Inheritance: Statement, ILabeledStatement
 private ILabeledStatement GetTargetStatement(uint offset) {
   LabeledStatement result = this.targetStatementFor[offset];
   if (result != null) return result;
   var labeledStatement = new LabeledStatement();
   labeledStatement.Label = this.nameTable.GetNameFor("IL_" + offset.ToString("x4"));
   labeledStatement.Statement = new EmptyStatement();
   this.targetStatementFor.Add(offset, labeledStatement);
   return labeledStatement;
Beispiel #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Visits the specified labeled statement.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="labeledStatement">The labeled statement.</param>
 public override void Visit(ILabeledStatement labeledStatement)
     LabeledStatement mutableLabeledStatement = new LabeledStatement(labeledStatement);
     this.resultStatement = this.myCodeCopier.DeepCopy(mutableLabeledStatement);
Beispiel #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Visits the specified labeled statement.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="labeledStatement">The labeled statement.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 protected virtual IStatement DeepCopy(LabeledStatement labeledStatement)
     labeledStatement.Statement = Substitute(labeledStatement.Statement);
       return labeledStatement;
Beispiel #4
 public override void TraverseChildren(IBlockStatement block) {
   Contract.Assume(block is BlockStatement);
   var decompiledBlock = (BlockStatement)block;
   var statements = decompiledBlock.Statements;
   for (int i = 0; i < statements.Count; i++) {
     var statement = statements[i];
     var conditionalStatement = statement as ConditionalStatement;
     if (conditionalStatement == null) continue;
     var condition = conditionalStatement.Condition;
     var gotoStatement = conditionalStatement.FalseBranch as GotoStatement;
     if (gotoStatement == null) {
       gotoStatement = conditionalStatement.TrueBranch as GotoStatement;
       if (gotoStatement == null) continue;
       if (!(conditionalStatement.FalseBranch is EmptyStatement)) continue;
       condition = InvertCondition(condition);
     } else {
       if (!(conditionalStatement.TrueBranch is EmptyStatement)) continue;
     var gotosThatTarget = this.gotosThatTarget[(uint)gotoStatement.TargetStatement.Label.UniqueKey];
     Contract.Assume(gotosThatTarget != null && gotosThatTarget.Count > 0);
     var trueBlock = ExtractBlock(statements, i+1, gotoStatement.TargetStatement, gotosThatTarget.Count == 1);
     if (trueBlock == null) continue;
     if (conditionalStatement.TrueBranch is EmptyStatement)
       conditionalStatement.FalseBranch = conditionalStatement.TrueBranch;
     conditionalStatement.TrueBranch = trueBlock;
     conditionalStatement.Condition = condition;
   for (int i = statements.Count-2; i >= 0; i--) {
     Contract.Assume(i < statements.Count);
     var statement = statements[i];
     var conditionalStatement = statement as ConditionalStatement;
     if (conditionalStatement == null || !(conditionalStatement.FalseBranch is EmptyStatement)) continue;
     var trueBlock = conditionalStatement.TrueBranch as BlockStatement;
     if (trueBlock == null) continue;
     var gotoEndif = ReturnLastGoto(trueBlock);
     if (gotoEndif == null) continue;
     var gotosThatTarget = this.gotosThatTarget[(uint)gotoEndif.TargetStatement.Label.UniqueKey];
     Contract.Assume(gotosThatTarget != null && gotosThatTarget.Count > 0);
     var falseBlock = ExtractBlock(statements, i+1, gotoEndif.TargetStatement, gotosThatTarget.Count == 1);
     if (falseBlock == null) continue;
     conditionalStatement.FalseBranch = falseBlock;
   var savedLabelImmediatelyFollowingCurrentBlock = this.labelImmediatelyFollowingCurrentBlock;
   for (int i = 0, n = decompiledBlock.Statements.Count; i < n; i++) {
