ToNormalizedFullPath() public static method

Should not convert path to lower case as under Linux/Unix, path is case sensitive Also, Website URL should be case sensitive consider the server might be running under Linux/Unix So we could even not lower the path under Windows as the generated YAML should be ideally OS irrelevant
public static ToNormalizedFullPath ( this path ) : string
path this
return string
Beispiel #1
 public ExtractMetadataWorker(ExtractMetadataInputModel input, bool rebuild, bool useCompatibilityFileName)
     _rawInput                  = input;
     _validInput                = ValidateInput(input);
     _rebuild                   = rebuild;
     _shouldSkipMarkup          = input.ShouldSkipMarkup;
     _preserveRawInlineComments = input.PreserveRawInlineComments;
     _filterConfigFile          = TypeForwardedToStringExtension.ToNormalizedFullPath(input.FilterConfigFile);
     _useCompatibilityFileName  = useCompatibilityFileName;
Beispiel #2
        public void SaveToCache(IEnumerable <string> inputProjects, IDictionary <string, List <string> > containedFiles, DateTime triggeredTime, string outputFolder, IList <string> fileRelativePaths, bool shouldSkipMarkup)
            var       key          = TypeForwardedToStringExtension.GetNormalizedFullPathKey(inputProjects);
            DateTime  completeTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
            BuildInfo info         = new BuildInfo
                InputFilesKey       = key,
                ContainedFiles      = containedFiles,
                TriggeredUtcTime    = triggeredTime,
                CompleteUtcTime     = completeTime,
                OutputFolder        = TypeForwardedToStringExtension.ToNormalizedFullPath(outputFolder),
                RelatvieOutputFiles = TypeForwardedToStringExtension.GetNormalizedPathList(fileRelativePaths),
                BuildAssembly       = AssemblyName,
                ShouldSkipMarkup    = shouldSkipMarkup

            this.SaveConfig(key, info);
Beispiel #3
        private static IEnumerable <string> GetTransitiveProjectReferences(ConcurrentDictionary <string, Project> projectCache, Project project)
            var solution = project.Solution;

            foreach (var pr in project.ProjectReferences)
                var refProject = solution.GetProject(pr.ProjectId);
                var path       = TypeForwardedToStringExtension.ToNormalizedFullPath(refProject.FilePath);
                if (projectCache.ContainsKey(path))
                    yield return(path);
                    foreach (var rpr in GetTransitiveProjectReferences(projectCache, refProject))
                        yield return(rpr);
Beispiel #4
        private static Task <Tuple <MetadataItem, bool> > GetProjectMetadataFromCacheAsync(Project project, Compilation compilation, string outputFolder, ProjectDocumentCache documentCache, bool forceRebuild, bool shouldSkipMarkup, bool preserveRawInlineComments, string filterConfigFile, IReadOnlyDictionary <Compilation, IEnumerable <IMethodSymbol> > extensionMethods, bool isReferencedProjectRebuilt)
            var projectFilePath = project.FilePath;
            var k = documentCache.GetDocuments(projectFilePath);

                       new[] { projectFilePath, filterConfigFile },
                       s => Task.FromResult(forceRebuild || s.AreFilesModified(k.Concat(new string[] { filterConfigFile })) || isReferencedProjectRebuilt),
                       s => Task.FromResult(compilation),
                       s =>
                return new Dictionary <string, List <string> > {
                    { TypeForwardedToStringExtension.ToNormalizedFullPath(s.FilePath), k.ToList() }
Beispiel #5
 private static void FillProjectDependencyGraph(ConcurrentDictionary <string, Project> projectCache, ConcurrentDictionary <string, List <string> > projectDependencyGraph, Project project)
     projectDependencyGraph.GetOrAdd(TypeForwardedToStringExtension.ToNormalizedFullPath(project.FilePath), GetTransitiveProjectReferences(projectCache, project).Distinct().ToList());
Beispiel #6
        private async Task SaveAllMembersFromCacheAsync(IEnumerable <string> inputs, string outputFolder, bool forceRebuild)
            var projectCache = new ConcurrentDictionary <string, Project>();
            // Project<=>Documents
            var      documentCache          = new ProjectDocumentCache();
            var      projectDependencyGraph = new ConcurrentDictionary <string, List <string> >();
            DateTime triggeredTime          = DateTime.UtcNow;
            var      solutions = inputs.Where(s => IsSupportedSolution(s));
            var      projects  = inputs.Where(s => IsSupportedProject(s));

            var sourceFiles = inputs.Where(s => IsSupportedSourceFile(s));

