Beispiel #1
        private static async Task MessageHandler(ProcessMessageEventArgs args)
            Console.WriteLine($"{LogNow} Processing message '{args.Message}'");

            var message = args.Message;

            JobPayload    jobPayload;
            DevopsMessage devopsMessage = null;
            Job           driverJob     = null;

                // The DevopsMessage does the communications with AzDo
                devopsMessage = new DevopsMessage(message);

                // The Body contains the parameters for the application to run
                // We can't use message.Body.FromObjectAsJson since the raw json returned by AzDo is not valid
                jobPayload = JobPayload.Deserialize(message.Body.ToArray());

                // The only way to detect if a Task still needs to be executed is to download all the details of all tasks (there is no API to retrieve the status of a single task.

                var records = await devopsMessage.GetRecordsAsync();

                if (records == null)
                    Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkRed;
                    Console.WriteLine($"{LogNow} Could not retrieve records...");


                var record = records.Value.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == devopsMessage.TaskInstanceId);

                if (record != null && record.State == "completed")
                    Console.WriteLine($"{LogNow} Job is completed ({record.Result}), skipping...");

                    // Mark the message as completed
                    await args.CompleteMessageAsync(message);
                    if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(jobPayload.Condition))
                            var condition = Engine.Execute(jobPayload.Condition).GetCompletionValue().AsBoolean();

                            if (!condition)
                                await devopsMessage?.SendTaskCompletedEventAsync(DevopsMessage.ResultTypes.Skipped);

                                Console.WriteLine($"{LogNow} Job skipped based on condition [{jobPayload.Condition}]");

                                // Mark the message as completed
                                await args.CompleteMessageAsync(message);

                            Console.WriteLine($"{LogNow} Could not evaluate codition [{jobPayload.Condition}], ignoring ...");

                    // Inform AzDo that the job is started
                    await devopsMessage.SendTaskStartedEventAsync();

                    var arguments = String.Join(' ', jobPayload.Args);

                    Console.WriteLine($"{LogNow} Invoking crank with arguments: {arguments}");

                    // The DriverJob manages the application's lifetime and standard output
                    driverJob = new Job("crank", arguments);

                    driverJob.OnStandardOutput = log => Console.WriteLine(log);


                    // Pump application standard output while it's running
                    while (driverJob.IsRunning)
                        if ((DateTime.UtcNow - driverJob.StartTimeUtc) > jobPayload.Timeout)
                            throw new Exception($"{LogNow} Job timed out ({jobPayload.Timeout}). The timeout can be increased in the queued message.");

                        var logs = driverJob.FlushStandardOutput().ToArray();

                        // Send any page of logs to the AzDo task log feed
                        if (logs.Any())
                            var success = await devopsMessage.SendTaskLogFeedsAsync(String.Join("\r\n", logs));

                            if (!success)
                                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkYellow;
                                Console.WriteLine($"{LogNow} SendTaskLogFeedsAsync failed. If the task was canceled, this jobs should be stopped.");


                        // Check if task is still active (not canceled)

                        records = await devopsMessage.GetRecordsAsync();

                        record = records.Value.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == devopsMessage.TaskInstanceId);

                        if (record != null && record?.State == "completed")
                            Console.WriteLine($"{LogNow} Job is completed ({record.Result}), interrupting...");


                        await Task.Delay(TaskLogFeedDelay);

                    // Mark the task as completed
                    await devopsMessage.SendTaskCompletedEventAsync(driverJob.WasSuccessful?DevopsMessage.ResultTypes.Succeeded : DevopsMessage.ResultTypes.Failed);

                    // Create a task log entry
                    var taskLogObjectString = await devopsMessage?.CreateTaskLogAsync();

                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(taskLogObjectString))
                        Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkYellow;
                        Console.WriteLine($"{LogNow} CreateTaskLogAsync failed. The job is probably canceled.");
                        var taskLogObject = JsonSerializer.Deserialize <Dictionary <string, object> >(taskLogObjectString);

                        var taskLogId = taskLogObject["id"].ToString();

