/// <summary>
        /// Callback for the Download HttpWebRequest.beginGetRequestStream. Deserializes the response feed to
        /// retrieve the list of IOfflineEntity objects and constructs an ChangeSet for that.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="asyncResult">IAsyncResult object</param>
        void OnDownloadGetResponseCompleted(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
            AsyncArgsWrapper wrapper = asyncResult.AsyncState as AsyncArgsWrapper;

            wrapper.DownloadResponse = new ChangeSet();

            HttpWebResponse response = null;
                    response = wrapper.WebRequest.EndGetResponse(asyncResult) as HttpWebResponse;
                catch (WebException we)
                    wrapper.Error = we;
                    // If we get here then it means we completed the request. Return to the original caller
                    this._workerManager.CompleteWorkRequest(wrapper.WorkerRequest, wrapper);
                catch (SecurityException se)
                    wrapper.Error = se;
                    // If we get here then it means we completed the request. Return to the original caller
                    this._workerManager.CompleteWorkRequest(wrapper.WorkerRequest, wrapper);

                if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK)
                    Stream responseStream = response.GetResponseStream();

                    // Create the SyncReader
                    this._syncReader = (base.SerializationFormat == ClientServices.SerializationFormat.ODataAtom)
                        ? (SyncReader)new ODataAtomReader(responseStream, this._knownTypes)
                        : (SyncReader)new ODataJsonReader(responseStream, this._knownTypes);

                    // Read the response
                    while (this._syncReader.Next())
                        switch (this._syncReader.ItemType)
                            case ReaderItemType.Entry:
                            case ReaderItemType.SyncBlob:
                                wrapper.DownloadResponse.ServerBlob = this._syncReader.GetServerBlob();
                            case ReaderItemType.HasMoreChanges:
                                wrapper.DownloadResponse.IsLastBatch = !this._syncReader.GetHasMoreChangesValue();

                    wrapper.WebResponse = response;
                    // Invoke user code on the correct synchronization context.
                    wrapper.Error = new CacheControllerException(
                        string.Format("Remote service returned error status. Status: {0}, Description: {1}",

                // If we get here then it means we completed the request. Return to the original caller
                this._workerManager.CompleteWorkRequest(wrapper.WorkerRequest, wrapper);
            catch (Exception e)
                if (ExceptionUtility.IsFatal(e))

                wrapper.Error = e;
                this._workerManager.CompleteWorkRequest(wrapper.WorkerRequest, wrapper);
        /// <summary>
        /// Callback for the Upload HttpWebRequest.BeginGetResponse call
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="asyncResult">IAsyncResult object</param>
        void OnUploadGetResponseCompleted(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
            AsyncArgsWrapper wrapper = asyncResult.AsyncState as AsyncArgsWrapper;

            wrapper.UploadResponse = new ChangeSetResponse();

            HttpWebResponse response = null;
                    response = wrapper.WebRequest.EndGetResponse(asyncResult) as HttpWebResponse;
                catch (WebException we)
                    wrapper.UploadResponse.Error = we;
                    // If we get here then it means we completed the request. Return to the original caller
                    this._workerManager.CompleteWorkRequest(wrapper.WorkerRequest, wrapper);
                catch (SecurityException se)
                    wrapper.UploadResponse.Error = se;
                    // If we get here then it means we completed the request. Return to the original caller
                    this._workerManager.CompleteWorkRequest(wrapper.WorkerRequest, wrapper);

                if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK)
                    Stream responseStream = response.GetResponseStream();

                    // Create the SyncReader
                    this._syncReader = (base.SerializationFormat == ClientServices.SerializationFormat.ODataAtom)
                        ? (SyncReader)new ODataAtomReader(responseStream, this._knownTypes)
                        : (SyncReader)new ODataJsonReader(responseStream, this._knownTypes);

                    // Read the response
                    while (this._syncReader.Next())
                        switch (this._syncReader.ItemType)
                            case ReaderItemType.Entry:
                                IOfflineEntity entity = this._syncReader.GetItem();
                                IOfflineEntity ackedEntity = entity;
                                string tempId = null;

                                // If conflict only one temp ID should be set
                                if (this._syncReader.HasTempId() && this._syncReader.HasConflictTempId())
                                    throw new CacheControllerException(string.Format("Service returned a TempId '{0}' in both live and conflicting entities.",

