public void Update(TrialResult result)
            var trialId = result.TrialSettings.TrialId;
            var metric  = result.Metric;

            metric = _minimize ? metric : -metric;
            if (metric < _bestMetric)
                BestConfig  = _searchSpace.SampleFromFeatureSpace(_configs[trialId]);
                _bestMetric = metric;

            var cost     = result.DurationInMilliseconds;
            int threadId = _trialProposedBy[trialId];

            if (_searchThreadPool.Count == 0)
                var initParameter = _searchSpace.SampleFromFeatureSpace(_configs[trialId]);
                _searchThreadPool[_currentThreadId] = _localSearch.CreateSearchThread(initParameter, metric, cost);
                _initUsed = true;
                _searchThreadPool[threadId].OnTrialComplete(trialId, metric, cost);
                if (_searchThreadPool[threadId].IsConverged)
                    _currentThreadId += 1;
                    _initUsed         = false;
Beispiel #2
        public void Update(TrialSettings settings, TrialResult result)
            var schema = settings.Schema;

            if (_tuners.TryGetValue(schema, out var tuner))
 public void ReportBestTrial(TrialResult result)
     if (result is BinaryClassificationTrialResult binaryClassificationResult)
         BestRun = binaryClassificationResult;
         throw new ArgumentException($"result must be of type {typeof(BinaryClassificationTrialResult)}");
 public void ReportCompletedTrial(TrialResult result)
     if (result is BinaryClassificationTrialResult binaryClassificationResult)
         OnTrialCompleted?.Invoke(this, binaryClassificationResult);
         throw new ArgumentException($"result must be of type {typeof(BinaryClassificationTrialResult)}");
Beispiel #5
        public void ReportCompletedTrial(TrialResult result)
            MostRecentTrial = result;

            var activeRunParam = JsonSerializer.Serialize(result.TrialSettings.Parameter, new JsonSerializerOptions()
                WriteIndented = false,

            TrialData.Append(new List <KeyValuePair <string, object> >()
                new KeyValuePair <string, object>("Trial", result.TrialSettings.TrialId),
                new KeyValuePair <string, object>("Metric", result.Metric),
                new KeyValuePair <string, object>("Trainer", result.TrialSettings.Pipeline.ToString().Replace("Unknown=>", "")),
                new KeyValuePair <string, object>("Parameters", activeRunParam),
            }, true);

        /// <summary>
        /// Run experiment and return the best trial result asynchronizely. The experiment returns the current best trial result if there's any trial completed when <paramref name="ct"/> get cancelled,
        /// and throws <see cref="TimeoutException"/> with message "Training time finished without completing a trial run" when no trial has completed.
        /// Another thing needs to notice is that this function won't immediately return after <paramref name="ct"/> get cancelled. Instead, it will call <see cref="MLContext.CancelExecution"/> to cancel all training process
        /// and wait all running trials get cancelled or completed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task <TrialResult> RunAsync(CancellationToken ct = default)
            var cts = new CancellationTokenSource();

            _settings.CancellationToken = ct;
            cts.CancelAfter((int)_settings.MaxExperimentTimeInSeconds * 1000);
            _settings.CancellationToken.Register(() => cts.Cancel());
            cts.Token.Register(() =>
                // only force-canceling running trials when there's completed trials.
                // otherwise, wait for the current running trial to be completed.
                if (_bestTrialResult != null)

            var serviceProvider        = _serviceCollection.BuildServiceProvider();
            var monitor                = serviceProvider.GetService <IMonitor>();
            var trialNum               = 0;
            var pipelineProposer       = serviceProvider.GetService <PipelineProposer>();
            var hyperParameterProposer = serviceProvider.GetService <HyperParameterProposer>();
            var runnerFactory          = serviceProvider.GetService <ITrialRunnerFactory>();

            while (true)
                if (cts.Token.IsCancellationRequested)
                var setting = new TrialSettings()
                    ExperimentSettings = _settings,
                    TrialId            = trialNum++,

                setting = pipelineProposer.Propose(setting);
                setting = hyperParameterProposer.Propose(setting);
                var runner = runnerFactory.CreateTrialRunner();

