Beispiel #1
        protected override void AppendChildrenToElement(HtmlElement elm)
            foreach (Component child in Children)
                // This is very important for performance
                // We should always try to append an empty child DOM Element
                // first and then call EnsureRefreshed() where the child fills it

                // Make sure the buttons are all floating the right way via CSS.
                switch (Alignment)
                    case DataNodeWrapper.LEFTALIGN:
                        Utility.EnsureCSSClassOnElement(child.ElementInternal, "ms-cui-toolbar-button-left");
                    case DataNodeWrapper.CENTERALIGN:
                        Utility.EnsureCSSClassOnElement(child.ElementInternal, "ms-cui-toolbar-button-center");
                    case DataNodeWrapper.RIGHTALIGN:
                        Utility.EnsureCSSClassOnElement(child.ElementInternal, "ms-cui-toolbar-button-right");
                        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(Alignment);

 /// <summary>
 /// Obsolete API will be removed soon
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="evt">The DomEvent that triggered the launch(usually a mouse click)</param>
 internal bool LaunchContextMenu(HtmlElement targetElement, HtmlEvent evt)
     _targetElement = targetElement;
     _launchPosition = GetMenuPosition(evt);
     return true;
Beispiel #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor for a Jewel
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="dataUrlBase">The XML data URL</param>
 /// <param name="version">The version of the XML data</param>
 /// <param name="lcid">The language code</param>
 /// <param name="options">The JewelBuildOptions for this Jewel. <see cref="JewelBuildOptions"/></param>
 /// <param name="elmPlaceholder">The ID for the DOMElement that will enclose this Jewel</param>
 /// <param name="rootBuildClient">The object using this builder</param>
 public JewelBuilder(JewelBuildOptions options,
                     HtmlElement elmPlaceholder,
                     IRootBuildClient rootBuildClient)
     : base(options, elmPlaceholder, rootBuildClient)
     if (CUIUtility.IsNullOrUndefined(elmPlaceholder))
         throw new ArgumentNullException("Jewel placeholder DOM element is null or undefined.");
        /// <summary>
        /// Launch this MenuLauncher's Menu at the given position
        /// </summary>
        public bool LaunchContextMenuAt(HtmlElement targetElement, int x, int y)
            this._x = x;
            this._y = y;
            _targetElement = targetElement;

            return true;
 /// <summary>
 /// Override to make sure the context menu gets launched in the correct location.
 /// </summary>
 protected override void PositionMenu(HtmlElement menu, HtmlElement launcher)
     // This should be cleaned up when LaunchContextMenu is removed
     if (_launchPosition != null)
         Menu.ElementInternal.Style.Top = _launchPosition.Y + "px";
         Menu.ElementInternal.Style.Left = _launchPosition.X + "px";
         Menu.ElementInternal.Style.Position = "absolute";
         menu.Style.Top = "0px";
         menu.Style.Left = "0px";
         Dictionary<string, int> dimensions = GetAllElementDimensions(menu, _targetElement);
         // set dimensions of the launcher
         dimensions["launcherLeft"] = _x;
         dimensions["launcherTop"] = _y;
         dimensions["launcherWidth"] = 0;
         dimensions["launcherHeight"] = 0;
         Root.SetFlyOutCoordinates(menu, dimensions, false);
Beispiel #6
        private void RemoveEvents(HtmlElement elmCheckbox, HtmlElement elmLabel)
            elmCheckbox.Click -= OnClick;
            elmCheckbox.Focus -= OnFocus;
            elmCheckbox.Blur -= OnBlur;
            elmCheckbox.MouseOver -= OnMouseover;
            elmCheckbox.MouseOut -= OnMouseout;
            elmCheckbox.KeyDown -= OnKeyDown;

            if (!CUIUtility.IsNullOrUndefined(elmLabel))
                elmLabel.Click -= OnLabelClick;
                elmLabel.KeyDown -= OnKeyDown;
                elmLabel.MouseOver -= OnMouseover;
                elmLabel.MouseOut -= OnMouseout;
Beispiel #7
        protected override void AppendChildrenToElement(HtmlElement elm)
            ListItem listItem;

            foreach (Component child in Children)
                // Put all menu items into a list item for semantics
                listItem = new ListItem();
                listItem.ClassName = "ms-cui-menusection-items";

