Command controller (Model-View-Controller pattern)
Inheritance: ICommandTarget, IDisposable
Beispiel #1
        public static CommandTargetToOleShim ConnectController(IVsEditorAdaptersFactoryService adapterService, ITextView textView, Controller controller) {
            IVsTextView viewAdapter = adapterService.GetViewAdapter(textView);
            CommandTargetToOleShim oleControllerShim = null;

            // Connect main controller to VS text view filter chain.
            // The chain looks like VS IDE -> language main controller -> Core editor
            // However, IDE wants IOleCommandTarget and core editor, although managed,
            // is represented by OLE command target as well. Since R controller
            // is not specific to VS and does not use OLE, we create OLE-to-managed target shim
            // and managed target-to-OLE shims. 
            if (viewAdapter != null) {
                // Create OLE shim that wraps main controller ICommandTarget and represents
                // it as IOleCommandTarget that is accepted by VS IDE.
                oleControllerShim = new CommandTargetToOleShim(textView, controller);

                IOleCommandTarget nextOleTarget;
                viewAdapter.AddCommandFilter(oleControllerShim, out nextOleTarget);

                // nextOleTarget is typically a core editor wrapped into OLE layer.
                // Create a wrapper that will present OLE target as ICommandTarget to
                // HTML main controller so controller can operate in platform-agnostic way.
                ICommandTarget nextCommandTarget = VsAppShell.Current.TranslateCommandTarget(textView, nextOleTarget);
                controller.ChainedController = nextCommandTarget;
            return oleControllerShim;
        public HelpWindowVisualComponent() {
            _session = VsAppShell.Current.ExportProvider.GetExportedValue<IRSessionProvider>().GetInteractiveWindowRSession();
            _session.Disconnected += OnRSessionDisconnected;

            _windowContentControl = new ContentControl();
            Control = _windowContentControl;

            var c = new Controller();
            Controller = c;

            VSColorTheme.ThemeChanged += OnColorThemeChanged;
Beispiel #3
        public HelpVisualComponent() {
            _codeColorBuilder = VsAppShell.Current.ExportProvider.GetExportedValue<IVignetteCodeColorBuilder>();
            _coreShell = VsAppShell.Current.ExportProvider.GetExportedValue<ICoreShell>();

            var workflow = VsAppShell.Current.ExportProvider.GetExportedValue<IRInteractiveWorkflowProvider>().GetOrCreate();
            workflow.RSessions.BrokerStateChanged += OnBrokerStateChanged;

            _session = workflow.RSession;
            _session.Disconnected += OnRSessionDisconnected;

            _windowContentControl = new ContentControl();
            Control = _windowContentControl;

            var c = new Controller();
            Controller = c;

            VSColorTheme.ThemeChanged += OnColorThemeChanged;