ToString() public method

Override the ToString method.
public ToString ( ) : string
return string
        /// <summary>
        /// This method is used to analyze the chunk.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rootNode">Specify the root node object which will be analyzed.</param>
        /// <param name="site">Specify the ITestSite instance.</param>
        public override void AnalyzeChunking(IntermediateNodeObject rootNode, ITestSite site)
            List <LeafNodeObject> cloneList = new List <LeafNodeObject>(rootNode.IntermediateNodeObjectList);

            while (cloneList.Count != 0)
                LeafNodeObject nodeObject = cloneList.First();
                byte[]         content    = nodeObject.DataNodeObjectData.ObjectData;

                if (cloneList.Count == 1)
                    if (content.Length > 1048576)
                        throw new NotImplementedException("If the final chunk is larger than 1MB, the signature method is not implemented.");

                    // Only final chunk left
                    SignatureObject expect = this.GetSHA1Signature(content);
                    if (!expect.Equals(nodeObject.Signature))
                        site.Assert.Fail("For the Zip file, final part chunk expect the signature {0}, actual signature {1}", expect.ToString(), nodeObject.Signature.ToString());

                    // Verify the less than 1MB final part related requirements
                    if (SharedContext.Current.IsMsFsshttpRequirementsCaptured)
                    if (ZipHeader.IsFileHeader(content, 0))
                        byte[] dataFileSignatureBytes;
                        byte[] header         = this.AnalyzeFileHeader(content, 0, out dataFileSignatureBytes);
                        int    headerLength   = header.Length;
                        int    compressedSize = (int)this.GetCompressedSize(dataFileSignatureBytes);

                        if (headerLength + compressedSize <= 4096)
                            if (Common.GetConfigurationPropertyValue("SutVersion", SharedContext.Current.Site) != "SharePointFoundation2010" && Common.GetConfigurationPropertyValue("SutVersion", SharedContext.Current.Site) != "SharePointServer2010")
                                LeafNodeObject expectNode = new LeafNodeObject.IntermediateNodeObjectBuilder().Build(content, this.GetSingleChunkSignature(header, dataFileSignatureBytes));
                                if (!expectNode.Signature.Equals(nodeObject.Signature))
                                    site.Assert.Fail("For the Zip file, when zip file is less than 4096, expect the signature {0}, actual signature {1}", expectNode.Signature.ToString(), nodeObject.Signature.ToString());

                            // Verify the zip file less than 4096 bytes
                            SignatureObject expectHeader = this.GetSHA1Signature(header);
                            if (!expectHeader.Equals(nodeObject.Signature))
                                site.Assert.Fail("For the Zip file header, expect the signature {0}, actual signature {1}", expectHeader.ToString(), nodeObject.Signature.ToString());

                            // Remove the header node

                            // Then expect the next is file content node
                            nodeObject = cloneList.First();

                            // Here having something need to be distinguished between the MOSS2010 and MOSS2013
                            if (nodeObject.DataNodeObjectData == null && nodeObject.IntermediateNodeObjectList != null)
                                if (Common.IsRequirementEnabled("MS-FSSHTTP-FSSHTTPB", 8213, SharedContext.Current.Site))
                                    bool isR8213Verified = false;
                                    if (compressedSize > 1024 * 1024 && nodeObject.IntermediateNodeObjectList.Count > 1)
                                        isR8213Verified = true;

                                        @"[In Appendix A: Product Behavior] For implementation, if the number of .ZIP file bytes represented by a chunk is greater than 1 megabyte, a list of subchunks is generated. <4> Section 2.4.1:  For SharePoint Server 2010, if the number of .ZIP file bytes represented by a chunk is greater than 1 megabyte, a list of subchunks is generated.");

                                if (Common.IsRequirementEnabled("MS-FSSHTTP-FSSHTTPB", 8207, SharedContext.Current.Site))
                                    bool isR8207Verified = false;
                                    if (compressedSize > 3 * 1024 * 1024 && nodeObject.IntermediateNodeObjectList.Count > 1)
                                        isR8207Verified = true;

                                        @"[In Appendix A: Product Behavior] For implementation, if the number of .ZIP file bytes represented by a chunk is greater than 3 megabytes, a list of subchunks is generated. (Microsoft Office 2013/Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2013/Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013/Microsoft SharePoint Workspace 2010/Microsft Office 2016/Microsft SharePoint Server 2016 follow this behavior.)");

