Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Tries to bind a given token as an a declared structural or navigation property.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tokenIn">Token to bind.</param>
        /// <param name="edmType">the type to search for this property</param>
        /// <param name="resolver">Resolver for uri parser.</param>
        /// <param name="segment">Bound segment if the token was bound to a declared property successfully, or null.</param>
        /// <returns>True if the token was bound successfully, or false otherwise.</returns>
        private static bool TryBindAsDeclaredProperty(PathSegmentToken tokenIn, IEdmStructuredType edmType, ODataUriResolver resolver, out ODataPathSegment segment)
            IEdmProperty prop = resolver.ResolveProperty(edmType, tokenIn.Identifier);

            if (prop == null)
                segment = null;

            if (prop.PropertyKind == EdmPropertyKind.Structural)
                segment = new PropertySegment((IEdmStructuralProperty)prop);

            if (prop.PropertyKind == EdmPropertyKind.Navigation)
                segment = new NavigationPropertySegment((IEdmNavigationProperty)prop, null /*TODO: set*/);

            throw new ODataException(ODataErrorStrings.SelectExpandBinder_UnknownPropertyType(prop.Name));
Beispiel #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Check if this segment is equal to another segment.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="other">the other segment to check.</param>
 /// <returns>true if the other segment is equal.</returns>
 /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">throws if the input other is null.</exception>
 internal override bool Equals(ODataPathSegment other)
     ExceptionUtils.CheckArgumentNotNull(other, "other");
     return(other is CountSegment);
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Tries to bind a given token as an Operation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pathToken">Token to bind.</param>
        /// <param name="model">The model.</param>
        /// <param name="entityType">the current entity type to use as the binding type when looking for operations.</param>
        /// <param name="segment">Bound segment if the token was bound to an operation successfully, or null.</param>
        /// <returns>True if the token was bound successfully, or false otherwise.</returns>
        internal static bool TryBindAsOperation(PathSegmentToken pathToken, IEdmModel model, IEdmStructuredType entityType, out ODataPathSegment segment)
            Debug.Assert(pathToken != null, "pathToken != null");
            Debug.Assert(entityType != null, "bindingType != null");

            List <IEdmOperation> possibleFunctions = new List <IEdmOperation>();
            IList <string>       parameterNames    = new List <string>();

            // Catch all catchable exceptions as FindDeclaredBoundOperations is implemented by anyone.
            // If an exception occurs it will be supressed and the possible functions will be empty and return false.
                int wildCardPos = pathToken.Identifier.IndexOf("*", StringComparison.Ordinal);
                if (wildCardPos > -1)
                    string namespaceName = pathToken.Identifier.Substring(0, wildCardPos - 1);
                    possibleFunctions = model.FindBoundOperations(entityType).Where(o => o.Namespace == namespaceName).ToList();
                    NonSystemToken nonSystemToken = pathToken as NonSystemToken;
                    if (nonSystemToken != null && nonSystemToken.NamedValues != null)
                        parameterNames = nonSystemToken.NamedValues.Select(s => s.Name).ToList();

                    if (parameterNames.Count > 0)
                        // Always force to use fully qualified name when select operation
                        possibleFunctions = model.FindBoundOperations(entityType).FilterByName(true, pathToken.Identifier).FilterOperationsByParameterNames(parameterNames, false).ToList();
                        possibleFunctions = model.FindBoundOperations(entityType).FilterByName(true, pathToken.Identifier).ToList();
            catch (Exception exc)
                if (!ExceptionUtils.IsCatchableExceptionType(exc))

            possibleFunctions = possibleFunctions.EnsureOperationsBoundWithBindingParameter().ToList();

            // Only filter if there is more than one and its needed.
            if (possibleFunctions.Count > 1)
                possibleFunctions = possibleFunctions.FilterBoundOperationsWithSameTypeHierarchyToTypeClosestToBindingType(entityType).ToList();

