private void imgCurrent_MouseUp(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
            var scale = ((1 / imgCurrent.Source.Width) * imgCurrent.ActualWidth);
            var face  = new Microsoft.ProjectOxford.Face.Controls.Face {
                Height = (int)(SelectRectangle.Height / scale), Width = (int)(SelectRectangle.Width / scale), Left = (int)(_selectRectangleStartPoint.X / scale), Top = (int)(_selectRectangleStartPoint.Y / scale), ImageFile = SelectedFile

            _isDragging = false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Pick image and call find similar with both two modes for each faces detected
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">Event sender</param>
        /// <param name="e">Event arguments</param>
        private async void FindSimilar_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // Show file picker
            Microsoft.Win32.OpenFileDialog dlg = new Microsoft.Win32.OpenFileDialog();
            dlg.DefaultExt = ".jpg";
            dlg.Filter     = "Image files (*.jpg, *.png, *.bmp, *.gif) | *.jpg; *.png; *.bmp; *.gif";
            var filePicker = dlg.ShowDialog();

            if (filePicker.HasValue && filePicker.Value)
                // User picked image
                // Clear previous detection and find similar results
                var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();

                var pickedImagePath = dlg.FileName;
                var renderingImage  = UIHelper.LoadImageAppliedOrientation(pickedImagePath);
                var imageInfo       = UIHelper.GetImageInfoForRendering(renderingImage);
                SelectedFile = renderingImage;

                // Detect all faces in the picked image
                using (var fStream = File.OpenRead(pickedImagePath))
                    MainWindow.Log("Request: Detecting faces in {0}", SelectedFile);

                    MainWindow mainWindow        = Window.GetWindow(this) as MainWindow;
                    string     subscriptionKey   = mainWindow._scenariosControl.SubscriptionKey;
                    string     endpoint          = mainWindow._scenariosControl.SubscriptionEndpoint;
                    var        faceServiceClient = new FaceServiceClient(subscriptionKey, endpoint);
                    var        faces             = await faceServiceClient.DetectAsync(fStream);

                    // Update detected faces on UI
                    foreach (var face in UIHelper.CalculateFaceRectangleForRendering(faces, MaxImageSize, imageInfo))

                    MainWindow.Log("Response: Success. Detected {0} face(s) in {1}", faces.Length, SelectedFile);

                    // Find two modes similar faces for each face
                    foreach (var f in faces)
                        var faceId = f.FaceId;

                        MainWindow.Log("Request: Finding similar faces in Personal Match Mode for face {0}", faceId);

                            // Default mode, call find matchPerson similar REST API, the result contains all the face ids which is personal similar to the query face
                            const int requestCandidatesCount = 4;
                            var       result = await faceServiceClient.FindSimilarAsync(faceId, _faceListName, requestCandidatesCount);

                            // Update find matchPerson similar results collection for rendering
                            var personSimilarResult = new FindSimilarResult();
                            personSimilarResult.Faces     = new ObservableCollection <Face>();
                            personSimilarResult.QueryFace = new Face()
                                ImageFile = SelectedFile,
                                Top       = f.FaceRectangle.Top,
                                Left      = f.FaceRectangle.Left,
                                Width     = f.FaceRectangle.Width,
                                Height    = f.FaceRectangle.Height,
                                FaceId    = faceId.ToString(),
                            foreach (var fr in result)
                                var  candidateFace = FacesCollection.First(ff => ff.FaceId == fr.PersistedFaceId.ToString());
                                Face newFace       = new Face();
                                newFace.ImageFile  = candidateFace.ImageFile;
                                newFace.Confidence = fr.Confidence;
                                newFace.FaceId     = candidateFace.FaceId;

                            MainWindow.Log("Response: Found {0} similar faces for face {1}", personSimilarResult.Faces.Count, faceId);

                        catch (FaceAPIException ex)
                            MainWindow.Log("Response: {0}. {1}", ex.ErrorCode, ex.ErrorMessage);

                            // Call find facial match similar REST API, the result faces the top N with the highest similar confidence
                            const int requestCandidatesCount = 4;
                            var       result = await faceServiceClient.FindSimilarAsync(faceId, _faceListName, FindSimilarMatchMode.matchFace, requestCandidatesCount);

                            // Update "matchFace" similar results collection for rendering
                            var faceSimilarResults = new FindSimilarResult();
                            faceSimilarResults.Faces     = new ObservableCollection <Face>();
                            faceSimilarResults.QueryFace = new Face()
                                ImageFile = SelectedFile,
                                Top       = f.FaceRectangle.Top,
                                Left      = f.FaceRectangle.Left,
                                Width     = f.FaceRectangle.Width,
                                Height    = f.FaceRectangle.Height,
                                FaceId    = faceId.ToString(),
                            foreach (var fr in result)
                                var  candidateFace = FacesCollection.First(ff => ff.FaceId == fr.PersistedFaceId.ToString());
                                Face newFace       = new Face();
                                newFace.ImageFile  = candidateFace.ImageFile;
                                newFace.Confidence = fr.Confidence;
                                newFace.FaceId     = candidateFace.FaceId;

                            MainWindow.Log("Response: Found {0} similar faces for face {1}", faceSimilarResults.Faces.Count, faceId);

                        catch (FaceAPIException ex)
                            MainWindow.Log("Response: {0}. {1}", ex.ErrorCode, ex.ErrorMessage);