Beispiel #1
 public D3DHardwarePixelBuffer(BufferUsage usage) :
     base(0, 0, 0, Axiom.Media.PixelFormat.Unknown, usage, false, false)
     device      = null;
     surface     = null;
     volume      = null;
     tempSurface = null;
     tempVolume  = null;
     doMipmapGen = false;
     HWMipmaps   = false;
     mipTex      = null;
     sliceTRT    = new List <RenderTexture>();
Beispiel #2
        ///    Call this to associate a D3D volume with this pixel buffer
        public void Bind(D3D.Device device, D3D.Volume volume, bool update)
            this.device = device;
            this.volume = volume;

            D3D.VolumeDescription desc = volume.Description;
            width  = desc.Width;
            height = desc.Height;
            depth  = desc.Depth;
            format = D3DHelper.ConvertEnum(desc.Format);
            // Default
            rowPitch    = width;
            slicePitch  = height * width;
            sizeInBytes = PixelUtil.GetMemorySize(width, height, depth, format);

            if (((int)usage & (int)TextureUsage.RenderTarget) != 0)
Beispiel #3
        ///    @copydoc HardwarePixelBuffer.BlitToMemory
        public override void BlitToMemory(BasicBox srcBox, PixelBox dst)
            // Decide on pixel format of temp surface
            PixelFormat tmpFormat = format;

            if (D3DHelper.ConvertEnum(dst.Format) == D3D.Format.Unknown)
                tmpFormat = dst.Format;
            if (surface != null)
                Debug.Assert(srcBox.Depth == 1 && dst.Depth == 1);
                // Create temp texture
                D3D.Texture tmp =
                    new D3D.Texture(device, dst.Width, dst.Height,
                                    1, // 1 mip level ie topmost, generate no mipmaps
                                    0, D3DHelper.ConvertEnum(tmpFormat),
                D3D.Surface subSurface = tmp.GetSurfaceLevel(0);
                // Copy texture to this temp surface
                Rectangle destRect, srcRect;
                srcRect  = ToD3DRectangle(srcBox);
                destRect = ToD3DRectangleExtent(dst);

                SurfaceLoader.FromSurface(subSurface, destRect, surface, srcRect, Filter.None, 0);

                // Lock temp surface and copy it to memory
                int            pitch; // Filled in by D3D
                GraphicsStream data = subSurface.LockRectangle(D3D.LockFlags.ReadOnly, out pitch);
                // Copy it
                PixelBox locked = new PixelBox(dst.Width, dst.Height, dst.Depth, tmpFormat);
                FromD3DLock(locked, pitch, data);
                PixelUtil.BulkPixelConversion(locked, dst);
                // Release temporary surface and texture
                // Create temp texture
                D3D.VolumeTexture tmp =
                    new D3D.VolumeTexture(device, dst.Width, dst.Height, dst.Depth,
                                          0, D3D.Usage.None,
                D3D.Volume subVolume = tmp.GetVolumeLevel(0);
                // Volume
                D3D.Box ddestBox = ToD3DBoxExtent(dst);
                D3D.Box dsrcBox  = ToD3DBox(srcBox);

                VolumeLoader.FromVolume(subVolume, ddestBox, volume, dsrcBox, Filter.None, 0);
                // Lock temp surface and copy it to memory
                D3D.LockedBox  lbox;                // Filled in by D3D
                GraphicsStream data = subVolume.LockBox(LockFlags.ReadOnly, out lbox);
                // Copy it
                PixelBox locked = new PixelBox(dst.Width, dst.Height, dst.Depth, tmpFormat);
                FromD3DLock(locked, lbox, data);
                PixelUtil.BulkPixelConversion(locked, dst);
                // Release temporary surface and texture
        ///    Call this to associate a D3D volume with this pixel buffer
        public void Bind(D3D.Device device, D3D.Volume volume, bool update)
            this.device = device;
            this.volume = volume;

            D3D.VolumeDescription desc = volume.Description;
            width = desc.Width;
            height = desc.Height;
            depth = desc.Depth;
            format = D3DHelper.ConvertEnum(desc.Format);
            // Default
            rowPitch = width;
            slicePitch = height * width;
            sizeInBytes = PixelUtil.GetMemorySize(width, height, depth, format);

            if (((int)usage & (int)TextureUsage.RenderTarget) != 0)
 public D3DHardwarePixelBuffer(BufferUsage usage)
     : base(0, 0, 0, Axiom.Media.PixelFormat.Unknown, usage, false, false)
     device = null;
     surface = null;
     volume = null;
     tempSurface = null;
     tempVolume = null;
     doMipmapGen = false;
     HWMipmaps = false;
     mipTex = null;
     sliceTRT = new List<RenderTexture>();