            // If more than one overload matches, try to select based on optional parameters
            if (possibleFunctions.Count > 1 && parameterNames.Count > 0)
                possibleFunctions = possibleFunctions.FindBestOverloadBasedOnParameters(parameterNames).ToList();

            if (possibleFunctions.Count <= 0)
                segment = null;

            segment = new OperationSegment(possibleFunctions, null /*entitySet*/);
        /// <summary>
        /// Computes whether or not the ODataPath targets at an unknown segment.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="path">Path to perform the computation on.</param>
        /// <returns>True if the the ODataPath targets at an unknown segment. False otherwise.</returns>
        public static bool IsUndeclared(this ODataPath path)
            ODataPathSegment lastNonTypeCastSegment = path.TrimEndingTypeSegment().LastSegment;

            return(lastNonTypeCastSegment is DynamicPathSegment);
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the string representation of <see cref="ODataPath"/>.
        /// mainly translate Context Url path.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="path">Path to perform the computation on.</param>
        /// <returns>The string representation of the Context Url path.</returns>
        public static string ToContextUrlPathString(this ODataPath path)
            StringBuilder pathString = new StringBuilder();
            PathSegmentToContextUrlPathTranslator pathTranslator = PathSegmentToContextUrlPathTranslator.DefaultInstance;
            ODataPathSegment priorSegment = null;
            bool             foundOperationWithoutPath = false;

            foreach (ODataPathSegment segment in path)
                OperationSegment       operationSegment       = segment as OperationSegment;
                OperationImportSegment operationImportSegment = segment as OperationImportSegment;
                if (operationImportSegment != null)
                    IEdmOperationImport operationImport = operationImportSegment.OperationImports.FirstOrDefault();
                    Debug.Assert(operationImport != null);

                    EdmPathExpression pathExpression = operationImport.EntitySet as EdmPathExpression;
                    if (pathExpression != null)
                        Debug.Assert(priorSegment == null); // operation import is always the first segment?
                        pathString = operationImport.Operation.ReturnType != null ?
                                     new StringBuilder(operationImport.Operation.ReturnType.FullName()) :
                                     new StringBuilder("Edm.Untyped");

                        foundOperationWithoutPath = true;
                else if (operationSegment != null)
                    IEdmOperation operation = operationSegment.Operations.FirstOrDefault();
                    Debug.Assert(operation != null);

                    if (operation.IsBound &&
                        priorSegment != null &&
                        operation.Parameters.First().Type.Definition == priorSegment.EdmType)
                        if (operation.EntitySetPath != null)
                            foreach (string pathSegment in operation.EntitySetPath.PathSegments.Skip(1))
                        else if (operationSegment.EntitySet != null)
                            // Is it correct to check EntitySet?
                            pathString = new StringBuilder(operationSegment.EntitySet.Name);
                            pathString = operation.ReturnType != null ?
                                         new StringBuilder(operation.ReturnType.FullName()) :
                                         new StringBuilder("Edm.Untyped");

                            foundOperationWithoutPath = true;
                    if (foundOperationWithoutPath)
                        pathString = new StringBuilder(segment.EdmType.FullTypeName());
                        foundOperationWithoutPath = false;

                priorSegment = segment;

Beispiel #6
        /// <summary>Tries to create a key segment for the given filter if it is non empty.</summary>
        /// <param name="previous">Segment on which to compose.</param>
        /// <param name="previousKeySegment">The parent node's key segment.</param>
        /// <param name="parenthesisExpression">Parenthesis expression of segment.</param>
        /// <param name="resolver">The resolver to use.</param>
        /// <param name="keySegment">The key segment that was created if the key was non-empty.</param>
        /// <param name="enableUriTemplateParsing">Whether Uri template parsing is enabled.</param>
        /// <returns>Whether the key was non-empty.</returns>
        internal static bool TryCreateKeySegmentFromParentheses(ODataPathSegment previous, KeySegment previousKeySegment, string parenthesisExpression, ODataUriResolver resolver, out ODataPathSegment keySegment, bool enableUriTemplateParsing = false)
            Debug.Assert(parenthesisExpression != null, "parenthesisExpression != null");
            Debug.Assert(previous != null, "segment!= null");
            Debug.Assert(resolver != null, "resolver != null");

            if (previous.SingleResult)
                throw ExceptionUtil.CreateSyntaxError();

