private bool IsHardSelection(
                Model model,
                CompletionItem bestFilterMatch,
                ITextSnapshot textSnapshot,
                CompletionRules completionRules,
                CompletionTriggerInfo triggerInfo,
                CompletionFilterReason reason)
                if (model.Builder != null)
                    return bestFilterMatch != null && bestFilterMatch.DisplayText == model.Builder.DisplayText;

                if (bestFilterMatch == null || model.UseSuggestionCompletionMode)
                    return false;

                // We don't have a builder and we have a best match.  Normally this will be hard
                // selected, except for a few cases.  Specifically, if no filter text has been
                // provided, and this is not a preselect match then we will soft select it.  This
                // happens when the completion list comes up implicitly and there is something in
                // the MRU list.  In this case we do want to select it, but not with a hard
                // selection.  Otherwise you can end up with the following problem:
                //  dim i as integer =<space>
                // Completion will comes up after = with 'integer' selected (Because of MRU).  We do
                // not want 'space' to commit this.
                var viewSpan = model.GetSubjectBufferFilterSpanInViewBuffer(bestFilterMatch.FilterSpan);
                var fullFilterText = model.GetCurrentTextInSnapshot(viewSpan, textSnapshot, endPoint: null);

                var shouldSoftSelect = completionRules.ShouldSoftSelectItem(GetExternallyUsableCompletionItem(bestFilterMatch), fullFilterText, triggerInfo);
                if (shouldSoftSelect)
                    return false;

                // If the user moved the caret left after they started typing, the 'best' match may not match at all
                // against the full text span that this item would be replacing.
                if (!completionRules.MatchesFilterText(bestFilterMatch, fullFilterText, triggerInfo, reason))
                    return false;

                // There was either filter text, or this was a preselect match.  In either case, we
                // can hard select this.
                return true;