internal void AddDerivedOptions(EditorOptions derived)
            // Get rid of the expired refs
            DerivedEditorOptions.RemoveAll(weakref => !weakref.IsAlive);

            DerivedEditorOptions.Add(new WeakReference(derived));
        private void RaiseChangedEvent(EditorOptionDefinition definition)
            // First, send out local events, but only if the change is valid in this scope
            if (Scope == null || definition.IsApplicableToScope(Scope))
                var tempEvent = OptionChanged;
                if (tempEvent != null)
                    tempEvent(this, new EditorOptionChangedEventArgs(definition.Name));

            // Get rid of the expired refs
            DerivedEditorOptions.RemoveAll(weakref => !weakref.IsAlive);

            // Now, notify a copy of the derived options (since an event might modify the DerivedEditorOptions).
            foreach (var weakRef in new FrugalList <WeakReference>(DerivedEditorOptions))
                EditorOptions derived = weakRef.Target as EditorOptions;
                if (derived != null)
 internal void RemovedDerivedOptions(EditorOptions derived)
     foreach (var weakRef in DerivedEditorOptions)
         if (weakRef.Target == derived)
        internal EditorOptions(EditorOptions parent,
                               IPropertyOwner scope,
                               EditorOptionsFactoryService factory)
            _parent    = parent;
            _factory   = factory;
            this.Scope = scope;

            this.OptionsSetLocally = new HybridDictionary();

            if (parent != null)
        private void CheckForCycle()
            EditorOptions           parent  = _parent;
            HashSet <EditorOptions> visited = new HashSet <EditorOptions>();

            while (parent != null)
                if (visited.Contains(parent))
                    throw new ArgumentException("Cycles are not allowed in the Parent chain.");

                parent = parent._parent;