Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Parse the raw select and expand strings into Abstract Syntax Trees
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="selectClause">the raw select string</param>
        /// <param name="expandClause">the raw expand string</param>
        /// <param name="parentEntityType">the parent entity type for expand option</param>
        /// <param name="configuration">the OData URI parser configuration</param>
        /// <param name="expandTree">the resulting expand AST</param>
        /// <param name="selectTree">the resulting select AST</param>
        public static void Parse(
            string selectClause,
            string expandClause,
            IEdmStructuredType parentEntityType,
            ODataUriParserConfiguration configuration,
            out ExpandToken expandTree,
            out SelectToken selectTree)
            SelectExpandParser selectParser = new SelectExpandParser(selectClause, configuration.Settings.SelectExpandLimit, configuration.EnableCaseInsensitiveUriFunctionIdentifier)
                MaxPathDepth = configuration.Settings.PathLimit

            selectTree = selectParser.ParseSelect();

            SelectExpandParser expandParser = new SelectExpandParser(configuration.Resolver, expandClause, parentEntityType, configuration.Settings.SelectExpandLimit, configuration.EnableCaseInsensitiveUriFunctionIdentifier)
                MaxPathDepth    = configuration.Settings.PathLimit,
                MaxFilterDepth  = configuration.Settings.FilterLimit,
                MaxOrderByDepth = configuration.Settings.OrderByLimit,
                MaxSearchDepth  = configuration.Settings.SearchLimit

            expandTree = expandParser.ParseExpand();
 public void JustSpaceSelectStringBecomesEmptyList()
     SelectExpandParser parser = new SelectExpandParser("         ", ODataUriParserSettings.DefaultSelectExpandLimit);
     var results = parser.ParseSelect();
        /// <summary>
        /// Parse the raw select and expand strings into Abstract Syntax Trees
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="selectClause">The raw select string</param>
        /// <param name="expandClause">the raw expand string</param>
        /// <param name="configuration">Configuration parameters</param>
        /// <param name="expandTree">the resulting expand AST</param>
        /// <param name="selectTree">the resulting select AST</param>
        public static void Parse(
            string selectClause, 
            string expandClause, 
            ODataUriParserConfiguration configuration, 
            out ExpandToken expandTree, 
            out SelectToken selectTree)
            SelectExpandParser selectParser = new SelectExpandParser(selectClause, configuration.Settings.SelectExpandLimit, configuration.EnableCaseInsensitiveBuiltinIdentifier)
                MaxPathDepth = configuration.Settings.PathLimit
            selectTree = selectParser.ParseSelect();

            SelectExpandParser expandParser = new SelectExpandParser(expandClause, configuration.Settings.SelectExpandLimit, configuration.EnableCaseInsensitiveBuiltinIdentifier)
                MaxPathDepth = configuration.Settings.PathLimit,
                MaxFilterDepth = configuration.Settings.FilterLimit,
                MaxOrderByDepth = configuration.Settings.OrderByLimit,
                MaxSearchDepth = configuration.Settings.SearchLimit
            expandTree = expandParser.ParseExpand();
        /// <summary>
        /// Parse the raw select and expand strings into Abstract Syntax Trees
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="selectClause">the raw select string</param>
        /// <param name="expandClause">the raw expand string</param>
        /// <param name="parentEntityType">the parent entity type for expand option</param>
        /// <param name="configuration">the OData URI parser configuration</param>
        /// <param name="expandTree">the resulting expand AST</param>
        /// <param name="selectTree">the resulting select AST</param>
        public static void Parse(
            string selectClause, 
            string expandClause,
            IEdmStructuredType parentEntityType,
            ODataUriParserConfiguration configuration, 
            out ExpandToken expandTree, 
            out SelectToken selectTree)
            SelectExpandParser selectParser = new SelectExpandParser(selectClause, configuration.Settings.SelectExpandLimit, configuration.EnableCaseInsensitiveUriFunctionIdentifier)
                MaxPathDepth = configuration.Settings.PathLimit
            selectTree = selectParser.ParseSelect();

