public ProjectDescription GetDescription(string name, string path, LockFileTargetLibrary targetLibrary)
            Project project;

            // Can't find a project file with the name so bail
            if (!Project.TryGetProject(path, out project))
                return new ProjectDescription(name, path);

            return GetDescription(targetLibrary.TargetFramework, project);
Beispiel #2
        public LibraryDescription GetDescription(LibraryRange libraryRange, FrameworkName targetFramework)
            if (libraryRange.IsGacOrFrameworkReference)

            LockFileTargetLibrary targetLibrary = _lockFileLookup.GetTargetLibrary(targetFramework, libraryRange.Name);

            if (targetLibrary != null)
                var package = _lockFileLookup.GetPackage(targetLibrary.Name, targetLibrary.Version);

                Debug.Assert(package != null);

                // If a NuGet dependency is supposed to provide assemblies but there is no assembly compatible with
                // current target framework, we should mark this dependency as unresolved
                var containsAssembly = package.Files
                                       .Any(x => x.StartsWith($"ref{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}") ||

                var compatible = targetLibrary.FrameworkAssemblies.Any() ||
                                 targetLibrary.CompileTimeAssemblies.Any() ||
                                 targetLibrary.RuntimeAssemblies.Any() ||

                var resolved = compatible;

                var packageDescription = new PackageDescription(



Beispiel #3
 public PackageDescription(
     LibraryRange requestedRange, 
     PackageInfo package, 
     LockFileTargetLibrary lockFileLibrary, 
     IEnumerable<LibraryDependency> dependencies, 
     bool resolved, 
     bool compatible)
     : base(requestedRange,
           new LibraryIdentity(package.Id, package.Version, isGacOrFrameworkReference: false),
           path: null,
           type: LibraryTypes.Package,
           dependencies: dependencies,
           assemblies: Enumerable.Empty<string>(),
           framework: null)
     Package = package;
     LockFileLibrary = lockFileLibrary;
     Resolved = resolved;
     Compatible = compatible;
Beispiel #4
        private void PopulateDependencies(List <LibraryDependency> dependencies, LockFileTargetLibrary targetLibrary)
            foreach (var d in targetLibrary.Dependencies)
                dependencies.Add(new LibraryDependency
                    LibraryRange = new LibraryRange(d.Id, frameworkReference: false)
                        VersionRange = d.VersionSpec == null ? null : new SemanticVersionRange(d.VersionSpec)

            foreach (var frameworkAssembly in targetLibrary.FrameworkAssemblies)
                dependencies.Add(new LibraryDependency
                    LibraryRange = new LibraryRange(frameworkAssembly, frameworkReference: true)
Beispiel #5
 public PackageDescription(
     LibraryRange requestedRange,
     LockFilePackageLibrary package,
     LockFileTargetLibrary lockFileLibrary,
     IEnumerable <LibraryDependency> dependencies,
     bool resolved,
     bool compatible)
     : base(
         new LibraryIdentity(package.Name, package.Version, isGacOrFrameworkReference: false),
         path: null,
         type: LibraryTypes.Package,
         dependencies: dependencies,
         assemblies: Enumerable.Empty <string>(),
         framework: null)
     Library    = package;
     Target     = lockFileLibrary;
     Resolved   = resolved;
     Compatible = compatible;
Beispiel #6
        private IEnumerable <LibraryDependency> GetDependencies(LockFileTargetLibrary targetLibrary)
            foreach (var d in targetLibrary.Dependencies)
                yield return(new LibraryDependency
                    LibraryRange = new LibraryRange(d.Id, frameworkReference: false)
                        VersionRange = d.VersionSpec == null ? null : new SemanticVersionRange(d.VersionSpec)

            foreach (var frameworkAssembly in targetLibrary.FrameworkAssemblies)
                yield return(new LibraryDependency
                    LibraryRange = new LibraryRange(frameworkAssembly, frameworkReference: true)
Beispiel #7
        private LockFileTargetLibrary ReadTargetLibrary(string property, JsonValue json)
            var jobject = json as JsonObject;

