// Rewriting for integral and string switch statements.
        // For switch statements, we have an option of completely rewriting the switch header
        // and switch sections into simpler constructs, i.e. we can rewrite the switch header
        // using bound conditional goto statements and the rewrite the switch sections into
        // bound labeleled statements.

        // However, all the logic for emitting the switch jump tables is language agnostic
        // and includes IL optimizations. Hence we delay the switch jump table generation
        // till the emit phase. This way we also get additional benefit of sharing this code
        // between both VB and C# compilers.

        // For integral switch statements, we delay almost all the work
        // to the emit phase.

        // For string switch statements, we need to determine if we are generating a hash
        // table based jump table or a non hash jump table, i.e. linear string comparisons
        // with each case label. We use the Dev10 Heuristic to determine this
        // (see SwitchStringJumpTableEmitter.ShouldGenerateHashTableSwitch() for details).
        // If we are generating a hash table based jump table, we use a simple customizable
        // hash function to hash the string constants corresponding to the case labels.
        // See SwitchStringJumpTableEmitter.ComputeStringHash().
        // We need to emit this function to compute the hash value into the compiler generate
        // <PrivateImplementationDetails> class. 
        // If we have at least one string switch statement in a module that needs a
        // hash table based jump table, we generate a single public string hash sythesized method
        // that is shared across the module.

        public override BoundNode VisitSwitchStatement(BoundSwitchStatement node)
            var syntax = node.Syntax;

            var rewrittenExpression = (BoundExpression)Visit(node.BoundExpression);
            var rewrittenSections = VisitSwitchSections(node.SwitchSections);

            var rewrittenStatement = MakeSwitchStatement(syntax, AddConditionSequencePoint(rewrittenExpression, node), rewrittenSections, node.ConstantTargetOpt, node.InnerLocals, node.BreakLabel, node);

            if (!node.OuterLocals.IsEmpty)
                rewrittenStatement = new BoundBlock(syntax, node.OuterLocals, ImmutableArray.Create(rewrittenStatement));

            // Create the sequence point if generating debug info and
            // node is not compiler generated
            if (this.generateDebugInfo && !node.WasCompilerGenerated)
                SwitchStatementSyntax switchSyntax = (SwitchStatementSyntax)syntax;
                TextSpan switchSequencePointSpan = TextSpan.FromBounds(

                return new BoundSequencePointWithSpan(
                    syntax: syntax,
                    statementOpt: rewrittenStatement,
                    span: switchSequencePointSpan,
                    hasErrors: false);

            return rewrittenStatement;
        internal static BoundBlock Rewrite(SourceMethodSymbol sourceMethodSymbol, MethodContractSyntax contract, BoundBlock body, TypeCompilationState compilationState, DiagnosticBag diagsForCurrentMethod)
            var binder = compilationState.Compilation.GetBinderFactory(sourceMethodSymbol.SyntaxTree)
            SyntheticBoundNodeFactory factory = new SyntheticBoundNodeFactory(sourceMethodSymbol, sourceMethodSymbol.SyntaxNode, compilationState, diagsForCurrentMethod);
            var contractType = compilationState.Compilation.GetTypeByReflectionType(typeof(System.Diagnostics.Contracts.Contract), diagsForCurrentMethod);

            var contractStatements = ArrayBuilder<BoundStatement>.GetInstance(contract.Requires.Count);
            foreach (var requires in contract.Requires)
                var condition = binder.BindExpression(requires.Condition, diagsForCurrentMethod);
                var methodCall = factory.StaticCall(contractType, "Requires", condition);
                var statement = factory.ExpressionStatement(methodCall);

            foreach (var requires in contract.Ensures)
                var condition = binder.BindExpression(requires.Condition, diagsForCurrentMethod);
                var methodCall = factory.StaticCall(contractType, "Ensures", condition);
                var statement = factory.ExpressionStatement(methodCall);


            return body.Update(body.Locals, body.Statements.InsertRange(0, contractStatements.ToImmutableAndFree()));
Beispiel #3
        public BoundLambda(CSharpSyntaxNode syntax, BoundBlock body, ImmutableArray<Diagnostic> diagnostics, Binder binder, TypeSymbol delegateType, bool inferReturnType)
            : this(syntax, (LambdaSymbol)binder.ContainingMemberOrLambda, body, diagnostics, binder, delegateType)
            if (inferReturnType)
                this._inferredReturnType = InferReturnType(
                    ref this._inferredReturnTypeUseSiteDiagnostics,
                    out this._refKind,
                    out this._inferredFromSingleType);

                _hasInferredReturnType = true;

                syntax.IsAnonymousFunction() ||                                                                 // lambda expressions
                syntax is ExpressionSyntax && LambdaUtilities.IsLambdaBody(syntax, allowReducedLambdas: true) || // query lambdas
                LambdaUtilities.IsQueryPairLambda(syntax)                                                       // "pair" lambdas in queries
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// The flow analysis pass.  This pass reports required diagnostics for unreachable
        /// statements and uninitialized variables (through the call to FlowAnalysisWalker.Analyze),
        /// and inserts a final return statement if the end of a void-returning method is reachable.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="method">the method to be analyzed</param>
        /// <param name="block">the method's body</param>
        /// <param name="diagnostics">the receiver of the reported diagnostics</param>
        /// <returns>the rewritten block for the method (with a return statement possibly inserted)</returns>
        public static BoundBlock Rewrite(
            MethodSymbol method,
            BoundBlock block,
            DiagnosticBag diagnostics)
            var compilation = method.DeclaringCompilation;

            if (method.ReturnsVoid || (object)method.IteratorElementType != null
                || (method.IsAsync && compilation.GetWellKnownType(WellKnownType.System_Threading_Tasks_Task) == method.ReturnType))
                if (method.IsImplicitlyDeclared || Analyze(compilation, method, block, diagnostics))
                    // we don't analyze synthesized void methods.
                    var sourceMethod = method as SourceMethodSymbol;
                    block = AppendImplicitReturn(block, method, (object)sourceMethod != null ? sourceMethod.BlockSyntax : null);
            else if (Analyze(compilation, method, block, diagnostics))
                // If the method is a lambda expression being converted to a non-void delegate type
                // and the end point is reachable then suppress the error here; a special error
                // will be reported by the lambda binder.
                Debug.Assert(method.MethodKind != MethodKind.AnonymousFunction);

                // If there's more than one location, then the method is partial and we
                // have already reported a non-void partial method error.
                if (method.Locations.Length == 1)
                    diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_ReturnExpected, method.Locations[0], method);

            return block;
Beispiel #5
        public override BoundNode VisitBlock(BoundBlock node)
            if (!this.Instrument || (node != _rootStatement && (node.WasCompilerGenerated || node.Syntax.Kind() != SyntaxKind.Block)))
                return node.Update(node.Locals, node.LocalFunctions, VisitList(node.Statements));

            var builder = ArrayBuilder<BoundStatement>.GetInstance();

            for (int i = 0; i < node.Statements.Length; i++)
                var stmt = (BoundStatement)Visit(node.Statements[i]);
                if (stmt != null) builder.Add(stmt);

            LocalSymbol synthesizedLocal;
            BoundStatement prologue = _instrumenter.CreateBlockPrologue(node, out synthesizedLocal);
            if (prologue != null)
                builder.Insert(0, prologue);

            BoundStatement epilogue = _instrumenter.CreateBlockEpilogue(node);
            if (epilogue != null)

            return new BoundBlock(node.Syntax, synthesizedLocal == null ? node.Locals : node.Locals.Add(synthesizedLocal), node.LocalFunctions, builder.ToImmutableAndFree(), node.HasErrors);
Beispiel #6
        public override BoundNode VisitBlock(BoundBlock node)
            if (node.WasCompilerGenerated || !this.generateDebugInfo)
                return node.Update(node.LocalsOpt, VisitList(node.Statements));

            BlockSyntax syntax = node.Syntax as BlockSyntax;
            Debug.Assert(syntax != null);

            var builder = ArrayBuilder<BoundStatement>.GetInstance();

            var oBspan = syntax.OpenBraceToken.Span;
            builder.Add(new BoundSequencePointWithSpan(syntax, null, oBspan));

            for (int i = 0; i < node.Statements.Length; i++)
                var stmt = (BoundStatement)Visit(node.Statements[i]);
                if (stmt != null) builder.Add(stmt);

            // no need to mark "}" on the outermost block
            // as it cannot leave it normally. The block will have "return" at the end.
            if (syntax.Parent == null || !(syntax.Parent.IsAnonymousFunction() || syntax.Parent is BaseMethodDeclarationSyntax))
                var cBspan = syntax.CloseBraceToken.Span;
                builder.Add(new BoundSequencePointWithSpan(syntax, null, cBspan));

            return new BoundBlock(syntax, node.LocalsOpt, builder.ToImmutableAndFree(), node.HasErrors);
        /// <summary>
        /// The flow analysis pass.  This pass reports required diagnostics for unreachable
        /// statements and uninitialized variables (through the call to FlowAnalysisWalker.Analyze),
        /// and inserts a final return statement if the end of a void-returning method is reachable.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="method">the method to be analyzed</param>
        /// <param name="block">the method's body</param>
        /// <param name="diagnostics">the receiver of the reported diagnostics</param>
        /// <param name="hasTrailingExpression">indicates whether this Script had a trailing expression</param>
        /// <param name="originalBodyNested">the original method body is the last statement in the block</param>
        /// <returns>the rewritten block for the method (with a return statement possibly inserted)</returns>
        public static BoundBlock Rewrite(
            MethodSymbol method,
            BoundBlock block,
            DiagnosticBag diagnostics,
            bool hasTrailingExpression,
            bool originalBodyNested)
            // We should only see a trailingExpression if we're in a Script initializer.
            Debug.Assert(!hasTrailingExpression || method.IsScriptInitializer);
            var initialDiagnosticCount = diagnostics.ToReadOnly().Length;
            var compilation = method.DeclaringCompilation;

            if (method.ReturnsVoid || method.IsIterator ||
                (method.IsAsync && compilation.GetWellKnownType(WellKnownType.System_Threading_Tasks_Task) == method.ReturnType))
                // we don't analyze synthesized void methods.
                if ((method.IsImplicitlyDeclared && !method.IsScriptInitializer) || Analyze(compilation, method, block, diagnostics))
                    block = AppendImplicitReturn(block, method, (CSharpSyntaxNode)(method as SourceMethodSymbol)?.BodySyntax, originalBodyNested);
            else if (Analyze(compilation, method, block, diagnostics))
                // If the method is a lambda expression being converted to a non-void delegate type
                // and the end point is reachable then suppress the error here; a special error
                // will be reported by the lambda binder.
                Debug.Assert(method.MethodKind != MethodKind.AnonymousFunction);

                // Add implicit "return default(T)" if this is a submission that does not have a trailing expression.
                var submissionResultType = (method as SynthesizedInteractiveInitializerMethod)?.ResultType;
                if (!hasTrailingExpression && ((object)submissionResultType != null))
                    Debug.Assert(submissionResultType.SpecialType != SpecialType.System_Void);

                    var trailingExpression = new BoundDefaultOperator(method.GetNonNullSyntaxNode(), submissionResultType);
                    var newStatements = block.Statements.Add(new BoundReturnStatement(trailingExpression.Syntax, trailingExpression));
                    block = new BoundBlock(block.Syntax, ImmutableArray<LocalSymbol>.Empty, newStatements) { WasCompilerGenerated = true };
                    // It should not be necessary to repeat analysis after adding this node, because adding a trailing
                    // return in cases where one was missing should never produce different Diagnostics.
                    var flowAnalysisDiagnostics = DiagnosticBag.GetInstance();
                    Debug.Assert(!Analyze(compilation, method, block, flowAnalysisDiagnostics));
                // If there's more than one location, then the method is partial and we
                // have already reported a non-void partial method error.
                else if (method.Locations.Length == 1)
                    diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_ReturnExpected, method.Locations[0], method);

            return block;
        public override BoundStatement CreateBlockPrologue(BoundBlock original, out LocalSymbol synthesizedLocal)
            BoundStatement previousPrologue = base.CreateBlockPrologue(original, out synthesizedLocal);
            if (_methodBody == original)
                _dynamicAnalysisSpans = _spansBuilder.ToImmutableAndFree();
                // In the future there will be multiple analysis kinds.
                const int analysisKind = 0;