            SelectExpandParser expandParser = new SelectExpandParser(configuration.Resolver, expandClause, parentEntityType, configuration.Settings.SelectExpandLimit, configuration.EnableCaseInsensitiveUriFunctionIdentifier)
                MaxPathDepth = configuration.Settings.PathLimit,
                MaxFilterDepth = configuration.Settings.FilterLimit,
                MaxOrderByDepth = configuration.Settings.OrderByLimit,
                MaxSearchDepth = configuration.Settings.SearchLimit
            expandTree = expandParser.ParseExpand();
        /// <summary>
        /// Parse the raw select and expand strings into Abstract Syntax Trees
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="selectClause">The raw select string</param>
        /// <param name="expandClause">the raw expand string</param>
        /// <param name="configuration">Configuration parameters</param>
        /// <param name="expandTree">the resulting expand AST</param>
        /// <param name="selectTree">the resulting select AST</param>
        public static void Parse(
            string selectClause,
            string expandClause,
            ODataUriParserConfiguration configuration,
            out ExpandToken expandTree,
            out SelectToken selectTree)
            SelectExpandParser selectParser = new SelectExpandParser(selectClause, configuration.Settings.SelectExpandLimit, configuration.EnableCaseInsensitiveBuiltinIdentifier)
                MaxPathDepth = configuration.Settings.PathLimit

            selectTree = selectParser.ParseSelect();

            SelectExpandParser expandParser = new SelectExpandParser(expandClause, configuration.Settings.SelectExpandLimit, configuration.EnableCaseInsensitiveBuiltinIdentifier)
                MaxPathDepth    = configuration.Settings.PathLimit,
                MaxFilterDepth  = configuration.Settings.FilterLimit,
                MaxOrderByDepth = configuration.Settings.OrderByLimit,
                MaxSearchDepth  = configuration.Settings.SearchLimit

            expandTree = expandParser.ParseExpand();
 public void WhitespaceInMiddleOfSegmentShouldThrowInSelect()
     SelectExpandParser parser = new SelectExpandParser("what happens here/foo", 3);
     Action parse = () => parser.ParseSelect();
     parse.ShouldThrow<ODataException>().WithMessage(Strings.UriSelectParser_TermIsNotValid("what happens here/foo"));
 public void SemicolonOnlyAllowedInParensInSelect()
     SelectExpandParser parser = new SelectExpandParser("one;two", 3);
     Action parse = () => parser.ParseSelect();
     parse.ShouldThrow<ODataException>("one;two is not valid in a $select or $expand expression.");
 public void MaxRecursionDepthIsEnforcedInSelect()
     SelectExpandParser parser = new SelectExpandParser("stuff/stuff/stuff/stuff", 3);
     Action parse = () => parser.ParseSelect();
 public void EmptySelectTermShouldThrow()
     SelectExpandParser parser = new SelectExpandParser("one,,two", ODataUriParserSettings.DefaultSelectExpandLimit);
     Action parse = () => parser.ParseSelect();
 public void SelectParsesEachTermOnce()
     SelectExpandParser parser = new SelectExpandParser("foo,bar,thing,prop,yoda", ODataUriParserSettings.DefaultSelectExpandLimit);
     var results = parser.ParseSelect();
        /// <summary>
        /// Building off of a PathSegmentToken, continue parsing any expand options (nested $filter, $expand, etc)
        /// to build up an ExpandTermToken which fully represents the tree that makes up this expand term.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pathToken">The PathSegmentToken representing the parsed expand path whose options we are now parsing.</param>
        /// <param name="optionsText">A string of the text between the parenthesis after an expand option.</param>
        /// <returns>An expand term token based on the path token, and all available expand options.</returns>
        internal ExpandTermToken BuildExpandTermToken(PathSegmentToken pathToken, string optionsText)
            // Setup a new lexer for parsing the optionsText
            this.lexer = new ExpressionLexer(optionsText ?? "", true /*moveToFirstToken*/, true /*useSemicolonDelimiter*/);

            QueryToken filterOption = null;
            IEnumerable<OrderByToken> orderByOptions = null;
            long? topOption = null;
            long? skipOption = null;
            bool? countOption = null;
            long? levelsOption = null;
            QueryToken searchOption = null;
            SelectToken selectOption = null;
            ExpandToken expandOption = null;

            if (this.lexer.CurrentToken.Kind == ExpressionTokenKind.OpenParen)
                // advance past the '('

                // Check for (), which is not allowed.
                if (this.lexer.CurrentToken.Kind == ExpressionTokenKind.CloseParen)
                    throw new ODataException(ODataErrorStrings.UriParser_MissingExpandOption(pathToken.Identifier));

                // Look for all the supported query options
                while (this.lexer.CurrentToken.Kind != ExpressionTokenKind.CloseParen)
                    string text = this.enableCaseInsensitiveBuiltinIdentifier
                        ? this.lexer.CurrentToken.Text.ToLowerInvariant()
                        : this.lexer.CurrentToken.Text;
                    switch (text)
                        case ExpressionConstants.QueryOptionFilter:
                                // advance to the equal sign
                                string filterText = this.ReadQueryOption();