                                if (Common.IsRequirementEnabled("MS-FSSHTTP-FSSHTTPB", 8208, SharedContext.Current.Site) && Common.IsRequirementEnabled("MS-FSSHTTP-FSSHTTPB", 8210, SharedContext.Current.Site))
                                    bool isR8208Verified = true;
                                    bool isR8210Verified = true;
                                    if (nodeObject.IntermediateNodeObjectList[nodeObject.IntermediateNodeObjectList.Count - 1].DataSize.DataSize > 1024 * 1024)
                                        isR8208Verified = false;

                                    for (int i = 0; i < nodeObject.IntermediateNodeObjectList.Count - 1; i++)
                                        if (nodeObject.IntermediateNodeObjectList[i].DataSize.DataSize != 1024 * 1024)
                                            isR8210Verified = false;

                                        @"[In Appendix A: Product Behavior] The size of each subchunk is at most 1 megabyte. (Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 follows this behavior.)");

                                        @"[In Appendix A: Product Behavior] All but the last subchunk MUST be 1 megabyte in size. (Microsfot SharePoint Server 2010 follows this behavior.)");

                                if (Common.IsRequirementEnabled("MS-FSSHTTP-FSSHTTPB", 8209, SharedContext.Current.Site) && Common.IsRequirementEnabled("MS-FSSHTTP-FSSHTTPB", 8211, SharedContext.Current.Site))
                                    bool isR8209Verified = true;
                                    bool isR8211Verified = true;
                                    if (nodeObject.IntermediateNodeObjectList[nodeObject.IntermediateNodeObjectList.Count - 1].DataSize.DataSize > 3 * 1024 * 1024)
                                        isR8209Verified = false;

                                    for (int i = 0; i < nodeObject.IntermediateNodeObjectList.Count - 1; i++)
                                        if (nodeObject.IntermediateNodeObjectList[i].DataSize.DataSize != 3 * 1024 * 1024)
                                            isR8211Verified = false;

                                        @"[In Appendix A: Product Behavior] The size of each subchunk is at most 3 megabytes. (Microsoft Office 2013/Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2013/Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013/Microsoft SharePoint Workspace 2010/Microsft Office 2016/Microsft SharePoint Server 2016 follow this behavior.)");

                                        @"[In Appendix A: Product Behavior] All but the last subchunk MUST be 3 megabyte in size. (Microsoft Office 2013/Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2013/Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013/Microsoft SharePoint Workspace 2010/Microsft Office 2016/Microsft SharePoint Server 2016 follow this behavior.)");
                            else if (nodeObject.DataNodeObjectData != null)
                                site.Assert.AreEqual <ulong>(
                                    "The Data Size of the Intermediate Node Object MUST be the total number of bytes represented by the chunk.");

                                if (Common.GetConfigurationPropertyValue("SutVersion", SharedContext.Current.Site) != "SharePointFoundation2010" && Common.GetConfigurationPropertyValue("SutVersion", SharedContext.Current.Site) != "SharePointServer2010")
                                    SignatureObject contentSignature = new SignatureObject();
                                    contentSignature.SignatureData = new BinaryItem(dataFileSignatureBytes);
                                    if (!contentSignature.Equals(nodeObject.Signature))
                                        site.Assert.Fail("For the Zip file content, expect the signature {0}, actual signature {1}", contentSignature.ToString(), nodeObject.Signature.ToString());

                                // Verify the zip file larger than 4096 bytes and less than 1MB.
                                if (SharedContext.Current.IsMsFsshttpRequirementsCaptured)
                                throw new InvalidOperationException("The DataNodeObjectData and IntermediateNodeObjectList cannot be null at the same time.");

Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// This method is used to analyze the chunk.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rootNode">Specify the root node object which will be analyzed.</param>
        /// <param name="site">Specify the ITestSite instance.</param>
        public override void AnalyzeChunking(RootNodeObject rootNode, ITestSite site)
            List <IntermediateNodeObject> cloneList = new List <IntermediateNodeObject>(rootNode.IntermediateNodeObjectList);

            while (cloneList.Count != 0)
                IntermediateNodeObject nodeObject = cloneList.First();
                byte[] content = nodeObject.DataNodeObjectData.ObjectData;

                if (cloneList.Count == 1)
                    if (content.Length > 1048576)
                        throw new NotImplementedException("If the final chunk is larger than 1MB, the signature method is not implemented.");

