Inheritance: Statement, IConditionalStatement
        public IIfStatementOptions True(IExpression condition)
            var ifStatement = new ConditionalStatement();
            ifStatement.Condition = condition;

            return new IfStatementOptions(ifStatement);
 public override IStatement Visit(ConditionalStatement conditionalStatement)
     var condition = conditionalStatement.Condition;
       var logicalNot = condition as ILogicalNot;
       if (logicalNot != null) condition = logicalNot.Operand;
       var equal = condition as IEquality;
       if (equal != null && equal.RightOperand is IDefaultValue) condition = equal.LeftOperand;
       var boundExpression = condition as IBoundExpression;
       if (boundExpression != null) {
     var locations = conditionalStatement.Locations;
     var fieldReference = boundExpression.Definition as IFieldReference;
     if (fieldReference != null) {
       if (this.cachedDelegateFieldsOrLocals.ContainsKey(fieldReference.Name.Value)) {
     if (locations.Count == 0)
       return CodeDummy.Block;
       return new EmptyStatement() { Locations = locations, };
     var localDefinition = boundExpression.Definition as ILocalDefinition;
     if (localDefinition != null) {
       if (this.cachedDelegateFieldsOrLocals.ContainsKey(localDefinition.Name.Value)) {
     if (locations.Count == 0)
       return CodeDummy.Block;
       return new EmptyStatement() { Locations = locations, };
       return base.Visit(conditionalStatement);
Beispiel #3
 private Statement ParseBinaryConditionalBranch(IOperation currentOperation)
     BinaryOperation condition;
       switch (currentOperation.OperationCode) {
     case OperationCode.Beq:
     case OperationCode.Beq_S:
       condition = this.ParseBinaryOperation(new Equality());
     case OperationCode.Bge:
     case OperationCode.Bge_S:
       condition = this.ParseBinaryOperation(new GreaterThanOrEqual());
     case OperationCode.Bge_Un:
     case OperationCode.Bge_Un_S:
       condition = this.ParseUnsignedBinaryOperation(new GreaterThanOrEqual());
     case OperationCode.Bgt:
     case OperationCode.Bgt_S:
       condition = this.ParseBinaryOperation(new GreaterThan());
     case OperationCode.Bgt_Un:
     case OperationCode.Bgt_Un_S:
       condition = this.ParseUnsignedBinaryOperation(new GreaterThan());
     case OperationCode.Ble:
     case OperationCode.Ble_S:
       condition = this.ParseBinaryOperation(new LessThanOrEqual());
     case OperationCode.Ble_Un:
     case OperationCode.Ble_Un_S:
       condition = this.ParseUnsignedBinaryOperation(new LessThanOrEqual());
     case OperationCode.Blt:
     case OperationCode.Blt_S:
       condition = this.ParseBinaryOperation(new LessThan());
     case OperationCode.Blt_Un:
     case OperationCode.Blt_Un_S:
       condition = this.ParseUnsignedBinaryOperation(new LessThan());
     case OperationCode.Bne_Un:
     case OperationCode.Bne_Un_S:
       condition = this.ParseBinaryOperation(new NotEquality());
       condition.Type = this.platformType.SystemBoolean;
       if ( {
       GotoStatement gotoStatement = MakeGoto(currentOperation);
       ConditionalStatement ifStatement = new ConditionalStatement();
       ifStatement.Condition = condition;
       ifStatement.TrueBranch = gotoStatement;
       ifStatement.FalseBranch = new EmptyStatement();
       return ifStatement;
Beispiel #4
 private Statement ParseUnaryConditionalBranch(IOperation currentOperation)
     Expression condition = this.PopOperandStack();
       var castIfPossible = condition as CastIfPossible;
       if (castIfPossible != null) {
     condition = new CheckIfInstance() {
       Locations = castIfPossible.Locations,
       Operand = castIfPossible.ValueToCast,
       TypeToCheck = castIfPossible.TargetType,
       } else if (condition.Type != Dummy.TypeReference && condition.Type.TypeCode != PrimitiveTypeCode.Boolean) {
     var defaultValue = new DefaultValue() { DefaultValueType = condition.Type, Type = condition.Type };
     condition = new NotEquality() { LeftOperand = condition, RightOperand = defaultValue };
       condition.Type = this.platformType.SystemBoolean;
       GotoStatement gotoStatement = MakeGoto(currentOperation);
       ConditionalStatement ifStatement = new ConditionalStatement();
       ifStatement.Condition = condition;
       switch (currentOperation.OperationCode) {
     case OperationCode.Brfalse:
     case OperationCode.Brfalse_S:
       ifStatement.TrueBranch = new EmptyStatement();
       ifStatement.FalseBranch = gotoStatement;
     case OperationCode.Brtrue:
     case OperationCode.Brtrue_S:
       ifStatement.TrueBranch = gotoStatement;
       ifStatement.FalseBranch = new EmptyStatement();
       return ifStatement;
 public IfBranchOptions(ConditionalStatement ifStatement)
     this.ifStatement = ifStatement;
 /// <summary>
 /// Rewrites the given anonymous delegate expression.
 /// </summary>
 public override IExpression Rewrite(IAnonymousDelegate anonymousDelegate) {
   if (this.isInsideAnonymousMethod) return base.Rewrite(anonymousDelegate);
   IMethodReference method = this.CreateClosureMethod((AnonymousDelegate)anonymousDelegate);
   var createDelegate = new CreateDelegateInstance() {
     MethodToCallViaDelegate = method,
     Type = anonymousDelegate.Type
   if (!method.IsStatic) {
     //TODO: if there is reason to believe the delegate will be constructed in a loop, but its closure is constructed before the loop, then cache the delegate in a local
     //that is in the same scope as the closure instance
     if (method.ContainingType == this.currentClosureInstance)
       createDelegate.Instance = this.currentClosureObject;
     else //non static peer method
       createDelegate.Instance = new ThisReference() {
         Type = NamedTypeDefinition.SelfInstance((INamedTypeDefinition)this.method.ContainingTypeDefinition,
   } else if ((method.CallingConvention & CallingConvention.Generic) == 0) {
     //cache the delegate in a static field (we can only do this if method is not generic, i.e. when at most one instance will be created).
     var cache = this.CreateStaticCacheField(anonymousDelegate.Type);
     var boundField = new BoundExpression() { Definition = cache, Type = cache.Type };
     var statements = new List<IStatement>(1);
     var conditional = new ConditionalStatement() {
       Condition = new Equality() {
         LeftOperand = boundField,
         RightOperand = new CompileTimeConstant() { Value = null, Type = cache.Type },
         Type =
       TrueBranch = new ExpressionStatement() {
         Expression = new Assignment() {
           Target = new TargetExpression() { Definition = cache, Type = cache.Type },
           Source = createDelegate,
           Type = cache.Type
     return new BlockExpression() {
       BlockStatement = new BlockStatement() { Statements = statements },
       Expression = boundField
   return createDelegate;
Beispiel #7
        public override void RewriteChildren(ConditionalStatement conditionalStatement)
            // exactly the same code as the base visitor. just need to reset stack
            // depth for each branch.