     var statement = decompiledBlock.Statements[i];
     Contract.Assume(statement != null);
     if (statement is BlockStatement || statement is ConditionalStatement) {
       if (i < n-1) {
         this.labelImmediatelyFollowingCurrentBlock = decompiledBlock.Statements[i+1] as LabeledStatement;
         if (this.labelImmediatelyFollowingCurrentBlock == null) {
           var blk = decompiledBlock.Statements[i+1] as BlockStatement;
           if (blk != null && blk.Statements.Count > 0)
             this.labelImmediatelyFollowingCurrentBlock = blk.Statements[0] as LabeledStatement;
       } else {
         this.labelImmediatelyFollowingCurrentBlock = savedLabelImmediatelyFollowingCurrentBlock;
   this.labelImmediatelyFollowingCurrentBlock = savedLabelImmediatelyFollowingCurrentBlock;
Beispiel #5
 internal void ReplaceInitialLabel(LabeledStatement labeledStatement) {
   Contract.Requires(labeledStatement != null);
   for (int i = 0, n = this.Statements.Count; i < n; i++) {
     var s = this.Statements[i];
     var ls = s as LabeledStatement;
     if (ls != null) { this.Statements[i] = labeledStatement; return; }
     var b = s as DecompiledBlock;
     if (b != null) b.ReplaceInitialLabel(labeledStatement);
     var d = s as LocalDeclarationStatement;
     if (d != null && d.InitialValue == null) continue;
Beispiel #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Rewrites the children of the given labeled statement.
 /// </summary>
 public virtual void RewriteChildren(LabeledStatement labeledStatement)
       labeledStatement.Statement = this.Rewrite(labeledStatement.Statement);
Beispiel #7
    public override void TraverseChildren(IBlockStatement block) {
      Contract.Assume(block is BlockStatement);
      var b = (BlockStatement)block;
      var savedLabelImmediatelyFollowingCurrentBlock = this.labelImmediatelyFollowingCurrentBlock;
      for (int i = 0, n = b.Statements.Count; i < n; i++) {
        var statement = b.Statements[i];
        Contract.Assume(statement != null);
        if (statement is BlockStatement) {
          if (i < n-1) {
            this.labelImmediatelyFollowingCurrentBlock = b.Statements[i+1] as LabeledStatement;
            if (this.labelImmediatelyFollowingCurrentBlock == null) {
              var blk = b.Statements[i+1] as BlockStatement;
              if (blk != null && blk.Statements.Count > 0)
                this.labelImmediatelyFollowingCurrentBlock = blk.Statements[0] as LabeledStatement;
          } else {
            this.labelImmediatelyFollowingCurrentBlock = savedLabelImmediatelyFollowingCurrentBlock;
      this.labelImmediatelyFollowingCurrentBlock = savedLabelImmediatelyFollowingCurrentBlock;

      while (this.ReplaceArrayInitializerPattern(b) ||
      this.ReplaceArrayInitializerPattern2(b) ||
      this.ReplaceConditionalExpressionPattern(b) ||
      this.ReplacePushPushDupPopPopPattern(b) ||
      this.ReplacePushDupPopPattern(b) ||
      this.ReplacePushDupPushPopPattern(b) ||
      ReplacePushPopPattern(b, ||
      this.ReplaceDupPopPattern(b) ||
      this.ReplacePostBinopPattern(b) ||
      this.ReplacePropertyBinopPattern(b) ||
      this.ReplaceReturnViaGoto(b) ||
      this.ReplaceReturnViaGotoInVoidMethods(b) ||
      this.ReplaceSelfAssignment(b) ||
      this.ReplaceShortCircuitAnd(b) ||
      this.ReplaceShortCircuitAnd2(b) ||
      this.ReplaceShortCircuitAnd3(b) ||
      this.ReplaceShortCircuitAnd4(b) ||
      this.ReplaceShortCircuitAnd5(b) ||
      this.ReplaceShortCircuitAnd6(b) ||
      this.ReplacedCompoundAssignmentViaTempPattern(b) ||
      this.ReplaceSingleUseCompilerGeneratedLocalPattern(b) ||
      this.ReplaceCompilerGeneratedLocalUsedForInitializersPattern(b) ||
      ) {

      //Look for a final return that returns a temp that is never assigned to.