            if (jobject == null)
                throw FileFormatException.Create("The value type is not an object.", json);

            var library = new LockFileTargetLibrary();

            var parts = property.Split(new[] { '/' }, 2);

            library.Name = parts[0];
            if (parts.Length == 2)
                library.Version = SemanticVersion.Parse(parts[1]);

            library.Type = jobject.ValueAsString("type");
            var framework = jobject.ValueAsString("framework");

            if (framework != null)
                library.TargetFramework = new FrameworkName(framework);

            library.Dependencies          = ReadObject(jobject.ValueAsJsonObject("dependencies"), ReadPackageDependency);
            library.FrameworkAssemblies   = new HashSet <string>(ReadArray(jobject.Value("frameworkAssemblies"), ReadFrameworkAssemblyReference), StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
            library.RuntimeAssemblies     = ReadObject(jobject.ValueAsJsonObject("runtime"), ReadFileItem);
            library.CompileTimeAssemblies = ReadObject(jobject.ValueAsJsonObject("compile"), ReadFileItem);
            library.ResourceAssemblies    = ReadObject(jobject.ValueAsJsonObject("resource"), ReadFileItem);
            library.NativeLibraries       = ReadObject(jobject.ValueAsJsonObject("native"), ReadFileItem);

Beispiel #8
        public static LockFileTargetLibrary CreateLockFileTargetLibrary(Runtime.Project projectDependency,
                                                                        RestoreContext context)
            var targetFrameworkInfo = projectDependency.GetCompatibleTargetFramework(context.FrameworkName);

            var lockFileLib = new LockFileTargetLibrary
                Name = projectDependency.Name,
                Version = projectDependency.Version,
                TargetFramework = targetFrameworkInfo.FrameworkName, // null TFM means it's incompatible
                Type = "project"

            var dependencies = projectDependency.Dependencies.Concat(targetFrameworkInfo.Dependencies);

            foreach (var dependency in dependencies)
                if (dependency.LibraryRange.IsGacOrFrameworkReference)
                    lockFileLib.Dependencies.Add(new PackageDependency(

            return lockFileLib;
Beispiel #9
        private static void AddFrameworkReferences(LockFileTargetLibrary lockFileLib, FrameworkName framework, IEnumerable<FrameworkAssemblyReference> frameworkAssemblies)
            foreach (var assemblyReference in frameworkAssemblies)
                if (!assemblyReference.SupportedFrameworks.Any() &&
                    // REVIEW: This isn't 100% correct since none *can* mean 
                    // any in theory, but in practice it means .NET full reference assembly
                    // If there's no supported target frameworks and we're not targeting
                    // the desktop framework then skip it.

                    // To do this properly we'll need all reference assemblies supported
                    // by each supported target framework which isn't always available.

Beispiel #10
        public static LockFileTargetLibrary CreateLockFileTargetLibrary(LockFilePackageLibrary library,
                                                                        IPackage package,
                                                                        RestoreContext context,
                                                                        string correctedPackageName)
            var lockFileLib = new LockFileTargetLibrary { Type = "package" };

            var framework = context.FrameworkName;
            var runtimeIdentifier = context.RuntimeName;

            // package.Id is read from nuspec and it might be in wrong casing.
            // correctedPackageName should be the package name used by dependency graph and
            // it has the correct casing that runtime needs during dependency resolution.
            lockFileLib.Name = correctedPackageName ?? package.Id;
            lockFileLib.Version = package.Version;

            var files = library.Files.Select(p => p.Replace(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, '/'));
            var contentItems = new ContentItemCollection();

            IEnumerable<PackageDependencySet> dependencySet;
            if (VersionUtility.GetNearest(framework, package.DependencySets, out dependencySet))
                var set = dependencySet.FirstOrDefault()?.Dependencies?.ToList();

                if (set != null)
                    lockFileLib.Dependencies = set;

