Inheritance: Microsoft.Data.Entity.Design.Model.Commands.Command
        internal override void CreateModelItem(CommandProcessorContext cpc, EditingContext context, EFElement underlyingModelItem)
            Debug.Assert(context != null, "null context");

            Debug.Assert(Function == null, "Don't call this method if we already have a ModelItem");
            Debug.Assert(MappingFunctionEntityType.EntityType != null, "The parent item isn't set up correctly");

            Debug.Assert(underlyingModelItem != null, "null underlyingModelItem");

            var function = underlyingModelItem as Function;
                function != null, "underlyingModelItem must be of type Function, actual type = " + underlyingModelItem.GetType().FullName);
            Debug.Assert(!function.EntityModel.IsCSDL, "The function must be in the SSDL");

            Context = context;

            // create a context if we weren't passed one
            if (cpc == null)
                cpc = new CommandProcessorContext(
                    Context, EfiTransactionOriginator.MappingDetailsOriginatorId, Resources.Tx_CreateFunctionMapping);

            // create the commands
            var cmd = new CreateFunctionMappingCommand(MappingFunctionEntityType.EntityType, function, null, _functionType);
            // set up our post event to fix up the view model
            cmd.PostInvokeEvent += (o, eventsArgs) =>
                    var mf = cmd.ModificationFunction;
                    Debug.Assert(mf != null, "null ModificationFunction");

                    // fix up our view model
                    ModelItem = mf;
                    // The parent item for the function mapping view model always has 3 children; insert, update and delete items.  If there isn’t 
                    // a function mapped for any of these, then there is still a view model item since we want to display the ‘creator node’ text.
                    // Calling this.Parent.AddChild(this) here would make the parent think it had a new child instead of updating the existing one - 
                    // so it is correct to _not_ call it here.

            var cmd2 = new DelegateCommand(
                () =>
                        var mf = ModificationFunction;
                            mf != null,
                            "Null ModificationFunction when trying to create view-model dummy nodes in MappingModificationFunctionMapping.CreateModelItem()");

                        if (mf != null)
                            //set up _properties and _resultBindings here as they are dummy ViewModel nodes
                            // (i.e. don't correspond to any underlying ModelItem)
                            _properties = new MappingFunctionScalarProperties(context, mf, this);
                            _resultBindings = new MappingResultBindings(context, mf, this);

                            // now ensure _properties scalar properties children have been calculated
                            // (this creates scalar properties with just the column info 
                            // since this ModificationFunction has not yet been mapped)

                            // now try and do some match ups between the function and the entity
                            var mappedEntityType = MappingFunctionEntityType.EntityType as ConceptualEntityType;

                                MappingFunctionEntityType.EntityType == null || mappedEntityType != null,
                                "EntityType is not ConceptualEntityType");

                            if (mappedEntityType != null)
                                foreach (var mfsp in _properties.ScalarProperties)
                                    // Try to do some auto-matching of the sproc's parameters to the EntityType's properties.
                                    // Search for a property in the mapped EntityType's inheritance hierarchy that matches the
                                    // parameter's name. First search this EntityType (both its scalar and complex properties),
                                    // then search its parents scalar and complex properties and so on up the hierarchy
                                    var propNameToSearchFor = mfsp.StoreParameter.LocalName.Value;
                                    var propList = new List<Property>();
                                    var entityTypeToSearch = mappedEntityType;
                                    // reset this back to the mapped EntityType each time through the loop
                                    while (entityTypeToSearch != null
                                           && false
                                           == ModelHelper.FindScalarPropertyPathByLocalName(
                                               entityTypeToSearch, propNameToSearchFor, out propList))
                                        if (entityTypeToSearch.BaseType == null)
                                            // safety code - this should not happen but will prevent an infinite loop if it does
                                            entityTypeToSearch = null;
                                            entityTypeToSearch = entityTypeToSearch.BaseType.Target;

                                    // if propList is still empty that means we did not find a match - so leave the parameter unmapped
                                    if (propList.Count > 0)
                                        mfsp.CreateModelItem(cpc, _context, propList);

                // now make the change
                var cp = new CommandProcessor(cpc);
                ModelItem = null;

        // <summary>
        //     NOTE: The association set mapping view model doesn't keep a reference to the mapping model item. Instead, it
        //     keeps it to the AssociationSet and then it can find the AssociationSetMapping as an anti-dep.  We don't need to clear
        //     or set the ModelItem property.
        // </summary>
        internal override void CreateModelItem(CommandProcessorContext cpc, EditingContext context, EFElement underlyingModelItem)
            Debug.Assert(context != null, "The context argument cannot be null");
            Debug.Assert(AssociationSet.AssociationSetMapping == null, "Don't call this method if we already have a mapping");
            Debug.Assert(underlyingModelItem != null, "The underlyingModelItem cannot be null");
            var storeEntityType = underlyingModelItem as EntityType;
                storeEntityType != null,
                "underlyingModelItem must be of type EntityType, actual type = " + underlyingModelItem.GetType().FullName);
            Debug.Assert(!storeEntityType.EntityModel.IsCSDL, "The storageEntityType must not be a CSDL EntityType");

            Context = context;

            // create a context if we weren't passed one
            if (cpc == null)
                cpc = new CommandProcessorContext(
                    Context, EfiTransactionOriginator.MappingDetailsOriginatorId, Resources.Tx_CreateAssociationSetMapping);

            // create the item
            var cmd1 = new CreateAssociationSetMappingCommand(MappingAssociation.Association, storeEntityType);

            // now try and do some match ups by name
            var cmd2 = new DelegateCommand(
                () =>

                        foreach (var child in Children)
                            var end = child as MappingAssociationSetEnd;
                            if (end != null)
                                foreach (var child2 in end.Children)
                                    var mesp = child2 as MappingEndScalarProperty;
                                    if (mesp != null)
                                        var tableColumn =
                                            MappingAssociationSet.StorageEntityType.GetFirstNamedChildByLocalName(mesp.Property, true) as
                                        if (tableColumn != null)
                                            mesp.CreateModelItem(cpc, _context, tableColumn);

            // now make the change
            var cp = new CommandProcessor(cpc);