Beispiel #1
        public static CorDebugClass ClassFromRuntimeValue(RuntimeValue rtv, CorDebugAppDomain appDomain)
            RuntimeValue_Reflection rtvf = rtv as RuntimeValue_Reflection;
            CorDebugClass           cls  = null;
            object objBuiltInKey         = null;


            if (rtvf != null)
                objBuiltInKey = rtvf.ReflectionType;
            else if (rtv.DataType == RuntimeDataType.DATATYPE_TRANSPARENT_PROXY)
                objBuiltInKey = RuntimeDataType.DATATYPE_TRANSPARENT_PROXY;
                cls = TinyCLR_TypeSystem.CorDebugClassFromTypeIndex(rtv.Type, appDomain);

            if (objBuiltInKey != null)
                CorDebugProcess.BuiltinType builtInType = appDomain.Process.ResolveBuiltInType(objBuiltInKey);

                cls = builtInType.GetClass(appDomain);

                if (cls == null)
                    cls = new CorDebugClass(builtInType.GetAssembly(appDomain), builtInType.TokenCLR);

Beispiel #2
 protected internal RuntimeValue_Indirect(Engine eng, WireProtocol.Commands.Debugging_Value[] array, int pos) : base(eng, array[pos])
     if (++pos < array.Length)
         m_value = Convert(eng, array, pos);
		public static CorDebugClass ClassFromRuntimeValue (RuntimeValue rtv, CorDebugAppDomain appDomain)
			RuntimeValue_Reflection rtvf = rtv as RuntimeValue_Reflection;
			CorDebugClass cls = null;
			object objBuiltInKey = null;
			Debug.Assert (!rtv.IsNull);

			if (rtvf != null) {
				objBuiltInKey = rtvf.ReflectionType;
			} else if (rtv.DataType == RuntimeDataType.DATATYPE_TRANSPARENT_PROXY) {
				objBuiltInKey = RuntimeDataType.DATATYPE_TRANSPARENT_PROXY;
			} else {
				cls = TinyCLR_TypeSystem.CorDebugClassFromTypeIndex (rtv.Type, appDomain);

			if (objBuiltInKey != null) {                
				CorDebugProcess.BuiltinType builtInType = appDomain.Process.ResolveBuiltInType (objBuiltInKey);             
				cls = builtInType.GetClass (appDomain);

				if (cls == null) {
					cls = new CorDebugClass (builtInType.GetAssembly (appDomain), builtInType.TokenCLR);

			return cls;
 protected internal RuntimeValue_Indirect( Engine eng, WireProtocol.Commands.Debugging_Value[] array, int pos ) : base( eng, array[pos] )
     if(++pos < array.Length)
         m_value = Convert( eng, array, pos );
Beispiel #5
        private bool IsValuePrimitive()
            if (m_fIsBoxed || m_fIsEnum)
                if (m_valuePrimitive == null)
                    if (m_rtv.IsBoxed)
                        RuntimeValue rtv = m_rtv.GetField(1, 0);


                        //Assert that m_class really points to a primitive
                        m_valuePrimitive = (CorDebugValuePrimitive)CreateValue(rtv);
                        m_valuePrimitive = new CorDebugValuePrimitive(m_rtv, m_appDomain);

            return(m_valuePrimitive != null);
Beispiel #6
 //Object or CLASS, or VALUETYPE
 public CorDebugValueObject(RuntimeValue rtv, CorDebugAppDomain appDomain) : base(rtv, appDomain)
     if (!rtv.IsNull)
         m_class    = CorDebugValue.ClassFromRuntimeValue(rtv, appDomain);
         m_fIsEnum  = m_class.IsEnum;
         m_fIsBoxed = rtv.IsBoxed;
		public static CorDebugValue[] CreateValues (RuntimeValue[] rtv, CorDebugAppDomain appDomain)
			CorDebugValue[] values = new CorDebugValue[rtv.Length];
			for (int i = 0; i < rtv.Length; i++) {
				values [i] = CorDebugValue.CreateValue (rtv [i], appDomain);

