Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates range that includes both supplied ranges.
        /// </summary>
        public static ITextRange Union(ITextRange range1, ITextRange range2)
            var start = Math.Min(range1.Start, range2.Start);
            var end   = Math.Max(range1.End, range2.End);

            return(start <= end?TextRange.FromBounds(start, end) : TextRange.EmptyRange);
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles single or double quoted strings
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual ITextRange HandleString(bool addToken = true)
            var start = this._cs.Position;
            var quote = this._cs.CurrentChar;

            // since the escape char is exactly the string openning char we say we start in escaped mode
            // it will get reset by the first char regardless what it is, but it will keep the '' case honest

            while (!this._cs.IsEndOfStream() && !this._cs.IsAtNewLine())
                if (this._cs.CurrentChar == '\\' && this._cs.NextChar == quote)

                if (this._cs.CurrentChar == quote)


            var range = TextRange.FromBounds(start, this._cs.Position);

            if (range.Length > 0)
                this.Tokens.Add(GetStringToken(start, range.Length));

Beispiel #3
        protected override void RemoveSensitiveTokens(int position, TextRangeCollection <JadeToken> tokens)
            if (tokens.Count > 0)
                var line  = this.TextBuffer.CurrentSnapshot.GetLineFromPosition(position);
                var index = tokens.GetFirstItemAfterPosition(line.Start);
                if (index >= 0)
                    for (var i = index; i >= 0; i--)
                        if (IsAnchorToken(tokens[i].TokenType))
                            line = this.TextBuffer.CurrentSnapshot.GetLineFromPosition(tokens[i].Start);

                int start = line.Start;
                var end   = tokens[tokens.Count - 1].End;

                if (start < end)
                    tokens.RemoveInRange(TextRange.FromBounds(start, end), true);

            base.RemoveSensitiveTokens(position, tokens);
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates range that is an intersection of the supplied ranges.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Intersection or empty range if ranges don't intersect</returns>
        public static ITextRange Intersection(ITextRange range1, int rangeStart, int rangeLength)
            var start = Math.Max(range1.Start, rangeStart);
            var end   = Math.Min(range1.End, rangeStart + rangeLength);

            return(start <= end?TextRange.FromBounds(start, end) : TextRange.EmptyRange);
Beispiel #5
        private ITextRange GetAttributeValue()
            var start = this._cs.Position;

            while (!this._cs.IsEndOfStream() && !this._cs.IsWhiteSpace() && this._cs.CurrentChar != ')')

            return(TextRange.FromBounds(start, this._cs.Position));
        public CharacterStream(ITextProvider textProvider, ITextRange range)
            this._text = textProvider;

            var end = Math.Min(this._text.Length, range.End);

            this._range = TextRange.FromBounds(range.Start, end);

            this.Position     = this._range.Start;
            this._currentChar = this._text[this._range.Start];
Beispiel #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Collects 'identifier' sequence. Identifier consists of ANSI characters and decimal digits.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Identifier range</returns>
        protected virtual ITextRange ParseIdentifier()
            var start = this._cs.Position;

            while (!this._cs.IsEndOfStream() && !this._cs.IsWhiteSpace() &&
                   (this._cs.IsAnsiLetter() || this._cs.IsDecimal() || this._cs.CurrentChar == '_'))

            return(TextRange.FromBounds(start, this._cs.Position));
Beispiel #8
        private ITextRange GetAttribute()
            var start = this._cs.Position;

            while (!this._cs.IsEndOfStream() && !this._cs.IsWhiteSpace() &&
                   (this._cs.IsAnsiLetter() || this._cs.IsDecimal() ||
                    this._cs.CurrentChar == '_' || this._cs.CurrentChar == '-' ||
                    this._cs.CurrentChar == ':') || this._cs.CurrentChar == '.')

            return(TextRange.FromBounds(start, this._cs.Position));
Beispiel #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Collects all characters up to the next whitespace always
        /// including the current character
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Sequence range</returns>
        protected ITextRange GetNonWSSequence(string terminators)
            var start = this._cs.Position;


            while (!this._cs.IsEndOfStream() && !this._cs.IsWhiteSpace())
                if (terminators.IndexOf(this._cs.CurrentChar) != -1)
                    return(TextRange.FromBounds(start, this._cs.Position));


            return(TextRange.FromBounds(start, this._cs.Position));
Beispiel #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Collects all characters up to the next whitespace
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="terminator">Terminator character</param>
        /// <param name="inclusive">True if sequence includes the terminator,
        /// false if advance should stop at the terminator character</param>
        /// <returns>Sequence range</returns>
        protected virtual ITextRange GetNonWSSequence(char terminator, bool inclusive)
            var start = this._cs.Position;

