public static void CreateAppointment(ExchangeService service, string fechaInicio, string fechaFin, string lugar, string nombre, string dias)
            Appointment app = new Appointment(service);
            app.Subject = nombre;
            app.Location = lugar;

            DateTime dateInicio = Convert.ToDateTime(fechaInicio);
            DateTime dateFin = Convert.ToDateTime(fechaFin);
            TimeSpan timeSpan = dateFin.Subtract(dateInicio);
            string timeFor = timeSpan.ToString(@"hh\:mm\:ss");
            var time = TimeSpan.Parse(timeFor);
            app.Start = dateInicio;
            app.End = dateInicio.Add(time);
            if (dias != "")
                DayOfTheWeek[] days = stringToDays(dias);
                app.Recurrence = new Recurrence.WeeklyPattern(app.Start.Date, 1, days);
                app.Recurrence.StartDate = app.Start.Date;
                app.Recurrence.EndDate = dateFin;

            app.IsReminderSet = true;
            app.ReminderMinutesBeforeStart = 15;
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var url = "http://*****:*****@word1";
            var domain = (string)null; //"CONTOSO";

            ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = (sender, certificate, chain, errors) => true; // ignore certificate errors for HTTPS
            var exchange = new ExchangeService(ExchangeVersion.Exchange2007_SP1)
                Url = new Uri(url),
                Credentials = new WebCredentials(username, password, domain),

            // req#1: this succeeds
            Test("GetUserAvailability (FreeBusy only)",
                () => exchange.GetUserAvailability(new[]{new AttendeeInfo{SmtpAddress = username}}, new TimeWindow(DateTime.Today, DateTime.Today.AddDays(1)), AvailabilityData.FreeBusy));
            // req#2: this fails with an empty response
            Test("GetUserAvailability (FreeBusyAndSuggestions)",
                () => exchange.GetUserAvailability(new[]{new AttendeeInfo{SmtpAddress = username}}, new TimeWindow(DateTime.Today, DateTime.Today.AddDays(1)), AvailabilityData.FreeBusyAndSuggestions));
            // req#3: this fails because the ResponseMessages xml element is empty
                () =>
                        var appointment = new Appointment(exchange);
                        appointment.Start = DateTime.Today.AddHours(10);
                        appointment.End = DateTime.Today.AddHours(12);
                        appointment.Subject = "Test appointment";
        public ReserveRoomResponse Execute(ReserveRoomRequest request)
            var response = new ReserveRoomResponse();

                // Get mailbox info
                var requestMailboxInfo = new GetMailboxInfo.GetMailboxInfoRequest(
                    email: request.MailboxEmail);
                var responseMailboxInfo = new GetMailboxInfo().Execute(requestMailboxInfo);
                if (!responseMailboxInfo.Success) {
                    response.ErrorMessage = responseMailboxInfo.ErrorMessage;
                    return response;

                // Connect to Exchange
                var service = ExchangeServiceConnector.GetService(request.MailboxEmail);

                var mbx = new Mailbox(request.MailboxEmail);
                FolderId fid = new FolderId(WellKnownFolderName.Calendar, mbx);

                //CalendarFolder calendar = CalendarFolder.Bind(service, fid, new PropertySet(FolderSchema.ManagedFolderInformation, FolderSchema.ParentFolderId, FolderSchema.ExtendedProperties));

                // Create appointment
                var appointment = new Appointment(service);

                appointment.Subject = "Impromptu Meeting";
                appointment.Body = "Booked via Conference Room app.";
                appointment.Start = DateTime.Now;
                appointment.End = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(request.BookMinutes);
                appointment.Location = responseMailboxInfo.DisplayName;
                appointment.Save(fid, SendInvitationsMode.SendToNone);

                // Verify saved
                Item item = Item.Bind(service, appointment.Id, new PropertySet(ItemSchema.Subject));
                if (item == null)
                    response.ErrorMessage = "Error saving appointment to calendar.";
                    return response;
                    response.AppointmentId = appointment.Id;
                    response.Success = true;
            catch (Exception e)
                response.ErrorMessage = e.ToString();
                return response;

            return response;
Beispiel #4
 public void CreateAndSaveMeeting(Meeting m)
         Appointment a = new Appointment(service);
         a.Subject = m.Title;
         a.Body = m.Description;
         a.Start = DataHelper.StringToDate(m.Start, DataHelper.DateStringLong);
         a.End = DataHelper.StringToDate(m.End, DataHelper.DateStringLong);
         a.Location = m.Location;
         foreach (string email in m.Invited)
     catch (Exception e)
         throw new ServiceException("Cannot create meeting", e);
         * Function: CreateNewAppointment
         * Creates a new appointment.
         * Returns the AppID (appointment id) for future changes
        static string CreateNewAppointment(ExchangeService service, string subject, string body, DateTime date, int duration, string status)
            Console.WriteLine("Creating a New Item: " + subject);