                                UriQueryExpressionParser filterParser = new UriQueryExpressionParser(this.MaxFilterDepth, enableCaseInsensitiveBuiltinIdentifier);
                                filterOption = filterParser.ParseFilter(filterText);

                        case ExpressionConstants.QueryOptionOrderby:
                                // advance to the equal sign
                                string orderByText = this.ReadQueryOption();

                                UriQueryExpressionParser orderbyParser = new UriQueryExpressionParser(this.MaxOrderByDepth, enableCaseInsensitiveBuiltinIdentifier);
                                orderByOptions = orderbyParser.ParseOrderBy(orderByText);

                        case ExpressionConstants.QueryOptionTop:
                                // advance to the equal sign
                                string topText = this.ReadQueryOption();

                                // TryParse requires a non-nullable non-negative long.
                                long top;
                                if (!long.TryParse(topText, out top) || top < 0)
                                    throw new ODataException(ODataErrorStrings.UriSelectParser_InvalidTopOption(topText));

                                topOption = top;

                        case ExpressionConstants.QueryOptionSkip:
                                // advance to the equal sign
                                string skipText = this.ReadQueryOption();

                                // TryParse requires a non-nullable non-negative long.
                                long skip;
                                if (!long.TryParse(skipText, out skip) || skip < 0)
                                    throw new ODataException(ODataErrorStrings.UriSelectParser_InvalidSkipOption(skipText));

                                skipOption = skip;

                        case ExpressionConstants.QueryOptionCount:
                                // advance to the equal sign
                                string countText = this.ReadQueryOption();
                                switch (countText)
                                    case ExpressionConstants.KeywordTrue:
                                            countOption = true;

                                    case ExpressionConstants.KeywordFalse:
                                            countOption = false;

                                            throw new ODataException(ODataErrorStrings.UriSelectParser_InvalidCountOption(countText));


                        case ExpressionConstants.QueryOptionLevels:
                                // advance to the equal sign
                                string levelsText = this.ReadQueryOption();
                                long level;

                                if (string.Equals(
                                    this.enableCaseInsensitiveBuiltinIdentifier ? StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase : StringComparison.Ordinal))
                                    levelsOption = long.MinValue;
                                else if (!long.TryParse(levelsText, out level) || level < 0)
                                    throw new ODataException(ODataErrorStrings.UriSelectParser_InvalidLevelsOption(levelsText));
                                    levelsOption = level;


                        case ExpressionConstants.QueryOptionSearch:
                                // advance to the equal sign
                                string searchText = this.ReadQueryOption();

                                SearchParser searchParser = new SearchParser(this.MaxSearchDepth);
                                searchOption = searchParser.ParseSearch(searchText);


                        case ExpressionConstants.QueryOptionSelect:
                                // advance to the equal sign
                                string selectText = this.ReadQueryOption();

                                SelectExpandParser innerSelectParser = new SelectExpandParser(selectText, this.maxRecursionDepth, enableCaseInsensitiveBuiltinIdentifier);
                                selectOption = innerSelectParser.ParseSelect();

                        case ExpressionConstants.QueryOptionExpand:
                                // advance to the equal sign
                                string expandText = this.ReadQueryOption();

                                SelectExpandParser innerExpandParser = new SelectExpandParser(expandText, this.maxRecursionDepth - 1, enableCaseInsensitiveBuiltinIdentifier);
                                expandOption = innerExpandParser.ParseExpand();

                                throw new ODataException(ODataErrorStrings.UriSelectParser_TermIsNotValid(this.lexer.ExpressionText));

                // Move past the ')'

            // Either there was no '(' at all or we just read past the ')' so we should be at the end
            if (this.lexer.CurrentToken.Kind != ExpressionTokenKind.End)
                throw new ODataException(ODataErrorStrings.UriSelectParser_TermIsNotValid(this.lexer.ExpressionText));

            return new ExpandTermToken(pathToken, filterOption, orderByOptions, topOption, skipOption, countOption, levelsOption, searchOption, selectOption, expandOption);
Beispiel #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses the <paramref name="queryUri"/> and returns a new instance of <see cref="SyntacticTree"/>
        /// describing the query specified by the uri.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="queryUri">The absolute URI which holds the query to parse. This must be a path relative to the <paramref name="serviceBaseUri"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="serviceBaseUri">The base URI of the service.</param>
        /// <param name="maxDepth">The maximum depth of any single query part. Security setting to guard against DoS attacks causing stack overflows and such.</param>
        /// <returns>A new instance of <see cref="SyntacticTree"/> which represents the query specified in the <paramref name="queryUri"/>.</returns>
        public static SyntacticTree ParseUri(Uri queryUri, Uri serviceBaseUri, int maxDepth)
            ExceptionUtils.CheckArgumentNotNull(queryUri, "queryUri");
            if (!queryUri.IsAbsoluteUri)
                throw new ArgumentException(Strings.SyntacticTree_UriMustBeAbsolute(queryUri), "queryUri");