                    // Only final chunk left
                    SignatureObject expect = this.GetSHA1Signature(content);
                    if (!expect.Equals(nodeObject.Signature))
                        site.Assert.Fail("For the Zip file, final part chunk expect the signature {0}, actual signature {1}", expect.ToString(), nodeObject.Signature.ToString());

                    // Verify the less than 1MB final part related requirements
                    if (SharedContext.Current.IsMsFsshttpRequirementsCaptured)
                    if (ZipHeader.IsFileHeader(content, 0))
                        byte[] dataFileSignatureBytes;
                        byte[] header         = this.AnalyzeFileHeader(content, 0, out dataFileSignatureBytes);
                        int    headerLength   = header.Length;
                        int    compressedSize = (int)this.GetCompressedSize(dataFileSignatureBytes);

                        if (headerLength + compressedSize <= 4096)
                            IntermediateNodeObject expectNode = new IntermediateNodeObject.IntermediateNodeObjectBuilder().Build(content, this.GetSingleChunkSignature(header, dataFileSignatureBytes));
                            if (!expectNode.Signature.Equals(nodeObject.Signature))
                                site.Assert.Fail("For the Zip file, when zip file is less than 4096, expect the signature {0}, actual signature {1}", expectNode.Signature.ToString(), nodeObject.Signature.ToString());

                            // Verify the zip file less than 4096 bytes
                            SignatureObject expectHeader = this.GetSHA1Signature(header);
                            if (!expectHeader.Equals(nodeObject.Signature))
                                site.Assert.Fail("For the Zip file header, expect the signature {0}, actual signature {1}", expectHeader.ToString(), nodeObject.Signature.ToString());

                            // Remove the header node

                            // Then expect the next is file content node
                            nodeObject = cloneList.First();

                            // Here having something need to be distinguished between the MOSS2010 and MOSS2013
                            if (nodeObject.DataNodeObjectData == null && nodeObject.IntermediateNodeObjectList != null)
                                // This situation could most happens for MOSS2010, we fake intermediate node instead of the root node when the zip file size is larger than 1M.
                                // In the current stage, this kind of signature algorithm is not mentioned in the open specification, so leave this verify blank.
                            else if (nodeObject.DataNodeObjectData != null)
                                site.Assert.AreEqual <ulong>(
                                    "The Data Size of the Intermediate Node Object MUST be the total number of bytes represented by the chunk.");

                                SignatureObject contentSignature = new SignatureObject();
                                contentSignature.SignatureData = new BinaryItem(dataFileSignatureBytes);
                                if (!contentSignature.Equals(nodeObject.Signature))
                                    site.Assert.Fail("For the Zip file content, expect the signature {0}, actual signature {1}", contentSignature.ToString(), nodeObject.Signature.ToString());

                                // Verify the zip file larger than 4096 bytes and less than 1MB.
                                if (SharedContext.Current.IsMsFsshttpRequirementsCaptured)
                                throw new InvalidOperationException("The DataNodeObjectData and IntermediateNodeObjectList cannot be null at the same time.");

Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// This method is used to analyze the chunk for simple chunk.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rootNode">Specify the root node object which is needed to be analyzed.</param>
        /// <param name="site">Specify the ITestSite instance.</param>
        public override void AnalyzeChunking(IntermediateNodeObject rootNode, ITestSite site)
            if (rootNode.DataSize.DataSize <= 1024 * 1024)
                // These would be something ignored for MOSS2010, when the file size is less than 1MB.
                // In this case the server will response data without signature, but to be consistent with the behavior,
                // The Simple chunk still will be used, but empty signature check will be ignored.
            else if (rootNode.DataSize.DataSize <= 250 * 1024 * 1024)
                foreach (LeafNodeObject interNode in rootNode.IntermediateNodeObjectList)
                    SignatureObject expect    = this.GetSignature(interNode.DataNodeObjectData.ObjectData);
                    SignatureObject realValue = interNode.Signature;
                    if (!expect.Equals(interNode.Signature))
                        site.Assert.Fail("Expect the signature value {0}, but actual value is {1}", expect.ToString(), realValue.ToString());

                    site.Assert.IsTrue(interNode.DataSize.DataSize <= 1024 * 1024, "The size of each chunk should be equal or less than 1MB for simple chunk.");

                    site.Assert.AreEqual <ulong>(
                        "Expect the data size value equal the number represented by the chunk.");

