/// <summary>
        /// Binds the <see cref="MySqlTable"/> to the <see cref="ToolsExcelTable" /> so its data can be refreshed.
        /// </summary>
        public void BindMySqlDataTable()
            if (MySqlTable == null || ToolsExcelTable == null)

                // In case the table is bound (it should not be) then disconnect it.
                if (ToolsExcelTable.IsBinding)

                // Skip Worksheet events
                Globals.ThisAddIn.SkipWorksheetChangeEvent          = true;
                Globals.ThisAddIn.SkipSelectedDataContentsDetection = true;

                // Resize the ExcelTools.ListObject by giving it an ExcelInterop.Range calculated with the refreshed MySqlDataTable dimensions.
                // Detection of a collision with another Excel object must be performed first and if any then shift rows and columns to fix the collision.
                const int          headerRows  = 1;
                int                summaryRows = ExcelTable.ShowTotals ? 1 : 0;
                ExcelInterop.Range newRange    = ToolsExcelTable.Range.Cells[1, 1];
                newRange = newRange.SafeResize(MySqlTable.Rows.Count + headerRows + summaryRows, MySqlTable.Columns.Count);
                var intersectingRange = newRange.GetIntersectingRangeWithAnyExcelObject(true, true, true, _excelTable.Comment);
                if (intersectingRange != null && intersectingRange.CountLarge != 0)
                    ExcelInterop.Range bottomRightCell = newRange.Cells[newRange.Rows.Count, newRange.Columns.Count];

                    // Determine if the collision is avoided by inserting either new columns or new rows.
                    if (intersectingRange.Columns.Count < intersectingRange.Rows.Count)
                        for (int colIdx = 0; colIdx <= intersectingRange.Columns.Count; colIdx++)
                            bottomRightCell.EntireColumn.Insert(ExcelInterop.XlInsertShiftDirection.xlShiftToRight, Type.Missing);
                        for (int rowIdx = 0; rowIdx <= intersectingRange.Rows.Count; rowIdx++)
                            bottomRightCell.EntireRow.Insert(ExcelInterop.XlInsertShiftDirection.xlShiftDown, Type.Missing);

                    // Redimension the new range. This is needed since the new rows or columns inserted are not present in the previously calculated one.
                    newRange = ToolsExcelTable.Range.Cells[1, 1];
                    newRange = newRange.SafeResize(MySqlTable.Rows.Count + headerRows + summaryRows, MySqlTable.Columns.Count);

                // Redimension the ExcelTools.ListObject's range

                // Re-format the importing range
                ExcelInterop.Range dataOnlyRange = newRange.Offset[headerRows];
                dataOnlyRange = dataOnlyRange.Resize[newRange.Rows.Count - headerRows - summaryRows];
                MySqlTable.FormatImportExcelRange(dataOnlyRange, true);

                // Bind the redimensioned ExcelTools.ListObject to the MySqlDataTable
                if (MySqlTable.ImportColumnNames)
                    foreach (MySqlDataColumn col in MySqlTable.Columns)
                        ToolsExcelTable.ListColumns[col.Ordinal + 1].Name = col.DisplayName;


                // Disconnect the table so users can freely modify the data imported to the Excel table's range.
            catch (Exception ex)
                MiscUtilities.ShowCustomizedErrorDialog(string.Format(Resources.ImportDataBindError, _excelTableName), ex.GetFormattedMessage(), true);
                Globals.ThisAddIn.SkipWorksheetChangeEvent          = false;
                Globals.ThisAddIn.SkipSelectedDataContentsDetection = false;