                // This is very important for performance
                // We should always try to append an empty child DOM Element
                // first and then call EnsureRefreshed() where the child fills it
Beispiel #8
        private void RemoveEvents(HtmlElement elm, bool isMenu)
            elm.Click -= OnClick;
            elm.Blur -= OnBlur;
            elm.KeyPress -= OnKeyPress;
            elm.Focus -= OnTabFocus;

            if (BrowserUtility.InternetExplorer)
                if (isMenu)
                    elm.MouseEnter -= OnMouseenter;
                    elm.MouseLeave -= OnMouseleave;
                    elm.MouseEnter -= OnFocus;
                    elm.MouseLeave -= OnBlur;
                if (isMenu)
                    elm.MouseOut -= OnMouseout;
                    elm.MouseOver -= OnMouseover;
                    elm.MouseOut -= OnBlur;
                    elm.MouseOver -= OnFocus;
Beispiel #9
        internal bool BeginModal(IModalController controller, HtmlElement _elmTrigger)
            if (CUIUtility.IsNullOrUndefined(_modalControllerStack))
                _modalControllerStack = new List<IModalController>();

            _currentModalController = controller;

            if (_modal)
                return false;

            // This div covers the whole window and will essentially block any elements
            // behind it from receiving click/mouseover/mouseout events etc.
            Div modalDiv = ModalDiv;
            modalDiv.Style.Visibility = "hidden";
            modalDiv.Style.Visibility = "visible";
            _modal = true;
            return true;
Beispiel #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Set fyout coordinates given information about the viewing area in the screen, the launching control and the flyout dimensions.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="flyOut">The flyout to be launched.</param>
        /// <param name="dimensions">Position information on the screen viewing area, lauching control and flyout.</param>
        internal void SetFlyOutCoordinates(HtmlElement flyOut, Dictionary<string, int> dimensions, bool horizontal)
            // reusable boolean to check whether the dom element must be edited or not
            bool changed = false;
            if (CUIUtility.IsNullOrUndefined(flyOut) || CUIUtility.IsNullOrUndefined(dimensions))

            // Create default coordinates
            int flyOutLeft;
            int flyOutTop;

            // Cache dimensions for performance
            int launcherLeft = dimensions["launcherLeft"];
            int launcherTop = dimensions["launcherTop"];
            int launcherWidth = dimensions["launcherWidth"];
            int launcherHeight = dimensions["launcherHeight"];

            int flyOutWidth = dimensions["flyOutWidth"];
            int flyOutHeight = dimensions["flyOutHeight"];
            int flyOutRealHeight = dimensions["flyOutRealHeight"];

            int viewportWidth = dimensions["viewportWidth"];
            int viewportHeight = dimensions["viewportHeight"];

            int viewableLeft = dimensions["viewableLeft"];
            int viewableTop = dimensions["viewableTop"];

            bool isLTR = Root.TextDirection == Direction.LTR;
            bool buttedToRightEdge = false, buttedToLeftEdge = false;

            string objScrollable = flyOut.GetAttribute("mscui:scrollable");
            bool wasScrollable =  Utility.IsTrue(objScrollable);

            if (horizontal)
                if (isLTR)
                    // Left-to-right method
                    flyOutLeft = launcherLeft + launcherWidth;
                    flyOutLeft += 2; // styling: make the borders of the menus align
                else // Right-to-left method
                    flyOutLeft = launcherLeft - flyOutWidth;

                flyOutTop = launcherTop;
                if (isLTR)
                    // Left-to-right method
                    flyOutLeft = launcherLeft;
                else // Right-to-left method
                    flyOutLeft = launcherLeft + launcherWidth - flyOutWidth;

                flyOutTop = launcherTop + launcherHeight;
                int minWidth = launcherWidth >= 2 ? launcherWidth - 2 : launcherWidth /* borders */; // O14:389872 - flyout should be at least as wide as the launcher
                if (minWidth > flyOutWidth)
                    flyOutWidth = minWidth;
                flyOut.Style.MinWidth = minWidth + "px";