                        "The Object References array of the Intermediate Node Object associated with this Data Node Object MUST have a single entry which MUST be the Object ID of the Data Node Object.");

                site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "All the intermediate signature value matches.");

                if (SharedContext.Current.IsMsFsshttpRequirementsCaptured)
                throw new NotImplementedException("When the file size is larger than 250MB, because the signature method is not implemented, the analysis method is also not implemented.");
        /// <summary>
        /// This method is used to analyze the chunk.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rootNode">Specify the root node object which will be analyzed.</param>
        /// <param name="site">Specify the ITestSite instance.</param>
        public override void AnalyzeChunking(RootNodeObject rootNode, ITestSite site)
            List<IntermediateNodeObject> cloneList = new List<IntermediateNodeObject>(rootNode.IntermediateNodeObjectList);

            while (cloneList.Count != 0)
                IntermediateNodeObject nodeObject = cloneList.First();
                byte[] content = nodeObject.DataNodeObjectData.ObjectData;

                if (cloneList.Count == 1)
                    if (content.Length > 1048576)
                        throw new NotImplementedException("If the final chunk is larger than 1MB, the signature method is not implemented.");

                    // Only final chunk left
                    SignatureObject expect = this.GetSHA1Signature(content);
                    if (!expect.Equals(nodeObject.Signature))
                        site.Assert.Fail("For the Zip file, final part chunk expect the signature {0}, actual signature {1}", expect.ToString(), nodeObject.Signature.ToString());

                    // Verify the less than 1MB final part related requirements
                    if (SharedContext.Current.IsMsFsshttpRequirementsCaptured)
                    if (ZipHeader.IsFileHeader(content, 0))
                        byte[] dataFileSignatureBytes;
                        byte[] header = this.AnalyzeFileHeader(content, 0, out dataFileSignatureBytes);
                        int headerLength = header.Length;
                        int compressedSize = (int)this.GetCompressedSize(dataFileSignatureBytes);

                        if (headerLength + compressedSize <= 4096)
                            IntermediateNodeObject expectNode = new IntermediateNodeObject.IntermediateNodeObjectBuilder().Build(content, this.GetSingleChunkSignature(header, dataFileSignatureBytes));
                            if (!expectNode.Signature.Equals(nodeObject.Signature))
                                site.Assert.Fail("For the Zip file, when zip file is less than 4096, expect the signature {0}, actual signature {1}", expectNode.Signature.ToString(), nodeObject.Signature.ToString());

                            // Verify the zip file less than 4096 bytes
                            SignatureObject expectHeader = this.GetSHA1Signature(header);
                            if (!expectHeader.Equals(nodeObject.Signature))
                                site.Assert.Fail("For the Zip file header, expect the signature {0}, actual signature {1}", expectHeader.ToString(), nodeObject.Signature.ToString());

                            // Remove the header node

                            // Then expect the next is file content node
                            nodeObject = cloneList.First();

                            // Here having something need to be distinguished between the MOSS2010 and MOSS2013
                            if (nodeObject.DataNodeObjectData == null && nodeObject.IntermediateNodeObjectList != null)
                                // This situation could most happens for MOSS2010, we fake intermediate node instead of the root node when the zip file size is larger than 1M.
                                // In the current stage, this kind of signature algorithm is not mentioned in the open specification, so leave this verify blank.
                            else if (nodeObject.DataNodeObjectData != null)
                                            "The Data Size of the Intermediate Node Object MUST be the total number of bytes represented by the chunk.");

                                SignatureObject contentSignature = new SignatureObject();
                                contentSignature.SignatureData = new BinaryItem(dataFileSignatureBytes);
                                if (!contentSignature.Equals(nodeObject.Signature))
                                    site.Assert.Fail("For the Zip file content, expect the signature {0}, actual signature {1}", contentSignature.ToString(), nodeObject.Signature.ToString());

                                // Verify the zip file larger than 4096 bytes and less than 1MB.
                                if (SharedContext.Current.IsMsFsshttpRequirementsCaptured)
                                throw new InvalidOperationException("The DataNodeObjectData and IntermediateNodeObjectList cannot be null at the same time.");