            // Create an appointmet and identify the Exchange service.
            Appointment appointment = new Appointment(service);

            // Set details
            appointment.Subject = subject;
            appointment.Body = body;
            appointment.Start = date;
            appointment.End = appointment.Start.AddHours(duration);
            StringList categories = new Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.StringList();
            appointment.Categories = categories;
            appointment.IsReminderSet = false;

            // Save and Send

            // Get ItemId for future updates
            return ""+appointment.Id+"";
Beispiel #6
    public WhartonEWSResponse CreateCalendarItem(
        String apiKey,
        String emlUserAddress, 
        String lstReqAttendeeEmail,
        String lstOptAttendeeEmail,
        String dtCalItemStart, 
        String dtCalItemEnd, 
        String strCalItemSubject, 
        String strCalItemLocation, 
        String strCalItemBody,
        Boolean blnAllDayFlag,
        String strCalItemCategories
        WhartonEWSResponse rsp = new WhartonEWSResponse();

        Boolean success = true;
        String miscData = "";

            // Initialize EWS service.
            ExchangeService service = getService(emlUserAddress, apiKey);

            //parse input date/time values into native DateTime types
            DateTime rangeStart = DateTime.Parse(dtCalItemStart);
            DateTime rangeEnd = DateTime.Parse(dtCalItemEnd);

            //create the appointment object
            Appointment newAppointment = new Appointment(service);

            //fill in the details
            newAppointment.Subject = strCalItemSubject;
            newAppointment.Body = strCalItemBody;
            newAppointment.Body.BodyType = BodyType.Text;
            newAppointment.Start = rangeStart;
            newAppointment.End = rangeEnd;
            newAppointment.Location = strCalItemLocation;
            newAppointment.IsAllDayEvent = blnAllDayFlag;

            if (lstReqAttendeeEmail.Length > 0)
                lstReqAttendeeEmail.Replace(';', ',');
                String[] reqAttendees = lstReqAttendeeEmail.Split(',');
                foreach (String a in reqAttendees)
            if (lstOptAttendeeEmail.Length > 0)
                lstOptAttendeeEmail.Replace(';', ',');
                String[] optAttendees = lstOptAttendeeEmail.Split(',');
                foreach (String a in optAttendees)

            if (strCalItemCategories.Length > 0)
                String[] cats = strCalItemCategories.Split(',');
                foreach (String cat in cats)

            //save it!

            rsp.SimpleData = true;
        catch (Exception e)
            if (!(int.TryParse(e.Message, out rsp.StatusCode)))
                //if the parsing fails, then set a default value of 500
                rsp.StatusCode = 500;
            rsp.Msg = e.Message;

            success = false;
            miscData = "{ \"ErrMsg\":\"" + rsp.Msg + "\" }";
            rsp.StackTrace = e.StackTrace;
            if (e.InnerException != null) { rsp.InnerException = e.InnerException.ToString(); }

        addAuditLog(apiKey, emlUserAddress, "CreateCalendarItem", success, miscData);

        return rsp;
Beispiel #7
		public Task<bool> ReserveRoom(RoomInfo room, TimeSpan duration)
			Appointment appointment = new Appointment(_service);

			// Set the properties on the appointment object to create the appointment.
			appointment.Subject = "Room reservation";
			appointment.Body = $"Automatically created by FindMeRoomOSS on {DateTime.Now}";
			appointment.Start = DateTime.Now;
			appointment.End = appointment.Start + duration;
			appointment.Location = room.RoomId;

			// Save the appointment to your calendar.

			PropertySet psPropSet = new PropertySet(BasePropertySet.FirstClassProperties);

			// Verify that the appointment was created by using the appointment's item ID.
			appointment = Item.Bind(_service, appointment.Id, psPropSet) as Appointment;
			if (appointment == null)
				return Task.FromResult(false);
			return Task.Run(async () =>
					var finishTime = DateTime.Now + CreationTimeout;
					Attendee roomAttendee;
					// wait till the room accepts
						Debug.WriteLine("Waiting for response...");
						await Task.Delay(1000);

						// refresh appointment data
						appointment = Item.Bind(_service, appointment.Id, psPropSet) as Appointment;
						if (appointment == null)
							Debug.WriteLine("Appointment has been deleted");
							return false;
						roomAttendee = appointment.RequiredAttendees.FirstOrDefault(att => att.Address == room.RoomId);
						if (roomAttendee == null)
							Debug.WriteLine("Someone is messing with our appointment");
							return false;
					} while (DateTime.Now < finishTime && (
							!roomAttendee.ResponseType.HasValue ||
							roomAttendee.ResponseType == MeetingResponseType.Unknown ||
							roomAttendee.ResponseType == MeetingResponseType.NoResponseReceived
					Debug.WriteLine($"Response is {roomAttendee.ResponseType}...");
					return roomAttendee.ResponseType.HasValue && roomAttendee.ResponseType.Value == MeetingResponseType.Accept;
        public IHttpActionResult Create(CreateAppointmentRequest request)
            var service = ExchangeServer.Open();
            var appointment = new Appointment(service);