                    var trialResult = runner.Run(setting, serviceProvider);
                    hyperParameterProposer.Update(setting, trialResult);
                    pipelineProposer.Update(setting, trialResult);

                    var error = _settings.IsMaximizeMetric ? 1 - trialResult.Metric : trialResult.Metric;
                    if (error < _bestError)
                        _bestTrialResult = trialResult;
                        _bestError       = error;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    if (cts.Token.IsCancellationRequested)
                        // TODO
                        // it's questionable on whether to abort the entire training process
                        // for a single fail trial. We should make it an option and only exit
                        // when error is fatal (like schema mismatch).
                        monitor.ReportFailTrial(setting, ex);

            if (_bestTrialResult == null)
                throw new TimeoutException("Training time finished without completing a trial run");
                return(await Task.FromResult(_bestTrialResult));
 public void Update(TrialResult result)
Beispiel #8
 public void ReportCompletedTrial(TrialResult result)
     _logger.Info($"Update Completed Trial - Id: {result.TrialSettings.TrialId} - Metric: {result.Metric} - Pipeline: {result.TrialSettings.Pipeline} - Duration: {result.DurationInMilliseconds}");
Beispiel #9
 public void ReportBestTrial(TrialResult result)
     _logger.Info($"Update Best Trial - Id: {result.TrialSettings.TrialId} - Metric: {result.Metric} - Pipeline: {result.TrialSettings.Pipeline}");
        public void Update(TrialSettings parameter, TrialResult result)
            var schema      = parameter.Schema;
            var error       = CaculateError(result.Metric, parameter.ExperimentSettings.IsMaximizeMetric);
            var duration    = result.DurationInMilliseconds / 1000;
            var pipelineIds = _multiModelPipeline.PipelineIds;
            var isSuccess   = duration != 0;

            // if k1 is null, it means this is the first completed trial.
            // in that case, initialize k1, k2, e1, e2 in the following way:
            // k1: for every learner, k1[l] = c * duration where c is a ratio defined in learnerInitialCost
            // k2: k2 = k1, which indicates the hypothesis that it costs the same time for learners to reach the next break through.
            // e1: current error
            // e2: 1.001*e1

            if (isSuccess)
                if (_k1 == null)
                    _k1 = pipelineIds.ToDictionary(id => id, id => duration * _learnerInitialCost[id] / _learnerInitialCost[schema]);
                    _k2 = _k1.ToDictionary(kv => kv.Key, kv => kv.Value);
                    _e1 = pipelineIds.ToDictionary(id => id, id => error);
                    _e2 = pipelineIds.ToDictionary(id => id, id => 1.05 * error);
                    _globalBestError = error;
                else if (error >= _e1[schema])
                    // if error is larger than current best error, which means there's no improvements for
                    // the last trial with the current learner.
                    // In that case, simply increase the total spent time since the last best error for that learner.
                    _k1[schema] += duration;
                    // there's an improvement.
                    // k2 <= k1 && e2 <= e1, and update k1, e2.
                    _k2[schema] = _k1[schema];
                    _k1[schema] = duration;
                    _e2[schema] = _e1[schema];
                    _e1[schema] = error;

                    // update global best error as well
                    if (error < _globalBestError)
                        _globalBestError = error;

                // update eci
                var eci1 = Math.Max(_k1[schema], _k2[schema]);
                var estimatorCostForBreakThrough = 2 * (error - _globalBestError) / ((_e2[schema] - _e1[schema]) / (_k2[schema] + _k1[schema]));
                _eci[schema] = Math.Max(eci1, estimatorCostForBreakThrough);
                // double eci of current trial twice of maxium ecis.
                _eci[schema] = _eci.Select(kv => kv.Value).Max() * 2;

            // normalize eci
            var sum = _eci.Select(x => x.Value).Sum();

            _eci = _eci.Select(x => (x.Key, x.Value / sum)).ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Item2);

            // TODO
            // save k1,k2,e1,e2,eci,bestError to training configuration
Beispiel #11
        public void ReportBestTrial(TrialResult result)
            BestTrial = result;