            while (!this._cs.IsEndOfStream() && !this._cs.IsWhiteSpace())
                if (this._cs.CurrentChar == terminator && terminator != '\0')
                    if (inclusive)



            return(TextRange.FromBounds(start, this._cs.Position));
Beispiel #11
        protected ITextRange ParseTagName()
            var start = this._cs.Position;
            var count = 0;

            while (!this._cs.IsEndOfStream() && !this._cs.IsWhiteSpace() &&
                   (this._cs.IsAnsiLetter() || this._cs.IsDecimal() || this._cs.CurrentChar == '_' || (count > 0 && this._cs.CurrentChar == '-')))
                if (this._cs.CurrentChar == ':')
                    if (this._cs.NextChar != '_' && (this._cs.NextChar < 'A' || this._cs.NextChar > 'z'))
                        break; // allow tags with namespaces


            return(TextRange.FromBounds(start, this._cs.Position));
Beispiel #12
 public IList <T> ItemsInRange(int start)
     return(this.collection.ItemsInRange(TextRange.FromBounds(start, start)));
        protected virtual void OnTextChanged(int start, int oldLength, int newLength)
            // Invalidate items starting from start of the change and onward

            // Expand range to take into accound token that might be just touching
            // changed area. For example, in PHP / is punctuation token and adding *
            // to it should remove / so tokenizer can recreate comment token.
            // However / is technically outside of the changed area and hence may end up
            // lingering on.

            var initialIndex = -1;
            var changeStart  = start;

            var touchingTokens = this.Tokens.GetItemsContainingInclusiveEnd(start);

            if (touchingTokens != null && touchingTokens.Count > 0)
                initialIndex = touchingTokens.Min();
                start        = this.Tokens[initialIndex].Start;

            // nothing is touching but we still might have tokens right after us
            if (initialIndex < 0)
                initialIndex = this.Tokens.GetFirstItemAfterPosition(start);

            if (initialIndex == 0)
                start = this.Tokens[0].Start;
                while (initialIndex > 0)
                    if (this.Tokens[initialIndex - 1].End == start)
                        start = this.Tokens[initialIndex - 1].Start;

            this._lastValidPosition = Math.Min(this._lastValidPosition, start);
            if (this.Tokens.Count > 0)
                this.Tokens.RemoveInRange(TextRange.FromBounds(this._lastValidPosition, this.Tokens[this.Tokens.Count - 1].End), true);

            // In line-based tokenizers like SaSS or Jade we need to start at the beginning
            // of the line i.e. at 'anchor' position that is canculated depending on particular
            // language syntax.

            this._lastValidPosition = GetAnchorPosition(this._lastValidPosition);

            RemoveSensitiveTokens(this._lastValidPosition, this.Tokens);

            this._lastValidPosition = this.Tokens.Count > 0 ? Math.Min(this._lastValidPosition, this.Tokens[this.Tokens.Count - 1].End) : 0;

            if (ClassificationChanged != null)
                var snapshot = this.TextBuffer.CurrentSnapshot;

                ClassificationChanged(this, new ClassificationChangedEventArgs(
                                          new SnapshotSpan(snapshot,
                                                           Span.FromBounds(this._lastValidPosition, snapshot.Length)))
        public virtual IList <ClassificationSpan> GetClassificationSpans(SnapshotSpan span)
            var classifications = new List <ClassificationSpan>();
            var textSnapshot    = this.TextBuffer.CurrentSnapshot;

            if (span.Length <= 2)
                var ws = textSnapshot.GetText(span);
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ws))

            // Token collection at this point contains valid tokens at least to a point
            // of the most recent change. We can reuse existing tokens but may also need
            // to tokenize to get tokens for the recently changed range.
            if (span.End > this._lastValidPosition)
                // Span is beyond the last position we know about. We need to tokenize new area.
                // tokenize from end of the last good token. If last token intersected last change
                // it would have been removed from the collection by now.