                ArrayTypeSymbol modulePayloadType = ArrayTypeSymbol.CreateCSharpArray(_methodBodyFactory.Compilation.Assembly, _payloadType);

                // Synthesize the initialization of the instrumentation payload array, using concurrency-safe code:
                // var payload = PID.PayloadRootField[methodIndex];
                // if (payload == null)
                //     payload = Instrumentation.CreatePayload(mvid, methodIndex, fileIndex, ref PID.PayloadRootField[methodIndex], payloadLength);

                BoundStatement payloadInitialization = _methodBodyFactory.Assignment(_methodBodyFactory.Local(_methodPayload), _methodBodyFactory.ArrayAccess(_methodBodyFactory.InstrumentationPayloadRoot(analysisKind, modulePayloadType), ImmutableArray.Create(_methodBodyFactory.MethodDefIndex(_method))));
                BoundExpression mvid = _methodBodyFactory.ModuleVersionId();
                BoundExpression methodToken = _methodBodyFactory.MethodDefIndex(_method);
                BoundExpression fileIndex = _methodBodyFactory.SourceDocumentIndex(GetSourceDocument(_methodBody.Syntax));
                BoundExpression payloadSlot = _methodBodyFactory.ArrayAccess(_methodBodyFactory.InstrumentationPayloadRoot(analysisKind, modulePayloadType), ImmutableArray.Create(_methodBodyFactory.MethodDefIndex(_method)));
                BoundStatement createPayloadCall = _methodBodyFactory.Assignment(_methodBodyFactory.Local(_methodPayload), _methodBodyFactory.Call(null, _createPayload, mvid, methodToken, fileIndex, payloadSlot, _methodBodyFactory.Literal(_dynamicAnalysisSpans.Length)));

                BoundExpression payloadNullTest = _methodBodyFactory.Binary(BinaryOperatorKind.ObjectEqual, _methodBodyFactory.SpecialType(SpecialType.System_Boolean), _methodBodyFactory.Local(_methodPayload), _methodBodyFactory.Null(_payloadType));
                BoundStatement payloadIf = _methodBodyFactory.If(payloadNullTest, createPayloadCall);

                Debug.Assert(synthesizedLocal == null);
                synthesizedLocal = _methodPayload;

                ArrayBuilder<BoundStatement> prologueStatements = ArrayBuilder<BoundStatement>.GetInstance(previousPrologue == null ? 3 : 4);
                if (_methodEntryInstrumentation != null)

                if (previousPrologue != null)

                return _methodBodyFactory.StatementList(prologueStatements.ToImmutableAndFree());

            return previousPrologue;
Beispiel #9
        private static BoundBlock AppendImplicitReturn(BoundBlock body, MethodSymbol method, CSharpSyntaxNode syntax, bool originalBodyNested)
            if (originalBodyNested)
                var statements = body.Statements;
                int n = statements.Length;

                var builder = ArrayBuilder<BoundStatement>.GetInstance(n);
                builder.AddRange(statements, n - 1);
                builder.Add(AppendImplicitReturn((BoundBlock)statements[n - 1], method, syntax));

                return body.Update(body.Locals, ImmutableArray<LocalFunctionSymbol>.Empty, builder.ToImmutableAndFree());
                return AppendImplicitReturn(body, method, syntax);
Beispiel #10
        private static TypeSymbol InferReturnType(BoundBlock block, Binder binder, bool isAsync, ref HashSet<DiagnosticInfo> useSiteDiagnostics, out bool inferredFromSingleType)
            int numberOfDistinctReturns;
            var resultTypes = BlockReturns.GetReturnTypes(block, out numberOfDistinctReturns);

            inferredFromSingleType = numberOfDistinctReturns < 2;

            TypeSymbol bestResultType;
            if (resultTypes.IsDefaultOrEmpty)
                bestResultType = null;
            else if (resultTypes.Length == 1)
                bestResultType = resultTypes[0];
                bestResultType = BestTypeInferrer.InferBestType(resultTypes, binder.Conversions, ref useSiteDiagnostics);

            if (!isAsync)
                return bestResultType;

            // Async:

            if (resultTypes.IsEmpty)
                // No return statements have expressions; inferred type Task:
                return binder.Compilation.GetWellKnownType(WellKnownType.System_Threading_Tasks_Task);

            if ((object)bestResultType == null || bestResultType.SpecialType == SpecialType.System_Void)
                // If the best type was 'void', ERR_CantReturnVoid is reported while binding the "return void"
                // statement(s).
                return null;

            // Some non-void best type T was found; infer type Task<T>:
            return binder.Compilation.GetWellKnownType(WellKnownType.System_Threading_Tasks_Task_T).Construct(bestResultType);
        private BoundNode VisitLocalFunctionOrLambda(BoundBlock body)
            var oldPending = SavePending(); // We do not support branches *into* a lambda.
            LocalState finalState = this.State;
            this.State = ReachableState();
            var oldPending2 = SavePending();
            RestorePending(oldPending2); // process any forward branches within the lambda body
            ImmutableArray<PendingBranch> pendingReturns = RemoveReturns();
            IntersectWith(ref finalState, ref this.State);
            foreach (PendingBranch returnBranch in pendingReturns)
                this.State = returnBranch.State;
                IntersectWith(ref finalState, ref this.State);

            this.State = finalState;
            return null;
        // insert the implicit "return" statement at the end of the method body
        // Normally, we wouldn't bother attaching syntax trees to compiler-generated nodes, but these
        // ones are going to have sequence points.
        internal static BoundBlock AppendImplicitReturn(BoundBlock body, MethodSymbol method, CSharpSyntaxNode syntax = null)
            Debug.Assert(body != null);
            Debug.Assert(method != null);

            if (syntax == null)
                syntax = body.Syntax;

            Debug.Assert(body.WasCompilerGenerated || syntax.IsKind(SyntaxKind.Block) || syntax.IsKind(SyntaxKind.ArrowExpressionClause));

            BoundStatement ret = method.IsIterator
                ? (BoundStatement)BoundYieldBreakStatement.Synthesized(syntax)
                : BoundReturnStatement.Synthesized(syntax, null);

                // Implicitly added return for async method does not need sequence points since lowering would add one.
            if (syntax.IsKind(SyntaxKind.Block) && !method.IsAsync)
                var blockSyntax = (BlockSyntax)syntax;

                ret = new BoundSequencePointWithSpan(
                { WasCompilerGenerated = true };

            switch (body.Kind)
                case BoundKind.Block:
                    var block = (BoundBlock)body;
                    return block.Update(block.Locals, block.LocalFunctions, block.Statements.Add(ret));

                    return new BoundBlock(syntax, ImmutableArray<LocalSymbol>.Empty, ImmutableArray<LocalFunctionSymbol>.Empty, ImmutableArray.Create(ret, body));
        /// <summary>
        /// Lower "using (ResourceType resource = expression) statement" to a try-finally block.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Assumes that the local symbol will be declared (i.e. in the LocalsOpt array) of an enclosing block.
        /// Assumes that using statements with multiple locals have already been split up into multiple using statements.
        /// </remarks>
        private BoundBlock RewriteDeclarationUsingStatement(CSharpSyntaxNode usingSyntax, BoundLocalDeclaration localDeclaration, BoundBlock tryBlock, Conversion idisposableConversion)
            CSharpSyntaxNode declarationSyntax = localDeclaration.Syntax;

            LocalSymbol localSymbol = localDeclaration.LocalSymbol;
            TypeSymbol localType = localSymbol.Type;
            Debug.Assert((object)localType != null); //otherwise, there wouldn't be a conversion to IDisposable

            BoundLocal boundLocal = new BoundLocal(declarationSyntax, localSymbol, localDeclaration.InitializerOpt.ConstantValue, localType);

            BoundStatement rewrittenDeclaration = (BoundStatement)Visit(localDeclaration);

            // If we know that the expression is null, then we know that the null check in the finally block
            // will fail, and the Dispose call will never happen.  That is, the finally block will have no effect.
            // Consequently, we can simply skip the whole try-finally construct and just create a block containing
            // the new declaration.
            if (boundLocal.ConstantValue == ConstantValue.Null)
                //localSymbol will be declared by an enclosing block
                return BoundBlock.SynthesizedNoLocals(usingSyntax, rewrittenDeclaration, tryBlock);

            if (localType.IsDynamic())
                BoundExpression tempInit = MakeConversion(
                    @checked: false);

                BoundAssignmentOperator tempAssignment;
                BoundLocal boundTemp = this.factory.StoreToTemp(tempInit, out tempAssignment);

                BoundStatement tryFinally = RewriteUsingStatementTryFinally(usingSyntax, tryBlock, boundTemp);

                return new BoundBlock(
                    syntax: usingSyntax,
                    locals: ImmutableArray.Create<LocalSymbol>(boundTemp.LocalSymbol), //localSymbol will be declared by an enclosing block
                    statements: ImmutableArray.Create<BoundStatement>(
                        new BoundExpressionStatement(declarationSyntax, tempAssignment),
                BoundStatement tryFinally = RewriteUsingStatementTryFinally(usingSyntax, tryBlock, boundLocal);

                // localSymbol will be declared by an enclosing block
                return BoundBlock.SynthesizedNoLocals(usingSyntax, rewrittenDeclaration, tryFinally);
 public override BoundNode VisitBlock(BoundBlock node)
     return PossibleIteratorScope(node.LocalsOpt, () => (BoundStatement)base.VisitBlock(node));
 internal BoundCatchBlock Catch(
     BoundExpression source,
     BoundBlock block)
     return new BoundCatchBlock(Syntax, ImmutableArray<LocalSymbol>.Empty, source, source.Type, exceptionFilterOpt: null, body: block);
 internal BoundStatement Try(
     BoundBlock tryBlock,
     ImmutableArray<BoundCatchBlock> catchBlocks,
     BoundBlock finallyBlock = null)
     return new BoundTryStatement(Syntax, tryBlock, catchBlocks, finallyBlock) { WasCompilerGenerated = true };
Beispiel #17
        public override BoundStatement CreateBlockEpilogue(BoundBlock original)
            var previous = base.CreateBlockEpilogue(original);

            if (original.Syntax.Kind() == SyntaxKind.Block && !original.WasCompilerGenerated)
                // no need to mark "}" on the outermost block
                // as it cannot leave it normally. The block will have "return" at the end.
                CSharpSyntaxNode parent = original.Syntax.Parent;
                if (parent == null || !(parent.IsAnonymousFunction() || parent is BaseMethodDeclarationSyntax))
                    var cBspan = ((BlockSyntax)original.Syntax).CloseBraceToken.Span;
                    return new BoundSequencePointWithSpan(original.Syntax, previous, cBspan);

            return previous;
 private void VisitBlockInternal(BoundBlock node)
     var previousBlock = PushBlock(node, node.Locals);
Beispiel #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Lower a foreach loop that will enumerate a multi-dimensional array.
        /// A[...] a = x;
        /// int q_0 = a.GetUpperBound(0), q_1 = a.GetUpperBound(1), ...;
        /// for (int p_0 = a.GetLowerBound(0); p_0 &lt;= q_0; p_0 = p_0 + 1)
        ///     for (int p_1 = a.GetLowerBound(1); p_1 &lt;= q_1; p_1 = p_1 + 1)
        ///         ...
        ///             { V v = (V)a[p_0, p_1, ...]; /* body */ }
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// We will follow Dev10 in diverging from the C# 4 spec by ignoring Array's
        /// implementation of IEnumerable and just indexing into its elements.
        /// NOTE: We're assuming that sequence points have already been generated.
        /// Otherwise, lowering to nested for-loops would generated spurious ones.
        /// </remarks>
        private BoundStatement RewriteMultiDimensionalArrayForEachStatement(BoundForEachStatement node)
            ForEachStatementSyntax forEachSyntax = (ForEachStatementSyntax)node.Syntax;