			return values;
        int ICorDebugObjectValue.GetFieldValue(ICorDebugClass pClass, uint fieldDef, out ICorDebugValue ppValue)
            //cache fields?
            RuntimeValue rtv = m_rtv.GetField(0, TinyCLR_TypeSystem.ClassMemberIndexFromCLRToken(fieldDef, ((CorDebugClass)pClass).Assembly));

            ppValue = CreateValue(rtv);

        int ICorDebugReferenceValue.SetValue(ulong value)
            Debug.Assert(value <= uint.MaxValue);
            RuntimeValue rtvNew = m_rtv.Assign((uint)value);

            this.RuntimeValue = rtvNew;

        public static CorDebugValue CreateValue(RuntimeValue rtv, CorDebugAppDomain appDomain)
            CorDebugValue val = null;
            bool fIsReference;
            if (rtv.IsBoxed)
                val = new CorDebugValueBoxedObject (rtv, appDomain);
                fIsReference = true;
            else if (rtv.IsPrimitive)
                CorDebugClass c = ClassFromRuntimeValue (rtv, appDomain);
                if (c.IsEnum)
                    val = new CorDebugValueObject (rtv, appDomain);
                    fIsReference = false;
                    val = new CorDebugValuePrimitive (rtv, appDomain);
                    fIsReference = false;
            else if (rtv.IsArray)
                val = new CorDebugValueArray (rtv, appDomain);
                fIsReference = true;
            else if (rtv.CorElementType == CorElementType.ELEMENT_TYPE_STRING)
                val = new CorDebugValueString (rtv, appDomain);
                fIsReference = true;
                val = new CorDebugValueObject (rtv, appDomain);
                fIsReference = !rtv.IsValueType;
            if (fIsReference)
                val = new CorDebugValueReference(val, val.m_rtv, val.m_appDomain);

            if (rtv.IsReference)    //CorElementType.ELEMENT_TYPE_BYREF
                val = new CorDebugValueReferenceByRef(val, val.m_rtv, val.m_appDomain);

            return val;        
Beispiel #11
        public static CorDebugValue CreateValue(RuntimeValue rtv, CorDebugAppDomain appDomain)
            CorDebugValue val = null;
            bool          fIsReference;

            if (rtv.IsBoxed)
                val          = new CorDebugValueBoxedObject(rtv, appDomain);
                fIsReference = true;
            else if (rtv.IsPrimitive)
                CorDebugClass c = ClassFromRuntimeValue(rtv, appDomain);

                if (c.IsEnum)
                    val          = new CorDebugValueObject(rtv, appDomain);
                    fIsReference = false;
                    val          = new CorDebugValuePrimitive(rtv, appDomain);
                    fIsReference = false;
            else if (rtv.IsArray)
                val          = new CorDebugValueArray(rtv, appDomain);
                fIsReference = true;
            else if (rtv.CorElementType == CorElementType.ELEMENT_TYPE_STRING)
                val          = new CorDebugValueString(rtv, appDomain);
                fIsReference = true;
                val          = new CorDebugValueObject(rtv, appDomain);
                fIsReference = !rtv.IsValueType;

            if (fIsReference)
                val = new CorDebugValueReference(val, val.m_rtv, val.m_appDomain);

            if (rtv.IsReference)                  //CorElementType.ELEMENT_TYPE_BYREF
                val = new CorDebugValueReferenceByRef(val, val.m_rtv, val.m_appDomain);

        int ICorDebugClass.GetStaticFieldValue(uint fieldDef, ICorDebugFrame pFrame, out ICorDebugValue ppValue)
            //Cache, and invalidate when necessary???
            uint fd = TinyCLR_TypeSystem.ClassMemberIndexFromCLRToken(fieldDef, this.Assembly);