                                // Validate the live temp ID if any, before adding anything to the offline context
                                if (this._syncReader.HasTempId())
                                    tempId = this._syncReader.GetTempId();
                                    CheckEntityServiceMetadataAndTempIds(wrapper, entity, tempId);


                                //  If conflict
                                if (this._syncReader.HasConflict())
                                    Conflict conflict = this._syncReader.GetConflict();
                                    IOfflineEntity conflictEntity = (conflict is SyncConflict) ?
                                                                    ((SyncConflict)conflict).LosingEntity : ((SyncError)conflict).ErrorEntity;

                                    // Validate conflict temp ID if any
                                    if (this._syncReader.HasConflictTempId())
                                        tempId = this._syncReader.GetConflictTempId();
                                        CheckEntityServiceMetadataAndTempIds(wrapper, conflictEntity, tempId);

                                    // Add conflict

                                    // If there is a conflict and the tempId is set in the conflict entity then the client version lost the
                                    // conflict and the live entity is the server version (ServerWins)
                                    if (this._syncReader.HasConflictTempId() && entity.ServiceMetadata.IsTombstone)
                                        // This is a ServerWins conflict, or conflict error. The winning version is a tombstone without temp Id
                                        // so there is no way to map the winning entity with a temp Id. The temp Id is in the conflict so we are
                                        // using the conflict entity, which has the PK, to build a tombstone entity used to update the offline context
                                        // In theory, we should copy the service metadata but it is the same end result as the service fills in
                                        // all the properties in the conflict entity

                                        // Add the conflict entity
                                        conflictEntity.ServiceMetadata.IsTombstone = true;
                                        ackedEntity = conflictEntity;

                                // Add ackedEntity to storage. If ackedEntity is still equal to entity then add non-conflict entity.
                                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(tempId)) {

                            case ReaderItemType.SyncBlob:
                                wrapper.UploadResponse.ServerBlob = this._syncReader.GetServerBlob();

                    if (wrapper.TempIdToEntityMapping != null && wrapper.TempIdToEntityMapping.Count != 0)
                        // The client sent some inserts which werent ack'd by the service. Throw.
                        StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("Server did not acknowledge with a permanent Id for the following tempId's: ");
                        builder.Append(string.Join(",", wrapper.TempIdToEntityMapping.Keys.ToArray()));
                        throw new CacheControllerException(builder.ToString());

                    wrapper.WebResponse = response;
                    // Invoke user code on the correct synchronization context.
                    wrapper.UploadResponse.Error = new CacheControllerException(
                        string.Format("Remote service returned error status. Status: {0}, Description: {1}",

                // If we get here then it means we completed the request. Return to the original caller
                this._workerManager.CompleteWorkRequest(wrapper.WorkerRequest, wrapper);
            catch (Exception e)
                if (ExceptionUtility.IsFatal(e))

                wrapper.Error = e;
                this._workerManager.CompleteWorkRequest(wrapper.WorkerRequest, wrapper);
        /// <summary>
        /// Callback for the Download HttpWebRequest.beginGetRequestStream. Deserializes the response feed to
        /// retrieve the list of IOfflineEntity objects and constructs an ChangeSet for that.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="asyncResult">IAsyncResult object</param>
        void OnDownloadGetResponseCompleted(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
            AsyncArgsWrapper wrapper = asyncResult.AsyncState as AsyncArgsWrapper;

            wrapper.DownloadResponse = new ChangeSet();

            HttpWebResponse response = null;
                    response = wrapper.WebRequest.EndGetResponse(asyncResult) as HttpWebResponse;
                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(behaviors.UserId))
                        behaviors.UserId = response.Headers["userid"];
                    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(behaviors.UserEmail))
                        behaviors.UserEmail = response.Headers["email"];
                    behaviors.ResourceVersion = response.Headers["resourceversion"];
                catch (WebException we)
                    wrapper.Error = we;
                    // If we get here then it means we completed the request. Return to the original caller
                    this._workerManager.CompleteWorkRequest(wrapper.WorkerRequest, wrapper);
                catch (SecurityException se)
                    wrapper.Error = se;
                    // If we get here then it means we completed the request. Return to the original caller
                    this._workerManager.CompleteWorkRequest(wrapper.WorkerRequest, wrapper);

                if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK)

                    int contentLength = (int)response.ContentLength;

                    if (response.Headers.AllKeys.Contains("unzippedcontentlength"))
                        string value = response.Headers["unzippedcontentlength"];
                        if (!int.TryParse(value, out contentLength))
                            throw new WebException("Invalid value of header unzippedcontentlength: " + value);
                    Stream responseStream = new ProgressStream(response.GetResponseStream()
                    , contentLength
                    , behaviors.ReadProgressCallback);

