Beispiel #1
        private void Initialize()
            int index = 0;

            foreach (var field in schema.Fields)
                if (field.DataType is ArrayType)
                    Func <DataType, int, StructType> convertArrayTypeToStructTypeFunc = (dataType, length) =>
                        StructField[] fields = new StructField[length];
                        for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                            fields[i] = new StructField(string.Format("_array_{0}", i), dataType);
                        return(new StructType(fields));
                    var elementType = (field.DataType as ArrayType).ElementType;

                    // Note: When creating object from json, PySpark converts Json array to Python List (, _create_cls(dataType)),
                    // then Pyrolite unpickler converts Python List to C# ArrayList ( So values[index] should be of type ArrayList;
                    // In case Python changes its implementation, which means value is not of type ArrayList, try cast to object[] because Pyrolite unpickler convert Python Tuple to C# object[].
                    object[] valueOfArray = values[index] is ArrayList ? (values[index] as ArrayList).ToArray() : values[index] as object[];
                    if (valueOfArray == null)
                        throw new ArgumentException("Cannot parse data of ArrayType: " + field.Name);

                    values[index] = new RowImpl(valueOfArray, elementType as StructType ?? convertArrayTypeToStructTypeFunc(elementType, valueOfArray.Length)).values;
                else if (field.DataType is MapType)
                    throw new NotImplementedException();
                else if (field.DataType is StructType)
                    dynamic value = values[index];
                    if (value != null)
                        var subRow = new RowImpl(values[index], field.DataType as StructType);
                        values[index] = subRow;
                else if (field.DataType is DecimalType)
                    throw new NotImplementedException();
                else if (field.DataType is DateType)
                    throw new NotImplementedException();
                else if (field.DataType is StringType)
                    if (values[index] != null)
                        values[index] = values[index].ToString();
                    values[index] = values[index];
Beispiel #2
        private Func <dynamic, dynamic>[] ConstructPickleConverters()
            var funcs = new Func <dynamic, dynamic> [fields.Count];
            int index = 0;

            foreach (var field in fields)
                if (field.DataType is StringType)
                    funcs[index] = x => x?.ToString();

                /*else if (field.DataType is LongType)
                 * {
                 *      funcs[index] = x => x==null?null:(dynamic)(long)x ;
                 * }*/
                /*else if (field.DataType is DateType)
                 * {
                 *      funcs[index] = x => x;
                 * }*/
                else if (field.DataType is ArrayType)
                    Func <DataType, int, StructType> convertArrayTypeToStructTypeFunc = (dataType, length) =>
                        StructField[] f = new StructField[length];
                        for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                            f[i] = new StructField(string.Format("_array_{0}", i), dataType);
                        return(new StructType(f));
                    var elementType = (field.DataType as ArrayType).ElementType;
                    funcs[index] = x =>
                        // Note: When creating object from json, PySpark converts Json array to Python List (, _create_cls(dataType)),
                        // then Pyrolite unpickler converts Python List to C# ArrayList ( So values[index] should be of type ArrayList;
                        // In case Python changes its implementation, which means value is not of type ArrayList, try cast to object[] because Pyrolite unpickler convert Python Tuple to C# object[].
                        object[] valueOfArray = (x as ArrayList)?.ToArray() ?? x as object[];
                        if (valueOfArray == null)
                            throw new ArgumentException("Cannot parse data of ArrayType: " + field.Name);

                        return(new RowImpl(valueOfArray,
                                           elementType as StructType ?? convertArrayTypeToStructTypeFunc(elementType, valueOfArray.Length)).Values);             // TODO: this part may have some problems, not verified
                else if (field.DataType is MapType)
                    throw new NotImplementedException();
                else if (field.DataType is StructType)
                    funcs[index] = x => x != null ? new RowImpl(x, field.DataType as StructType) : null;
                    funcs[index] = x => x;