      //Assuming the compiler did not allow unitialized variables, this return should be an unreachable compiler artifact.
      if (b == this.finalBlock) {
        var n = b.Statements.Count;
        Contract.Assume(n >= 2 && this.returnValueTemp != null);
        int statementsToRemove = 2;
        var labeledStatement = b.Statements[n-2] as LabeledStatement;
        if (labeledStatement == null && n >= 3 && b.Statements[n-2] is EmptyStatement) {
          labeledStatement = b.Statements[n-3] as LabeledStatement;
          statementsToRemove = 3;
        var returnStatement = b.Statements[n-1] as ReturnStatement;
        Contract.Assume(labeledStatement != null && returnStatement != null);
        var boundExpression = returnStatement.Expression as BoundExpression;
        Contract.Assume(boundExpression != null);
        Contract.Assume(this.returnValueTemp == boundExpression.Definition);
        if (this.numberOfAssignmentsToLocal[this.returnValueTemp] == 0) {
          //Contract.Assume(this.numberOfReferencesToLocal[this.returnValueTemp] == 1);
          this.labelOfFinalReturn = labeledStatement.Label;
          for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            var localDeclarationStatement = b.Statements[i] as LocalDeclarationStatement;
            if (localDeclarationStatement == null) return;
            if (localDeclarationStatement.LocalVariable != this.returnValueTemp) continue;
          Contract.Assume(n >= statementsToRemove);
          b.Statements.RemoveRange(n-statementsToRemove, statementsToRemove);
Beispiel #8
 /// <summary>
 /// Replace a (yield return exp)with a new block of the form:
 /// {
 ///   Fresh_Label:;
 ///   this.current = exp;
 ///   state = Fresh_state;
 ///   return true;
 /// }
 /// and associate the newly generated Fresh_state with its entry point: Fresh_label.
 /// </summary>
 public override IStatement Rewrite(IYieldReturnStatement yieldReturnStatement) {
   BlockStatement blockStatement = new BlockStatement();
   int state = this.stateNumber++;
   ExpressionStatement thisDotStateEqState = new ExpressionStatement() {
     Expression = new Assignment() {
       Source = new CompileTimeConstant() { Value = state, Type = },
       Target = new TargetExpression() { Definition = this.iteratorClosure.StateFieldReference, Instance = new ThisReference(), Type = },
       Type =,
     Locations = IteratorHelper.EnumerableIsEmpty(yieldReturnStatement.Locations) ? null : new List<ILocation>(yieldReturnStatement.Locations)
   ExpressionStatement thisDotCurrentEqReturnExp = new ExpressionStatement() {
     Expression = new Assignment() {
       Source = yieldReturnStatement.Expression,
       Target = new TargetExpression() { Definition = this.iteratorClosure.CurrentFieldReference, Instance = new ThisReference(), Type = this.iteratorClosure.CurrentFieldReference.Type },
       Type = this.iteratorClosure.CurrentFieldReference.Type
   ReturnStatement returnTrue = new ReturnStatement() {
     Expression = new CompileTimeConstant() {
       Value = true, Type =
   LabeledStatement labeledStatement = new LabeledStatement() {
     Label ="Label"+state), Statement = new EmptyStatement()
   this.stateEntries.Add(state, labeledStatement);
   return blockStatement;
Beispiel #9
 /// <summary>
 /// Build the state machine. 
 /// We start from state 0. For each yield return, we assign a unique state, which we call continueing state. For a yield return 
 /// assigned with state x, we move the state machine from the previous state to x. Whenever we see a yield break, we transit
 /// the state to -1. 