            // If the root is fixed positioned, then we need to take scroll offset into account (O14:28297)
            if (FixedPositioningEnabled)
                flyOutTop += viewableTop;
                flyOutLeft += viewableLeft;

            flyOut.Style.Top = flyOutTop + "px";
            flyOut.Style.Left = flyOutLeft + "px";

            // Horizonal Positioning
            // If the flyOut can fit in the viewport at all, then try positioning logic
            if (flyOutWidth <= viewportWidth)
                // If the flyOut is too close to the right side of the viewport
                if (flyOutLeft + flyOutWidth > viewableLeft + viewportWidth)
                    // If we're positioning horizontally and the flyout can fit
                    // launching the other way, try that
                    if (horizontal && isLTR && (launcherLeft - flyOutWidth) > viewableLeft)
                        flyOutLeft = launcherLeft - flyOutWidth;
                    // Otherwise, just align along the edge of the viewport
                        flyOutLeft = viewableLeft + viewportWidth - flyOutWidth - 5;
                        buttedToRightEdge = true;

                    changed = true;
                // If the flyOut is too close to the left side of the viewport
                else if (flyOutLeft < viewableLeft)
                    // If we're positioning horizontally and the flyout can fit
                    // launching the other way, try that
                    if (horizontal && !isLTR && (launcherLeft + launcherWidth + flyOutWidth) < (viewableLeft + viewportWidth))
                        flyOutLeft = launcherLeft + launcherWidth;
                    // Otherwise, just align along the edge of the viewport
                        flyOutLeft = viewableLeft + 5;
                        buttedToLeftEdge = true;

                    changed = true;
                    changed = false;
            // If the flyOut can't fit into the viewport, just align against the appropriate edge
                if (isLTR)
                    flyOutLeft = viewableLeft;
                    changed = true;
                else // RTL
                    flyOutLeft = viewableLeft + viewportWidth - flyOutWidth;
                    changed = true;
            // If changed, set the styles accordingly
            if (changed)
                flyOut.Style.Left = flyOutLeft + "px";
                changed = false;

            // Vertical Positioning (not affected by Text Direction)

            // If the flyOut is too close to the bottom of the viewport, launch the flyOut upwards
            // We work with the real height of the flyout's content here so that even if it is 
            // currently scrollable, we can see if it still needs to be scrollable
            if (flyOutTop + flyOutRealHeight > viewableTop + viewportHeight)
                // store initial value and viewableHeight
                int oldflyOutTop = flyOutTop;
                int oldflyOutViewableHeight = viewableTop + viewportHeight - flyOutTop;

                flyOutTop = launcherTop - flyOutRealHeight;
                if (FixedPositioningEnabled)
                    flyOutTop += viewableTop;

                int newflyOutViewableHeight = launcherTop;
                if (!FixedPositioningEnabled)
                    newflyOutViewableHeight -= viewableTop;
                changed = true;

                // If launching upwards is worse than before, go back to launching downwards
                if (newflyOutViewableHeight < flyOutRealHeight)
                    int flyOutWidthWithScrollbar = flyOutWidth + 22;

                    if (newflyOutViewableHeight < oldflyOutViewableHeight)
                        flyOutTop = oldflyOutTop;

                        // O14:45827 - Enable scrolling and change the height of the menu to fit in the space available
                        flyOut.Style.MaxHeight = (oldflyOutViewableHeight - 5) + "px";

                        if (!wasScrollable)
                            flyOut.Style.OverflowY = "scroll";
                            flyOut.Style.Width = flyOutWidthWithScrollbar + "px";