            SegmentArgumentParser key;

            if (!SegmentArgumentParser.TryParseKeysFromUri(parenthesisExpression, out key, enableUriTemplateParsing))
                throw ExceptionUtil.CreateSyntaxError();

            // People/NS.Employees() is OK, just like People() is OK
            if (key.IsEmpty)
                keySegment = null;

            keySegment = CreateKeySegment(previous, previousKeySegment, key, resolver);
        /// <summary>
        /// Computes whether or not the ODataPath targets at an individual property.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="path">Path to perform the computation on.</param>
        /// <returns>True if the the ODataPath targets at an individual property. False otherwise.</returns>
        public static bool IsIndividualProperty(this ODataPath path)
            ODataPathSegment lastNonTypeCastSegment = path.TrimEndingTypeSegment().LastSegment;

            return(lastNonTypeCastSegment is PropertySegment || lastNonTypeCastSegment is DynamicPathSegment);
Beispiel #8
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new Segment and copies values from another Segment.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="other">Segment to copy values from.</param>
 internal ODataPathSegment(ODataPathSegment other)
Beispiel #9
 /// <summary>
 /// Check if this segment is equal to another segment.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="other">the other segment to check</param>
 /// <returns>true if the segments are equal.</returns>
 internal virtual bool Equals(ODataPathSegment other)
     return(ReferenceEquals(this, other));
Beispiel #10
        private void ProcessTokenAsPath(NonSystemToken tokenIn)
            Debug.Assert(tokenIn != null, "tokenIn != null");

            List <ODataPathSegment> pathSoFar        = new List <ODataPathSegment>();
            IEdmStructuredType      currentLevelType = this.edmType;

            // first, walk through all type segments in a row, converting them from tokens into segments.
            if (tokenIn.IsNamespaceOrContainerQualified())
                PathSegmentToken firstNonTypeToken;
                pathSoFar.AddRange(SelectExpandPathBinder.FollowTypeSegments(tokenIn, this.model, this.maxDepth, this.resolver, ref currentLevelType, out firstNonTypeToken));
                Debug.Assert(firstNonTypeToken != null, "Did not get last token.");
                tokenIn = firstNonTypeToken as NonSystemToken;
                if (tokenIn == null)
                    throw new ODataException(ODataErrorStrings.SelectPropertyVisitor_SystemTokenInSelect(firstNonTypeToken.Identifier));

            // next, create a segment for the first non-type segment in the path.
            ODataPathSegment lastSegment = SelectPathSegmentTokenBinder.ConvertNonTypeTokenToSegment(tokenIn, this.model, currentLevelType, resolver);

            // next, create an ODataPath and add the segments to it.
            if (lastSegment != null)

                // try create a complex type property path.
                while (true)
                    // no need to go on if the current property is not of complex type or collection of complex type,
                    // unless the segment is a primitive type cast or a property on an open complex property.
                    currentLevelType = lastSegment.EdmType as IEdmStructuredType;
                    IEdmCollectionType collectionType = lastSegment.EdmType as IEdmCollectionType;
                    IEdmPrimitiveType  primitiveType  = lastSegment.EdmType as IEdmPrimitiveType;
                    DynamicPathSegment dynamicPath    = lastSegment as DynamicPathSegment;
                    if ((currentLevelType == null || currentLevelType.TypeKind != EdmTypeKind.Complex) &&
                        (collectionType == null || collectionType.ElementType.TypeKind() != EdmTypeKind.Complex) &&
                        (primitiveType == null || primitiveType.TypeKind != EdmTypeKind.Primitive) &&
                        (dynamicPath == null || tokenIn.NextToken == null))

                    NonSystemToken nextToken = tokenIn.NextToken as NonSystemToken;
                    if (nextToken == null)

                    if (primitiveType == null && dynamicPath == null)
                        // This means last segment a collection of complex type,
                        // current segment can only be type cast and cannot be property name.
                        if (currentLevelType == null)
                            currentLevelType = collectionType.ElementType.Definition as IEdmStructuredType;