 /// When we return from state x, we jump to a label that is inserted right after the previous yield return (that is assigned with state x). 
 /// </summary>
 private BlockStatement BuildStateMachine(IteratorClosureInformation iteratorClosure, BlockStatement oldBody, Dictionary<int, ILabeledStatement> stateEntries) {
   // Switch on cases. StateEntries, which have been computed previously, map a state number (for initial and continuing states) to a label that has been inserted 
   // right after the associated yield return. 
   BlockStatement result = new BlockStatement();
   var returnFalse = new ReturnStatement() { Expression = new CompileTimeConstant() { Value = false, Type = } };
   var returnFalseLabel = new LabeledStatement() { Label ="return false"), Statement = returnFalse };
   List<ISwitchCase> cases = new List<ISwitchCase>();
   foreach (int i in stateEntries.Keys) {
     SwitchCase c = new SwitchCase() {
       Expression = new CompileTimeConstant() { Type =, Value = i },
       Body = new List<IStatement>(),
     c.Body.Add(new GotoStatement() { TargetStatement = stateEntries[i] });
   // Default case.
   SwitchCase defaultCase = new SwitchCase();
   defaultCase.Body.Add(new GotoStatement() { TargetStatement = returnFalseLabel });
   SwitchStatement switchStatement = new SwitchStatement() {
     Cases = cases,
     Expression = new BoundExpression() { Type =, Instance = new ThisReference(), Definition = iteratorClosure.StateFieldReference }
   return result;
 public override void TraverseChildren(IBlockStatement block) {
   Contract.Assume(block is BlockStatement);
   var decompiledBlock = (BlockStatement)block;
   var statements = decompiledBlock.Statements;
   List<IStatement> newStatements = null;
   for (int i = 0, n = statements.Count; i < n; i++) {
     LabeledStatement outerLabel = null;
     Contract.Assume(i < statements.Count);
     var statement = statements[i];
     Contract.Assume(statement != null);
     var nestedBlock = statement as DecompiledBlock;
     if (nestedBlock != null) {
       var trycf = this.tryCatchFinallyMap.Find(nestedBlock.StartOffset, nestedBlock.EndOffset);
       if (trycf != null) {
         statements[i] = trycf;
         if (newStatements == null) newStatements = CopyStatements(statements, i);
         IOperationExceptionInformation handlerInfo = this.handlerMap.Find(nestedBlock.StartOffset, nestedBlock.EndOffset);
         if (handlerInfo == null) {
           outerLabel = nestedBlock.ReturnInitialLabel();
           if (outerLabel != null) {
             var innerLabel = new LabeledStatement(outerLabel);
             innerLabel.Label ="#inner");
             this.insideLabelFor[(uint)outerLabel.Label.UniqueKey] = innerLabel;
           trycf.TryBody = nestedBlock;
           statement = trycf;
         } else {
           switch (handlerInfo.HandlerKind) {
             case HandlerKind.Catch:
               ILocalDefinition exceptionContainer = this.ExtractExceptionContainer(nestedBlock, handlerInfo.ExceptionType);
               if (!(exceptionContainer is Dummy))
                 this.RemoveLocalDeclarationOf(exceptionContainer, nestedBlock);
               trycf.CatchClauses.Add(new CatchClause() { Body = nestedBlock, ExceptionType = handlerInfo.ExceptionType, ExceptionContainer = exceptionContainer });
             case HandlerKind.Fault:
               trycf.FaultBody = nestedBlock;
             case HandlerKind.Filter:
               var filterCondition = this.GetFilterCondition(nestedBlock);
               if (filterCondition != null) this.RemovedFilterCondition(nestedBlock);
               trycf.CatchClauses.Add(new CatchClause() { Body = nestedBlock, ExceptionType =, FilterCondition = filterCondition });
             case HandlerKind.Finally:
               trycf.FinallyBody = nestedBlock;
           if (outerLabel != null) this.trystartOutsideLabels.Remove(outerLabel);
     if (newStatements != null) newStatements.Add(statement);
   if (newStatements != null) {
     decompiledBlock.Statements = newStatements;
     for (int i = 0, n = newStatements.Count-1; i < n; i++) {
       var trycf = newStatements[i] as TryCatchFinallyStatement;
       if (trycf == null) continue;
       var followingBlock = newStatements[i+1] as DecompiledBlock;
       if (followingBlock != null) this.RemoveUnconditionalBranchesToLabelImmediatelyFollowing(trycf, followingBlock);
Beispiel #11
 /// <summary>
 /// Compute the mapping between every (starting and continuing) state and their unique entry points. It does so
 /// by inserting a unique label at the entry points and associate the state with the label. 