                    // CreateInstance the SyncReader
                    if (ApplicationContext.Current.Settings.BitMobileFormatterDisabled)
                        _syncReader = new ODataAtomReader(responseStream, _knownTypes);
                        _syncReader = new BMReader(responseStream, _knownTypes);

                    // Read the response
                    wrapper.DownloadResponse.Data = GetDownloadedValues(wrapper);

                    wrapper.WebResponse = response;
                    // Invoke user code on the correct synchronization context.
                    wrapper.Error = new CacheControllerException(
                        string.Format("Remote service returned error status. Status: {0}, Description: {1}",

                // If we get here then it means we completed the request. Return to the original caller
                this._workerManager.CompleteWorkRequest(wrapper.WorkerRequest, wrapper);
            catch (Exception e)
                if (ExceptionUtility.IsFatal(e))

                wrapper.Error = e;
                this._workerManager.CompleteWorkRequest(wrapper.WorkerRequest, wrapper);
        void OnDownloadCompleted(object sender, NSUrlEventArgs e)
                if (e.Error == null)
                    _filePath = e.FilePath.Replace("file://", "").Replace("%20", " ");

                    NSHttpUrlResponse response = (NSHttpUrlResponse)_currentTask.Response;
                    if (response != null)

                        HttpStatusCode code = (HttpStatusCode)response.StatusCode;
                        if (code == HttpStatusCode.OK)

                            NSDictionary headers = response.AllHeaderFields;
                            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_behaviors.UserId))
                                _behaviors.UserId = headers["userid"].ToString();
                            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_behaviors.UserEmail))
                                _behaviors.UserEmail = headers["email"].ToString();
                            _behaviors.ResourceVersion = headers["resourceversion"].ToString();


                            IIOContext io = IOContext.Current;
                            if (io.Exists(_filePath))
                                FileStream fileStream = io.FileStream(_filePath, FileMode.Open);

                                fileStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                                int contentLength;
                                if (!int.TryParse(headers["unzippedcontentlength"].ToString(), out contentLength))
                                    contentLength = -1;
                                Stream responseStream = new ProgressStream(fileStream, contentLength, _behaviors.ReadProgressCallback);

                                // CreateInstance the SyncReader
                                if (ApplicationContext.Current.Settings.BitMobileFormatterDisabled)
                                    _syncReader = new ODataAtomReader(responseStream, _knownTypes);
                                    _syncReader = new BMReader(responseStream, _knownTypes);

                                _wrapper.DownloadResponse = new ChangeSet();
                                _wrapper.DownloadResponse.Data = GetDownloadedValues(_wrapper);

                                _wrapper.Error = new FileNotFoundException(String.Format("Downloaded data file not found! {0}, Description: {1}", e.FilePath, response.Description));
                            _wrapper.Error = new CacheControllerWebException(string.Format("Remote service returned error status. Status: {0}, Description: {1}", code, response.Description), code);
                        _wrapper.Error = new CacheControllerException("Response is null");
                    var response = _currentTask.Response as NSHttpUrlResponse;
                    HandleError(e.Error, response);

                // If we get here then it means we completed the request. Return to the original caller
                _workerManager.CompleteWorkRequest(_wrapper.WorkerRequest, _wrapper);

            catch (Exception ex)
                if (ExceptionUtility.IsFatal(ex))

                _wrapper.Error = ex;

                _workerManager.CompleteWorkRequest(_wrapper.WorkerRequest, _wrapper);
        void OnUploadCompleted(object sender, NSUrlEventArgs e)
            _wrapper.UploadResponse = new ChangeSetResponse();

            FileStream fileStream = null;

            string filePath = null;

                if (e.Error == null)
                    string responseDescription = "response is  null";
                    var response = (NSHttpUrlResponse)_currentTask.Response;
                    if (response != null)
                        responseDescription = response.Description;

                    filePath = e.FilePath.Replace("file://", "").Replace("%20", " ");
                    IIOContext io = IOContext.Current;
                    if (io.Exists(filePath))
                        fileStream = io.FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open);
                        fileStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                        // CreateInstance the SyncReader
                        if (ApplicationContext.Current.Settings.BitMobileFormatterDisabled)
                            _syncReader = new ODataAtomReader(fileStream, _knownTypes);
                            _syncReader = new BMReader(fileStream, _knownTypes);