            BoundExpression collectionExpression = GetUnconvertedCollectionExpression(node);


            ArrayTypeSymbol arrayType = (ArrayTypeSymbol)collectionExpression.Type;

            int rank = arrayType.Rank;

            Debug.Assert(rank > 1);

            TypeSymbol intType  = compilation.GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_Int32);
            TypeSymbol boolType = compilation.GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_Boolean);

            // Values we'll use every iteration
            MethodSymbol getLowerBoundMethod = GetSpecialTypeMethod(forEachSyntax, SpecialMember.System_Array__GetLowerBound);
            MethodSymbol getUpperBoundMethod = GetSpecialTypeMethod(forEachSyntax, SpecialMember.System_Array__GetUpperBound);

            BoundExpression rewrittenExpression = (BoundExpression)Visit(collectionExpression);
            BoundStatement  rewrittenBody       = (BoundStatement)Visit(node.Body);

            // A[...] a
            LocalSymbol arrayVar      = factory.SynthesizedLocal(arrayType, syntax: forEachSyntax, kind: SynthesizedLocalKind.ForEachArray);
            BoundLocal  boundArrayVar = MakeBoundLocal(forEachSyntax, arrayVar, arrayType);

            // A[...] a = /*node.Expression*/;
            BoundStatement arrayVarDecl = MakeLocalDeclaration(forEachSyntax, arrayVar, rewrittenExpression);

            AddForEachExpressionSequencePoint(forEachSyntax, ref arrayVarDecl);

            // NOTE: dev10 initializes all of the upper bound temps before entering the loop (as opposed to
            // initializing each one at the corresponding level of nesting).  Doing it at the same time as
            // the lower bound would make this code a bit simpler, but it would make it harder to compare
            // the roslyn and dev10 IL.

            // int q_0, q_1, ...
            LocalSymbol[]    upperVar      = new LocalSymbol[rank];
            BoundLocal[]     boundUpperVar = new BoundLocal[rank];
            BoundStatement[] upperVarDecl  = new BoundStatement[rank];
            for (int dimension = 0; dimension < rank; dimension++)
                // int q_/*dimension*/
                upperVar[dimension] = factory.SynthesizedLocal(
                    syntax: forEachSyntax,
                    kind: (SynthesizedLocalKind)((int)SynthesizedLocalKind.ForEachArrayLimit0 + dimension));
                boundUpperVar[dimension] = MakeBoundLocal(forEachSyntax, upperVar[dimension], intType);

                ImmutableArray <BoundExpression> dimensionArgument = ImmutableArray.Create <BoundExpression>(
                                constantValue: ConstantValue.Create(dimension, ConstantValueTypeDiscriminator.Int32),
                                type: intType));

                // a.GetUpperBound(/*dimension*/)
                BoundExpression currentDimensionUpperBound = BoundCall.Synthesized(forEachSyntax, boundArrayVar, getUpperBoundMethod, dimensionArgument);

                // int q_/*dimension*/ = a.GetUpperBound(/*dimension*/);
                upperVarDecl[dimension] = MakeLocalDeclaration(forEachSyntax, upperVar[dimension], currentDimensionUpperBound);

            // int p_0, p_1, ...
            LocalSymbol[] positionVar      = new LocalSymbol[rank];
            BoundLocal[]  boundPositionVar = new BoundLocal[rank];
            for (int dimension = 0; dimension < rank; dimension++)
                positionVar[dimension] = factory.SynthesizedLocal(
                    syntax: forEachSyntax,
                    kind: (SynthesizedLocalKind)((int)SynthesizedLocalKind.ForEachArrayIndex0 + dimension));
                boundPositionVar[dimension] = MakeBoundLocal(forEachSyntax, positionVar[dimension], intType);

            // V v
            LocalSymbol iterationVar     = node.IterationVariable;
            TypeSymbol  iterationVarType = iterationVar.Type;

            // (V)a[p_0, p_1, ...]
            BoundExpression iterationVarInitValue = MakeConversion(
                syntax: forEachSyntax,
                rewrittenOperand: new BoundArrayAccess(forEachSyntax,
                                                       expression: boundArrayVar,
                                                       indices: ImmutableArray.Create <BoundExpression>((BoundExpression[])boundPositionVar),
                                                       type: arrayType.ElementType),
                conversion: node.ElementConversion,
                rewrittenType: iterationVarType,
                @checked: node.Checked);

            // V v = (V)a[p_0, p_1, ...];
            BoundStatement iterationVarDecl = MakeLocalDeclaration(forEachSyntax, iterationVar, iterationVarInitValue);

            AddForEachIterationVariableSequencePoint(forEachSyntax, ref iterationVarDecl);

            // { V v = (V)a[p_0, p_1, ...]; /* node.Body */ }
            BoundStatement innermostLoopBody = new BoundBlock(forEachSyntax,
                                                              locals: ImmutableArray.Create <LocalSymbol>(iterationVar),
                                                              statements: ImmutableArray.Create <BoundStatement>(iterationVarDecl, rewrittenBody));

            // work from most-nested to least-nested
            // for (int p_0 = a.GetLowerBound(0); p_0 <= q_0; p_0 = p_0 + 1)
            //     for (int p_1 = a.GetLowerBound(0); p_1 <= q_1; p_1 = p_1 + 1)
            //         ...
            //             { V v = (V)a[p_0, p_1, ...]; /* node.Body */ }
            BoundStatement forLoop = null;

            for (int dimension = rank - 1; dimension >= 0; dimension--)
                ImmutableArray <BoundExpression> dimensionArgument = ImmutableArray.Create <BoundExpression>(
                                constantValue: ConstantValue.Create(dimension, ConstantValueTypeDiscriminator.Int32),
                                type: intType));

                // a.GetLowerBound(/*dimension*/)
                BoundExpression currentDimensionLowerBound = BoundCall.Synthesized(forEachSyntax, boundArrayVar, getLowerBoundMethod, dimensionArgument);

                // int p_/*dimension*/ = a.GetLowerBound(/*dimension*/);
                BoundStatement positionVarDecl = MakeLocalDeclaration(forEachSyntax, positionVar[dimension], currentDimensionLowerBound);

                GeneratedLabelSymbol breakLabel = dimension == 0 // outermost for-loop
                    ? node.BreakLabel                            // i.e. the one that break statements will jump to
                    : new GeneratedLabelSymbol("break");         // Should not affect emitted code since unused

                // p_/*dimension*/ <= q_/*dimension*/  //NB: OrEqual
                BoundExpression exitCondition = new BoundBinaryOperator(
                    syntax: forEachSyntax,
                    operatorKind: BinaryOperatorKind.IntLessThanOrEqual,
                    left: boundPositionVar[dimension],
                    right: boundUpperVar[dimension],
                    constantValueOpt: null,
                    methodOpt: null,
                    resultKind: LookupResultKind.Viable,
                    type: boolType);

                // p_/*dimension*/ = p_/*dimension*/ + 1;
                BoundStatement positionIncrement = MakePositionIncrement(forEachSyntax, boundPositionVar[dimension], intType);

                BoundStatement       body;
                GeneratedLabelSymbol continueLabel;

                if (forLoop == null)
                    // innermost for-loop
                    body          = innermostLoopBody;
                    continueLabel = node.ContinueLabel; //i.e. the one continue statements will actually jump to
                    body          = forLoop;
                    continueLabel = new GeneratedLabelSymbol("continue"); // Should not affect emitted code since unused

                forLoop = RewriteForStatement(
                    syntax: forEachSyntax,
                    outerLocals: ImmutableArray.Create(positionVar[dimension]),
                    rewrittenInitializer: positionVarDecl,
                    rewrittenCondition: exitCondition,
                    conditionSyntaxOpt: null,
                    conditionSpanOpt: forEachSyntax.InKeyword.Span,
                    rewrittenIncrement: positionIncrement,
                    rewrittenBody: body,
                    breakLabel: breakLabel,
                    continueLabel: continueLabel,
                    hasErrors: node.HasErrors);

            Debug.Assert(forLoop != null);

            BoundStatement result = new BoundBlock(
                ImmutableArray.Create <LocalSymbol>(arrayVar).Concat(upperVar.AsImmutableOrNull()),
                ImmutableArray.Create <BoundStatement>(arrayVarDecl).Concat(upperVarDecl.AsImmutableOrNull()).Add(forLoop));

            AddForEachKeywordSequencePoint(forEachSyntax, ref result);

Beispiel #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate a thread-safe accessor for a WinRT field-like event.
        /// Add:
        ///   return EventRegistrationTokenTable&lt;Event&gt;.GetOrCreateEventRegistrationTokenTable(ref _tokenTable).AddEventHandler(value);
        /// Remove:
        ///   EventRegistrationTokenTable&lt;Event&gt;.GetOrCreateEventRegistrationTokenTable(ref _tokenTable).RemoveEventHandler(value);
        /// </summary>
        internal static BoundBlock ConstructFieldLikeEventAccessorBody_WinRT(SourceEventSymbol eventSymbol, bool isAddMethod, CSharpCompilation compilation, DiagnosticBag diagnostics)
            CSharpSyntaxNode syntax = eventSymbol.CSharpSyntaxNode;

            MethodSymbol accessor = isAddMethod ? eventSymbol.AddMethod : eventSymbol.RemoveMethod;

            Debug.Assert((object)accessor != null);

            FieldSymbol field = eventSymbol.AssociatedField;

            Debug.Assert((object)field != null);

            NamedTypeSymbol fieldType = (NamedTypeSymbol)field.Type;

            Debug.Assert(fieldType.Name == "EventRegistrationTokenTable");

            MethodSymbol getOrCreateMethod = (MethodSymbol)Binder.GetWellKnownTypeMember(
                syntax: syntax);

            if ((object)getOrCreateMethod == null)

            getOrCreateMethod = getOrCreateMethod.AsMember(fieldType);

            WellKnownMember processHandlerMember = isAddMethod
                ? WellKnownMember.System_Runtime_InteropServices_WindowsRuntime_EventRegistrationTokenTable_T__AddEventHandler
                : WellKnownMember.System_Runtime_InteropServices_WindowsRuntime_EventRegistrationTokenTable_T__RemoveEventHandler;

            MethodSymbol processHandlerMethod = (MethodSymbol)Binder.GetWellKnownTypeMember(
                syntax: syntax);

            if ((object)processHandlerMethod == null)

            processHandlerMethod = processHandlerMethod.AsMember(fieldType);

            // _tokenTable
            BoundFieldAccess fieldAccess = new BoundFieldAccess(
                field.IsStatic ? null : new BoundThisReference(syntax, accessor.ThisParameter.Type),
                constantValueOpt: null)
                WasCompilerGenerated = true