 /// </summary>
 internal Dictionary<int, ILabeledStatement> GetStateEntries(BlockStatement body) {
   BlockStatement blockStatement = body;
   stateEntries = new Dictionary<int, ILabeledStatement>();
   LabeledStatement initialLabel = new LabeledStatement() {
     Label ="Label"+ this.stateNumber++), Statement = new EmptyStatement()
   // O(n), but happen only once. 
   blockStatement.Statements.Insert(0, initialLabel);
   stateEntries.Add(0, initialLabel);
   this.stateNumber = 1;
   this.stateNumber = 0;
   Dictionary<int, ILabeledStatement> result = stateEntries;
   stateEntries = null;
   return result;
    private bool RemoveEndFinallyFrom(DecompiledBlock block, LabeledStatement labelToGoto) {
      Contract.Requires(block != null);
      Contract.Requires(labelToGoto != null);

      for (int i = 0; i < block.Statements.Count; i++) {
        if (block.Statements[i] is EndFinally) {
          var gotoFinally = new GotoStatement() { TargetStatement = labelToGoto };
          block.Statements[i] = gotoFinally;
          var gotos = new List<IGotoStatement>(1);
          this.gotosThatTarget[(uint)labelToGoto.Label.UniqueKey] = gotos;
          return true;
        var nestedBlock = block.Statements[i] as DecompiledBlock;
        if (nestedBlock != null && this.RemoveEndFinallyFrom(nestedBlock, labelToGoto)) return true;
      return false;
 private bool RemoveEndFinallyFrom(DecompiledBlock block) {
   Contract.Requires(block != null);
   Contract.Assume(block.Statements.Count > 0); //There must be an endfinally
   if (block.Statements[block.Statements.Count-1] is EndFinally) {
     return true;
   var lastBlock = block.Statements[block.Statements.Count-1] as DecompiledBlock;
   if (lastBlock != null && this.RemoveEndFinallyFrom(lastBlock)) return true;
   LabeledStatement endFinally = new LabeledStatement() { Label ="__endfinally#"+this.endFinallyCounter++), Statement = new EmptyStatement() };
   return this.RemoveEndFinallyFrom(block, endFinally);
Beispiel #14
 /// <summary>
 /// Visits the specified labeled statement.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="labeledStatement">The labeled statement.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public virtual IStatement Visit(LabeledStatement labeledStatement)
     labeledStatement.Statement = Visit(labeledStatement.Statement);
       return labeledStatement;
    delegate void Action(); //not defined in CLR v2.

    /// <summary>
    /// Saves the current closure fields. Allocates a new closure and updates the fields. Then calls the given delegate and
    /// restores the earlier state.