            RuntimeValue rtv = this.Engine.GetStaticFieldValue(fd);

            ppValue = CorDebugValue.CreateValue(rtv, this.AppDomain);

        int ICorDebugThread.GetObject(out ICorDebugValue ppObject)

            RuntimeValue rv = Engine.GetThread(m_id);

            if (rv != null)
                ppObject = CorDebugValue.CreateValue(rv, this.AppDomain);
                ppObject = null;

Beispiel #14
        public RuntimeValue Assign(RuntimeValue val)
            RuntimeValue retval = null;

            if (this.IsReflection || (val != null && val.IsReflection))
                byte[] data = new byte[8];
                uint   dt   = (uint)RuntimeDataType.DATATYPE_OBJECT;

                if (val != null)
                    dt = val.m_handle.m_dt;
                    Array.Copy(val.m_handle.m_builtinValue, data, data.Length);

                if (SetBlock(dt, data))
                    retval = this;
            else if (this.IsPrimitive)
                if (val == null || val.IsPrimitive == false)
                    throw new InvalidCastException("The two runtime values are incompatible");

                this.Value = val.Value;

                retval = this;
                if (val != null && val.IsPrimitive == true)
                    throw new InvalidCastException("The two runtime values are incompatible");

                retval = Assign(val != null ? val.ReferenceIdDirect : 0);

Beispiel #15
 public CorDebugValueReference(CorDebugValue val, RuntimeValue rtv, CorDebugAppDomain appDomain)
     : base(rtv, appDomain)
     m_value = val;
Beispiel #16
 public CorDebugValueBoxedObject(RuntimeValue rtv, CorDebugAppDomain appDomain) : base(rtv, appDomain)
     m_value = new CorDebugValueObject(rtv, appDomain);
Beispiel #17
 public CorDebugValueArray(RuntimeValue rtv, CorDebugAppDomain appDomain) : base(rtv, appDomain)
		public CorDebugValueString (RuntimeValue rtv, CorDebugAppDomain appDomain)
            : base (rtv, appDomain)
Beispiel #19
        public RuntimeValue Assign( RuntimeValue val )
            RuntimeValue retval = null;

            if(this.IsReflection || (val != null && val.IsReflection))
                byte[] data = new byte[8];
                uint dt = (uint)RuntimeDataType.DATATYPE_OBJECT;

                if(val != null)
                    dt = val.m_handle.m_dt;
                    Array.Copy( val.m_handle.m_builtinValue, data, data.Length );

                if(SetBlock( dt, data ))
                    retval = this;
            else if(this.IsPrimitive)
                if(val == null || val.IsPrimitive == false)
                    throw new InvalidCastException( "The two runtime values are incompatible" );

                this.Value = val.Value;

                retval = this;
                if(val != null && val.IsPrimitive == true)
                    throw new InvalidCastException( "The two runtime values are incompatible" );

                retval = Assign( val != null ? val .ReferenceIdDirect : 0 );

            return retval;
        public RuntimeValue[] GetStackFrameValueAll(uint pid, uint depth, uint cValues, StackValueKind kind)
            WireProtocol.OutgoingMessage[] cmds = new WireProtocol.OutgoingMessage[cValues];
            RuntimeValue[] vals = null;
            uint i;

            for (i = 0; i < cValues; i++)
                cmds[i] = CreateMessage_GetValue_Stack(pid, depth, kind, i);

            WireProtocol.IncomingMessage[] replies = SyncMessages(cmds);
            if (replies != null)
                vals = new RuntimeValue[cValues];

                for (i = 0; i < cValues; i++)
                    WireProtocol.Commands.Debugging_Value_Reply reply = replies[i].Payload as WireProtocol.Commands.Debugging_Value_Reply;
                    if (reply != null)
                        vals[i] = RuntimeValue.Convert(this, reply.m_values);