                        if (buttedToRightEdge && isLTR)
                            flyOutLeft -= 27; // compensate for the added scrollbar
                            flyOut.Style.Left = flyOutLeft + "px";
                        else if (buttedToLeftEdge && !isLTR)
                            flyOutLeft += 27; // compensate for the added scrollbar
                            flyOut.Style.Left = flyOutLeft + "px";

                        changed = false;
                        // Can't fit in either direction, but launching upwards is better
                        // Still need to resize the menu and enable scrolling
                        flyOut.Style.MaxHeight = (newflyOutViewableHeight - 5) + "px";

                        if (!wasScrollable)
                            flyOut.Style.OverflowY = "scroll";
                            flyOut.Style.Width = flyOutWidthWithScrollbar + "px";

                        if (buttedToRightEdge && isLTR)
                            flyOutLeft -= 27; // compensate for the added scrollbar
                            flyOut.Style.Left = flyOutLeft + "px";
                        else if (buttedToLeftEdge && !isLTR)
                            flyOutLeft += 27; // compensate for the added scrollbar
                            flyOut.Style.Left = flyOutLeft + "px";

                    if (!wasScrollable)
                        flyOut.SetAttribute("mscui:scrollable", "true");
                else // fits fine when launching upwards
                    // Revert auto-scroll styles to default if not needed
                    if (wasScrollable)
                        flyOut.Style.MaxHeight = "none";
                        flyOut.Style.OverflowY = "visible";
                        flyOut.Style.Width = "auto";
                        flyOut.SetAttribute("mscui:scrollable", "false");
            else // fits fine vertically
                // Revert auto-scroll styles to default if not needed
                if (wasScrollable)
                    flyOut.Style.MaxHeight = "none";
                    flyOut.Style.OverflowY = "visible";
                    flyOut.Style.Width = "auto";
                    flyOut.SetAttribute("mscui:scrollable", "false");
                changed = false;

            // If changed, set the styles accordingly
            if (changed)
                flyOut.Style.Top = flyOutTop + "px";
                changed = false;
Beispiel #11
 /// <summary>
 /// Position the flyout control horizontally, relative to the launching control and the viewing area on the screen.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="flyOut">The flyout to be launched.</param>
 /// <param name="launcher">The element launching the tooltip.</param>
 internal virtual void PositionFlyOutHorizontal(HtmlElement flyOut, HtmlElement launcher)
     UpdateFlyOutPosition(flyOut, launcher, true);
Beispiel #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Helper function to append the DOMElements of child Components to the passed in DOMElementInternal.  Used in conjunction with RefreshInternal().
        /// </summary>
        /// <seealso cref="RefreshInternal"/>
        /// <param name="elm">The DOMElement that the child Component's(the children of this Component) DOMElements should be appended to.</param>
        protected virtual void AppendChildrenToElement(HtmlElement elm)
            // The document fragment trick is known to have twice as much
            // throughput as appending directly to the DOM tree
            List<HtmlElement> elts = new List<HtmlElement>();
            foreach (Component child in _children)
                // This is very important for performance
                // We should always try to append an empty child DOM Element
                // first and then call EnsureRefreshed() where the child fills it