                        await devopsMessage?.AppendToTaskLogAsync(taskLogId, driverJob.OutputBuilder.ToString());

                        // Attach task log to the timeline record
                        await devopsMessage?.UpdateTaskTimelineRecordAsync(taskLogObjectString);

                    // Mark the message as completed
                    await args.CompleteMessageAsync(message);


                    Console.WriteLine($"{LogNow} Job completed");
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine($"{LogNow} Job failed: {e}");

                Console.WriteLine("Stopping the task and releasing the message...");

                    await devopsMessage?.SendTaskCompletedEventAsync(DevopsMessage.ResultTypes.Failed);
                catch (Exception f)
                    Console.WriteLine($"{LogNow} Failed to complete the task: {f}");

                    // TODO: Should the message still be copmleted instead of abandonned?
                    await args.AbandonMessageAsync(message);
                catch (Exception f)
                    Console.WriteLine($"{LogNow} Failed to abandon the message: {f}");
                catch (Exception e)
                    Console.WriteLine($"{LogNow} Failed to dispose the job : {e}");
Beispiel #2
        private static async Task MessageHandler(ProcessMessageEventArgs args)
            Console.WriteLine("Processing message '{0}'", args.Message.ToString());

            var message = args.Message;

            JobPayload    jobPayload;
            DevopsMessage devopsMessage = null;
            Job           driverJob     = null;

                // The DevopsMessage does the communications with AzDo
                devopsMessage = new DevopsMessage(message);

                // The Body contains the parameters for the application to run
                // We can't use message.Body.FromObjectAsJson since the raw json returned by AzDo is not valid
                jobPayload = JobPayload.Deserialize(message.Body.ToArray());

                await devopsMessage.SendTaskStartedEventAsync();

                var arguments = String.Join(' ', jobPayload.Args);

                Console.WriteLine("Invoking crank with arguments: " + arguments);

                // The DriverJob manages the application's lifetime and standard output
                driverJob = new Job("crank", arguments);

                driverJob.OnStandardOutput = log => Console.WriteLine(log);



                // Pump application standard output while it's running
                while (driverJob.IsRunning)
                    if ((DateTime.UtcNow - driverJob.StartTimeUtc) > jobPayload.Timeout)
                        throw new Exception("Job timed out. The timeout can be increased in the queued message.");

                    var logs = driverJob.FlushStandardOutput().ToArray();

                    // Send any page of logs to the AzDo task log feed
                    if (logs.Any())
                        var success = await devopsMessage.SendTaskLogFeedsAsync(String.Join("\r\n", logs));

                        if (!success)
                            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkYellow;
                            Console.WriteLine("SendTaskLogFeedsAsync failed. If the task was canceled, this jobs should be ignored stopped.");

                    await Task.Delay(TaskLogFeedDelay);

                // Mark the task as completed
                await devopsMessage.SendTaskCompletedEventAsync(succeeded : driverJob.WasSuccessful);

                // Create a task log entry
                var taskLogObjectString = await devopsMessage?.CreateTaskLogAsync();

                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(taskLogObjectString))
                    Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkYellow;
                    Console.WriteLine("CreateTaskLogAsync failed. The job is probably canceled.");
                    var taskLogObject = JsonSerializer.Deserialize <Dictionary <string, object> >(taskLogObjectString);

                    var taskLogId = taskLogObject["id"].ToString();

                    await devopsMessage?.AppendToTaskLogAsync(taskLogId, driverJob.OutputBuilder.ToString());

                    // Attach task log to the timeline record
                    await devopsMessage?.UpdateTaskTimelineRecordAsync(taskLogObjectString);

                // Mark the message as completed
                await args.CompleteMessageAsync(message);


                Console.WriteLine("Job completed");
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("Job failed: " + e.ToString());

                Console.WriteLine("Stopping the task and releasing the message...");

                    await devopsMessage?.SendTaskCompletedEventAsync(succeeded : false);
                catch (Exception f)
                    Console.WriteLine("Failed to complete the task: " + f.ToString());