            ExceptionUtils.CheckArgumentNotNull(serviceBaseUri, "serviceBaseUri");
            if (!serviceBaseUri.IsAbsoluteUri)
                throw new ArgumentException(Strings.SyntacticTree_UriMustBeAbsolute(serviceBaseUri), "serviceBaseUri");

            if (maxDepth <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentException(Strings.SyntacticTree_MaxDepthInvalid, "maxDepth");

            UriPathParser pathParser = new UriPathParser(maxDepth);
            var path = pathParser.ParsePathIntoSegments(queryUri, serviceBaseUri);

            // COMPAT 32: Differencies in query options parsing in WCF DS
            // We allow non-system $ query options in the lexical space.
            // We allow multiple instances of a custom or non-system $ query option in the lexical space.
            // TODO: we need to decide whether we want to allow multiple system $ query options with the same name (OIPI suggests that this is valid); we currently don't.
            List<CustomQueryOptionToken> queryOptions = UriUtils.ParseQueryOptions(queryUri);
            IDictionary<string, string> parameterAliases = queryOptions.GetParameterAliases();

            QueryToken filter = null;
            string filterQuery = queryOptions.GetQueryOptionValueAndRemove(UriQueryConstants.FilterQueryOption);
            if (filterQuery != null)
                UriQueryExpressionParser expressionParser = new UriQueryExpressionParser(maxDepth);
                filter = expressionParser.ParseFilter(filterQuery);

            IEnumerable<OrderByToken> orderByTokens = null;
            string orderByQuery = queryOptions.GetQueryOptionValueAndRemove(UriQueryConstants.OrderByQueryOption);
            if (orderByQuery != null)
                UriQueryExpressionParser expressionParser = new UriQueryExpressionParser(maxDepth);
                orderByTokens = expressionParser.ParseOrderBy(orderByQuery);

            SelectToken select = null;
            string selectQuery = queryOptions.GetQueryOptionValueAndRemove(UriQueryConstants.SelectQueryOption);
            if (selectQuery != null)
                SelectExpandParser selectParser = new SelectExpandParser(selectQuery, ODataUriParserSettings.DefaultSelectExpandLimit);
                select = selectParser.ParseSelect();

            ExpandToken expand = null;
            string expandQuery = queryOptions.GetQueryOptionValueAndRemove(UriQueryConstants.ExpandQueryOption);
            if (expandQuery != null)
                SelectExpandParser expandParser = new SelectExpandParser(expandQuery, ODataUriParserSettings.DefaultSelectExpandLimit);
                expand = expandParser.ParseExpand();

            int? skip = null;
            string skipQuery = queryOptions.GetQueryOptionValueAndRemove(UriQueryConstants.SkipQueryOption);
            if (skipQuery != null)
                int skipValue;
                if (!TryUriStringToNonNegativeInteger(skipQuery, out skipValue))
                    throw new ODataException(Strings.SyntacticTree_InvalidSkipQueryOptionValue(skipQuery));

                skip = skipValue;

            int? top = null;
            string topQuery = queryOptions.GetQueryOptionValueAndRemove(UriQueryConstants.TopQueryOption);
            if (topQuery != null)
                int topValue;
                if (!TryUriStringToNonNegativeInteger(topQuery, out topValue))
                    throw new ODataException(Strings.SyntacticTree_InvalidTopQueryOptionValue(topQuery));

                top = topValue;

            string countQuery = queryOptions.GetQueryOptionValueAndRemove(UriQueryConstants.CountQueryOption);
            bool? count = ParseQueryCount(countQuery);

            string format = queryOptions.GetQueryOptionValueAndRemove(UriQueryConstants.FormatQueryOption);

            return new SyntacticTree(
                queryOptions.Count == 0 ? null : new ReadOnlyCollection<CustomQueryOptionToken>(queryOptions));
Beispiel #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Building off of a PathSegmentToken, continue parsing any expand options (nested $filter, $expand, etc)
        /// to build up an ExpandTermToken which fully represents the tree that makes up this expand term.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pathToken">The PathSegmentToken representing the parsed expand path whose options we are now parsing.</param>
        /// <param name="optionsText">A string of the text between the parenthesis after an expand option.</param>
        /// <returns>An expand term token based on the path token, and all available expand options.</returns>
        internal ExpandTermToken BuildExpandTermToken(PathSegmentToken pathToken, string optionsText)
            // Setup a new lexer for parsing the optionsText
            this.lexer = new ExpressionLexer(optionsText ?? "", true /*moveToFirstToken*/, true /*useSemicolonDelimiter*/);

