Beispiel #1
            public void MapInput(Input input, IntermediateInput intermediate)
                ReadOnlyMemory <char> text = ReadOnlyMemoryUtils.TrimWhiteSpace(input.Text);

                // Handle comments, if any. If no comments are present, the value for that column
                // in this row will be empty.
                if (!ReadOnlyMemoryUtils.SplitOne(text, '#', out var left, out var right))
                    right = ReadOnlyMemory <char> .Empty;
                intermediate.Comment = right;

                var ator = ReadOnlyMemoryUtils.Split(left, _seps).GetEnumerator();

                // Empty lines are filtered in the Input.MapComment step.
                var notEmpty = ator.MoveNext();


                ReadOnlyMemory <char> token = ator.Current;

                // Parse the label.
                if (_tryFloatParse(in token, out intermediate.Label))
                    intermediate.Weight = 1; // Default weight is of course 1.
Beispiel #2
#pragma warning restore 0649

            public static void MapComment(Input input, CommentIndicator output)
                // We expand a bit on the SVM-light comment strategy. In SVM-light, a comment line
                // must have the # as the first character, and a totally whitespace or empty line
                // is considered a parse error. However, for the purpose of detecting comments,
                // we detect # after trimming whitespace, and also consider totally blank lines
                // "comments" instead of whitespace.
                ReadOnlyMemory <char> text = ReadOnlyMemoryUtils.TrimWhiteSpace(input.Text);

                if (text.IsEmpty || text.Span[0] == '#')
                    output.IsComment = float.NaN;
                    output.IsComment = 0;