            // Now append those elements to the parent
            foreach (HtmlElement elt in elts)
Beispiel #13
 /// <summary>
 /// This can be overriden in components where the outer DOM element
 /// of the component is not a div tag and/or the outer structure of
 /// the component is more complex than just one div tag.  For example,
 /// <table/><tbody/><tr/> etc.
 /// </summary>
 internal virtual void EnsureDOMElement()
     // Make sure that the DOM element for this Component is created
     if (_elmDOM == null)
         _elmDOM = GetElementFromTagName(DOMElementTagName);
         _elmDOM.ClassName = CssClass;
         // REVIEW(josefl): do we need these ids only for debug?
         _elmDOM.Id = Id;
Beispiel #14
 /// <summary>
 /// Called to clean up anything that this component needs to
 /// Usually releasing event handlers and cleaning up any circular references.
 /// </summary>
 public virtual void Dispose()
     if (!CUIUtility.IsNullOrUndefined(_children))
         foreach (Component c in _children)
         _children = null;
     _parent = null;
     _root = null;
     _delayedInitData = null;
     _delayedInitHandler = null;
     _delayedInitOptions = null;
     _elmDOM = null;
Beispiel #15
 internal static void SetImeMode(HtmlElement e, string mode)
     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mode))
         e.Style.ImeMode = IsTrue(mode) ? "auto" : "disabled";
Beispiel #16
        // REVIEW(josefl):  This was copied out of rteutility.cs  It would be good if we can 
        // unify these into one low level utility sometime in the future.
        // This function finds the first applicable parent element of the element type.
        internal static HtmlElement GetNearestContainingParentElementOfTypes(HtmlElement elem, string[] aTagNames)
            int aTagNames_length = aTagNames.Length;

            if (CUIUtility.IsNullOrUndefined(elem))
                return null;

            // check the current element first.
            for (int i = 0; i < aTagNames_length; i++)
                if (string.Compare(elem.TagName.ToLower(), aTagNames[i].ToLower()) == 0)
                    return elem;

            // walk the parent chain to find the element type of interest.
            HtmlElement elemParent = (HtmlElement)elem.ParentNode;
            while (elemParent != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < aTagNames_length; i++)
                    if (string.Compare(elemParent.TagName.ToLower(), aTagNames[i].ToLower()) == 0)
                        return elemParent;
                elemParent = (HtmlElement)elemParent.ParentNode;
            return null;
Beispiel #17
 /// <summary>
 /// Position the flyout control vertically, relative to the launching control and the viewing area on the screen.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="flyOut">The flyout to be launched.</param>
 /// <param name="launcher">The element launching the tooltip.</param>
 internal virtual void PositionFlyOut(HtmlElement flyOut, HtmlElement launcher)
     UpdateFlyOutPosition(flyOut, launcher, false);
Beispiel #18
        private string CompareNodes(HtmlElement elm1, HtmlElement elm2)
            // Compare the number of attributes
            // It is more usefull to get an error message with the name of the mismatched attributes
            // if (elm1.Attributes.Length != elm2.Attributes.Length)
            //     return ConstructCompareErrorMessage(elm1, elm2, "Nodes have different numbers of attributes.");

            // First compare the Attributes
            string message = CompareNodeAttributes(elm1, elm2);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(message))
                return message;

            message = CompareNodeAttributes(elm2, elm1);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(message))
                return message;

            // Now compare number of children
            if (elm1.ChildNodes.Length != elm2.ChildNodes.Length)
                return (ConstructCompareErrorMessage(elm1, elm2, "Nodes have different number of children: " + elm1.ChildNodes.Length + " and " + elm2.ChildNodes.Length));

            // Now recurse over the children
            for (int i = 0; i < elm1.ChildNodes.Length; i++)
                message = CompareNodes((HtmlElement)elm1.ChildNodes[i], (HtmlElement)elm2.ChildNodes[i]);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(message))
                    return message;

            return "";
Beispiel #19
        private void UpdateFlyOutPosition(HtmlElement flyOut, HtmlElement launcher, bool horizontal)
            if (CUIUtility.IsNullOrUndefined(flyOut) || CUIUtility.IsNullOrUndefined(launcher))

            // Set temporary position on flyOut and get dimensions
            flyOut.Style.Top = "0px";
            flyOut.Style.Left = "0px";
            Dictionary<string, int> dimensions = GetAllElementDimensions(flyOut, launcher);