                    // TODO: Should the message still be copmleted instead of abandonned?
                    await args.AbandonMessageAsync(message);
                catch (Exception f)
                    Console.WriteLine("Failed to abandon the message: " + f.ToString());
Beispiel #3
        public static int Main(string[] args)
            var app = new CommandLineApplication();

            var connectionStringOption = app.Option("-c|--connection-string <string>", "The Azure Service Bus connection string. Can be an environment variable name.", CommandOptionType.SingleValue).IsRequired();
            var queueOption            = app.Option("-q|--queue <string>", "The Azure Service Bus queue name. Can be an environment variable name.", CommandOptionType.SingleValue).IsRequired();

            app.OnExecuteAsync(async cancellationToken =>
                ConnectionString = connectionStringOption.Value();

                // Substitute with ENV value if it exists
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(ConnectionString)))
                    ConnectionString = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(ConnectionString);

                Queue = queueOption.Value();

                // Substitute with ENV value if it exists
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(Queue)))
                    Queue = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(Queue);

                var client    = new ServiceBusClient(ConnectionString);
                var processor = client.CreateProcessor(Queue, new ServiceBusProcessorOptions
                    AutoComplete       = false,
                    MaxConcurrentCalls = 1, // Process one message at a time

                // Whenever a message is available on the queue
                processor.ProcessMessageAsync += async args =>
                    Console.WriteLine("Processing message '{0}'", args.Message.ToString());

                    var message = args.Message;

                    JobPayload jobPayload;
                    DevopsMessage devopsMessage = null;
                    Job driverJob = null;

                        // The DevopsMessage does the communications with AzDo
                        devopsMessage = new DevopsMessage(message);

                        // The Body contains the parameters for the application to run
                        jobPayload = JobPayload.Deserialize(message.Body.ToBytes().ToArray());

                        await devopsMessage.SendTaskStartedEventAsync();

                        var arguments = String.Join(' ', jobPayload.Args);

                        Console.WriteLine("Invoking application with arguments: " + arguments);

                        // The DriverJob manages the application's lifetime and standard output
                        driverJob = new Job("crank.exe", arguments);

                        driverJob.OnStandardOutput = log => Console.WriteLine(log);



                        // Pump application standard output while it's running
                        while (driverJob.IsRunning)
                            if ((DateTime.UtcNow - driverJob.StartTimeUtc) > jobPayload.Timeout)
                                throw new Exception("Job timed out");

                            var logs = driverJob.FlushStandardOutput().ToArray();

                            // Send any page of logs to the AzDo task log feed
                            if (logs.Any())
                                await devopsMessage.SendTaskLogFeedsAsync(String.Join("\r\n", logs));

                            await Task.Delay(TaskLogFeedDelay);

                        // Mark the task as completed
                        await devopsMessage.SendTaskCompletedEventAsync(succeeded: driverJob.WasSuccessful);

                        // Create a task log entry
                        var taskLogObjectString = await devopsMessage?.CreateTaskLogAsync();

                        var taskLogObject = JsonSerializer.Deserialize <Dictionary <string, object> >(taskLogObjectString);

                        var taskLogId = taskLogObject["id"].ToString();

                        await devopsMessage?.AppendToTaskLogAsync(taskLogId, driverJob.OutputBuilder.ToString());

                        // Attach task log to the timeline record
                        await devopsMessage?.UpdateTaskTimelineRecordAsync(taskLogObjectString);

                        // Mark the message as completed
                        await args.CompleteMessageAsync(message);


                        Console.WriteLine("Job completed");
                    catch (Exception e)
                        Console.WriteLine("Job failed: " + e.Message);

                            await devopsMessage?.SendTaskCompletedEventAsync(succeeded: false);
                            await args.AbandonMessageAsync(message);
                        catch (Exception f)
                            Console.WriteLine("Failed to abandon task: " + f.Message);

                processor.ProcessErrorAsync += args =>
                    Console.WriteLine("Process error: " + args.Exception.ToString());


                await processor.StartProcessingAsync();

                Console.WriteLine("Press ENTER to exit...");