                        // If there is no collection type in the path yet, will try to bind property for the next token
                        // first try bind the segment as property.
                        lastSegment = SelectPathSegmentTokenBinder.ConvertNonTypeTokenToSegment(nextToken, this.model,
                                                                                                currentLevelType, resolver);
                        // determine whether we are looking at a type cast or a dynamic path segment.
                        EdmPrimitiveTypeKind nextTypeKind = EdmCoreModel.Instance.GetPrimitiveTypeKind(nextToken.Identifier);
                        IEdmPrimitiveType    castType     = EdmCoreModel.Instance.GetPrimitiveType(nextTypeKind);
                        if (castType != null)
                            lastSegment = new TypeSegment(castType, castType, null);
                        else if (dynamicPath != null)
                            lastSegment = new DynamicPathSegment(nextToken.Identifier);
                            throw new ODataException(ODataErrorStrings.SelectBinder_MultiLevelPathInSelect);

                    // then try bind the segment as type cast.
                    if (lastSegment == null)
                        IEdmStructuredType typeFromNextToken =
                            UriEdmHelpers.FindTypeFromModel(this.model, nextToken.Identifier, this.resolver) as

                        if (typeFromNextToken.IsOrInheritsFrom(currentLevelType))
                            lastSegment = new TypeSegment(typeFromNextToken, /*entitySet*/ null);

                    // type cast failed too.
                    if (lastSegment == null)

                    // try move to and add next path segment.
                    tokenIn = nextToken;

            ODataSelectPath selectedPath = new ODataSelectPath(pathSoFar);

            var selectionItem = new PathSelectItem(selectedPath);

            // non-navigation cases do not allow further segments in $select.
            if (tokenIn.NextToken != null)
                throw new ODataException(ODataErrorStrings.SelectBinder_MultiLevelPathInSelect);

            // if the selected item is a nav prop, then see if its already there before we add it.
            NavigationPropertySegment trailingNavPropSegment = selectionItem.SelectedPath.LastSegment as NavigationPropertySegment;

            if (trailingNavPropSegment != null)
                if (this.expandClauseToDecorate.SelectedItems.Any(x => x is PathSelectItem &&

Beispiel #11
 /// <summary>
 /// Handle a ODataPathSegment
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="segment">the segment to Handle</param>
 public virtual void Handle(ODataPathSegment segment)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Beispiel #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Tries to bind a given token as a declared annotation term.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tokenIn">Token to bind.</param>
        /// <param name="model">The model to search for this term</param>
        /// <param name="resolver">Resolver for uri parser.</param>
        /// <param name="segment">Bound segment if the token was bound to a declared term successfully, or null.</param>
        /// <returns>True if the token was bound successfully, or false otherwise.</returns>
        private static bool TryBindAsDeclaredTerm(PathSegmentToken tokenIn, IEdmModel model, ODataUriResolver resolver, out ODataPathSegment segment)
            if (!UriParserHelper.IsAnnotation(tokenIn.Identifier))
                segment = null;

            IEdmTerm term = resolver.ResolveTerm(model, tokenIn.Identifier.Remove(0, 1));

            if (term == null)
                segment = null;

            segment = new AnnotationSegment(term);
Beispiel #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Process a <see cref="PathSegmentToken"/> following any type segments if necessary.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tokenIn">the path token to process.</param>
        /// <returns>The processed OData segments.</returns>
        private List <ODataPathSegment> ProcessSelectTokenPath(PathSegmentToken tokenIn)
            Debug.Assert(tokenIn != null, "tokenIn != null");

            List <ODataPathSegment> pathSoFar        = new List <ODataPathSegment>();
            IEdmStructuredType      currentLevelType = this.edmType;