            SetFlyOutCoordinates(flyOut, dimensions, horizontal);
Beispiel #20
        private string CompareNodeAttributes(HtmlElement elm1, HtmlElement elm2)
            if (CUIUtility.IsNullOrUndefined(elm1.Attributes))
                if (elm1.InnerText != elm2.InnerText)
                    return ConstructCompareErrorMessage(elm1, elm2, "Text node text mismatched.");
                    return "";
            for (int i = 0; i < elm1.Attributes.Length; i++)
                DomAttribute attr1 = elm1.Attributes[i];
                DomAttribute attr2 = elm2.Attributes.GetNamedItem(attr1.Name);

                // For the unselectable attribute, the client rendered ribbon adds this as an asynchronous
                // task so it does not appear in this attribute collection.
                if (CUIUtility.IsNullOrUndefined(attr2) && attr1.Name != "unselectable")
                    // The exceptions to this:
                    // The "_events" attribute is used by Microsoft Ajax to attach events to the DOM node so it will
                    // not be present in the server rendered DOM.
                    if (attr1.Name != "_events")
                        return ConstructCompareErrorMessage(elm1, elm2, "Attribute: \"" + attr1.Name + "\" is only present in one node.");
                else if (attr1.Name == "unselectable")
                    string field = elm2.GetAttribute("unselectable");
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(field) || field != attr1.Value)
                        return ConstructCompareErrorMessage(elm1, elm2, "Attribute values for \"unselectable\" does not match.");

                if (attr1.Name.ToLower() != attr2.Name.ToLower())
                    return ConstructCompareErrorMessage(elm1, elm2, "Attributes at index " + i.ToString() + " have different names: \"" + attr1.Name + "\" and \"" + attr2.Name + "\"");

                if (attr1.Value.Trim() != attr2.Value.Trim())
                    // Handle exceptions here
                    // We ignore the oncontextmenu attribute because this one is attached in the client
                    // via a MicrosoftAjax event handler.
                    if (attr1.Name == "oncontextmenu" &&
                        !string.IsNullOrEmpty(elm1.ClassName) &&
                        elm1.ClassName.IndexOf("ms-cui-ribbon") != -1)
                    else if (attr1.Name == "class" &&
                             attr1.Value.Replace("ms-cui-disabled", "").Trim() ==
                             attr2.Value.Replace("ms-cui-disabled", "").Trim())
                    // Some elements need unique ids to function correctly. If the only difference is "-client"
                    // then we can ignore the issue.
                    else if (attr1.Name == "id" &&
                             attr1.Value.Replace("-client", "").Trim() ==
                             attr2.Value.Replace("-client", "").Trim())
                    // We ignore the case where images are not the same size because the image sizes
                    // are not set until the <img> tag is actually rendered so one of these will be "0"
                    // because it has not been put into the DOM.
                    else if (elm1.TagName.ToLower() == "img" &&
                             (attr1.Name == "height" || attr1.Name == "width"))
                    else if (elm1.TagName.ToLower() == "label" && attr1.Name == "for")
                    else if (elm1.TagName.ToLower() == "input" && attr1.Name.ToLower() == "maxlength")
                        return ConstructCompareErrorMessage(elm1, elm2, "Attribute: \"" + attr1.Name + "\" has different values: \"" + attr1.Value + "\" and \"" + attr2.Value + "\"");

            return "";
Beispiel #21
        /// <summary>
        /// Get all pertinent element dimensions for positioning the tooltip        
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="flyOut">The flyOut to be launched. If null, then only get launcher dimensions</param>
        /// <param name="launcher">The element that is launching the flyOut</param>
        /// <returns>A dictionary with all the necessary dimensional data to position the flyOut</returns>
        internal Dictionary<string, int> GetAllElementDimensions(HtmlElement flyOut, HtmlElement launcher)
            Dictionary<string, int> d = new Dictionary<string, int>();
            if (CUIUtility.IsNullOrUndefined(flyOut) || CUIUtility.IsNullOrUndefined(launcher))
                return d;

            // Get dimensions of the launcher
            d["launcherWidth"] = launcher.OffsetWidth;
            d["launcherHeight"] = launcher.OffsetHeight;