                        // Read the response
                        while (_syncReader.Next())
                            switch (_syncReader.ItemType)
                                case ReaderItemType.Entry:
                                    IOfflineEntity entity = _syncReader.GetItem();
                                    IOfflineEntity ackedEntity = entity;
                                    string tempId = null;

                                    if (_syncReader.HasTempId() && _syncReader.HasConflictTempId())
                                        throw new CacheControllerException(string.Format("Service returned a TempId '{0}' in both live and conflicting entities.",

                                    if (_syncReader.HasTempId())
                                        tempId = _syncReader.GetTempId();
                                        CheckEntityServiceMetadataAndTempIds(entity, tempId);

                                    if (_syncReader.HasConflict())
                                        Conflict conflict = _syncReader.GetConflict();
                                        IOfflineEntity conflictEntity = (conflict is SyncConflict) ?
                                                                        ((SyncConflict)conflict).LosingEntity : ((SyncError)conflict).ErrorEntity;

                                        if (_syncReader.HasConflictTempId())
                                            tempId = _syncReader.GetConflictTempId();
                                            CheckEntityServiceMetadataAndTempIds(conflictEntity, tempId);


                                        if (_syncReader.HasConflictTempId() && entity.ServiceMetadata.IsTombstone)
                                            conflictEntity.ServiceMetadata.IsTombstone = true;
                                            ackedEntity = conflictEntity;

                                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(tempId))


                                case ReaderItemType.SyncBlob:
                                    _wrapper.UploadResponse.ServerBlob = _syncReader.GetServerBlob();

                        _wrapper.Error = new FileNotFoundException(String.Format("Downloaded data file not found! {0}, Description: {1}", e.FilePath, responseDescription));
                    var response = _currentTask.Response as NSHttpUrlResponse;
                    HandleError(e.Error, response);

                _workerManager.CompleteWorkRequest(_wrapper.WorkerRequest, _wrapper);
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (ExceptionUtility.IsFatal(ex))

                _wrapper.Error = ex;

                _workerManager.CompleteWorkRequest(_wrapper.WorkerRequest, _wrapper);
                if (fileStream != null)

                if (filePath != null)
		void OnDownloadCompleted (object sender, NSUrlEventArgs e)
			FileStream fileStream = null;
			string filePath = null;

			try {
				if (e.Error == null) {
					filePath = e.FilePath.Replace ("file://", "").Replace ("%20", " ");

					NSHttpUrlResponse response = (NSHttpUrlResponse)_currentTask.Response;
					if (response != null) {

						HttpStatusCode code = (HttpStatusCode)response.StatusCode; 
						if (code == HttpStatusCode.OK) {

							NSDictionary headers = response.AllHeaderFields;
							if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (_behaviors.UserId))
								_behaviors.UserId = headers ["userid"].ToString ();
							if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (_behaviors.UserEmail))
								_behaviors.UserEmail = headers ["email"].ToString ();
							_behaviors.SaveUserSession ();

							if (File.Exists (filePath)) {
								fileStream = File.OpenRead (filePath);

								fileStream.Seek (0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
								int contentLength;
								if (!int.TryParse (headers ["unzippedcontentlength"].ToString (), out contentLength))
									contentLength = -1;					
								Stream responseStream = new ProgressStream (fileStream, contentLength, _behaviors.ReadProgressCallback);

								// Create the SyncReader
								_syncReader = (SyncReader)new ODataAtomReader (responseStream, _knownTypes);

								_wrapper.DownloadResponse = new ChangeSet ();

								// Read the response
								while (this._syncReader.Next ()) {
									switch (this._syncReader.ItemType) {
									case ReaderItemType.Entry:
										_wrapper.DownloadResponse.AddItem (_syncReader.GetItem ());
									case ReaderItemType.SyncBlob:
										_wrapper.DownloadResponse.ServerBlob = _syncReader.GetServerBlob ();
									case ReaderItemType.HasMoreChanges:
										_wrapper.DownloadResponse.IsLastBatch = !_syncReader.GetHasMoreChangesValue ();
							} else {
								_wrapper.Error = new FileNotFoundException (String.Format ("Downloaded data file not found! {0}, Description: {1}", e.FilePath, response.Description));
						} else
							_wrapper.Error = new CacheControllerWebException (string.Format ("Remote service returned error status. Status: {0}, Description: {1}", code, response.Description), code);
					} else
						_wrapper.Error = new CacheControllerException ("Response is null");
				} else {
					NSHttpUrlResponse response = _currentTask.Response as NSHttpUrlResponse;
					HandleError (e.Error, response);