    /// </summary>
    private void AllocateClosureFor(object scope, List<IStatement> statements, Action rewriteScope) {
      var savedCurrentClosure = this.currentClosureClass;
      var savedCurrentClosureSelfInstance = this.currentClosureSelfInstance;
      var savedCurrentClosureInstance = this.currentClosureInstance;
      var savedCurrentClosureObject = this.currentClosureObject;
      var savedCurrentClosureLocal = this.currentClosureLocal;
      IFieldReference outerClosure = null;
      if (savedCurrentClosureLocal != null) {
        this.CreateClosureField(this.currentClosureSelfInstance, savedCurrentClosureSelfInstance, savedCurrentClosureInstance, savedCurrentClosureLocal.Name.Value);
        outerClosure = this.fieldReferencesForUseInsideThisMethod[this.currentClosureSelfInstance];

      var closureLocal = new LocalDefinition() { Type = this.currentClosureInstance, Name ="CS$<>__locals"+this.closureClasses.Count) };
      this.currentClosureObject = new BoundExpression() { Definition = closureLocal, Type = this.currentClosureInstance };
      this.currentClosureLocal = closureLocal;
      if (this.closureLocalInstances == null) this.closureLocalInstances = new List<IExpression>();
      Statement createClosure = new ExpressionStatement() {
        Expression = new Assignment() {
          Target = new TargetExpression() { Definition = closureLocal, Type = closureLocal.Type },
          Source = new CreateObjectInstance() {
            MethodToCall = this.GetReferenceToDefaultConstructor(this.currentClosureInstance),
            Type = currentClosureSelfInstance,
      ILabeledStatement labeledStatement = null;
      for (int i = 0, n = statements.Count; i < n; i++) {
        labeledStatement = statements[i] as ILabeledStatement;
        if (labeledStatement != null) {
          createClosure = new LabeledStatement() { Label = labeledStatement.Label, Statement = createClosure };
          statements[i] = labeledStatement.Statement;
        } else if (statements[i] is IEmptyStatement) {
        } else {
          var declSt = statements[i] as ILocalDeclarationStatement;
          if (declSt != null && declSt.InitialValue == null) continue;
      statements.Insert(0, createClosure);
      if (outerClosure != null) {
        statements.Insert(1, new ExpressionStatement() {
          Expression = new Assignment() {
            Target = new TargetExpression() { Instance = new BoundExpression() { Definition = closureLocal, Type = closureLocal.Type }, Definition = outerClosure, Type = closureLocal.Type },
            Source = new BoundExpression() { Definition = savedCurrentClosureLocal, Type = savedCurrentClosureLocal.Type }, 
            Type = closureLocal.Type,
      this.currentClosureClass = savedCurrentClosure;
      this.currentClosureSelfInstance = savedCurrentClosureSelfInstance;
      this.currentClosureInstance = savedCurrentClosureInstance;
      this.currentClosureObject = savedCurrentClosureObject;
      this.currentClosureLocal = savedCurrentClosureLocal;
 public override IStatement Visit(LabeledStatement labeledStatement)
     if (!this.referencedLabels.ContainsKey(labeledStatement.Label.UniqueKey))
     return CodeDummy.Block;
       return base.Visit(labeledStatement);
Beispiel #17
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="offset"></param>
 /// <param name="addLabel"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 protected BasicBlock GetOrCreateBlock(uint offset, bool addLabel)
     BasicBlock result;
       if (!this.blockFor.TryGetValue(offset, out result)) {
     result = new BasicBlock(offset);
     this.blockFor.Add(offset, result);
       if (addLabel && result.Statements.Count == 0) {
     LabeledStatement label = new LabeledStatement();
     label.Label = this.nameTable.GetNameFor("IL_" + offset.ToString("x4"));
     label.Statement = new EmptyStatement();
     this.targetStatementFor.Add(offset, label);
       return result;
Beispiel #18
 /// <summary>
 /// Visits the specified labeled statement.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="labeledStatement">The labeled statement.</param>
 public override void Visit(ILabeledStatement labeledStatement)
     LabeledStatement mutableLabeledStatement = labeledStatement as LabeledStatement;
     if (alwaysMakeACopy || mutableLabeledStatement == null) mutableLabeledStatement = new LabeledStatement(labeledStatement);
     this.resultStatement = this.myCodeMutator.Visit(mutableLabeledStatement);