            // TODO: Remove this when we do #596
            // ASP.NET Core and .NET Core 5.0 don't have framework reference assemblies
            if (!VersionUtility.IsPackageBased(framework))
                IEnumerable<FrameworkAssemblyReference> frameworkAssemblies;
                if (VersionUtility.GetNearest(framework, package.FrameworkAssemblies, out frameworkAssemblies))
                    AddFrameworkReferences(lockFileLib, framework, frameworkAssemblies);

                // Add framework assemblies with empty supported frameworks
                AddFrameworkReferences(lockFileLib, framework, package.FrameworkAssemblies.Where(f => !f.SupportedFrameworks.Any()));

            var patterns = PatternDefinitions.DotNetPatterns;

            var criteriaBuilderWithTfm = new SelectionCriteriaBuilder(patterns.Properties.Definitions);
            var criteriaBuilderWithoutTfm = new SelectionCriteriaBuilder(patterns.Properties.Definitions);

            if (context.AllRuntimeNames != null)
                foreach (var runtimeName in context.AllRuntimeNames)
                    criteriaBuilderWithTfm = criteriaBuilderWithTfm
                        .Add["tfm", framework]["rid", runtimeName];

                    criteriaBuilderWithoutTfm = criteriaBuilderWithoutTfm
                        .Add["rid", runtimeName];

            criteriaBuilderWithTfm = criteriaBuilderWithTfm
                .Add["tfm", framework];

            var criteria = criteriaBuilderWithTfm.Criteria;

            var compileGroup = contentItems.FindBestItemGroup(criteria, patterns.CompileTimeAssemblies, patterns.ManagedAssemblies);
            if (compileGroup != null)
                lockFileLib.CompileTimeAssemblies = compileGroup.Items.Select(t => (LockFileItem)t.Path).ToList();

            var runtimeGroup = contentItems.FindBestItemGroup(criteria, patterns.ManagedAssemblies);
            if (runtimeGroup != null)
                lockFileLib.RuntimeAssemblies = runtimeGroup.Items.Select(p => (LockFileItem)p.Path).ToList();

            var resourceGroup = contentItems.FindBestItemGroup(criteria, patterns.ResourceAssemblies);
            if (resourceGroup != null)
                lockFileLib.ResourceAssemblies = resourceGroup.Items.Select(ToResourceLockFileItem).ToList();

            var nativeGroup = contentItems.FindBestItemGroup(criteriaBuilderWithoutTfm.Criteria, patterns.NativeLibraries);
            if (nativeGroup != null)
                lockFileLib.NativeLibraries = nativeGroup.Items.Select(p => (LockFileItem)p.Path).ToList();

            // COMPAT: Support lib/contract so older packages can be consumed
            string contractPath = "lib/contract/" + package.Id + ".dll";
            var hasContract = files.Any(path => path == contractPath);
            var hasLib = lockFileLib.RuntimeAssemblies.Any();

            if (hasContract && hasLib && !VersionUtility.IsDesktop(framework))

            // See if there's a list of specific references defined for this target framework
            IEnumerable<PackageReferenceSet> referenceSets;
            if (VersionUtility.GetNearest(framework, package.PackageAssemblyReferences, out referenceSets))
                // Get the first compatible reference set
                var referenceSet = referenceSets.FirstOrDefault();

                if (referenceSet != null)
                    // Remove all compile-time assemblies of which names do not appear in the References list
                    lockFileLib.CompileTimeAssemblies.RemoveAll(path => path.Path.StartsWith("lib/") && !referenceSet.References.Contains(Path.GetFileName(path), StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase));

            return lockFileLib;
Beispiel #11
        public LibraryDescription GetDescription(LibraryRange libraryRange, FrameworkName targetFramework)
            if (libraryRange.IsGacOrFrameworkReference)

            LockFileTargetLibrary targetLibrary = null;
            var versionRange = libraryRange.VersionRange;