            QueryToken filterOption = null;
            IEnumerable <OrderByToken> orderByOptions = null;
            long?       topOption    = null;
            long?       skipOption   = null;
            bool?       countOption  = null;
            long?       levelsOption = null;
            QueryToken  searchOption = null;
            SelectToken selectOption = null;
            ExpandToken expandOption = null;

            if (this.lexer.CurrentToken.Kind == ExpressionTokenKind.OpenParen)
                // advance past the '('

                // Check for (), which is not allowed.
                if (this.lexer.CurrentToken.Kind == ExpressionTokenKind.CloseParen)
                    throw new ODataException(ODataErrorStrings.UriParser_MissingExpandOption(pathToken.Identifier));

                // Look for all the supported query options
                while (this.lexer.CurrentToken.Kind != ExpressionTokenKind.CloseParen)
                    switch (this.lexer.CurrentToken.Text)
                    case ExpressionConstants.QueryOptionFilter:
                        // advance to the equal sign
                        string filterText = this.ReadQueryOption();

                        UriQueryExpressionParser filterParser = new UriQueryExpressionParser(this.MaxFilterDepth);
                        filterOption = filterParser.ParseFilter(filterText);

                    case ExpressionConstants.QueryOptionOrderby:
                        // advance to the equal sign
                        string orderByText = this.ReadQueryOption();

                        UriQueryExpressionParser orderbyParser = new UriQueryExpressionParser(this.MaxOrderByDepth);
                        orderByOptions = orderbyParser.ParseOrderBy(orderByText);

                    case ExpressionConstants.QueryOptionTop:
                        // advance to the equal sign
                        string topText = this.ReadQueryOption();

                        // TryParse requires a non-nullable non-negative long.
                        long top;
                        if (!long.TryParse(topText, out top) || top < 0)
                            throw new ODataException(ODataErrorStrings.UriSelectParser_InvalidTopOption(topText));

                        topOption = top;

                    case ExpressionConstants.QueryOptionSkip:
                        // advance to the equal sign
                        string skipText = this.ReadQueryOption();

                        // TryParse requires a non-nullable non-negative long.
                        long skip;
                        if (!long.TryParse(skipText, out skip) || skip < 0)
                            throw new ODataException(ODataErrorStrings.UriSelectParser_InvalidSkipOption(skipText));

                        skipOption = skip;

                    case ExpressionConstants.QueryOptionCount:
                        // advance to the equal sign
                        string countText = this.ReadQueryOption();
                        switch (countText)
                        case ExpressionConstants.KeywordTrue:
                            countOption = true;

                        case ExpressionConstants.KeywordFalse:
                            countOption = false;

                            throw new ODataException(ODataErrorStrings.UriSelectParser_InvalidCountOption(countText));


                    case ExpressionConstants.QueryOptionLevels:
                        // advance to the equal sign
                        string levelsText = this.ReadQueryOption();
                        long   level;

                        if (string.CompareOrdinal(ExpressionConstants.KeywordMax, levelsText) == 0)
                            levelsOption = long.MinValue;
                        else if (!long.TryParse(levelsText, out level) || level < 0)
                            throw new ODataException(ODataErrorStrings.UriSelectParser_InvalidLevelsOption(levelsText));
                            levelsOption = level;


                    case ExpressionConstants.QueryOptionSearch:
                        // advance to the equal sign
                        string searchText = this.ReadQueryOption();

                        SearchParser searchParser = new SearchParser(this.MaxSearchDepth);
                        searchOption = searchParser.ParseSearch(searchText);


                    case ExpressionConstants.QueryOptionSelect:
                        // advance to the equal sign
                        string selectText = this.ReadQueryOption();

                        SelectExpandParser innerSelectParser = new SelectExpandParser(selectText, this.maxRecursionDepth);
                        selectOption = innerSelectParser.ParseSelect();

                    case ExpressionConstants.QueryOptionExpand:
                        // advance to the equal sign
                        string expandText = this.ReadQueryOption();

                        SelectExpandParser innerExpandParser = new SelectExpandParser(expandText, this.maxRecursionDepth - 1);
                        expandOption = innerExpandParser.ParseExpand();

                        throw new ODataException(ODataErrorStrings.UriSelectParser_TermIsNotValid(this.lexer.ExpressionText));

                // Move past the ')'