            // first, walk through all type segments in a row, converting them from tokens into segments.
            if (tokenIn.IsNamespaceOrContainerQualified() && !UriParserHelper.IsAnnotation(tokenIn.Identifier))
                PathSegmentToken firstNonTypeToken;
                pathSoFar.AddRange(SelectExpandPathBinder.FollowTypeSegments(tokenIn, this.Model, this.Settings.SelectExpandLimit, this.configuration.Resolver, ref currentLevelType, out firstNonTypeToken));
                Debug.Assert(firstNonTypeToken != null, "Did not get last token.");
                tokenIn = firstNonTypeToken as NonSystemToken;
                if (tokenIn == null)
                    throw new ODataException(ODataErrorStrings.SelectExpandBinder_SystemTokenInSelect(firstNonTypeToken.Identifier));

            // next, create a segment for the first non-type segment in the path.
            ODataPathSegment lastSegment = SelectPathSegmentTokenBinder.ConvertNonTypeTokenToSegment(tokenIn, this.Model, currentLevelType, this.configuration.Resolver, this.state);

            // next, create an ODataPath and add the segments to it.
            if (lastSegment != null)

                // try create a complex type property path.
                while (true)
                    // no need to go on if the current property is not of complex type or collection of complex type,
                    // unless the segment is a primitive type cast or a property on an open complex property.
                    currentLevelType = lastSegment.EdmType as IEdmStructuredType;
                    IEdmCollectionType collectionType = lastSegment.EdmType as IEdmCollectionType;
                    IEdmPrimitiveType  primitiveType  = lastSegment.EdmType as IEdmPrimitiveType;
                    DynamicPathSegment dynamicPath    = lastSegment as DynamicPathSegment;
                    if ((currentLevelType == null || currentLevelType.TypeKind != EdmTypeKind.Complex) &&
                        (collectionType == null || collectionType.ElementType.TypeKind() != EdmTypeKind.Complex) &&
                        (primitiveType == null || primitiveType.TypeKind != EdmTypeKind.Primitive) &&
                        (dynamicPath == null || tokenIn.NextToken == null))

                    NonSystemToken nextToken = tokenIn.NextToken as NonSystemToken;
                    if (nextToken == null)

                    if (UriParserHelper.IsAnnotation(nextToken.Identifier))
                        lastSegment = SelectPathSegmentTokenBinder.ConvertNonTypeTokenToSegment(nextToken, this.Model,
                                                                                                currentLevelType, this.configuration.Resolver, null);
                    else if (primitiveType == null && dynamicPath == null)
                        // This means last segment a collection of complex type,
                        // current segment can only be type cast and cannot be property name.
                        if (currentLevelType == null)
                            currentLevelType = collectionType.ElementType.Definition as IEdmStructuredType;

                        // If there is no collection type in the path yet, will try to bind property for the next token
                        // first try bind the segment as property.
                        lastSegment = SelectPathSegmentTokenBinder.ConvertNonTypeTokenToSegment(nextToken, this.Model,
                                                                                                currentLevelType, this.configuration.Resolver, null);
                        // determine whether we are looking at a type cast or a dynamic path segment.
                        EdmPrimitiveTypeKind nextTypeKind = EdmCoreModel.Instance.GetPrimitiveTypeKind(nextToken.Identifier);
                        IEdmPrimitiveType    castType     = EdmCoreModel.Instance.GetPrimitiveType(nextTypeKind);
                        if (castType != null)
                            lastSegment = new TypeSegment(castType, castType, null);
                        else if (dynamicPath != null)
                            lastSegment = new DynamicPathSegment(nextToken.Identifier);
                            throw new ODataException(ODataErrorStrings.SelectBinder_MultiLevelPathInSelect);

                    // then try bind the segment as type cast.
                    if (lastSegment == null)
                        IEdmStructuredType typeFromNextToken =
                            UriEdmHelpers.FindTypeFromModel(this.Model, nextToken.Identifier, this.configuration.Resolver) as

                        if (typeFromNextToken.IsOrInheritsFrom(currentLevelType))
                            lastSegment = new TypeSegment(typeFromNextToken, /*entitySet*/ null);

                    // type cast failed too.
                    if (lastSegment == null)