            // EventRegistrationTokenTable<Event>.GetOrCreateEventRegistrationTokenTable(ref _tokenTable)
            BoundCall getOrCreateCall = BoundCall.Synthesized(
                receiverOpt: null,
                method: getOrCreateMethod,
                arg0: fieldAccess);

            // value
            BoundParameter parameterAccess = new BoundParameter(

            // EventRegistrationTokenTable<Event>.GetOrCreateEventRegistrationTokenTable(ref _tokenTable).AddHandler(value) // or RemoveHandler
            BoundCall processHandlerCall = BoundCall.Synthesized(
                receiverOpt: getOrCreateCall,
                method: processHandlerMethod,
                arg0: parameterAccess);

            if (isAddMethod)
                // {
                //     return EventRegistrationTokenTable<Event>.GetOrCreateEventRegistrationTokenTable(ref _tokenTable).AddHandler(value);
                // }
                BoundStatement returnStatement = BoundReturnStatement.Synthesized(syntax, RefKind.None, processHandlerCall);
                return(BoundBlock.SynthesizedNoLocals(syntax, returnStatement));
                // {
                //     EventRegistrationTokenTable<Event>.GetOrCreateEventRegistrationTokenTable(ref _tokenTable).RemoveHandler(value);
                //     return;
                // }
                BoundStatement callStatement   = new BoundExpressionStatement(syntax, processHandlerCall);
                BoundStatement returnStatement = new BoundReturnStatement(syntax, RefKind.None, expressionOpt: null);
                return(BoundBlock.SynthesizedNoLocals(syntax, callStatement, returnStatement));
Beispiel #21
        /// <summary>
        /// Lower a foreach loop that will enumerate a collection using an enumerator.
        /// E e = ((C)(x)).GetEnumerator()
        /// try {
        ///     while (e.MoveNext()) {
        ///         V v = (V)(T)e.Current;
        ///         // body
        ///     }
        /// }
        /// finally {
        ///     // clean up e
        /// }
        /// </summary>
        private BoundStatement RewriteEnumeratorForEachStatement(BoundForEachStatement node)
            ForEachStatementSyntax forEachSyntax = (ForEachStatementSyntax)node.Syntax;

            ForEachEnumeratorInfo enumeratorInfo = node.EnumeratorInfoOpt;

            Debug.Assert(enumeratorInfo != null);

            BoundExpression collectionExpression = GetUnconvertedCollectionExpression(node);
            BoundExpression rewrittenExpression  = (BoundExpression)Visit(collectionExpression);
            BoundStatement  rewrittenBody        = (BoundStatement)Visit(node.Body);

            TypeSymbol enumeratorType = enumeratorInfo.GetEnumeratorMethod.ReturnType;
            TypeSymbol elementType    = enumeratorInfo.ElementType;

            // E e
            LocalSymbol enumeratorVar = factory.SynthesizedLocal(enumeratorType, syntax: forEachSyntax, kind: SynthesizedLocalKind.ForEachEnumerator);

            // Reference to e.
            BoundLocal boundEnumeratorVar = MakeBoundLocal(forEachSyntax, enumeratorVar, enumeratorType);

            // ((C)(x)).GetEnumerator() or (x).GetEnumerator();
            BoundExpression enumeratorVarInitValue = SynthesizeCall(forEachSyntax, rewrittenExpression, enumeratorInfo.GetEnumeratorMethod, enumeratorInfo.CollectionConversion, enumeratorInfo.CollectionType);

            // E e = ((C)(x)).GetEnumerator();
            BoundStatement enumeratorVarDecl = MakeLocalDeclaration(forEachSyntax, enumeratorVar, enumeratorVarInitValue);

            AddForEachExpressionSequencePoint(forEachSyntax, ref enumeratorVarDecl);

            // V v
            LocalSymbol iterationVar = node.IterationVariable;

            BoundExpression iterationVarAssignValue = MakeConversion(
                syntax: forEachSyntax,
                rewrittenOperand: MakeConversion(
                    syntax: forEachSyntax,
                    rewrittenOperand: BoundCall.Synthesized(
                        syntax: forEachSyntax,
                        receiverOpt: boundEnumeratorVar,
                        method: enumeratorInfo.CurrentPropertyGetter),
                    conversion: enumeratorInfo.CurrentConversion,
                    rewrittenType: elementType,
                    @checked: node.Checked),
                conversion: node.ElementConversion,
                rewrittenType: iterationVar.Type,
                @checked: node.Checked);

            // V v = (V)(T)e.Current;
            BoundStatement iterationVarDecl = MakeLocalDeclaration(forEachSyntax, iterationVar, iterationVarAssignValue);

            AddForEachIterationVariableSequencePoint(forEachSyntax, ref iterationVarDecl);

            // while (e.MoveNext()) {
            //     V v = (V)(T)e.Current;
            //     /* node.Body */
            // }
            BoundStatement whileLoop = RewriteWhileStatement(
                syntax: forEachSyntax,
                rewrittenCondition: BoundCall.Synthesized(
                    syntax: forEachSyntax,
                    receiverOpt: boundEnumeratorVar,
                    method: enumeratorInfo.MoveNextMethod),
                conditionSequencePointSpan: forEachSyntax.InKeyword.Span,
                rewrittenBody: new BoundBlock(rewrittenBody.Syntax,
                                              statements: ImmutableArray.Create <BoundStatement>(iterationVarDecl, rewrittenBody),
                                              locals: ImmutableArray.Create <LocalSymbol>(iterationVar)),
                breakLabel: node.BreakLabel,
                continueLabel: node.ContinueLabel,
                hasErrors: false);

            BoundStatement result;

            MethodSymbol disposeMethod;

            if (enumeratorInfo.NeedsDisposeMethod && TryGetSpecialTypeMember(forEachSyntax, SpecialMember.System_IDisposable__Dispose, out disposeMethod))
                Binder.ReportDiagnosticsIfObsolete(diagnostics, disposeMethod, forEachSyntax,
                                                   hasBaseReceiver: false,
                                                   containingMember: this.factory.CurrentMethod,
                                                   containingType: this.factory.CurrentClass,
                                                   location: enumeratorInfo.Location);

                BoundBlock finallyBlockOpt;
                var        idisposableTypeSymbol = disposeMethod.ContainingType;
                var        conversions           = new TypeConversions(this.factory.CurrentMethod.ContainingAssembly.CorLibrary);

                HashSet <DiagnosticInfo> useSiteDiagnostics = null;
                var isImplicit = conversions.ClassifyImplicitConversion(enumeratorType, idisposableTypeSymbol, ref useSiteDiagnostics).IsImplicit;
                diagnostics.Add(forEachSyntax, useSiteDiagnostics);

                if (isImplicit)

                    Conversion receiverConversion = enumeratorType.IsStructType() ?
                                                    Conversion.Boxing :

                    // ((IDisposable)e).Dispose(); or e.Dispose();
                    BoundStatement disposeCall = new BoundExpressionStatement(forEachSyntax,
                                                                              expression: SynthesizeCall(forEachSyntax, boundEnumeratorVar, disposeMethod, receiverConversion, idisposableTypeSymbol));

                    BoundStatement disposeStmt;
                    if (enumeratorType.IsValueType)
                        // No way for the struct to be nullable and disposable.
                        Debug.Assert(((TypeSymbol)enumeratorType.OriginalDefinition).SpecialType != SpecialType.System_Nullable_T);

                        // For non-nullable structs, no null check is required.
                        disposeStmt = disposeCall;
                        // NB: cast to object missing from spec.  Needed to ignore user-defined operators and box type parameters.
                        // if ((object)e != null) ((IDisposable)e).Dispose();
                        disposeStmt = RewriteIfStatement(
                            syntax: forEachSyntax,
                            rewrittenCondition: new BoundBinaryOperator(forEachSyntax,
                                                                        operatorKind: BinaryOperatorKind.NotEqual,
                                                                        left: MakeConversion(
                                                                            syntax: forEachSyntax,
                                                                            rewrittenOperand: boundEnumeratorVar,
                                                                            conversion: enumeratorInfo.EnumeratorConversion,
                                                                            rewrittenType: this.compilation.GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_Object),
                                                                            @checked: false),
                                                                        right: MakeLiteral(forEachSyntax,
                                                                                           constantValue: ConstantValue.Null,
                                                                                           type: null),
                                                                        constantValueOpt: null,
                                                                        methodOpt: null,
                                                                        resultKind: LookupResultKind.Viable,
                                                                        type: this.compilation.GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_Boolean)),
                            rewrittenConsequence: disposeCall,
                            rewrittenAlternativeOpt: null,
                            hasErrors: false);

                    finallyBlockOpt = new BoundBlock(forEachSyntax,
                                                     locals: ImmutableArray <LocalSymbol> .Empty,
                                                     statements: ImmutableArray.Create <BoundStatement>(disposeStmt));

                    // IDisposable d
                    LocalSymbol disposableVar = factory.SynthesizedLocal(idisposableTypeSymbol);

                    // Reference to d.
                    BoundLocal boundDisposableVar = MakeBoundLocal(forEachSyntax, disposableVar, idisposableTypeSymbol);

                    BoundTypeExpression boundIDisposableTypeExpr = new BoundTypeExpression(forEachSyntax,
                                                                                           aliasOpt: null,
                                                                                           type: idisposableTypeSymbol);

                    // e as IDisposable
                    BoundExpression disposableVarInitValue = new BoundAsOperator(forEachSyntax,
                                                                                 operand: boundEnumeratorVar,
                                                                                 targetType: boundIDisposableTypeExpr,
                                                                                 conversion: Conversion.ExplicitReference, // Explicit so the emitter won't optimize it away.
                                                                                 type: idisposableTypeSymbol);

                    // IDisposable d = e as IDisposable;
                    BoundStatement disposableVarDecl = MakeLocalDeclaration(forEachSyntax, disposableVar, disposableVarInitValue);

                    // if (d != null) d.Dispose();
                    BoundStatement ifStmt = RewriteIfStatement(
                        syntax: forEachSyntax,
                        rewrittenCondition: new BoundBinaryOperator(forEachSyntax,
                                                                    operatorKind: BinaryOperatorKind.NotEqual, // reference equality
                                                                    left: boundDisposableVar,
                                                                    right: MakeLiteral(forEachSyntax,
                                                                                       constantValue: ConstantValue.Null,
                                                                                       type: null),
                                                                    constantValueOpt: null,
                                                                    methodOpt: null,
                                                                    resultKind: LookupResultKind.Viable,
                                                                    type: this.compilation.GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_Boolean)),
                        rewrittenConsequence: new BoundExpressionStatement(forEachSyntax,
                                                                           expression: BoundCall.Synthesized(
                                                                               syntax: forEachSyntax,
                                                                               receiverOpt: boundDisposableVar,
                                                                               method: disposeMethod)),
                        rewrittenAlternativeOpt: null,
                        hasErrors: false);

                    // IDisposable d = e as IDisposable;
                    // if (d != null) d.Dispose();
                    finallyBlockOpt = new BoundBlock(forEachSyntax,
                                                     locals: ImmutableArray.Create <LocalSymbol>(disposableVar),
                                                     statements: ImmutableArray.Create <BoundStatement>(disposableVarDecl, ifStmt));

                // try {
                //     while (e.MoveNext()) {
                //         V v = (V)(T)e.Current;
                //         /* loop body */
                //     }
                // }
                // finally {
                //     /* dispose of e */
                // }
                BoundStatement tryFinally = new BoundTryStatement(forEachSyntax,
                                                                  tryBlock: new BoundBlock(forEachSyntax,
                                                                                           locals: ImmutableArray <LocalSymbol> .Empty,
                                                                                           statements: ImmutableArray.Create <BoundStatement>(whileLoop)),
                                                                  catchBlocks: ImmutableArray <BoundCatchBlock> .Empty,
                                                                  finallyBlockOpt: finallyBlockOpt);