            // Get position coordinates for the launcher
            int top = launcher.OffsetTop, left = launcher.OffsetLeft;
            if (!CUIUtility.IsNullOrUndefined(launcher.OffsetParent))
                HtmlElement elem = launcher.OffsetParent;
                for (/*top, left*/; !CUIUtility.IsNullOrUndefined(elem); elem = elem.OffsetParent)
                    top += elem.OffsetTop;
                    left += elem.OffsetLeft;
                top = launcher.OffsetTop;
                left = launcher.OffsetLeft;

            // account for scrolling
            if (!CUIUtility.IsNullOrUndefined(launcher.ParentNode))
                int scrollTop = 0;
                int scrollLeft = 0;
                HtmlElement elem2 = (HtmlElement)launcher.ParentNode;
                for (/*scrollTop, scrollLeft*/; !CUIUtility.IsNullOrUndefined(elem2) && elem2.TagName.ToLower() != "html"; elem2 = (HtmlElement)elem2.ParentNode)
                    if (elem2.ScrollTop > 0)
                        scrollTop += elem2.ScrollTop;

                    if (elem2.ScrollLeft > 0)
                        if ((elem2 == Browser.Window.Document.DocumentElement) && BrowserUtility.InternetExplorer7 && Root.TextDirection == Direction.RTL)
                            // O14: 645034 - IE 7 mis-reports the Document.DocumentElement.ScrollLeft value in RTL layouts
                            scrollLeft += Browser.Document.Body.ScrollLeft;
                            scrollLeft += elem2.ScrollLeft;

                if (top >= scrollTop)
                    top -= scrollTop;

                if (left >= scrollLeft)
                    left -= scrollLeft;

            d["launcherTop"] = top;
            d["launcherLeft"] = left;

            if (flyOut != null)
                // Get dimensions of the flyOut
                d["flyOutWidth"] = flyOut.OffsetWidth;
                d["flyOutHeight"] = flyOut.OffsetHeight;
                d["flyOutRealHeight"] = flyOut.ScrollHeight;

                // Get dimensions of viewport
                // IE7, Mozilla, Firefox, Opera, Safari
                d["viewportWidth"] = Utility.GetViewPortWidth();
                d["viewportHeight"] = Utility.GetViewPortHeight();

                // Get viewable coordinates of the viewport - Firefox 3
                d["viewableTop"] = Browser.Document.DocumentElement.ScrollTop;
                d["viewableLeft"] = Browser.Document.DocumentElement.ScrollLeft;

                // IE7, Mozilla, Opera, Safari
                if (CUIUtility.IsNullOrUndefined(d["viewableTop"]))
                    JSObject windowObject = (JSObject)(object)Browser.Window;
                    d["viewableTop"] = windowObject.GetField<int>("pageYOffset");
                    d["viewableLeft"] = windowObject.GetField<int>("pageXOffset");
                if (BrowserUtility.InternetExplorer7 && (Root.TextDirection == Direction.RTL))
                    // O14: 645034 - IE 7 mis-reports the Document.DocumentElement.ScrollLeft value in RTL layouts
                    d["viewableLeft"] = Browser.Document.Body.ScrollLeft;

            return d;
Beispiel #22
        private string ConstructCompareErrorMessage(HtmlElement elm1, HtmlElement elm2, string error)
            string message = "COMPARE ERROR: " + error + "\n\n";
            message += "Closest Ancestor Id: \"" + GetClosestAncestorIdAndLevel(elm1) + "\"\n\n";
            message += "Element1 ClassName: " + elm1.ClassName + "\n";
            message += "Element1 InnerHTML: " + elm1.InnerHtml;
            message += "\n\n\n\n";
            message += "Element2 ClassName: " + elm2.ClassName + "\n";
            message += "Element2 InnerHTML: " + elm2.InnerHtml;

