/// <summary>
 /// Checks that the previous segment can be composed upon.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="previous">previous segment info.</param>
 private static void CheckSegmentIsComposable(SegmentInfo previous)
     if (!IsSegmentComposable(previous))
         // Enumerable and DirectValue results cannot be composed at all, and we don't allow we can't access properties in a single queryable complex either
         throw DataServiceException.ResourceNotFoundError(
        /// <summary>
        /// Throws if the given segment must be a leaf, as a later segment is being created.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="previous">The previous segment which may need to be a leaf.</param>
        private static void ThrowIfMustBeLeafSegment(SegmentInfo previous)
            if (previous.IsServiceActionSegment)
                throw DataServiceException.CreateBadRequestError(Strings.RequestUriProcessor_MustBeLeafSegment(previous.Identifier));

            if (previous.TargetKind == RequestTargetKind.Batch || previous.TargetKind == RequestTargetKind.Metadata || previous.TargetKind == RequestTargetKind.PrimitiveValue || previous.TargetKind == RequestTargetKind.VoidOperation || previous.TargetKind == RequestTargetKind.OpenPropertyValue || previous.TargetKind == RequestTargetKind.MediaResource || previous.TargetKind == RequestTargetKind.Collection)
                // Nothing can come after a $metadata, $value or $batch segment.
                // Nothing can come after a service operation with void return type.
                // Nothing can come after a collection property.
                throw DataServiceException.ResourceNotFoundError(Strings.RequestUriProcessor_MustBeLeafSegment(previous.Identifier));