                // E e = ((C)(x)).GetEnumerator();
                // try {
                //     /* as above */
                result = new BoundBlock(
                    syntax: forEachSyntax,
                    locals: ImmutableArray.Create(enumeratorVar),
                    statements: ImmutableArray.Create <BoundStatement>(enumeratorVarDecl, tryFinally));
                // E e = ((C)(x)).GetEnumerator();
                // while (e.MoveNext()) {
                //     V v = (V)(T)e.Current;
                //     /* loop body */
                // }
                result = new BoundBlock(
                    syntax: forEachSyntax,
                    locals: ImmutableArray.Create(enumeratorVar),
                    statements: ImmutableArray.Create <BoundStatement>(enumeratorVarDecl, whileLoop));

            AddForEachKeywordSequencePoint(forEachSyntax, ref result);

Beispiel #22
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate a thread-safe accessor for a regular field-like event.
        /// DelegateType tmp0 = _event; //backing field
        /// DelegateType tmp1;
        /// DelegateType tmp2;
        /// do {
        ///     tmp1 = tmp0;
        ///     tmp2 = (DelegateType)Delegate.Combine(tmp1, value); //Remove for -=
        ///     tmp0 = Interlocked.CompareExchange&lt;DelegateType&gt;(ref _event, tmp2, tmp1);
        /// } while ((object)tmp0 != (object)tmp1);
        /// Note, if System.Threading.Interlocked.CompareExchange&lt;T&gt; is not available,
        /// we emit the following code and mark the method Synchronized (unless it is a struct).
        /// _event = (DelegateType)Delegate.Combine(_event, value); //Remove for -=
        /// </summary>
        internal static BoundBlock ConstructFieldLikeEventAccessorBody_Regular(SourceEventSymbol eventSymbol, bool isAddMethod, CSharpCompilation compilation, DiagnosticBag diagnostics)
            CSharpSyntaxNode syntax = eventSymbol.CSharpSyntaxNode;

            TypeSymbol      delegateType  = eventSymbol.Type;
            MethodSymbol    accessor      = isAddMethod ? eventSymbol.AddMethod : eventSymbol.RemoveMethod;
            ParameterSymbol thisParameter = accessor.ThisParameter;

            TypeSymbol boolType = compilation.GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_Boolean);

            SpecialMember updateMethodId = isAddMethod ? SpecialMember.System_Delegate__Combine : SpecialMember.System_Delegate__Remove;
            MethodSymbol  updateMethod   = (MethodSymbol)compilation.GetSpecialTypeMember(updateMethodId);

            BoundStatement @return = new BoundReturnStatement(syntax,
                                                              refKind: RefKind.None,
                                                              expressionOpt: null)
                WasCompilerGenerated = true

            if (updateMethod == null)
                MemberDescriptor memberDescriptor = SpecialMembers.GetDescriptor(updateMethodId);
                diagnostics.Add(new CSDiagnostic(new CSDiagnosticInfo(ErrorCode.ERR_MissingPredefinedMember,

                return(BoundBlock.SynthesizedNoLocals(syntax, @return));

            Binder.ReportUseSiteDiagnostics(updateMethod, diagnostics, syntax);

            BoundThisReference fieldReceiver = eventSymbol.IsStatic ?
                                               null :
                                               new BoundThisReference(syntax, thisParameter.Type)
                WasCompilerGenerated = true

            BoundFieldAccess boundBackingField = new BoundFieldAccess(syntax,
                                                                      receiver: fieldReceiver,
                                                                      fieldSymbol: eventSymbol.AssociatedField,
                                                                      constantValueOpt: null)
                WasCompilerGenerated = true

            BoundParameter boundParameter = new BoundParameter(syntax,
                                                               parameterSymbol: accessor.Parameters[0])
                WasCompilerGenerated = true

            BoundExpression delegateUpdate;

            MethodSymbol compareExchangeMethod = (MethodSymbol)compilation.GetWellKnownTypeMember(WellKnownMember.System_Threading_Interlocked__CompareExchange_T);

            if ((object)compareExchangeMethod == null)
                // (DelegateType)Delegate.Combine(_event, value)
                delegateUpdate = BoundConversion.SynthesizedNonUserDefined(syntax,
                                                                           operand: BoundCall.Synthesized(syntax,
                                                                                                          receiverOpt: null,
                                                                                                          method: updateMethod,
                                                                                                          arguments: ImmutableArray.Create <BoundExpression>(boundBackingField, boundParameter)),
                                                                           conversion: Conversion.ExplicitReference,
                                                                           type: delegateType);

                // _event = (DelegateType)Delegate.Combine(_event, value);
                BoundStatement eventUpdate = new BoundExpressionStatement(syntax,
                                                                          expression: new BoundAssignmentOperator(syntax,
                                                                                                                  left: boundBackingField,
                                                                                                                  right: delegateUpdate,
                                                                                                                  type: delegateType)
                    WasCompilerGenerated = true
                    WasCompilerGenerated = true

                                                      statements: ImmutableArray.Create <BoundStatement>(

            compareExchangeMethod = compareExchangeMethod.Construct(ImmutableArray.Create <TypeSymbol>(delegateType));

            Binder.ReportUseSiteDiagnostics(compareExchangeMethod, diagnostics, syntax);

            GeneratedLabelSymbol loopLabel = new GeneratedLabelSymbol("loop");

            const int numTemps = 3;

            LocalSymbol[] tmps      = new LocalSymbol[numTemps];
            BoundLocal[]  boundTmps = new BoundLocal[numTemps];

            for (int i = 0; i < numTemps; i++)
                tmps[i]      = new SynthesizedLocal(accessor, TypeWithAnnotations.Create(delegateType), SynthesizedLocalKind.LoweringTemp);
                boundTmps[i] = new BoundLocal(syntax, tmps[i], null, delegateType);

            // tmp0 = _event;
            BoundStatement tmp0Init = new BoundExpressionStatement(syntax,
                                                                   expression: new BoundAssignmentOperator(syntax,
                                                                                                           left: boundTmps[0],
                                                                                                           right: boundBackingField,
                                                                                                           type: delegateType)
                WasCompilerGenerated = true
                WasCompilerGenerated = true

            // LOOP:
            BoundStatement loopStart = new BoundLabelStatement(syntax,
                                                               label: loopLabel)
                WasCompilerGenerated = true

            // tmp1 = tmp0;
            BoundStatement tmp1Update = new BoundExpressionStatement(syntax,
                                                                     expression: new BoundAssignmentOperator(syntax,
                                                                                                             left: boundTmps[1],
                                                                                                             right: boundTmps[0],
                                                                                                             type: delegateType)
                WasCompilerGenerated = true
                WasCompilerGenerated = true

            // (DelegateType)Delegate.Combine(tmp1, value)
            delegateUpdate = BoundConversion.SynthesizedNonUserDefined(syntax,
                                                                       operand: BoundCall.Synthesized(syntax,
                                                                                                      receiverOpt: null,
                                                                                                      method: updateMethod,
                                                                                                      arguments: ImmutableArray.Create <BoundExpression>(boundTmps[1], boundParameter)),
                                                                       conversion: Conversion.ExplicitReference,
                                                                       type: delegateType);

            // tmp2 = (DelegateType)Delegate.Combine(tmp1, value);
            BoundStatement tmp2Update = new BoundExpressionStatement(syntax,
                                                                     expression: new BoundAssignmentOperator(syntax,
                                                                                                             left: boundTmps[2],
                                                                                                             right: delegateUpdate,
                                                                                                             type: delegateType)
                WasCompilerGenerated = true
                WasCompilerGenerated = true

            // Interlocked.CompareExchange<DelegateType>(ref _event, tmp2, tmp1)
            BoundExpression compareExchange = BoundCall.Synthesized(syntax,
                                                                    receiverOpt: null,
                                                                    method: compareExchangeMethod,
                                                                    arguments: ImmutableArray.Create <BoundExpression>(boundBackingField, boundTmps[2], boundTmps[1]));

            // tmp0 = Interlocked.CompareExchange<DelegateType>(ref _event, tmp2, tmp1);
            BoundStatement tmp0Update = new BoundExpressionStatement(syntax,
                                                                     expression: new BoundAssignmentOperator(syntax,
                                                                                                             left: boundTmps[0],
                                                                                                             right: compareExchange,
                                                                                                             type: delegateType)
                WasCompilerGenerated = true
                WasCompilerGenerated = true

            // tmp0 == tmp1 // i.e. exit when they are equal, jump to start otherwise
            BoundExpression loopExitCondition = new BoundBinaryOperator(syntax,
                                                                        operatorKind: BinaryOperatorKind.ObjectEqual,
                                                                        left: boundTmps[0],
                                                                        right: boundTmps[1],
                                                                        constantValueOpt: null,
                                                                        methodOpt: null,
                                                                        resultKind: LookupResultKind.Viable,
                                                                        type: boolType)
                WasCompilerGenerated = true

            // branchfalse (tmp0 == tmp1) LOOP
            BoundStatement loopEnd = new BoundConditionalGoto(syntax,
                                                              condition: loopExitCondition,
                                                              jumpIfTrue: false,
                                                              label: loopLabel)
                WasCompilerGenerated = true

            return(new BoundBlock(syntax,
                                  locals: tmps.AsImmutable(),
                                  statements: ImmutableArray.Create <BoundStatement>(
                WasCompilerGenerated = true
        /// <summary>
        /// The try statement is the most complex part of the state machine transformation.
        /// Since the CLR will not allow a 'goto' into the scope of a try statement, we must
        /// generate the dispatch to the state's label stepwise.  That is done by translating
        /// the try statements from the inside to the outside.  Within a try statement, we
        /// start with an empty dispatch table (representing the mapping from state numbers
        /// to labels).  During translation of the try statement's body, the dispatch table
        /// will be filled in with the data necessary to dispatch once we're inside the try
        /// block.  We generate that at the head of the translated try statement.  Then, we
        /// copy all of the states from that table into the table for the enclosing construct,
        /// but associate them with a label just before the translated try block.  That way
        /// the enclosing construct will generate the code necessary to get control into the
        /// try block for all of those states.
        /// </summary>
        public override BoundNode VisitTryStatement(BoundTryStatement node)
            var oldDispatches        = _dispatches;
            var oldFinalizerState    = _currentFinalizerState;
            var oldHasFinalizerState = _hasFinalizerState;

            _dispatches            = null;
            _currentFinalizerState = -1;
            _hasFinalizerState     = false;

            BoundBlock           tryBlock      = F.Block((BoundStatement)this.Visit(node.TryBlock));
            GeneratedLabelSymbol dispatchLabel = null;

            if (_dispatches != null)
                dispatchLabel = F.GenerateLabel("tryDispatch");
                if (_hasFinalizerState)
                    // cause the current finalizer state to arrive here and then "return false"
                    var finalizer = F.GenerateLabel("finalizer");
                    _dispatches.Add(finalizer, new List <int>()
                    var skipFinalizer = F.GenerateLabel("skipFinalizer");
                    tryBlock = F.Block(
                        F.Label(finalizer), // code for the finalizer here
                    tryBlock = F.Block(

                if (oldDispatches == null)
                    oldDispatches = new Dictionary <LabelSymbol, List <int> >();

                oldDispatches.Add(dispatchLabel, new List <int>(from kv in _dispatches.Values from n in kv orderby n select n));

