
            Vertices[13] = new ExtendedVertex(btmLeftBack, Color.White, UVs.Uvs[13], UVs.Bounds[3]);
            Vertices[14] = new ExtendedVertex(btmRightBack, Color.White, UVs.Uvs[14], UVs.Bounds[3]);
            Vertices[15] = new ExtendedVertex(btmRightFront, Color.White, UVs.Uvs[15], UVs.Bounds[3]);

            Indices[18] = 12;
            Indices[19] = 13;
            Indices[20] = 14;
            Indices[21] = 15;
            Indices[22] = 12;
            Indices[23] = 14;

            // Add the vertices for the LEFT face.
            Vertices[16] = new ExtendedVertex(topLeftFront, Color.White, UVs.Uvs[16], UVs.Bounds[4]);
            Vertices[17] = new ExtendedVertex(btmLeftBack, Color.White, UVs.Uvs[17], UVs.Bounds[4]);
            Vertices[18] = new ExtendedVertex(btmLeftFront, Color.White, UVs.Uvs[18], UVs.Bounds[4]);
            Vertices[19] = new ExtendedVertex(topLeftBack, Color.White, UVs.Uvs[19], UVs.Bounds[4]);

            Indices[24] = 16;
            Indices[25] = 17;
            Indices[26] = 18;
            Indices[27] = 17;
            Indices[28] = 16;
            Indices[29] = 19;

            // Add the vertices for the RIGHT face.
            Vertices[20] = new ExtendedVertex(topRightFront, Color.White, UVs.Uvs[20], UVs.Bounds[5]);
            Vertices[21] = new ExtendedVertex(btmRightFront, Color.White, UVs.Uvs[21], UVs.Bounds[5]);
            Vertices[22] = new ExtendedVertex(btmRightBack, Color.White, UVs.Uvs[22], UVs.Bounds[5]);
            Vertices[23] = new ExtendedVertex(topRightBack, Color.White, UVs.Uvs[23], UVs.Bounds[5]);

            Indices[30] = 20;
            Indices[31] = 21;
            Indices[32] = 22;
            Indices[33] = 23;
            Indices[34] = 20;
            Indices[35] = 22;

            IndexBuffer = new IndexBuffer(GameState.Game.GraphicsDevice, typeof(short), Indices.Length, BufferUsage.WriteOnly);
Beispiel #7
        public void InitializeFromChunk(VoxelChunk chunk, GraphicsDevice graphics)
            if(!chunk.IsVisible || IsBuilding)
               // chunk.PrimitiveMutex.ReleaseMutex();

            IsBuilding = true;


            int[,,] totalDepth = new int[chunk.SizeX, chunk.SizeY, chunk.SizeZ];
            for(int x = 0; x < chunk.SizeX; x++)
                for(int z = 0; z < chunk.SizeZ; z++)
                    bool drynessEncountered = false;
                    int previousSum = 0;

                    for(int y = 0; y < chunk.SizeY; y++)
                        WaterCell cell = chunk.Data.Water[chunk.Data.IndexAt(x, y, z)];
                        byte waterLevel = cell.WaterLevel;

                        if(cell.Type != LiqType)
                            waterLevel = 0;

                            if(waterLevel > 0)
                                drynessEncountered = false;
                                previousSum += waterLevel;
                                totalDepth[x, y, z] = previousSum;
                            if(waterLevel > 0)
                                previousSum += waterLevel;
                                totalDepth[x, y, z] = previousSum;
                                drynessEncountered = true;
                                previousSum = 0;
                                totalDepth[x, y, z] = 0;

            int maxY = chunk.SizeY;

            if(chunk.Manager.ChunkData.Slice == ChunkManager.SliceMode.Y)
                maxY = (int) Math.Min(chunk.Manager.ChunkData.MaxViewingLevel + 1, chunk.SizeY);

            Voxel myVoxel = chunk.MakeVoxel(0, 0, 0);
            Voxel vox = chunk.MakeVoxel(0, 0, 0);
            for(int x = 0; x < chunk.SizeX; x++)
                for(int y = 0; y < maxY; y++)
                    for(int z = 0; z < chunk.SizeZ; z++)
                        int index = chunk.Data.IndexAt(x, y, z);
                        if(chunk.Data.Water[index].WaterLevel > 0 && chunk.Data.Water[index].Type == LiqType)
                            bool isTop = false;

                            myVoxel.GridPosition = new Vector3(x, y, z);

                            for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                                BoxFace face = (BoxFace) i;
                                if(face == BoxFace.Bottom)

                                Vector3 delta = faceDeltas[face];

                                bool success = chunk.Manager.ChunkData.GetVoxel(chunk, new Vector3(x + (int)delta.X, y + (int)delta.Y, z + (int)delta.Z) + chunk.Origin, ref vox);