            // Give option to enter debugger at point of failure
            if (Browser.Window.Confirm(message + "\n\nDo you want to debug?"))
            return message;
Beispiel #23
 private void RemoveEvents(HtmlElement elmButton, HtmlElement elmItem)
     elmItem.MouseOver += OnSelectedItemMouseover;
     elmItem.MouseOut += OnSelectedItemMouseout;
     elmButton.Click += OnArrowButtonClick;
     elmButton.MouseOver += OnArrowButtonFocus;
     elmButton.MouseOut += OnArrowButtonBlur;
     elmButton.Focus += OnArrowButtonKeyboardFocus;
     elmButton.Blur += OnArrowButtonBlur;
     elmButton.KeyPress += OnArrowButtonKeyPress;
Beispiel #24
        private string GetClosestAncestorIdAndLevel(HtmlElement elm)
            string message = "Found no id in ancestor chain";
            int level = 0;
            while (!CUIUtility.IsNullOrUndefined(elm))
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(elm.Id))
                    message = elm.Id + " at level " + level;
                elm = (HtmlElement)elm.ParentNode;

            return message;
Beispiel #25
 /// <summary>
 /// Specialized menu positioning method. If this MenuLauncher is in a Menu display mode, use flyout-style sideways menu positioning
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="menu">The DOMElement of the menu to be launched</param>
 /// <param name="launcher">The DOMElement of the launcher</param>
 /// <owner alias="JKern" />
 protected override void PositionMenu(HtmlElement menu, HtmlElement launcher)
     // If not in a menu, use the standard menu positioning logic
     if (DisplayedComponent.DisplayMode.StartsWith("Menu"))
         // If we're in a menu, we want the position the flyout horizontally
         Root.PositionFlyOutHorizontal(menu, launcher);
         // If not in a menu, use the standard menu positioning logic
         base.PositionMenu(menu, launcher);
Beispiel #26
 protected internal void StoreElementForDisplayMode(HtmlElement elm, string displayMode)
     _cachedDOMElements[displayMode] = elm;
Beispiel #27
        private void AttachEvents(HtmlElement elmCheckbox, HtmlElement elmLabel)
            elmCheckbox.Click += OnClick;
            elmCheckbox.Focus += OnFocus;
            elmCheckbox.Blur += OnBlur;
            elmCheckbox.MouseOver += OnMouseover;
            elmCheckbox.MouseOut += OnMouseout;
            elmCheckbox.KeyDown += OnKeyDown;

            if (!CUIUtility.IsNullOrUndefined(elmLabel))
                elmLabel.Click += OnLabelClick;
                elmLabel.KeyDown += OnKeyDown;
                elmLabel.MouseOver += OnMouseover;
                elmLabel.MouseOut += OnMouseout;
Beispiel #28
        /// <summary>
        /// We need this function because though we have the events on the <td> node,
        /// they can return a sub node (one of the divs for example) as the event.Target
        /// This function will find the outer element no mater what element in in 
        /// event.Target.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="elm"></param>
        /// <param name="goUp"></param>
        /// <param name="goDown"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private Div GetOuterDiv(HtmlElement elm)
            // Walk down until we get to the "A" tag.
            while (elm.HasChildNodes())
                elm = (HtmlElement)elm.ChildNodes[0];

            // Now "elm" has the "A" tag in it.  We can then get the outer div
            // from it.
            return (Div)elm.ParentNode.ParentNode;
Beispiel #29
 // Travel up DOM tree to find the group id
 private string FindGroupId(HtmlElement elm)
     if (elm.NodeName == "LI")
         return elm.Id;
         return FindGroupId((HtmlElement)elm.ParentNode);
Beispiel #30
        internal void AddTabTitleDOMElement(HtmlElement tabTitle)

            if (_tabCount == 1)
                Utility.EnsureCSSClassOnElement(_elmTabTitleContainer, "ms-cui-oneCtxTab");
            else if (_tabCount == 2)
                Utility.RemoveCSSClassFromElement(_elmTabTitleContainer, "ms-cui-oneCtxTab");