Beispiel #1
        public ILVirtualDocument(MDbgFunction mdbgFunction)
            CorCode ilCode = mdbgFunction.CorFunction.ILCode;

            Debug.Assert(true == ilCode.IsIL);
            byte[] code = ilCode.GetCode();
            ILDisassembler.Disassemble(code, mdbgFunction.Module.Importer, out m_lines, out ip2lineMapping);
            Debug.Assert(m_lines != null && ip2lineMapping != null);

            m_functionName = mdbgFunction.FullName;
Beispiel #2
        } // SequencePointIterator

        #endregion Helper classes for stitching

        // parent - main containing window that this source window lives inside of.
        // function - function for which we're building virtual source around.
        // Get the IL from the given frame.
        // Called on UI thread.
        internal VirtualSourceViewerForm(MainForm parent, MDbgFunction function)
            m_function = function;
            Debug.Assert(function != null);

            // Now actually right in text. do this first so that we can get the current font.

            // Get fonts
            FontCache cache;
                Font fontCurrent = this.richText.Font;
                Font emphasis    = new Font(

                cache = new FontCache(emphasis);

            // Underlying writer to the window.
            RawWriter rawWriter = new RawWriter(cache);

            // Il2Native mapping can be used to find out what IL offsets we can actually stop on.
            Il2NativeIterator il2nativeIterator = null;

            // Actual IL disassembly in string form.
            ILDasmIterator ilDasm = null;

            // Iterator through sequence points and source files.
            SequencePointIterator seqIterator = null;

            string fullName = "?";
            int    token    = 0;

            ulong nativeStartAddress           = 0;
            CorDebugJITCompilerFlags codeFlags = CorDebugJITCompilerFlags.CORDEBUG_JIT_DEFAULT;

            // Make cross-thread call to worker thread to collect raw information.
            // This needs to access MDbg and so can't be done on our UI thread.
            parent.ExecuteOnWorkerThreadIfStoppedAndBlock(delegate(MDbgProcess proc)
                Debug.Assert(proc != null);
                Debug.Assert(function.Module.Process == proc);

                // Get some properties about this function to display.
                token = function.CorFunction.Token;
                nativeStartAddress = function.CorFunction.NativeCode.Address;
                codeFlags          = function.CorFunction.NativeCode.CompilerFlags;

                CorCode ilCode = function.CorFunction.ILCode;
                Debug.Assert(true == ilCode.IsIL);
                byte[] code = ilCode.GetCode();
                fullName    = function.FullName;

                // This does the real disassembly work.
                string[] lines = null; // strings of IL.
                ILDisassembler.Disassemble(code, function.Module.Importer, out lines, out m_il2RowMapping);

                ilDasm = new ILDasmIterator(rawWriter, m_il2RowMapping, lines);

                IL2NativeMap[] il2nativeMapping = function.CorFunction.NativeCode.GetILToNativeMapping();
                il2nativeIterator = new Il2NativeIterator(rawWriter, il2nativeMapping, code);

                // Get sequence points
                ISymbolMethod symMethod = function.SymMethod;

                // Sequence point information
                int[] seqIlOffsets  = null;
                string[] seqPaths   = null;
                int[] seqStartLines = null, seqEndLines = null, seqStartColumns = null, seqEndColumns = null;
                int seqCount        = 0;

                if (symMethod != null)
                    seqCount     = symMethod.SequencePointCount;
                    seqIlOffsets = new int[seqCount];
                    ISymbolDocument[] seqDocuments = new ISymbolDocument[seqCount];
                    seqPaths        = new string[seqCount];
                    seqStartLines   = new int[seqCount];
                    seqEndLines     = new int[seqCount];
                    seqStartColumns = new int[seqCount];
                    seqEndColumns   = new int[seqCount];

                    symMethod.GetSequencePoints(seqIlOffsets, seqDocuments, seqStartLines, seqStartColumns, seqEndLines, seqEndColumns);

                    for (int i = 0; i < seqCount; i++)
                        seqPaths[i] = seqDocuments[i].URL;
                seqIterator = new SequencePointIterator(rawWriter, parent, seqIlOffsets, seqPaths, seqStartLines, seqStartColumns, seqEndLines, seqEndColumns);
                                                          ); // end worker call

            // We assume sequence points are sorted by IL offset. We assert that in the iterators below.
            // Now we need to go through and stitch the IL + Source together.
            // This also works even if we have no source (since that's just the degenerate case of 0 sequence points)

            // Print out header information
            Debug.Assert(token != 0);
                                              "> Function name:{0} (token={1:x})", fullName, token));
                                              "> Native Code Address =0x{0:x}, flags={1}", nativeStartAddress, codeFlags));

            // Walk through the IL in order and write out interleaved IL and Sequence Points.
            while (!seqIterator.IsDone)
                // Add IL snippets that occur before this sequence point.
                WriteIlAndNative(ilDasm, il2nativeIterator, seqIterator.IlOffset);

            // Write the IL that's after the last sequence point
            WriteIlAndNative(ilDasm, il2nativeIterator, ilDasm.IlLength);

            // Set the text.
            InitLines(null, rawWriter.Lines, rawWriter.FormatList);

        } // end function