                                    if(face == BoxFace.Top)
                                        if(vox.WaterLevel == 0 || y == (int) chunk.Manager.ChunkData.MaxViewingLevel)
                                            drawFace[face] = true;
                                            drawFace[face] = false;
                                        if(vox.WaterLevel == 0 && vox.IsEmpty)
                                            drawFace[face] = true;
                                            drawFace[face] = false;

                                        bool gotVox = chunk.Manager.ChunkData.GetVoxel(chunk, new Vector3(x, y + 1, z) + chunk.Origin, ref vox);

                                        isTop = !gotVox || vox.IsEmpty || vox.WaterLevel == 0;
                                    drawFace[face] = true;


                                IEnumerable<ExtendedVertex> vertices = CreateWaterFace(myVoxel, face, chunk, x, y, z, totalDepth[x, y, z], isTop);

                                foreach(ExtendedVertex newVertex in vertices.Select(vertex => new ExtendedVertex(vertex.Position + VertexNoise.GetRandomNoiseVector(vertex.Position),
                                    vertex.Color, vertex.TextureCoordinate, vertex.TextureBounds)))

                ExtendedVertex[] vertex = new ExtendedVertex[accumulatedVertices.Count];

                for(int i = 0; i < accumulatedVertices.Count; i++)
                    vertex[i] = accumulatedVertices[i];

                Vertices = vertex;

            catch(System.Threading.AbandonedMutexException e)

            IsBuilding = false;
Beispiel #8
        private static IEnumerable<ExtendedVertex> CreateWaterFace(Voxel voxel, BoxFace face, VoxelChunk chunk, int x, int y, int z, int totalDepth, bool top)
            List<ExtendedVertex> toReturn = new List<ExtendedVertex>();
            int idx = 0;
            int c = 0;
            int vertOffset = 0;
            int numVerts = 0;
            m_canconicalPrimitive.GetFace(face, m_canconicalPrimitive.UVs, out idx, out c, out vertOffset, out numVerts);

            for (int i = idx; i < idx + c; i++)

            Vector3 origin = chunk.Origin + new Vector3(x, y, z);
            List<Voxel> neighborsVertex = new List<Voxel>();
            for(int i = 0; i < toReturn.Count; i ++)
                VoxelVertex currentVertex = VoxelChunk.GetNearestDelta(toReturn[i].Position);
                chunk.GetNeighborsVertex(currentVertex, voxel, neighborsVertex);
                int index = chunk.Data.IndexAt(x, y, z);
                float averageWaterLevel = chunk.Data.Water[index].WaterLevel;
                float count = 1.0f;
                float emptyNeighbors = 0.0f;

                foreach(byte level in neighborsVertex.Select(vox => vox.WaterLevel))
                    averageWaterLevel += level;

                    if(level < 1)

                averageWaterLevel = averageWaterLevel / count;

                float averageWaterHeight = (float) averageWaterLevel / 255.0f;
                float puddleness = 0;
                Vector2 uv;

                float foaminess = emptyNeighbors / count;

                if(foaminess <= 0.5f)
                    foaminess = 0.0f;

                if(totalDepth < 5)
                    foaminess = 0.75f;
                    puddleness = 0;
                    uv = new Vector2((toReturn[i].Position.X + origin.X) / 80.0f, (toReturn[i].Position.Z + origin.Z) / 80.0f);
                    uv = new Vector2((toReturn[i].Position.X + origin.X) / 80.0f, (toReturn[i].Position.Z + origin.Z) / 80.0f);
                Vector4 bounds = new Vector4(0, 0, 1, 1);

                if(chunk.Data.Water[index].IsFalling || !top)
                    averageWaterHeight = 1.0f;

                if(face == BoxFace.Top)
                    toReturn[i] = new ExtendedVertex(toReturn[i].Position + origin + new Vector3(0, (averageWaterHeight * 0.4f - 1.0f), 0),
                        new Color(foaminess, puddleness, (float) totalDepth / 512.0f, 1.0f),
                        uv, bounds);
                    Vector3 offset = Vector3.Zero;
                        case BoxFace.Back:
                        case BoxFace.Front:
                            uv = new Vector2((Math.Abs(toReturn[i].Position.X + origin.X) / 80.0f), (Math.Abs(toReturn[i].Position.Y + origin.Y) / 80.0f));
                            foaminess = 1.0f;
                            offset = new Vector3(0, -0.5f, 0);
                        case BoxFace.Right:
                        case BoxFace.Left:
                            uv = new Vector2((Math.Abs(toReturn[i].Position.Z + origin.Z) / 80.0f), (Math.Abs(toReturn[i].Position.Y + origin.Y) / 80.0f));
                            foaminess = 1.0f;
                            offset = new Vector3(0, -0.5f, 0);
                        case BoxFace.Top:
                            offset = new Vector3(0, -0.5f, 0);

                    toReturn[i] = new ExtendedVertex(toReturn[i].Position + origin + offset, new Color(foaminess, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f), uv, bounds);

            return toReturn;