Beispiel #1
        private static Command CreateRunCommand()
            var command = new Command("run", "run the application")

                new Option("--no-build")
                    Description = "Do not build project files before running.",
                    Required    = false
                new Option("--port")
                    Description = "The port to run control plane on.",
                    Argument    = new Argument <int?>("port"),
                    Required    = false
                new Option("--logs")
                    Description = "Write structured application logs to the specified log provider. Supported providers are 'console', 'elastic' (Elasticsearch), 'ai' (ApplicationInsights), 'seq'.",
                    Argument    = new Argument <string>("logs"),
                    Required    = false
                new Option("--dtrace")
                    Description = "Write distributed traces to the specified tracing provider. Supported providers are 'zipkin'.",
                    Argument    = new Argument <string>("trace"),
                    Required    = false,
                new Option("--metrics")
                    Description = "Write metrics to the specified metrics provider.",
                    Argument    = new Argument <string>("metrics"),
                    Required    = false
                new Option("--debug")
                    Argument = new Argument <string[]>("service")
                        Arity = ArgumentArity.ZeroOrMore,
                    Description = "Wait for debugger attach to specific service. Specify \"*\" to wait for all services.",
                    Required    = false
                new Option("--docker")
                    Description = "Run projects as docker containers.",
                    Required    = false
                new Option("--dashboard")
                    Description = "Launch dashboard on run.",
                    Required    = false


            command.Handler = CommandHandler.Create <RunCommandArguments>(async args =>
                // Workaround for
                if (args.Path is null)
                    throw new CommandException("No project or solution file was found.");

                var output = new OutputContext(args.Console, Verbosity.Info);

                output.WriteInfoLine("Loading Application Details...");
                var application = await ApplicationFactory.CreateAsync(output, args.Path);
                if (application.Services.Count == 0)
                    throw new CommandException($"No services found in \"{application.Source.Name}\"");

                var options = new HostOptions()
                    Dashboard = args.Dashboard,
                    Docker    = args.Docker,
                    NoBuild   = args.NoBuild,
                    Port      = args.Port,

                    // parsed later by the diagnostics code
                    DistributedTraceProvider = args.Dtrace,
                    LoggingProvider          = args.Logs,
                    MetricsProvider          = args.Metrics,

                await application.ProcessExtensionsAsync(options, output, ExtensionContext.OperationKind.LocalRun);


                output.WriteInfoLine("Launching Tye Host...");

                await using var host = new TyeHost(application.ToHostingApplication(), options);
                await host.RunAsync();

Beispiel #2
        private static Command CreateRunCommand(string[] args)
            var command = new Command("run", "run the application")

            // TODO: We'll need to support a --build-args
            command.AddOption(new Option("--no-build")
                Description = "Do not build project files before running.",
                Required    = false

            command.AddOption(new Option("--port")
                Description = "The port to run control plane on.",
                Argument    = new Argument <int>("port"),
                Required    = false

            command.AddOption(new Option("--logs")
                Description = "Write structured application logs to the specified log providers. Supported providers are console, elastic (Elasticsearch), ai (ApplicationInsights), seq.",
                Argument    = new Argument <string>("logs"),
                Required    = false

            command.AddOption(new Option("--dtrace")
                Description = "Write distributed traces to the specified providers. Supported providers are zipkin.",
                Argument    = new Argument <string>("logs"),
                Required    = false

            command.AddOption(new Option("--debug")
                Argument    = new Argument <string[]>("service"),
                Description = "Wait for debugger attach to specific service. Specify \"*\" to wait for all services.",
                Required    = false

            command.AddOption(new Option("--docker")
                Description = "Run projects as docker containers.",
                Required    = false

            command.Handler = CommandHandler.Create <IConsole, FileInfo, string[]>(async(console, path, debug) =>
                // Workaround for
                if (path is null)
                    throw new CommandException("No project or solution file was found.");

                var output      = new OutputContext(console, Verbosity.Quiet);
                var application = await ApplicationFactory.CreateAsync(output, path);

                await application.ProcessExtensionsAsync(ExtensionContext.OperationKind.LocalRun);


                if (application.Services.Count == 0)
                    throw new CommandException($"No services found in \"{application.Source.Name}\"");

                using var host = new TyeHost(application.ToHostingApplication(), args, debug);
                await host.RunAsync();