            return vals;
		public CorDebugValueBoxedObject (RuntimeValue rtv, CorDebugAppDomain appDomain) : base (rtv, appDomain)
			m_value = new CorDebugValueObject (rtv, appDomain);  
Beispiel #22
 protected CorDebugValue CreateValue(RuntimeValue rtv)
     return(CorDebugValue.CreateValue(rtv, m_appDomain));
		protected CorDebugValue CreateValue (RuntimeValue rtv)
			return CorDebugValue.CreateValue (rtv, m_appDomain);
		public CorDebugValuePrimitive (RuntimeValue rtv, CorDebugAppDomain appDomain) : base (rtv, appDomain)
Beispiel #25
 public CorDebugGenericType(CorElementType elemType, RuntimeValue rtv, CorDebugAppDomain appDomain)
     m_elemType  = elemType;
     m_rtv       = rtv;
     m_appDomain = appDomain;
Beispiel #26
 public CorDebugValueReferenceByRef(CorDebugValue val, RuntimeValue rtv, CorDebugAppDomain appDomain) : base(val, rtv, appDomain)
 public CorDebugGenericType(CorElementType elemType, RuntimeValue rtv, CorDebugAppDomain appDomain)
     m_elemType = elemType;
     m_rtv = rtv;
     m_appDomain = appDomain; 
		public CorDebugValue (RuntimeValue rtv, CorDebugAppDomain appDomain)
			m_rtv = rtv;                                  
			m_appDomain = appDomain;
		public CorDebugValueReference (CorDebugValue val, RuntimeValue rtv, CorDebugAppDomain appDomain)
            : base (rtv, appDomain)
			m_value = val;
Beispiel #30
 public CorDebugValuePrimitive(RuntimeValue rtv, CorDebugAppDomain appDomain) : base(rtv, appDomain)
		public CorDebugValueReferenceByRef (CorDebugValue val, RuntimeValue rtv, CorDebugAppDomain appDomain) : base (val, rtv, appDomain)
Beispiel #32
 public CorDebugValue(RuntimeValue rtv, CorDebugAppDomain appDomain)
     m_rtv       = rtv;
     m_appDomain = appDomain;
		public CorDebugValueArray (RuntimeValue rtv, CorDebugAppDomain appDomain) : base (rtv, appDomain)
        internal RuntimeValue GetFieldValue(RuntimeValue val, uint offset, uint fd)
            WireProtocol.Commands.Debugging_Value_GetField cmd = new WireProtocol.Commands.Debugging_Value_GetField();

            cmd.m_heapblock = (val == null ? 0 : val.m_handle.m_referenceID);
            cmd.m_offset = offset;
            cmd.m_fd = fd;

            return GetRuntimeValue(WireProtocol.Commands.c_Debugging_Value_GetField, cmd);
		//Object or CLASS, or VALUETYPE
		public CorDebugValueObject (RuntimeValue rtv, CorDebugAppDomain appDomain) : base (rtv, appDomain)
			if (!rtv.IsNull) {
				m_class = CorDebugValue.ClassFromRuntimeValue (rtv, appDomain);
				m_fIsEnum = m_class.IsEnum;
				m_fIsBoxed = rtv.IsBoxed;                
        public uint GetVirtualMethod(uint md, RuntimeValue obj)
            WireProtocol.Commands.Debugging_Resolve_VirtualMethod cmd = new WireProtocol.Commands.Debugging_Resolve_VirtualMethod();

            cmd.m_md = md;
            cmd.m_obj = obj.ReferenceId;

            WireProtocol.IncomingMessage reply = SyncMessage(WireProtocol.Commands.c_Debugging_Resolve_VirtualMethod, 0, cmd);
            if (reply != null)
                WireProtocol.Commands.Debugging_Resolve_VirtualMethod.Reply cmdReply = reply.Payload as WireProtocol.Commands.Debugging_Resolve_VirtualMethod.Reply;

                if (cmdReply != null)
                    return cmdReply.m_md;

            return 0;
Beispiel #37
 public CorDebugValueString(RuntimeValue rtv, CorDebugAppDomain appDomain)
     : base(rtv, appDomain)