            _hasFinalizerState     = oldHasFinalizerState;
            _currentFinalizerState = oldFinalizerState;
            _dispatches            = oldDispatches;

            ImmutableArray <BoundCatchBlock> catchBlocks = this.VisitList(node.CatchBlocks);
            BoundBlock finallyBlockOpt = node.FinallyBlockOpt == null ? null : F.Block(
                    condition: F.IntLessThan(F.Local(cachedState), F.Literal(StateMachineStates.FirstUnusedState)),
                    thenClause: (BoundBlock)this.Visit(node.FinallyBlockOpt)

            BoundStatement result = node.Update(tryBlock, catchBlocks, finallyBlockOpt, node.FinallyLabelOpt, node.PreferFaultHandler);

            if ((object)dispatchLabel != null)
                result = F.Block(

 public override BoundNode VisitBlock(BoundBlock node)
     return(PossibleIteratorScope(node.Locals, () => (BoundStatement)base.VisitBlock(node)));
 public override BoundNode VisitBlock(BoundBlock node)
Beispiel #26
        /// <summary>
        /// Lower a foreach loop that will enumerate a single-dimensional array.
        /// A[] a = x;
        /// for (int p = 0; p &lt; a.Length; p = p + 1) {
        ///     V v = (V)a[p];
        ///     // body
        /// }
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// We will follow Dev10 in diverging from the C# 4 spec by ignoring Array's
        /// implementation of IEnumerable and just indexing into its elements.
        /// NOTE: We're assuming that sequence points have already been generated.
        /// Otherwise, lowering to for-loops would generated spurious ones.
        /// </remarks>
        private BoundStatement RewriteSingleDimensionalArrayForEachStatement(BoundForEachStatement node)
            ForEachStatementSyntax forEachSyntax = (ForEachStatementSyntax)node.Syntax;

            BoundExpression collectionExpression = GetUnconvertedCollectionExpression(node);


            ArrayTypeSymbol arrayType = (ArrayTypeSymbol)collectionExpression.Type;

            Debug.Assert(arrayType.Rank == 1);

            TypeSymbol intType  = compilation.GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_Int32);
            TypeSymbol boolType = compilation.GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_Boolean);

            BoundExpression rewrittenExpression = (BoundExpression)Visit(collectionExpression);
            BoundStatement  rewrittenBody       = (BoundStatement)Visit(node.Body);

            // A[] a
            LocalSymbol arrayVar = factory.SynthesizedLocal(arrayType, syntax: forEachSyntax, kind: SynthesizedLocalKind.ForEachArray);

            // A[] a = /*node.Expression*/;
            BoundStatement arrayVarDecl = MakeLocalDeclaration(forEachSyntax, arrayVar, rewrittenExpression);

            AddForEachExpressionSequencePoint(forEachSyntax, ref arrayVarDecl);

            // Reference to a.
            BoundLocal boundArrayVar = MakeBoundLocal(forEachSyntax, arrayVar, arrayType);

            // int p
            LocalSymbol positionVar = factory.SynthesizedLocal(intType, syntax: forEachSyntax, kind: SynthesizedLocalKind.ForEachArrayIndex0);

            // Reference to p.
            BoundLocal boundPositionVar = MakeBoundLocal(forEachSyntax, positionVar, intType);

            // int p = 0;
            BoundStatement positionVarDecl = MakeLocalDeclaration(forEachSyntax, positionVar,
                                                                  MakeLiteral(forEachSyntax, ConstantValue.Default(SpecialType.System_Int32), intType));

            // V v
            LocalSymbol iterationVar     = node.IterationVariable;
            TypeSymbol  iterationVarType = iterationVar.Type;

            // (V)a[p]
            BoundExpression iterationVarInitValue = MakeConversion(
                syntax: forEachSyntax,
                rewrittenOperand: new BoundArrayAccess(
                    syntax: forEachSyntax,
                    expression: boundArrayVar,
                    indices: ImmutableArray.Create <BoundExpression>(boundPositionVar),
                    type: arrayType.ElementType),
                conversion: node.ElementConversion,
                rewrittenType: iterationVarType,
                @checked: node.Checked);

            // V v = (V)a[p];
            BoundStatement iterationVariableDecl = MakeLocalDeclaration(forEachSyntax, iterationVar, iterationVarInitValue);

            AddForEachIterationVariableSequencePoint(forEachSyntax, ref iterationVariableDecl);

            BoundStatement initializer = new BoundStatementList(forEachSyntax,
                                                                statements: ImmutableArray.Create <BoundStatement>(arrayVarDecl, positionVarDecl));

            // a.Length
            BoundExpression arrayLength = new BoundArrayLength(
                syntax: forEachSyntax,
                expression: boundArrayVar,
                type: intType);

            // p < a.Length
            BoundExpression exitCondition = new BoundBinaryOperator(
                syntax: forEachSyntax,
                operatorKind: BinaryOperatorKind.IntLessThan,
                left: boundPositionVar,
                right: arrayLength,
                constantValueOpt: null,
                methodOpt: null,
                resultKind: LookupResultKind.Viable,
                type: boolType);

            // p = p + 1;
            BoundStatement positionIncrement = MakePositionIncrement(forEachSyntax, boundPositionVar, intType);

            // { V v = (V)a[p]; /* node.Body */ }
            BoundStatement loopBody = new BoundBlock(forEachSyntax,
                                                     locals: ImmutableArray.Create <LocalSymbol>(iterationVar),
                                                     statements: ImmutableArray.Create <BoundStatement>(iterationVariableDecl, rewrittenBody));

            // for (A[] a = /*node.Expression*/, int p = 0; p < a.Length; p = p + 1) {
            //     V v = (V)a[p];
            //     /*node.Body*/
            // }
            BoundStatement result = RewriteForStatement(
                syntax: node.Syntax,
                outerLocals: ImmutableArray.Create <LocalSymbol>(arrayVar, positionVar),
                rewrittenInitializer: initializer,
                rewrittenCondition: exitCondition,
                conditionSyntaxOpt: null,
                conditionSpanOpt: forEachSyntax.InKeyword.Span,
                rewrittenIncrement: positionIncrement,
                rewrittenBody: loopBody,
                breakLabel: node.BreakLabel,
                continueLabel: node.ContinueLabel,
                hasErrors: node.HasErrors);

            AddForEachKeywordSequencePoint(forEachSyntax, ref result);

Beispiel #27
 internal BoundTryStatement Fault(BoundBlock tryBlock, BoundBlock faultBlock)
     return(new BoundTryStatement(Syntax, tryBlock, ImmutableArray <BoundCatchBlock> .Empty, faultBlock, preferFaultHandler: true));
Beispiel #28
        /// <summary>
        /// Lower a foreach loop that will enumerate the characters of a string.
        /// string s = x;
        /// for (int p = 0; p &lt; s.Length; p = p + 1) {
        ///     V v = (V)s.Chars[p];
        ///     // body
        /// }
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// We will follow Dev10 in diverging from the C# 4 spec by ignoring string's
        /// implementation of IEnumerable and just indexing into its characters.
        /// NOTE: We're assuming that sequence points have already been generated.
        /// Otherwise, lowering to for-loops would generated spurious ones.
        /// </remarks>
        private BoundStatement RewriteStringForEachStatement(BoundForEachStatement node)
            ForEachStatementSyntax forEachSyntax = (ForEachStatementSyntax)node.Syntax;

            BoundExpression collectionExpression = GetUnconvertedCollectionExpression(node);
            TypeSymbol      stringType           = collectionExpression.Type;

            Debug.Assert(stringType.SpecialType == SpecialType.System_String);

            TypeSymbol intType  = compilation.GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_Int32);
            TypeSymbol boolType = compilation.GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_Boolean);

            BoundExpression rewrittenExpression = (BoundExpression)Visit(collectionExpression);
            BoundStatement  rewrittenBody       = (BoundStatement)Visit(node.Body);

            // string s;
            LocalSymbol stringVar = factory.SynthesizedLocal(stringType, syntax: forEachSyntax, kind: SynthesizedLocalKind.ForEachArray);
            // int p;
            LocalSymbol positionVar = factory.SynthesizedLocal(intType, syntax: forEachSyntax, kind: SynthesizedLocalKind.ForEachArrayIndex0);

            // Reference to s.
            BoundLocal boundStringVar = MakeBoundLocal(forEachSyntax, stringVar, stringType);

            // Reference to p.
            BoundLocal boundPositionVar = MakeBoundLocal(forEachSyntax, positionVar, intType);

            // string s = /*expr*/;
            BoundStatement stringVarDecl = MakeLocalDeclaration(forEachSyntax, stringVar, rewrittenExpression);

            AddForEachExpressionSequencePoint(forEachSyntax, ref stringVarDecl);

            // int p = 0;
            BoundStatement positionVariableDecl = MakeLocalDeclaration(forEachSyntax, positionVar,
                                                                       MakeLiteral(forEachSyntax, ConstantValue.Default(SpecialType.System_Int32), intType));

            // string s = /*node.Expression*/; int p = 0;
            BoundStatement initializer = new BoundStatementList(forEachSyntax,
                                                                statements: ImmutableArray.Create <BoundStatement>(stringVarDecl, positionVariableDecl));

            MethodSymbol    method       = GetSpecialTypeMethod(forEachSyntax, SpecialMember.System_String__Length);
            BoundExpression stringLength = BoundCall.Synthesized(
                syntax: forEachSyntax,
                receiverOpt: boundStringVar,
                method: method,
                arguments: ImmutableArray <BoundExpression> .Empty);

            // p < s.Length
            BoundExpression exitCondition = new BoundBinaryOperator(
                syntax: forEachSyntax,
                operatorKind: BinaryOperatorKind.IntLessThan,
                left: boundPositionVar,
                right: stringLength,
                constantValueOpt: null,
                methodOpt: null,
                resultKind: LookupResultKind.Viable,
                type: boolType);

            // p = p + 1;
            BoundStatement positionIncrement = MakePositionIncrement(forEachSyntax, boundPositionVar, intType);

            LocalSymbol iterationVar     = node.IterationVariable;
            TypeSymbol  iterationVarType = iterationVar.Type;


            // (V)s.Chars[p]
            MethodSymbol    chars = GetSpecialTypeMethod(forEachSyntax, SpecialMember.System_String__Chars);
            BoundExpression iterationVarInitValue = MakeConversion(
                syntax: forEachSyntax,
                rewrittenOperand: BoundCall.Synthesized(
                    syntax: forEachSyntax,
                    receiverOpt: boundStringVar,
                    method: chars,
                    arguments: ImmutableArray.Create <BoundExpression>(boundPositionVar)),
                conversion: node.ElementConversion,
                rewrittenType: iterationVarType,
                @checked: node.Checked);

            // V v = (V)s.Chars[p];
            BoundStatement iterationVarDecl = MakeLocalDeclaration(forEachSyntax, iterationVar, iterationVarInitValue);

            AddForEachIterationVariableSequencePoint(forEachSyntax, ref iterationVarDecl);

            // { V v = (V)s.Chars[p]; /*node.Body*/ }
            BoundStatement loopBody = new BoundBlock(forEachSyntax,
                                                     locals: ImmutableArray.Create <LocalSymbol>(iterationVar),
                                                     statements: ImmutableArray.Create <BoundStatement>(iterationVarDecl, rewrittenBody));

            // for (string s = /*node.Expression*/, int p = 0; p < s.Length; p = p + 1) {
            //     V v = (V)s.Chars[p];
            //     /*node.Body*/
            // }
            BoundStatement result = RewriteForStatement(
                syntax: forEachSyntax,
                outerLocals: ImmutableArray.Create(stringVar, positionVar),
                rewrittenInitializer: initializer,
                rewrittenCondition: exitCondition,
                conditionSyntaxOpt: null,
                conditionSpanOpt: forEachSyntax.InKeyword.Span,
                rewrittenIncrement: positionIncrement,
                rewrittenBody: loopBody,
                breakLabel: node.BreakLabel,
                continueLabel: node.ContinueLabel,
                hasErrors: node.HasErrors);

            AddForEachKeywordSequencePoint(forEachSyntax, ref result);

            public override BoundNode VisitBlock(BoundBlock node)
                if (node.Locals.IsEmpty)
                    // ignore blocks that declare no variables.
                    return base.VisitBlock(node);

                return node;
        /// <summary>
        /// Lower "using (expression) statement" to a try-finally block.
        /// </summary>
        private BoundBlock RewriteExpressionUsingStatement(BoundUsingStatement node, BoundBlock tryBlock)
            Debug.Assert(node.ExpressionOpt != null);
            Debug.Assert(node.DeclarationsOpt == null);

            // See comments in BuildUsingTryFinally for the details of the lowering to try-finally.
            // SPEC: A using statement of the form "using (expression) statement; " has the 
            // SPEC: same three possible expansions [ as "using (ResourceType r = expression) statement; ]
            // SPEC: but in this case ResourceType is implicitly the compile-time type of the expression,
            // SPEC: and the resource variable is inaccessible to and invisible to the embedded statement.
            // The spec quote above implies that the expression must have a type; in fact we allow
            // the expression to be null.
            // If expr is the constant null then we can elide the whole thing and simply generate the statement. 