                var tokenizeFrom   = this.Tokens.Count > 0 ? this.Tokens[this.Tokens.Count - 1].End : new SnapshotPoint(textSnapshot, 0);
                var tokenizeAnchor = GetAnchorPosition(tokenizeFrom);

                if (tokenizeAnchor < tokenizeFrom)
                    this.Tokens.RemoveInRange(TextRange.FromBounds(tokenizeAnchor, span.End));
                    RemoveSensitiveTokens(tokenizeAnchor, this.Tokens);

                    tokenizeFrom = tokenizeAnchor;

                var newTokens = this.Tokenizer.Tokenize(new TextProvider(this.TextBuffer.CurrentSnapshot), tokenizeFrom, span.End - tokenizeFrom);
                if (newTokens.Count > 0)
                    this._lastValidPosition = newTokens[newTokens.Count - 1].End;

            var tokensInSpan = this.Tokens.ItemsInRange(TextRange.FromBounds(span.Start, span.End));

            foreach (var token in tokensInSpan)
                var compositeToken = token as ICompositeToken <TTokenClass>;

                if (compositeToken != null)
                    foreach (var internalToken in compositeToken.TokenList)
                        AddClassificationFromToken(classifications, textSnapshot, internalToken);
                    AddClassificationFromToken(classifications, textSnapshot, token);

        /// <summary>
        /// Compares two collections and calculates 'changed' range. In case this collection
        /// or comparand are empty, uses lowerBound and upperBound values as range
        /// delimiters. Typically lowerBound is 0 and upperBound is lentgh of the file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="otherCollection">Collection to compare to</param>
        public virtual ITextRange RangeDifference(IEnumerable <ITextRange> otherCollection, int lowerBound, int upperBound)
            if (otherCollection == null)
                return(TextRange.FromBounds(lowerBound, upperBound));

            var other = new TextRangeCollection <ITextRange>(otherCollection);

            if (this.Count == 0 && other.Count == 0)

            if (this.Count == 0)
                return(TextRange.FromBounds(lowerBound, upperBound));

            if (other.Count == 0)
                return(TextRange.FromBounds(lowerBound, upperBound));

            var minCount = Math.Min(this.Count, other.Count);
            var start = 0;
            var end = 0;
            int i, j;

            for (i = 0; i < minCount; i++)
                start = Math.Min(this[i].Start, other[i].Start);

                if (this[i].Start != other[i].Start || this[i].Length != other[i].Length)

            if (i == minCount)
                if (this.Count == other.Count)

                if (this.Count > other.Count)
                    return(TextRange.FromBounds(Math.Min(upperBound, other[minCount - 1].Start), upperBound));
                    return(TextRange.FromBounds(Math.Min(this[minCount - 1].Start, upperBound), upperBound));

            for (i = this.Count - 1, j = other.Count - 1; i >= 0 && j >= 0; i--, j--)
                end = Math.Max(this[i].End, other[j].End);

                if (this[i].Start != other[j].Start || this[i].Length != other[j].Length)

            if (start < end)
                return(TextRange.FromBounds(start, end));

            return(TextRange.FromBounds(lowerBound, upperBound));
Beispiel #16
 public CharacterStream(ITextProvider textProvider)
     : this(textProvider, TextRange.FromBounds(0, textProvider.Length))
Beispiel #17
        protected virtual void OnTextBufferChanged(object sender, TextContentChangedEventArgs e)
            // In order to provide nicer experience when user presser and holds
            // ENTER or DELETE or just types really fast, we are going to track
            // regions optimistically and report changes without going through
            // async or idle processing. Idle/async is still going to hit later.

            if (e.Changes.Count > 0)
                int start, oldLength, newLength;
                TextUtility.CombineChanges(e, out start, out oldLength, out newLength);

                var changeStart = Int32.MaxValue;
                var changeEnd   = 0;

                lock (this._regionsLock)
                    // Remove affected regions and shift the remaining ones. Outlining
                    // regions are not sorted and can overlap. Hence linear search.

                    for (var i = 0; i < this.CurrentRegions.Count; i++)
                        var region = this.CurrentRegions[i];

                        if (region.End <= start)

                        if (region.Contains(start) && region.Contains(start + oldLength))
                            region.Expand(0, newLength - oldLength);
                        else if (region.Start >= start + oldLength)
                            region.Shift(newLength - oldLength);

                        changeStart = Math.Min(changeStart, region.Start);
                        changeEnd   = Math.Max(changeEnd, region.End);

                    if (changeStart < Int32.MaxValue)
                        this.CurrentRegions.TextBufferVersion = this.TextBuffer.CurrentSnapshot.Version.VersionNumber;

                if (changeStart < Int32.MaxValue)
                    if (this.RegionsChanged != null)
                        this.RegionsChanged(this, new OutlineRegionsChangedEventArgs(this.CurrentRegions, TextRange.FromBounds(changeStart, changeEnd)));
Beispiel #18
 public int IndexOf(string text, int startPosition, bool ignoreCase)
     return(IndexOf(text, TextRange.FromBounds(startPosition, this.Length), ignoreCase));