public void SetGetPropsComplete(int processId, ProcessInfo info, string[] propertyLabels, ulong[] propertyVersions)
         vertexScheduler.SetGetPropsComplete(processId, info, propertyLabels, propertyVersions);
     catch (Exception e)
         DryadLogger.LogError(0, e, "Failed to complete set / get properties for process {0}", processId);
Beispiel #2
 public XComputeProcessGetSetPropertyEventArgs(int m_id, ProcessInfo info, ulong[] versions)
     this.processId = m_id;
     this.processInfo = info;
     this.propertyVersions = versions;
Beispiel #3
        public void SetGetPropsComplete(ProcessInfo info, string[] propertyLabels, ulong[] propertyVersions)
            lock (SyncRoot)
                // For the Set part
                if (propertyLabels != null && propertyVersions != null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < propertyLabels.Length; i++)
                        if (m_propertyListeners.ContainsKey(propertyLabels[i]))
                            List<ulong> versionsToRemove = new List<ulong>();
                            foreach (KeyValuePair<ulong, GetSetPropertyEventHandler> entry in m_propertyListeners[propertyLabels[i]])
                                if (entry.Key <= propertyVersions[i] || entry.Key == ulong.MaxValue)
                                    DryadLogger.LogDebug("SetGetProsComplete", "Set complete - m_id: {0} state: {1}, label: {2}", m_id, info.processState, propertyLabels[i]);
                                    XComputeProcessGetSetPropertyEventArgs e = new XComputeProcessGetSetPropertyEventArgs(m_id, info, propertyVersions);
                                    entry.Value(this, e);

                            foreach (ulong version in versionsToRemove)

                // For the Get part
                if (info != null && info.propertyInfos != null)
                    foreach (ProcessPropertyInfo propInfo in info.propertyInfos)
                        if (m_propertyListeners.ContainsKey(propInfo.propertyLabel))
                            List<ulong> versionsToRemove = new List<ulong>();
                            foreach (KeyValuePair<ulong, GetSetPropertyEventHandler> entry in m_propertyListeners[propInfo.propertyLabel])
                                if (entry.Key <= propInfo.propertyVersion || entry.Key == ulong.MaxValue)
                                    DryadLogger.LogDebug("SetGetProsComplete", "Get complete - m_id: {0} state: {1}, label: {2}", m_id, info.processState, propInfo.propertyLabel);

                                    XComputeProcessGetSetPropertyEventArgs e = new XComputeProcessGetSetPropertyEventArgs(m_id, info, propertyVersions);
                                    entry.Value(this, e);

                            foreach (ulong version in versionsToRemove)
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Called in new thread in setgetproperty service operation
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj"></param>
        void SetGetPropThreadProc(Object obj)
            PropertyRequest r = obj as PropertyRequest;

            ProcessInfo infoLocal = new ProcessInfo();

            ulong[]  propertyVersions = null;
            string[] propertyLabels   = null;

            // Make sure process is started before continuing
            if (this.State < ProcessState.Running)
                catch (ObjectDisposedException ex)
                    // The process was cancelled and released before it started running, just return
                    if (exited)
                        DryadLogger.LogInformation("SetGetProp Thread", "Process {0} cancelled or exited before starting.", this.DryadId);
                        DryadLogger.LogError(0, ex);

            // Use status_pending if running, vertex initialization failure if process is failed and process exit code otherwise
            infoLocal.processStatus = 0x103;  // WinNT.h STATUS_PENDING
            infoLocal.processState  = state;
            if (state == ProcessState.Running)
                infoLocal.exitCode = 0x103; // WinNT.h STATUS_PENDING
            else if (failed)
                infoLocal.exitCode = Constants.DrError_VertexError;
            else if (cancelled)
                infoLocal.exitCode = Constants.DrError_VertexReceivedTermination;  // DryadError_VertexReceivedTermination
                infoLocal.exitCode = (uint)systemProcess.ExitCode;

            // Record specified properties and update versions - wakes up anyone waiting for property changes
            SetProperties(r.infos, out propertyLabels, out propertyVersions);

            // Try to get property update
            if (BlockOnProperty(r.blockOnLabel, r.blockOnVersion, r.maxBlockTime))
                // If property update was received, update the received property information
                // If received property marks vertex completed, record that
                if (r.getPropLabel != null && r.getPropLabel.Length > 0)
                    lock (syncRoot)
                        infoLocal.propertyInfos = new ProcessPropertyInfo[1];

                        int index;
                        if (TryGetProperty(r.getPropLabel, out infoLocal.propertyInfos[0], out index) == false)
                            DryadLogger.LogError(0, null, "Failed to get property for label {0}", r.getPropLabel);

                        if (StatusMessageContainsDryadError_VertexCompleted(infoLocal.propertyInfos[0].propertyLabel))
                            CopyProp(infoLocal.propertyInfos[0], out latestVertexStatusSent);

                // If request asks for statistics on vertex process, get them
                if (r.ProcessStatistics)
                    if (GetStatistics(out infoLocal.processStatistics) == false)
                        DryadLogger.LogError(0, null, "Failed to get vertex statistics");

            // Try to report property change, if unsuccessful, kill the running vertex host process
            if (!ReplyDispatcher.SetGetPropsComplete(r.replyUri, systemProcess, dryadProcessId, infoLocal, propertyLabels, propertyVersions))
                catch (InvalidOperationException /* unused ioe */)
                    // The process has already exited
                    // -or-
                    // There is no process associated with this Process object.
                catch (Exception eInner)
                    // all other exceptions
                    DryadLogger.LogError(0, eInner, "Exception calling back to '{0}'", r.replyUri);

            // If a property was handled from the graph manager, decrement the waiter count
            if (ReplyDispatcher.IsGraphMrgUri(r.replyUri))
                int n = Interlocked.Decrement(ref propertyWaiters);
                DryadLogger.LogInformation("SetGetProp Thread", "Process {0} propertyWaiters = {1}", DryadId, n);

            lock (syncRoot)
                // If vertex process has exited, and sending vertex completed event, we can stop worrying
                if (!finalStatusMessageSent)
                    if (latestVertexStatusSent != null)
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(latestVertexStatusSent.propertyString))
                            if (latestVertexStatusSent.propertyString.Contains(string.Format(@"(0x{0:x8})", Constants.DrError_VertexCompleted)))
                                finalStatusMessageSent = true;