            BoundExpression rewrittenExpression = (BoundExpression)Visit(node.ExpressionOpt);
            if (rewrittenExpression.ConstantValue == ConstantValue.Null)
                Debug.Assert(node.Locals.IsEmpty); // TODO: This might not be a valid assumption in presence of semicolon operator.
                return tryBlock;

            // Otherwise, we lower "using(expression) statement;" as follows:
            // * If the expression is of type dynamic then we lower as though the user had written
            //   using(IDisposable temp = (IDisposable)expression) statement;
            //   Note that we have to do the conversion early, not in the finally block, because
            //   if the conversion fails at runtime with an exception then the exception must happen
            //   before the statement runs.
            // * Otherwise we lower as though the user had written
            //   using(ResourceType temp = expression) statement;

            TypeSymbol expressionType = rewrittenExpression.Type;
            CSharpSyntaxNode expressionSyntax = rewrittenExpression.Syntax;
            UsingStatementSyntax usingSyntax = (UsingStatementSyntax)node.Syntax;

            BoundAssignmentOperator tempAssignment;
            BoundLocal boundTemp;
            if ((object)expressionType == null || expressionType.IsDynamic())
                // IDisposable temp = (IDisposable) expr;
                BoundExpression tempInit = MakeConversion(
                    @checked: false,
                    constantValueOpt: rewrittenExpression.ConstantValue);

                boundTemp = this.factory.StoreToTemp(tempInit, out tempAssignment);
                // ResourceType temp = expr;
                boundTemp = this.factory.StoreToTemp(rewrittenExpression, out tempAssignment, kind: SynthesizedLocalKind.Using);

            BoundStatement expressionStatement = new BoundExpressionStatement(expressionSyntax, tempAssignment);
            if (this.generateDebugInfo)
                expressionStatement = AddSequencePoint(usingSyntax, expressionStatement);

            BoundStatement tryFinally = RewriteUsingStatementTryFinally(usingSyntax, tryBlock, boundTemp);

            // { ResourceType temp = expr; try { ... } finally { ... } }
            return new BoundBlock(
                syntax: usingSyntax,
                locals: node.Locals.Add(boundTemp.LocalSymbol),
                statements: ImmutableArray.Create<BoundStatement>(expressionStatement, tryFinally));
Beispiel #31
        public override BoundStatement CreateBlockPrologue(BoundBlock original, out Symbols.LocalSymbol synthesizedLocal)
            var previous = base.CreateBlockPrologue(original, out synthesizedLocal);
            if (original.Syntax.Kind() == SyntaxKind.Block && !original.WasCompilerGenerated)
                var oBspan = ((BlockSyntax)original.Syntax).OpenBraceToken.Span;
                return new BoundSequencePointWithSpan(original.Syntax, previous, oBspan);
            else if (previous != null)
                return new BoundSequencePoint(original.Syntax, previous);

            return null;
Beispiel #32
 internal BoundCatchBlock Catch(
     BoundExpression source,
     BoundBlock block)
     return(new BoundCatchBlock(Syntax, ImmutableArray <LocalSymbol> .Empty, source, source.Type, exceptionFilterOpt: null, body: block));
 internal BoundTryStatement Fault(BoundBlock tryBlock, BoundBlock faultBlock)
     return new BoundTryStatement(Syntax, tryBlock, ImmutableArray<BoundCatchBlock>.Empty, faultBlock, preferFaultHandler: true);
        /// <summary>
        /// The flow analysis pass.  This pass reports required diagnostics for unreachable
        /// statements and uninitialized variables (through the call to FlowAnalysisWalker.Analyze),
        /// and inserts a final return statement if the end of a void-returning method is reachable.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="method">the method to be analyzed</param>
        /// <param name="block">the method's body</param>
        /// <param name="diagnostics">the receiver of the reported diagnostics</param>
        /// <param name="hasTrailingExpression">indicates whether this Script had a trailing expression</param>
        /// <param name="originalBodyNested">the original method body is the last statement in the block</param>
        /// <returns>the rewritten block for the method (with a return statement possibly inserted)</returns>
        public static BoundBlock Rewrite(
            MethodSymbol method,
            BoundBlock block,
            DiagnosticBag diagnostics,
            bool hasTrailingExpression,
            bool originalBodyNested)
            // We should only see a trailingExpression if we're in a Script initializer.
            Debug.Assert(!hasTrailingExpression || method.IsScriptInitializer);
            var initialDiagnosticCount = diagnostics.ToReadOnly().Length;
            var compilation = method.DeclaringCompilation;

            if (method.ReturnsVoid || method.IsIterator || method.IsAsyncReturningTask(compilation))
                // we don't analyze synthesized void methods.
                if ((method.IsImplicitlyDeclared && !method.IsScriptInitializer) ||
                    Analyze(compilation, method, block, diagnostics))
                    block = AppendImplicitReturn(block, method, originalBodyNested);
            else if (Analyze(compilation, method, block, diagnostics))
                // If the method is a lambda expression being converted to a non-void delegate type
                // and the end point is reachable then suppress the error here; a special error
                // will be reported by the lambda binder.
                Debug.Assert(method.MethodKind != MethodKind.AnonymousFunction);

                // Add implicit "return default(T)" if this is a submission that does not have a trailing expression.
                var submissionResultType = (method as SynthesizedInteractiveInitializerMethod)?.ResultType;
                if (!hasTrailingExpression && ((object)submissionResultType != null))

                    var trailingExpression = new BoundDefaultExpression(method.GetNonNullSyntaxNode(), submissionResultType);
                    var newStatements      = block.Statements.Add(new BoundReturnStatement(trailingExpression.Syntax, RefKind.None, trailingExpression));
                    block = new BoundBlock(block.Syntax, ImmutableArray <LocalSymbol> .Empty, newStatements)
                        WasCompilerGenerated = true
                    // It should not be necessary to repeat analysis after adding this node, because adding a trailing
                    // return in cases where one was missing should never produce different Diagnostics.
                    IEnumerable <Diagnostic> GetErrorsOnly(IEnumerable <Diagnostic> diags) => diags.Where(d => d.Severity == DiagnosticSeverity.Error);

                    var flowAnalysisDiagnostics = DiagnosticBag.GetInstance();
                    Debug.Assert(!Analyze(compilation, method, block, flowAnalysisDiagnostics));
                    // Ignore warnings since flow analysis reports nullability mismatches.
                // If there's more than one location, then the method is partial and we
                // have already reported a non-void partial method error.
                else if (method.Locations.Length == 1)
                    diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_ReturnExpected, method.Locations[0], method);

 internal BoundCatchBlock Catch(
     LocalSymbol local,
     BoundBlock block)
     var source = Local(local);
     return new BoundCatchBlock(Syntax, ImmutableArray.Create(local), source, source.Type, exceptionFilterOpt: null, body: block);
Beispiel #36
 public BoundTryStatement(CSharpSyntaxNode syntax, BoundBlock tryBlock, ImmutableArray<BoundCatchBlock> catchBlocks, BoundBlock finallyBlockOpt)
     : this(syntax, tryBlock, catchBlocks, finallyBlockOpt, preferFaultHandler: false, hasErrors: false)
        // NOTE: can return null if the method has no body.
        internal static BoundBlock BindMethodBody(MethodSymbol method, TypeCompilationState compilationState, DiagnosticBag diagnostics, bool generateDebugInfo, out ConsList<Imports> debugImports)
            debugImports = null;

            BoundStatement constructorInitializer = null;
            BoundBlock body;

            var compilation = method.DeclaringCompilation;

            var sourceMethod = method as SourceMethodSymbol;
            if ((object)sourceMethod != null)
                if (sourceMethod.IsExtern)
                    if (sourceMethod.BlockSyntax == null)
                        // Generate warnings only if we are not generating ERR_ExternHasBody error
                        GenerateExternalMethodWarnings(sourceMethod, diagnostics);
                    return null;
                else if (sourceMethod.IsParameterlessValueTypeConstructor(requireSynthesized: true))
                    // No body for default struct constructor.
                    return null;

                var blockSyntax = sourceMethod.BlockSyntax;
                if (blockSyntax != null)
                var factory = compilation.GetBinderFactory(sourceMethod.SyntaxTree);
                var inMethodBinder = factory.GetBinder(blockSyntax);
                var binder = new ExecutableCodeBinder(blockSyntax, sourceMethod, inMethodBinder);
                body = binder.BindBlock(blockSyntax, diagnostics);
                if (generateDebugInfo)
                    debugImports = binder.ImportsList;
                if (inMethodBinder.IsDirectlyInIterator)
                    foreach (var parameter in method.Parameters)
                        if (parameter.RefKind != RefKind.None)
                            diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_BadIteratorArgType, parameter.Locations[0]);
                        else if (parameter.Type.IsUnsafe())
                            diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_UnsafeIteratorArgType, parameter.Locations[0]);

                    if (sourceMethod.IsUnsafe && compilation.Options.AllowUnsafe) // Don't cascade
                        diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_IllegalInnerUnsafe, sourceMethod.Locations[0]);

                    if (sourceMethod.IsVararg)
                        // error CS1636: __arglist is not allowed in the parameter list of iterators
                        diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_VarargsIterator, sourceMethod.Locations[0]);
                else // for [if (blockSyntax != null)]
                    var property = sourceMethod.AssociatedSymbol as SourcePropertySymbol;
                    if ((object)property != null && property.IsAutoProperty)
                        return MethodBodySynthesizer.ConstructAutoPropertyAccessorBody(sourceMethod);

                    if (sourceMethod.IsPrimaryCtor)
                        body = null;
                        return null;
                //  synthesized methods should return their bound bodies 
                body = null;