            // Either there was no '(' at all or we just read past the ')' so we should be at the end
            if (this.lexer.CurrentToken.Kind != ExpressionTokenKind.End)
                throw new ODataException(ODataErrorStrings.UriSelectParser_TermIsNotValid(this.lexer.ExpressionText));

            return(new ExpandTermToken(pathToken, filterOption, orderByOptions, topOption, skipOption, countOption, levelsOption, searchOption, selectOption, expandOption));
        /// <summary>
        /// Building off of a PathSegmentToken, continue parsing any expand options (nested $filter, $expand, etc)
        /// to build up an ExpandTermToken which fully represents the tree that makes up this expand term.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pathToken">The PathSegmentToken representing the parsed expand path whose options we are now parsing.</param>
        /// <param name="optionsText">A string of the text between the parenthesis after an expand option.</param>
        /// <returns>The list of expand term tokens based on the path token, and all available expand options.</returns>
        internal List<ExpandTermToken> BuildExpandTermToken(PathSegmentToken pathToken, string optionsText)
            // Setup a new lexer for parsing the optionsText
            this.lexer = new ExpressionLexer(optionsText ?? "", true /*moveToFirstToken*/, true /*useSemicolonDelimiter*/);

            // $expand option with star only support $ref option, $expand option property could be "*" or "*/$ref", special logic will be adopted.
            if (pathToken.Identifier == UriQueryConstants.Star || (pathToken.Identifier == UriQueryConstants.RefSegment && pathToken.NextToken.Identifier == UriQueryConstants.Star))
                return BuildStarExpandTermToken(pathToken);

            QueryToken filterOption = null;
            IEnumerable<OrderByToken> orderByOptions = null;
            long? topOption = null;
            long? skipOption = null;
            bool? countOption = null;
            long? levelsOption = null;
            QueryToken searchOption = null;
            SelectToken selectOption = null;
            ExpandToken expandOption = null;

            if (this.lexer.CurrentToken.Kind == ExpressionTokenKind.OpenParen)
                // advance past the '('

                // Check for (), which is not allowed.
                if (this.lexer.CurrentToken.Kind == ExpressionTokenKind.CloseParen)
                    throw new ODataException(ODataErrorStrings.UriParser_MissingExpandOption(pathToken.Identifier));

                // Look for all the supported query options
                while (this.lexer.CurrentToken.Kind != ExpressionTokenKind.CloseParen)
                    string text = this.enableCaseInsensitiveBuiltinIdentifier
                        ? this.lexer.CurrentToken.Text.ToLowerInvariant()
                        : this.lexer.CurrentToken.Text;
                    switch (text)
                        case ExpressionConstants.QueryOptionFilter:
                                // advance to the equal sign
                                string filterText = this.ReadQueryOption();

                                UriQueryExpressionParser filterParser = new UriQueryExpressionParser(this.MaxFilterDepth, enableCaseInsensitiveBuiltinIdentifier);
                                filterOption = filterParser.ParseFilter(filterText);

                        case ExpressionConstants.QueryOptionOrderby:
                                // advance to the equal sign
                                string orderByText = this.ReadQueryOption();

                                UriQueryExpressionParser orderbyParser = new UriQueryExpressionParser(this.MaxOrderByDepth, enableCaseInsensitiveBuiltinIdentifier);
                                orderByOptions = orderbyParser.ParseOrderBy(orderByText);

                        case ExpressionConstants.QueryOptionTop:
                                // advance to the equal sign
                                string topText = this.ReadQueryOption();

                                // TryParse requires a non-nullable non-negative long.
                                long top;
                                if (!long.TryParse(topText, out top) || top < 0)
                                    throw new ODataException(ODataErrorStrings.UriSelectParser_InvalidTopOption(topText));

                                topOption = top;

                        case ExpressionConstants.QueryOptionSkip:
                                // advance to the equal sign
                                string skipText = this.ReadQueryOption();

                                // TryParse requires a non-nullable non-negative long.
                                long skip;
                                if (!long.TryParse(skipText, out skip) || skip < 0)
                                    throw new ODataException(ODataErrorStrings.UriSelectParser_InvalidSkipOption(skipText));

                                skipOption = skip;

                        case ExpressionConstants.QueryOptionCount:
                                // advance to the equal sign
                                string countText = this.ReadQueryOption();
                                switch (countText)
                                    case ExpressionConstants.KeywordTrue:
                                            countOption = true;

                                    case ExpressionConstants.KeywordFalse:
                                            countOption = false;

                                            throw new ODataException(ODataErrorStrings.UriSelectParser_InvalidCountOption(countText));


                        case ExpressionConstants.QueryOptionLevels:
                                levelsOption = ResolveLevelOption();