                    // try move to and add next path segment.
                    tokenIn = nextToken;

            // non-navigation cases do not allow further segments in $select.
            if (tokenIn.NextToken != null)
                throw new ODataException(ODataErrorStrings.SelectBinder_MultiLevelPathInSelect);

            // Later, we can consider to create a "DynamicOperationSegment" to handle this.
            // But now, Let's throw exception.
            if (lastSegment == null)
                throw new ODataException(ODataErrorStrings.MetadataBinder_InvalidIdentifierInQueryOption(tokenIn.Identifier));

            // navigation property is not allowed to append sub path in the selection.
            NavigationPropertySegment navPropSegment = pathSoFar.LastOrDefault() as NavigationPropertySegment;

            if (navPropSegment != null && tokenIn.NextToken != null)
                throw new ODataException(ODataErrorStrings.SelectBinder_MultiLevelPathInSelect);

Beispiel #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate a select item <see cref="SelectItem"/> based on a <see cref="SelectTermToken"/>.
        /// for example:  abc/efg($count=true;$filter=....;$top=1)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tokenIn">the select term token to visit</param>
        /// <returns>the select item for this select term token.</returns>
        private SelectItem GenerateSelectItem(SelectTermToken tokenIn)
            ExceptionUtils.CheckArgumentNotNull(tokenIn, "tokenIn");
            ExceptionUtils.CheckArgumentNotNull(tokenIn.PathToProperty, "pathToProperty");


            SelectItem newSelectItem;

            if (ProcessWildcardTokenPath(tokenIn, out newSelectItem))

            IList <ODataPathSegment> selectedPath = ProcessSelectTokenPath(tokenIn.PathToProperty);

            Debug.Assert(selectedPath.Count > 0);

            // Navigation property should be the last segment in select path.
            if (VerifySelectedNavigationProperty(selectedPath, tokenIn))
                return(new PathSelectItem(new ODataSelectPath(selectedPath)));

            IEdmNavigationSource targetNavigationSource = null;
            ODataPathSegment     lastSegment            = selectedPath.Last();
            IEdmType             targetElementType      = lastSegment.TargetEdmType;
            IEdmCollectionType   collection             = targetElementType as IEdmCollectionType;

            if (collection != null)
                targetElementType = collection.ElementType.Definition;

            IEdmTypeReference elementTypeReference = targetElementType.ToTypeReference();

            // When Creating Range Variables, we only need a Navigation Source when the elementTypeReference is a StructuredTypeReference.
            // When the elementTypeReference is NOT StructuredTypeReference, We will create a NonResourceRangeVariable which don't require a Navigation Source.
            if (elementTypeReference != null && elementTypeReference.IsStructured())
                // We should use the "NavigationSource" at this level for the next level binding.
                targetNavigationSource = this.NavigationSource;

            // $compute
            ComputeClause          compute             = BindCompute(tokenIn.ComputeOption, this.ResourcePathNavigationSource, targetNavigationSource, elementTypeReference);
            HashSet <EndPathToken> generatedProperties = GetGeneratedProperties(compute, null);

            // $filter
            FilterClause filter = BindFilter(tokenIn.FilterOption, this.ResourcePathNavigationSource, targetNavigationSource, elementTypeReference, generatedProperties);

            // $orderby
            OrderByClause orderBy = BindOrderby(tokenIn.OrderByOptions, this.ResourcePathNavigationSource, targetNavigationSource, elementTypeReference, generatedProperties);

            // $search
            SearchClause search = BindSearch(tokenIn.SearchOption, this.ResourcePathNavigationSource, targetNavigationSource, elementTypeReference);

            // $select
            List <ODataPathSegment> parsedPath = new List <ODataPathSegment>(this.parsedSegments);

            SelectExpandClause selectExpand = BindSelectExpand(null, tokenIn.SelectOption, parsedPath, this.ResourcePathNavigationSource, targetNavigationSource, elementTypeReference, generatedProperties);

            return(new PathSelectItem(new ODataSelectPath(selectedPath),