            // Set the properties on the appointment object to create the appointment.
            appointment.Subject = request.Subject;
            appointment.Body = request.Body;
            appointment.Start = DateTime.Parse(request.Start);
            //appointment.StartTimeZone = TimeZoneInfo.Local;
            appointment.End = DateTime.Parse(request.End);
            //appointment.EndTimeZone = TimeZoneInfo.Local;
            appointment.Location = request.Location;
            //appointment.ReminderDueBy = DateTime.Now;

            foreach(var email in request.Recipients)

            // Save the appointment to your calendar.

            // Verify that the appointment was created by using the appointment's item ID.
            Item item = Item.Bind(service, appointment.Id, new PropertySet(ItemSchema.Subject));

            var response = new CreateAppointmentResponse
                Message = "Appointment created: " + item.Subject,
                AppointId = appointment.Id.ToString()

            return Ok(response);
        private Appointment CreateExchangeCalendarEvent(string subject, string body, DateTime start, DateTime end)
            var userCredential = GetExchangeUserCredential();
            var exchangeService = _microsoftExchangeServiceProvider.GetMicrosoftExchangeService(userCredential);
            var isDefaultCalendarExist = false;
            var defaultCalendar = DependencyResolver.Resolve<IExchangeCalendarEventSyncDataService>().GetDefaultCalendarFolder(userCredential, out isDefaultCalendarExist);

            Appointment appointment = new Appointment(exchangeService);

            appointment.Subject = subject;
            appointment.Body = new MessageBody(BodyType.Text, body);
            appointment.Start = start;
            appointment.End = end;


            appointment = GetExchangeCalendarEvent(appointment.Id.UniqueId);

            return appointment;
        public string CreateNewAppointmentE(string subject_, string StartDate_,string finisDate_,string body_,string location_, List<string> attendees_)
            string errorAppointment = "";
                ExchangeService service = new ExchangeService(ExchangeVersion.Exchange2010);
                service.UseDefaultCredentials = true;
                service.Credentials = new WebCredentials("XXXXXXXXX", "XXXXX", "XXXX");//

                Appointment appointment = new Appointment(service);
                appointment.Subject = subject_;
                appointment.Body = body_;
                appointment.Start = Convert.ToDateTime(StartDate_);
                appointment.End = Convert.ToDateTime(finisDate_);
                appointment.Location = location_;

                foreach (string attendee in attendees_)


                return errorAppointment;
                return errorAppointment = "an error trying to send the appoitment happend" ;
        public void StartNewMeeting(string roomAddress, string securityKey, string title, int minutes)
            if (_securityRepository.GetSecurityRights(roomAddress, securityKey) != SecurityStatus.Granted)
                throw new UnauthorizedAccessException();
            var status = GetStatus(roomAddress);
            if (status.Status != RoomStatus.Free)
                throw new Exception("Room is not free");

            using (_concurrencyLimiter.StartOperation())
                var calId = new FolderId(WellKnownFolderName.Calendar, new Mailbox(roomAddress));

                var now = _dateTimeService.Now.TruncateToTheMinute();
                minutes = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(minutes, Math.Min(120, status.NextMeeting.ChainIfNotNull(m => (int?)m.Start.Subtract(now).TotalMinutes) ?? 120)));

                var appt = new Appointment(_exchangeService);
                appt.Start = now;
                appt.End = now.AddMinutes(minutes);
                appt.Subject = title;
                appt.Body = "Scheduled via conference room management system";
                appt.Save(calId, SendInvitationsMode.SendToNone);
                log.DebugFormat("Created {0} for {1}", appt.Id.UniqueId, roomAddress);

Beispiel #12
        public static void CreateReservation(string roomAddress, int duration)
            Appointment newApt = new Appointment(_exchangeService);
            newApt.Subject = "Walk up";
            newApt.Start = DateTime.Now;
            newApt.StartTimeZone = TimeZoneInfo.Local;
            newApt.End = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(duration);
            newApt.EndTimeZone = TimeZoneInfo.Local;


            //set 'pending' item so that quick GetRoomAvailability calls
            //won't miss this appointment just because the meeting room
            //hasn't accepted yet. Since this only applies to  Walk Up
            //reservations (and you can only have one of those at a time)
            //we can store this in a single cached value
                new CalendarEvent()
                    Subject = newApt.Subject,
                    StartTime = newApt.Start,
                    EndTime = newApt.End,
                    Status = "Busy"