            // delegates have constructors but not constructor initializers
            if (method.MethodKind == MethodKind.Constructor && !method.ContainingType.IsDelegateType())
                var initializerInvocation = BindConstructorInitializer(method, diagnostics, compilation);

                if (initializerInvocation != null)
                    constructorInitializer = new BoundExpressionStatement(initializerInvocation.Syntax, initializerInvocation) { WasCompilerGenerated = true };
                    Debug.Assert(initializerInvocation.HasAnyErrors || constructorInitializer.IsConstructorInitializer(), "Please keep this bound node in sync with BoundNodeExtensions.IsConstructorInitializer.");

            var statements = ArrayBuilder<BoundStatement>.GetInstance();

            if (constructorInitializer != null)

            if ((object)sourceMethod != null && sourceMethod.IsPrimaryCtor && (object)((SourceMemberContainerTypeSymbol)sourceMethod.ContainingType).PrimaryCtor == (object)sourceMethod)
                Debug.Assert(method.MethodKind == MethodKind.Constructor && !method.ContainingType.IsDelegateType());
                Debug.Assert(body == null);

                if (sourceMethod.ParameterCount > 0)
                    var factory = new SyntheticBoundNodeFactory(sourceMethod, sourceMethod.SyntaxNode, compilationState, diagnostics);
                    factory.CurrentMethod = sourceMethod; 

                    foreach (var parameter in sourceMethod.Parameters)
                        FieldSymbol field = parameter.PrimaryConstructorParameterBackingField;

                        if ((object)field != null)
                            statements.Add(factory.Assignment(factory.Field(factory.This(), field),

            if (body != null)

            CSharpSyntaxNode syntax = body != null ? body.Syntax : method.GetNonNullSyntaxNode();

            BoundBlock block;
            if (statements.Count == 1 && statements[0].Kind == ((body == null) ? BoundKind.Block : body.Kind))
                // most common case - we just have a single block for the body.
                block = (BoundBlock)statements[0];
                block = new BoundBlock(syntax, default(ImmutableArray<LocalSymbol>), statements.ToImmutableAndFree()) { WasCompilerGenerated = true };

            return method.MethodKind == MethodKind.Destructor ? MethodBodySynthesizer.ConstructDestructorBody(syntax, method, block) : block;
Beispiel #38
        // insert the implicit "return" statement at the end of the method body
        // Normally, we wouldn't bother attaching syntax trees to compiler-generated nodes, but these
        // ones are going to have sequence points.
        internal static BoundBlock AppendImplicitReturn(BoundBlock body, MethodSymbol method, CSharpSyntaxNode syntax = null)
            Debug.Assert(body != null);
            Debug.Assert(method != null);

            if (syntax == null)
                syntax = body.Syntax;

            Debug.Assert(body.WasCompilerGenerated || syntax.IsKind(SyntaxKind.Block) || syntax.IsKind(SyntaxKind.ArrowExpressionClause));

            BoundStatement ret = method.IsIterator
                ? (BoundStatement)BoundYieldBreakStatement.Synthesized(syntax)
                : BoundReturnStatement.Synthesized(syntax, RefKind.None, null);

            return body.Update(body.Locals, body.LocalFunctions, body.Statements.Add(ret));
 public override BoundNode VisitBlock(BoundBlock node)
     return base.VisitBlock(node);
Beispiel #40
 private static bool Analyze(
     CSharpCompilation compilation,
     MethodSymbol method,
     BoundBlock block,
     DiagnosticBag diagnostics)
     var result = ControlFlowPass.Analyze(compilation, method, block, diagnostics);
     DataFlowPass.Analyze(compilation, method, block, diagnostics);
     return result;
        private BoundStatement RewriteUsingStatementTryFinally(CSharpSyntaxNode syntax, BoundBlock tryBlock, BoundLocal local)
            // SPEC: When ResourceType is a non-nullable value type, the expansion is:
            // SPEC: 
            // SPEC: { 
            // SPEC:   ResourceType resource = expr; 
            // SPEC:   try { statement; } 
            // SPEC:   finally { ((IDisposable)resource).Dispose(); }
            // SPEC: }
            // SPEC:
            // SPEC: Otherwise, when Resource type is a nullable value type or
            // SPEC: a reference type other than dynamic, the expansion is:
            // SPEC: 
            // SPEC: { 
            // SPEC:   ResourceType resource = expr; 
            // SPEC:   try { statement; } 
            // SPEC:   finally { if (resource != null) ((IDisposable)resource).Dispose(); }
            // SPEC: }
            // SPEC: 
            // SPEC: Otherwise, when ResourceType is dynamic, the expansion is:
            // SPEC: { 
            // SPEC:   dynamic resource = expr; 
            // SPEC:   IDisposable d = (IDisposable)resource;
            // SPEC:   try { statement; } 
            // SPEC:   finally { if (d != null) d.Dispose(); }
            // SPEC: }
            // SPEC: 
            // SPEC: An implementation is permitted to implement a given using statement 
            // SPEC: differently -- for example, for performance reasons -- as long as the 
            // SPEC: behavior is consistent with the above expansion.
            // And we do in fact generate the code slightly differently than precisely how it is 
            // described above.
            // First: if the type is a non-nullable value type then we do not do the 
            // *boxing conversion* from the resource to IDisposable. Rather, we do
            // a *constrained virtual call* that elides the boxing if possible. 
            // Now, you might wonder if that is legal; isn't skipping the boxing producing
            // an observable difference? Because if the value type is mutable and the Dispose
            // mutates it, then skipping the boxing means that we are now mutating the original,
            // not the boxed copy. But this is never observable. Either (1) we have "using(R r = x){}"
            // and r is out of scope after the finally, so it is not possible to observe the mutation,
            // or (2) we have "using(x) {}". But that has the semantics of "using(R temp = x){}",
            // so again, we are not mutating x to begin with; we're always mutating a copy. Therefore
            // it doesn't matter if we skip making *a copy of the copy*.
            // This is what the dev10 compiler does, and we do so as well.
            // Second: if the type is a nullable value type then we can similarly elide the boxing.
            // We can generate
            // { 
            //   ResourceType resource = expr; 
            //   try { statement; } 
            //   finally { if (resource.HasValue) resource.GetValueOrDefault().Dispose(); }
            // }
            // Where again we do a constrained virtual call to Dispose, rather than boxing
            // the value to IDisposable.
            // Note that this optimization is *not* what the native compiler does; in this case
            // the native compiler behavior is to test for HasValue, then *box* and convert
            // the boxed value to IDisposable. There's no need to do that.
            // Third: if we have "using(x)" and x is dynamic then obviously we need not generate
            // "{ dynamic temp1 = x; IDisposable temp2 = (IDisposable) temp1; ... }". Rather, we elide
            // the completely unnecessary first temporary. 

            BoundExpression disposedExpression;
            bool isNullableValueType = local.Type.IsNullableType();

            if (isNullableValueType)
                MethodSymbol getValueOrDefault = GetNullableMethod(syntax, local.Type, SpecialMember.System_Nullable_T_GetValueOrDefault);
                // local.GetValueOrDefault()
                disposedExpression = BoundCall.Synthesized(syntax, local, getValueOrDefault);
                // local
                disposedExpression = local;

            // local.Dispose()
            BoundExpression disposeCall;

            MethodSymbol disposeMethodSymbol;
            if (TryGetSpecialTypeMember(syntax, SpecialMember.System_IDisposable__Dispose, out disposeMethodSymbol))
                disposeCall = BoundCall.Synthesized(syntax, disposedExpression, disposeMethodSymbol);
                disposeCall = new BoundBadExpression(syntax, LookupResultKind.NotInvocable, ImmutableArray<Symbol>.Empty, ImmutableArray.Create<BoundNode>(disposedExpression), ErrorTypeSymbol.UnknownResultType);

            // local.Dispose();
            BoundStatement disposeStatement = new BoundExpressionStatement(syntax, disposeCall);

            BoundExpression ifCondition;

            if (isNullableValueType)
                MethodSymbol hasValue = GetNullableMethod(syntax, local.Type, SpecialMember.System_Nullable_T_get_HasValue);
                // local.HasValue
                ifCondition = BoundCall.Synthesized(syntax, local, hasValue);
            else if (local.Type.IsValueType)
                ifCondition = null;
                // local != null
                ifCondition = MakeNullCheck(syntax, local, BinaryOperatorKind.NotEqual);

            BoundStatement finallyStatement;

            if (ifCondition == null)
                // local.Dispose();
                finallyStatement = disposeStatement;
                // if (local != null) local.Dispose();
                // or
                // if (local.HasValue) local.GetValueOrDefault().Dispose();
                finallyStatement = RewriteIfStatement(
                    syntax: syntax,
                    locals: ImmutableArray<LocalSymbol>.Empty,
                    rewrittenCondition: ifCondition,
                    rewrittenConsequence: disposeStatement,
                    rewrittenAlternativeOpt: null,
                    hasErrors: false);

            // try { ... } finally { if (local != null) local.Dispose(); }
            BoundStatement tryFinally = new BoundTryStatement(
                syntax: syntax,
                tryBlock: tryBlock,
                catchBlocks: ImmutableArray<BoundCatchBlock>.Empty,
                finallyBlockOpt: BoundBlock.SynthesizedNoLocals(syntax, finallyStatement));

            return tryFinally;
Beispiel #42
        internal static BoundBlock ConstructDestructorBody(MethodSymbol method, BoundBlock block)
            var syntax = block.Syntax;

            Debug.Assert(method.MethodKind == MethodKind.Destructor);
            Debug.Assert(syntax.Kind() == SyntaxKind.Block || syntax.Kind() == SyntaxKind.ArrowExpressionClause);

            // If this is a destructor and a base type has a Finalize method (see GetBaseTypeFinalizeMethod for exact
            // requirements), then we need to call that method in a finally block.  Otherwise, just return block as-is.
            // NOTE: the Finalize method need not be a destructor or be overridden by the current method.
            MethodSymbol baseTypeFinalize = GetBaseTypeFinalizeMethod(method);

            if ((object)baseTypeFinalize != null)
                BoundStatement baseFinalizeCall = new BoundExpressionStatement(
                        new BoundBaseReference(
                    WasCompilerGenerated = true
                    WasCompilerGenerated = true

                if (syntax.Kind() == SyntaxKind.Block)
                    //sequence point to mimic Dev10
                    baseFinalizeCall = new BoundSequencePointWithSpan(

                return(new BoundBlock(
                           ImmutableArray <LocalSymbol> .Empty,
                           ImmutableArray.Create <BoundStatement>(
                               new BoundTryStatement(
                                   ImmutableArray <BoundCatchBlock> .Empty,
                                   new BoundBlock(
                                       ImmutableArray <LocalSymbol> .Empty,
                                       ImmutableArray.Create <BoundStatement>(
                    WasCompilerGenerated = true
                    WasCompilerGenerated = true

        private BoundExpression TranslateLambdaBody(BoundBlock block)
            foreach (var s in block.Statements)
                for (var stmt = s; stmt != null;)
                    switch (stmt.Kind)
                        case BoundKind.ReturnStatement:
                            var result = Visit(((BoundReturnStatement)stmt).ExpressionOpt);
                            if (result != null)
                                return result;
                            stmt = null;
                        case BoundKind.ExpressionStatement:
                            return Visit(((BoundExpressionStatement)stmt).Expression);
                        case BoundKind.SequencePoint:
                            stmt = ((BoundSequencePoint)stmt).StatementOpt;
                        case BoundKind.SequencePointWithSpan:
                            stmt = ((BoundSequencePointWithSpan)stmt).StatementOpt;
                            throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(stmt.Kind);

            return null;
Beispiel #44
 public BoundTryStatement(SyntaxNode syntax, BoundBlock tryBlock, ImmutableArray <BoundCatchBlock> catchBlocks, BoundBlock finallyBlockOpt)
     : this(syntax, tryBlock, catchBlocks, finallyBlockOpt, preferFaultHandler : false, hasErrors : false)