            // Exclude not supported files from inputs
            inputs = solutions.Concat(projects).Concat(sourceFiles);

            // Add filter config file into inputs and cache
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_filterConfigFile))
                inputs = inputs.Concat(new string[] { _filterConfigFile });
                documentCache.AddDocument(_filterConfigFile, _filterConfigFile);

            // No matter is incremental or not, we have to load solutions into memory
            await solutions.ForEachInParallelAsync(async path =>
                documentCache.AddDocument(path, path);
                var solution = await GetSolutionAsync(path);
                if (solution != null)
                    foreach (var project in solution.Projects)
                        var filePath = project.FilePath;

                        // If the project is csproj/vbproj, add to project dictionary, otherwise, ignore
                        if (IsSupportedProject(filePath))
                            projectCache.GetOrAdd(TypeForwardedToStringExtension.ToNormalizedFullPath(project.FilePath), s => project);
                            var value = string.Join(",", SupportedExtensions);
                            Logger.Log(LogLevel.Warning, $"Project {filePath} inside solution {path} is not supported, supported file extension are: {value}. The project will be ignored.");
            }, 60);

            // Load additional projects out if it is not contained in expanded solution
            projects = projects.Except(projectCache.Keys).Distinct();

            await projects.ForEachInParallelAsync(async path =>
                var project = await GetProjectAsync(path);
                if (project != null)
                    projectCache.GetOrAdd(path, s => project);
            }, 60);

            foreach (var item in projectCache)
                var path    = item.Key;
                var project = item.Value;
                documentCache.AddDocument(path, path);
                documentCache.AddDocuments(path, project.Documents.Select(s => s.FilePath));
                documentCache.AddDocuments(path, project.MetadataReferences
                                           .Where(s => s is PortableExecutableReference)
                                           .Select(s => ((PortableExecutableReference)s).FilePath));
                FillProjectDependencyGraph(projectCache, projectDependencyGraph, project);


            // Incremental check for inputs as a whole:
            var applicationCache = ApplicationLevelCache.Get(inputs);

            if (!forceRebuild)
                BuildInfo buildInfo = applicationCache.GetValidConfig(inputs);
                if (buildInfo != null && buildInfo.ShouldSkipMarkup == _shouldSkipMarkup)
                    IncrementalCheck check = new IncrementalCheck(buildInfo);
                    // 1. Check if sln files/ project files and its contained documents/ source files are modified
                    var projectModified = check.AreFilesModified(documentCache.Documents);

                    if (!projectModified)
                        // 2. Check if documents/ assembly references are changed in a project
                        // e.g. <Compile Include="*.cs* /> and file added/deleted
                        foreach (var project in projectCache.Values)
                            var key = TypeForwardedToStringExtension.ToNormalizedFullPath(project.FilePath);
                            IEnumerable <string> currentContainedFiles = documentCache.GetDocuments(project.FilePath);
                            var previousDocumentCache = new ProjectDocumentCache(buildInfo.ContainedFiles);

                            IEnumerable <string> previousContainedFiles = previousDocumentCache.GetDocuments(project.FilePath);
                            if (previousContainedFiles != null && currentContainedFiles != null)
                                projectModified = !previousContainedFiles.SequenceEqual(currentContainedFiles);
                                // When one of them is not null, project is modified
                                if (!object.Equals(previousContainedFiles, currentContainedFiles))
                                    projectModified = true;
                            if (projectModified)

                    if (!projectModified)
                        // Nothing modified, use the result in cache
                            CopyFromCachedResult(buildInfo, inputs, outputFolder);
                        catch (Exception e)
                            Logger.Log(LogLevel.Warning, $"Unable to copy results from cache: {e.Message}. Rebuild starts.");

