// When overridden in a derived class, performs enclave attestation, generates a symmetric key for the session, creates a an enclave session and stores the session information in the cache.
        public override void CreateEnclaveSession(byte[] attestationInfo, ECDiffieHellmanCng clientDHKey, string attestationUrl, string servername, out SqlEnclaveSession sqlEnclaveSession, out long counter)
            sqlEnclaveSession = null;
            counter           = 0;
                AttestationInfoCacheItem attestationInfoCacheItem = AttestationInfoCache.Remove(Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId.ToString()) as AttestationInfoCacheItem;
                sqlEnclaveSession = GetEnclaveSessionFromCache(servername, attestationUrl, out counter);
                if (sqlEnclaveSession == null)
                    if (attestationInfoCacheItem != null)
                        // Deserialize the payload
                        AttestationInfo info = new AttestationInfo(attestationInfo);

                        // Verify enclave policy matches expected policy

                        // Perform Attestation per VSM protocol
                        VerifyAttestationInfo(attestationUrl, info.HealthReport, info.EnclaveReportPackage);

                        // Set up shared secret and validate signature
                        byte[] sharedSecret = GetSharedSecret(info.Identity, info.EnclaveDHInfo, clientDHKey);

                        // add session to cache
                        sqlEnclaveSession = AddEnclaveSessionToCache(attestationUrl, servername, sharedSecret, info.SessionId, out counter);
                        throw new AlwaysEncryptedAttestationException(SR.FailToCreateEnclaveSession);
        // When overridden in a derived class, performs enclave attestation, generates a symmetric key for the session, creates a an enclave session and stores the session information in the cache.
        internal override void CreateEnclaveSession(byte[] attestationInfo, ECDiffieHellman clientDHKey, EnclaveSessionParameters enclaveSessionParameters, byte[] customData, int customDataLength, out SqlEnclaveSession sqlEnclaveSession, out long counter)
            sqlEnclaveSession = null;
            counter           = 0;
                sqlEnclaveSession = GetEnclaveSessionFromCache(enclaveSessionParameters, out counter);
                if (sqlEnclaveSession == null)
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(enclaveSessionParameters.AttestationUrl))
                        // Deserialize the payload
                        AttestationInfo info = new AttestationInfo(attestationInfo);

                        // Verify enclave policy matches expected policy

                        // Perform Attestation per VSM protocol
                        VerifyAttestationInfo(enclaveSessionParameters.AttestationUrl, info.HealthReport, info.EnclaveReportPackage);

                        // Set up shared secret and validate signature
                        byte[] sharedSecret = GetSharedSecret(info.Identity, info.EnclaveDHInfo, clientDHKey);

                        // add session to cache
                        sqlEnclaveSession = AddEnclaveSessionToCache(enclaveSessionParameters, sharedSecret, info.SessionId, out counter);
                        throw new AlwaysEncryptedAttestationException(Strings.FailToCreateEnclaveSession);