public Http2Session(Stream stream, ConnectionEnd end, 
                            bool usePriorities, bool useFlowControl, bool isSecure,
                            CancellationToken cancel,
                            int initialWindowSize = Constants.InitialFlowControlWindowSize,
                            int maxConcurrentStreams = Constants.DefaultMaxConcurrentStreams)

            if (stream == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("stream is null");

            if (cancel == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("cancellation token is null");

            if (maxConcurrentStreams <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("maxConcurrentStreams cant be less or equal then 0");

            if (initialWindowSize <= 0 && useFlowControl)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("initialWindowSize cant be less or equal then 0");

            _ourEnd = end;
            _usePriorities = usePriorities;
            _useFlowControl = useFlowControl;
            _isSecure = isSecure;

            _cancelSessionToken = cancel;

            if (_ourEnd == ConnectionEnd.Client)
                _remoteEnd = ConnectionEnd.Server;
                _lastId = -1; // Streams opened by client are odd

                //if we got unsecure connection then server will respond with id == 1. We cant initiate 
                //new stream with id == 1.
                if (!(stream is SslStream))
                    _lastId = 3;
                _remoteEnd = ConnectionEnd.Client;
                _lastId = 0; // Streams opened by server are even

            _goAwayReceived = false;
            _comprProc = new CompressionProcessor(_ourEnd);
            _ioStream = stream;

            _frameReader = new FrameReader(_ioStream);

            ActiveStreams = new ActiveStreams();

            _writeQueue = new WriteQueue(_ioStream, ActiveStreams, _comprProc, _usePriorities);
            OurMaxConcurrentStreams = maxConcurrentStreams;
            RemoteMaxConcurrentStreams = maxConcurrentStreams;
            InitialWindowSize = initialWindowSize;

            _flowControlManager = new FlowControlManager(this);

            if (!_useFlowControl)
                _flowControlManager.Options = (byte) FlowControlOptions.DontUseFlowControl;

            SessionWindowSize = 0;
            _headersSequences = new HeadersSequenceList();
            _promisedResources = new Dictionary<int, string>();
Beispiel #2
        public Http2Session(Stream stream, ConnectionEnd end,
                            bool usePriorities, bool useFlowControl, bool isSecure,
                            CancellationToken cancel,
                            int initialWindowSize    = Constants.InitialFlowControlWindowSize,
                            int maxConcurrentStreams = Constants.DefaultMaxConcurrentStreams)
            if (stream == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("stream is null");

            if (cancel == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("cancellation token is null");

            if (maxConcurrentStreams <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("maxConcurrentStreams cant be less or equal then 0");

            if (initialWindowSize <= 0 && useFlowControl)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("initialWindowSize cant be less or equal then 0");

            _ourEnd         = end;
            _usePriorities  = usePriorities;
            _useFlowControl = useFlowControl;
            _isSecure       = isSecure;

            _cancelSessionToken = cancel;

            if (_ourEnd == ConnectionEnd.Client)
                _remoteEnd = ConnectionEnd.Server;
                _lastId    = -1; // Streams opened by client are odd

                //if we got unsecure connection then server will respond with id == 1. We cant initiate
                //new stream with id == 1.
                if (!(stream is SslStream))
                    _lastId = 3;
                _remoteEnd = ConnectionEnd.Client;
                _lastId    = 0; // Streams opened by server are even

            _goAwayReceived = false;
            _comprProc      = new CompressionProcessor();
            _ioStream       = stream;

            _frameReader = new FrameReader(_ioStream);

            _writeQueue                = new WriteQueue(_ioStream, _comprProc, _usePriorities);
            OurMaxConcurrentStreams    = maxConcurrentStreams;
            RemoteMaxConcurrentStreams = maxConcurrentStreams;
            InitialWindowSize          = initialWindowSize;

            _flowControlManager = new FlowControlManager(this);

            if (!_useFlowControl)
                _flowControlManager.Options = (byte)FlowControlOptions.DontUseFlowControl;

            SessionWindowSize  = 0;
            _headersSequences  = new HeadersSequenceList();
            _promisedResources = new Dictionary <int, string>();

            StreamDictionary = new StreamDictionary();
            for (byte i = 0; i < OurMaxConcurrentStreams; i++)
                var http2Stream = new Http2Stream(new HeadersList(), i + 1, _writeQueue, _flowControlManager)
                    Idle = true
                StreamDictionary.Add(new KeyValuePair <int, Http2Stream>(i + 1, http2Stream));