				// If we get here then it means we completed the request. Return to the original caller
				_workerManager.CompleteWorkRequest (_wrapper.WorkerRequest, _wrapper);
			} catch (Exception ex) {
				if (ExceptionUtility.IsFatal (ex)) {

				_wrapper.Error = ex;

				_workerManager.CompleteWorkRequest (_wrapper.WorkerRequest, _wrapper);
			} finally {
				if (fileStream != null) {
					fileStream.Close ();

				if (filePath != null && File.Exists (filePath)) {
					File.Delete (filePath);
		void OnUploadCompleted (object sender, NSUrlEventArgs e)
			_wrapper.UploadResponse = new ChangeSetResponse ();

			FileStream fileStream = null;

			string filePath = null;

			try {
				if (e.Error == null) {
					string responseDescription = "response is  null";
					NSHttpUrlResponse response = (NSHttpUrlResponse)_currentTask.Response;
				if (response != null)
						responseDescription = response.Description;

					filePath = e.FilePath.Replace ("file://", "").Replace ("%20", " ");
					if (File.Exists (filePath)) {
						fileStream = File.OpenRead (filePath);
						fileStream.Seek (0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

						// Create the SyncReader
						_syncReader = (SyncReader)new ODataAtomReader (fileStream, _knownTypes);

						// Read the response
						while (_syncReader.Next ()) {
							switch (_syncReader.ItemType) {
							case ReaderItemType.Entry:                                
								IOfflineEntity entity = _syncReader.GetItem ();
								IOfflineEntity ackedEntity = entity;                                
								string tempId = null;

								if (_syncReader.HasTempId () && _syncReader.HasConflictTempId ()) {
									throw new CacheControllerException (string.Format ("Service returned a TempId '{0}' in both live and conflicting entities.", 
										_syncReader.GetTempId ()));

								if (_syncReader.HasTempId ()) {
									tempId = _syncReader.GetTempId ();
									CheckEntityServiceMetadataAndTempIds (entity, tempId);

								if (_syncReader.HasConflict ()) {                                    
									Conflict conflict = _syncReader.GetConflict ();
									IOfflineEntity conflictEntity = (conflict is SyncConflict) ? 
									                                ((SyncConflict)conflict).LosingEntity : ((SyncError)conflict).ErrorEntity;

									if (this._syncReader.HasConflictTempId ()) {
										tempId = _syncReader.GetConflictTempId ();
										CheckEntityServiceMetadataAndTempIds (conflictEntity, tempId);
									_wrapper.UploadResponse.AddConflict (conflict);

									if (_syncReader.HasConflictTempId () && entity.ServiceMetadata.IsTombstone) {                                        
										conflictEntity.ServiceMetadata.IsTombstone = true;
										ackedEntity = conflictEntity;

								if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (tempId)) {
									_wrapper.UploadResponse.AddUpdatedItem (ackedEntity);

							case ReaderItemType.SyncBlob:
								_wrapper.UploadResponse.ServerBlob = _syncReader.GetServerBlob ();

						if (_wrapper.TempIdToEntityMapping != null && _wrapper.TempIdToEntityMapping.Count != 0) {
							StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder ("Server did not acknowledge with a permanent Id for the following tempId's: ");
							builder.Append (string.Join (",", _wrapper.TempIdToEntityMapping.Keys.ToArray ()));
							throw new CacheControllerException (builder.ToString ());
					} else
						_wrapper.Error = new FileNotFoundException (String.Format ("Downloaded data file not found! {0}, Description: {1}", e.FilePath, responseDescription));
				} else
					NSHttpUrlResponse response = _currentTask.Response as NSHttpUrlResponse;
					HandleError (e.Error, response);

				_workerManager.CompleteWorkRequest (_wrapper.WorkerRequest, _wrapper);
			} catch (Exception ex) {
				if (ExceptionUtility.IsFatal (ex)) {
					throw ex;

				_wrapper.Error = ex;

				_workerManager.CompleteWorkRequest (_wrapper.WorkerRequest, _wrapper);
			} finally {
				if (fileStream != null) {
					fileStream.Close ();

				if (filePath != null && File.Exists (filePath)) {
					File.Delete (filePath);