            // REVIEW: This is a little messy because we have the lock file logic and non lock file logic in the same class
            // The runtime rewrite separates the 2 things.
            if (_lookup != null)
                // This means we have a lock file and the target should have
                var lookupKey = Tuple.Create((string)null, targetFramework, libraryRange.Name);

                if (_lookup.TryGetValue(lookupKey, out targetLibrary))
                    // Adjust the target version so we find the right one when looking at the
                    // lock file libraries
                    versionRange = new SemanticVersionRange(targetLibrary.Version);

            var package = FindCandidate(libraryRange.Name, versionRange);

            if (package != null)
                IEnumerable <LibraryDependency> dependencies;
                var resolved   = true;
                var compatible = true;
                if (package.LockFileLibrary != null)
                    if (targetLibrary?.Version == package.LockFileLibrary.Version)
                        dependencies = GetDependencies(package, targetFramework, targetLibrary);
                        resolved     = false;
                        dependencies = Enumerable.Empty <LibraryDependency>();

                    // If a NuGet dependency is supposed to provide assemblies but there is no assembly compatible with
                    // current target framework, we should mark this dependency as unresolved
                    if (targetLibrary != null)
                        var containsAssembly = package.LockFileLibrary.Files
                                               .Any(x => x.StartsWith($"ref{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}") ||
                        compatible = targetLibrary.FrameworkAssemblies.Any() ||
                                     targetLibrary.CompileTimeAssemblies.Any() ||
                                     targetLibrary.RuntimeAssemblies.Any() ||
                        resolved = compatible;
                    dependencies = GetDependencies(package, targetFramework, targetLibrary: null);

                return(new PackageDescription(

Beispiel #12
        private IEnumerable <LibraryDependency> GetDependencies(PackageInfo packageInfo, FrameworkName targetFramework, LockFileTargetLibrary targetLibrary)
            if (targetLibrary != null)
                foreach (var d in targetLibrary.Dependencies)
                    yield return(new LibraryDependency
                        LibraryRange = new LibraryRange(d.Id, frameworkReference: false)
                            VersionRange = d.VersionSpec == null ? null : new SemanticVersionRange(d.VersionSpec)

                foreach (var frameworkAssembly in targetLibrary.FrameworkAssemblies)
                    yield return(new LibraryDependency
                        LibraryRange = new LibraryRange(frameworkAssembly, frameworkReference: true)

                yield break;

            // If we weren't given a lockFileGroup, there isn't a lock file, so resolve the NuGet way.

            var package = packageInfo.Package;

            IEnumerable <PackageDependencySet> dependencySet;

            if (VersionUtility.GetNearest(targetFramework, package.DependencySets, out dependencySet))
                foreach (var set in dependencySet)
                    foreach (var d in set.Dependencies)
                        yield return(new LibraryDependency
                            LibraryRange = new LibraryRange(d.Id, frameworkReference: false)
                                VersionRange = d.VersionSpec == null ? null : new SemanticVersionRange(d.VersionSpec)

            // TODO: Remove this when we do #596
            // ASP.NET Core isn't compatible with generic PCL profiles
            if (string.Equals(targetFramework.Identifier, VersionUtility.AspNetCoreFrameworkIdentifier, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
                string.Equals(targetFramework.Identifier, VersionUtility.DnxCoreFrameworkIdentifier, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                yield break;

            IEnumerable <FrameworkAssemblyReference> frameworkAssemblies;

            if (VersionUtility.GetNearest(targetFramework, package.FrameworkAssemblies, out frameworkAssemblies))
                foreach (var assemblyReference in frameworkAssemblies)
                    if (!assemblyReference.SupportedFrameworks.Any() &&
                        // REVIEW: This isn't 100% correct since none *can* mean
                        // any in theory, but in practice it means .NET full reference assembly
                        // If there's no supported target frameworks and we're not targeting
                        // the desktop framework then skip it.

                        // To do this properly we'll need all reference assemblies supported
                        // by each supported target framework which isn't always available.

                    yield return(new LibraryDependency
                        LibraryRange = new LibraryRange(assemblyReference.AssemblyName, frameworkReference: true)