            // Build all the projects to get the output and save to cache
            List <MetadataItem> projectMetadataList = new List <MetadataItem>();
            ConcurrentDictionary <string, bool>        projectRebuildInfo = new ConcurrentDictionary <string, bool>();
            ConcurrentDictionary <string, Compilation> compilationCache   = await GetProjectCompilationAsync(projectCache);

            var extensionMethods = GetAllExtensionMethods(compilationCache.Values);

            foreach (var key in GetTopologicalSortedItems(projectDependencyGraph))
                var dependencyRebuilt     = projectDependencyGraph[key].Any(r => projectRebuildInfo[r]);
                var projectMetadataResult = await GetProjectMetadataFromCacheAsync(projectCache[key], compilationCache[key], outputFolder, documentCache, forceRebuild, _shouldSkipMarkup, _preserveRawInlineComments, _filterConfigFile, extensionMethods, dependencyRebuilt);

                var projectMetadata = projectMetadataResult.Item1;
                if (projectMetadata != null)
                projectRebuildInfo[key] = projectMetadataResult.Item2;

            var csFiles = sourceFiles.Where(s => IsSupportedCSSourceFile(s));

            if (csFiles.Any())
                var csContent     = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, csFiles.Select(s => File.ReadAllText(s)));
                var csCompilation = CompilationUtility.CreateCompilationFromCsharpCode(csContent);
                if (csCompilation != null)
                    var csMetadata = await GetFileMetadataFromCacheAsync(csFiles, csCompilation, outputFolder, forceRebuild, _shouldSkipMarkup, _preserveRawInlineComments, _filterConfigFile, extensionMethods);

                    if (csMetadata != null)

            var vbFiles = sourceFiles.Where(s => IsSupportedVBSourceFile(s));

            if (vbFiles.Any())
                var vbContent     = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, vbFiles.Select(s => File.ReadAllText(s)));
                var vbCompilation = CompilationUtility.CreateCompilationFromVBCode(vbContent);
                if (vbCompilation != null)
                    var vbMetadata = await GetFileMetadataFromCacheAsync(vbFiles, vbCompilation, outputFolder, forceRebuild, _preserveRawInlineComments, _shouldSkipMarkup, _filterConfigFile, extensionMethods);

                    if (vbMetadata != null)

            var allMemebers   = MergeYamlProjectMetadata(projectMetadataList);
            var allReferences = MergeYamlProjectReferences(projectMetadataList);

            if (allMemebers == null || allMemebers.Count == 0)
                var value = TypeForwardedToStringExtension.ToDelimitedString(projectMetadataList.Select(s => s.Name));
                Logger.Log(LogLevel.Warning, $"No metadata is generated for {value}.");
                applicationCache.SaveToCache(inputs, null, triggeredTime, outputFolder, null, _shouldSkipMarkup);
                // TODO: need an intermediate folder? when to clean it up?
                // Save output to output folder
                var outputFiles = ResolveAndExportYamlMetadata(allMemebers, allReferences, outputFolder, _validInput.IndexFileName, _validInput.TocFileName, _validInput.ApiFolderName, _preserveRawInlineComments, _shouldSkipMarkup, _rawInput.ExternalReferences, _useCompatibilityFileName);
                applicationCache.SaveToCache(inputs, documentCache.Cache, triggeredTime, outputFolder, outputFiles, _shouldSkipMarkup);
Beispiel #7
        private static ExtractMetadataInputModel ValidateInput(ExtractMetadataInputModel input)
            if (input == null)

            if (input.Items == null || input.Items.Count == 0)
                Logger.Log(LogLevel.Warning, "No source project or file to process, exiting...");

            var items = new Dictionary <string, List <string> >();

            // 1. Input file should exists
            foreach (var pair in input.Items)
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pair.Key))
                    var value = string.Join(", ", pair.Value);
                    Logger.Log(LogLevel.Warning, $"Empty folder name is found: '{pair.Key}': '{value}'. It is not supported, skipping.");

                // HashSet to guarantee the input file path is unique
                HashSet <string> validFilePath = new HashSet <string>();
                foreach (var inputFilePath in pair.Value)
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(inputFilePath))
                        if (File.Exists(inputFilePath))
                            if (IsSupported(inputFilePath))
                                var path = TypeForwardedToStringExtension.ToNormalizedFullPath(inputFilePath);
                                var value = string.Join(",", SupportedExtensions);
                                Logger.Log(LogLevel.Warning, $"File {inputFilePath} is not supported, supported file extension are: {value}. The file will be ignored.");
                            Logger.Log(LogLevel.Warning, $"File {inputFilePath} does not exist, will be ignored.");

                if (validFilePath.Count > 0)
                    items.Add(pair.Key, validFilePath.ToList());

            if (items.Count > 0)
                var clone = input.Clone();
                clone.Items = items;