                        case ExpressionConstants.QueryOptionSearch:
                                // advance to the equal sign
                                string searchText = this.ReadQueryOption();

                                SearchParser searchParser = new SearchParser(this.MaxSearchDepth);
                                searchOption = searchParser.ParseSearch(searchText);


                        case ExpressionConstants.QueryOptionSelect:
                                // advance to the equal sign
                                string selectText = this.ReadQueryOption();

                                SelectExpandParser innerSelectParser = new SelectExpandParser(selectText, this.maxRecursionDepth, enableCaseInsensitiveBuiltinIdentifier);
                                selectOption = innerSelectParser.ParseSelect();

                        case ExpressionConstants.QueryOptionExpand:
                                // advance to the equal sign
                                string expandText = this.ReadQueryOption();

                                // As 2016/1/8, the navigation property is only supported in entity type, and will support in ComplexType in future. 
                                IEdmStructuredType targetEntityType = null;
                                if (this.resolver != null && this.parentEntityType != null)
                                    var parentProperty = this.resolver.ResolveProperty(parentEntityType, pathToken.Identifier) as IEdmNavigationProperty;

                                    // it is a navigation property, need to find the type. Like $expand=Friends($expand=Trips($expand=*)), when expandText becomes "Trips($expand=*)", find navigation property Trips of Friends, then get Entity type of Trips.
                                    if (parentProperty != null)
                                        targetEntityType = parentProperty.ToEntityType();

                                SelectExpandParser innerExpandParser = new SelectExpandParser(resolver, expandText, targetEntityType, this.maxRecursionDepth - 1, enableCaseInsensitiveBuiltinIdentifier);
                                expandOption = innerExpandParser.ParseExpand();

                                throw new ODataException(ODataErrorStrings.UriSelectParser_TermIsNotValid(this.lexer.ExpressionText));

                // Move past the ')'

            // Either there was no '(' at all or we just read past the ')' so we should be at the end
            if (this.lexer.CurrentToken.Kind != ExpressionTokenKind.End)
                throw new ODataException(ODataErrorStrings.UriSelectParser_TermIsNotValid(this.lexer.ExpressionText));

            // TODO, there should be some check here in case pathToken identifier is $ref, select, expand and levels options are not allowed.
            List<ExpandTermToken> expandTermTokenList = new List<ExpandTermToken>();
            ExpandTermToken currentToken = new ExpandTermToken(pathToken, filterOption, orderByOptions, topOption,
                skipOption, countOption, levelsOption, searchOption, selectOption, expandOption);

            return expandTermTokenList;
Beispiel #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Building off of a PathSegmentToken, continue parsing any expand options (nested $filter, $expand, etc)
        /// to build up an ExpandTermToken which fully represents the tree that makes up this expand term.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pathToken">The PathSegmentToken representing the parsed expand path whose options we are now parsing.</param>
        /// <param name="optionsText">A string of the text between the parenthesis after an expand option.</param>
        /// <returns>The list of expand term tokens based on the path token, and all available expand options.</returns>
        internal List <ExpandTermToken> BuildExpandTermToken(PathSegmentToken pathToken, string optionsText)
            // Setup a new lexer for parsing the optionsText
            this.lexer = new ExpressionLexer(optionsText ?? "", true /*moveToFirstToken*/, true /*useSemicolonDelimiter*/);

            // $expand option with star only support $ref option, $expand option property could be "*" or "*/$ref", special logic will be adopted.
            if (pathToken.Identifier == UriQueryConstants.Star || (pathToken.Identifier == UriQueryConstants.RefSegment && pathToken.NextToken.Identifier == UriQueryConstants.Star))

            QueryToken filterOption = null;
            IEnumerable <OrderByToken> orderByOptions = null;
            long?       topOption    = null;
            long?       skipOption   = null;
            bool?       countOption  = null;
            long?       levelsOption = null;
            QueryToken  searchOption = null;
            SelectToken selectOption = null;
            ExpandToken expandOption = null;

            if (this.lexer.CurrentToken.Kind == ExpressionTokenKind.OpenParen)
                // advance past the '('

                // Check for (), which is not allowed.
                if (this.lexer.CurrentToken.Kind == ExpressionTokenKind.CloseParen)
                    throw new ODataException(ODataErrorStrings.UriParser_MissingExpandOption(pathToken.Identifier));

                // Look for all the supported query options
                while (this.lexer.CurrentToken.Kind != ExpressionTokenKind.CloseParen)
                    string text = this.enableCaseInsensitiveBuiltinIdentifier
                        ? this.lexer.CurrentToken.Text.ToLowerInvariant()
                        : this.lexer.CurrentToken.Text;
                    switch (text)
                    case ExpressionConstants.QueryOptionFilter:
                        // advance to the equal sign
                        string filterText = this.ReadQueryOption();

                        UriQueryExpressionParser filterParser = new UriQueryExpressionParser(this.MaxFilterDepth, enableCaseInsensitiveBuiltinIdentifier);
                        filterOption = filterParser.ParseFilter(filterText);

                    case ExpressionConstants.QueryOptionOrderby:
                        // advance to the equal sign
                        string orderByText = this.ReadQueryOption();

                        UriQueryExpressionParser orderbyParser = new UriQueryExpressionParser(this.MaxOrderByDepth, enableCaseInsensitiveBuiltinIdentifier);
                        orderByOptions = orderbyParser.ParseOrderBy(orderByText);

                    case ExpressionConstants.QueryOptionTop:
                        // advance to the equal sign
                        string topText = this.ReadQueryOption();

                        // TryParse requires a non-nullable non-negative long.
                        long top;
                        if (!long.TryParse(topText, out top) || top < 0)
                            throw new ODataException(ODataErrorStrings.UriSelectParser_InvalidTopOption(topText));

                        topOption = top;

                    case ExpressionConstants.QueryOptionSkip:
                        // advance to the equal sign
                        string skipText = this.ReadQueryOption();

                        // TryParse requires a non-nullable non-negative long.
                        long skip;
                        if (!long.TryParse(skipText, out skip) || skip < 0)
                            throw new ODataException(ODataErrorStrings.UriSelectParser_InvalidSkipOption(skipText));

                        skipOption = skip;

                    case ExpressionConstants.QueryOptionCount:
                        // advance to the equal sign
                        string countText = this.ReadQueryOption();
                        switch (countText)
                        case ExpressionConstants.KeywordTrue:
                            countOption = true;

                        case ExpressionConstants.KeywordFalse:
                            countOption = false;

                            throw new ODataException(ODataErrorStrings.UriSelectParser_InvalidCountOption(countText));


                    case ExpressionConstants.QueryOptionLevels:
                        levelsOption = ResolveLevelOption();

                    case ExpressionConstants.QueryOptionSearch:
                        // advance to the equal sign
                        string searchText = this.ReadQueryOption();

                        SearchParser searchParser = new SearchParser(this.MaxSearchDepth);
                        searchOption = searchParser.ParseSearch(searchText);


                    case ExpressionConstants.QueryOptionSelect:
                        // advance to the equal sign
                        string selectText = this.ReadQueryOption();

                        SelectExpandParser innerSelectParser = new SelectExpandParser(selectText, this.maxRecursionDepth, enableCaseInsensitiveBuiltinIdentifier);
                        selectOption = innerSelectParser.ParseSelect();

                    case ExpressionConstants.QueryOptionExpand:
                        // advance to the equal sign
                        string expandText = this.ReadQueryOption();

                        // As 2016/1/8, the navigation property is only supported in entity type, and will support in ComplexType in future.
                        IEdmStructuredType targetEntityType = null;
                        if (this.resolver != null && this.parentEntityType != null)
                            var parentProperty = this.resolver.ResolveProperty(parentEntityType, pathToken.Identifier) as IEdmNavigationProperty;

                            // it is a navigation property, need to find the type. Like $expand=Friends($expand=Trips($expand=*)), when expandText becomes "Trips($expand=*)", find navigation property Trips of Friends, then get Entity type of Trips.
                            if (parentProperty != null)
                                targetEntityType = parentProperty.ToEntityType();

                        SelectExpandParser innerExpandParser = new SelectExpandParser(resolver, expandText, targetEntityType, this.maxRecursionDepth - 1, enableCaseInsensitiveBuiltinIdentifier);
                        expandOption = innerExpandParser.ParseExpand();

                        throw new ODataException(ODataErrorStrings.UriSelectParser_TermIsNotValid(this.lexer.ExpressionText));

                // Move past the ')'

            // Either there was no '(' at all or we just read past the ')' so we should be at the end
            if (this.lexer.CurrentToken.Kind != ExpressionTokenKind.End)
                throw new ODataException(ODataErrorStrings.UriSelectParser_TermIsNotValid(this.lexer.ExpressionText));

            // TODO, there should be some check here in case pathToken identifier is $ref, select, expand and levels options are not allowed.
            List <ExpandTermToken> expandTermTokenList = new List <ExpandTermToken>();
            ExpandTermToken        currentToken        = new ExpandTermToken(pathToken, filterOption, orderByOptions, topOption,
                                                                             skipOption, countOption, levelsOption, searchOption, selectOption, expandOption);