            conditionalStatement.Condition = this.Rewrite(conditionalStatement.Condition);

            var savedInThenBranch = this.inThenBranch;
            var savedInElseBranch = this.inElseBranch;
            this.inThenBranch = true;
            this.inElseBranch = false;

            var savedThenBranchPushes = this.thenBranchPushes;
            this.thenBranchPushes = new Dictionary<int, Assignment>();

            var savedStack = Copy(this.locals);
            conditionalStatement.TrueBranch = this.Rewrite(conditionalStatement.TrueBranch);
            var stackAfterTrue = Copy(this.locals);

            this.locals = Copy(savedStack);
            this.inThenBranch = false;
            this.inElseBranch = true;
            conditionalStatement.FalseBranch = this.Rewrite(conditionalStatement.FalseBranch);

            Contract.Assume(stackAfterTrue.Count == this.locals.Count);
            // and that the things pushed in both branches are type-compatible
            // (one branch might push a bool and the other an int)

            // continuing on with the stack being the one from the else-branch.
            // is that okay? should it be the one from the then-branch?
            // currently it is important that it is the one from the else-branch
            // because of the fixup code in Rewrite(IPushStatement) that deals
            // with the bool/int confusion

            this.inThenBranch = savedInThenBranch;
            this.inElseBranch = savedInElseBranch;
            this.thenBranchPushes = savedThenBranchPushes;
Beispiel #8
 /// <summary>
 /// Visits the specified conditional statement.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="conditionalStatement">The conditional statement.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 protected virtual IStatement DeepCopy(ConditionalStatement conditionalStatement)
     conditionalStatement.Condition = Substitute(conditionalStatement.Condition);
       conditionalStatement.TrueBranch = Substitute(conditionalStatement.TrueBranch);
       conditionalStatement.FalseBranch = Substitute(conditionalStatement.FalseBranch);
       return conditionalStatement;
Beispiel #9
 /// <summary>
 /// Visits the specified conditional statement.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="conditionalStatement">The conditional statement.</param>
 public override void Visit(IConditionalStatement conditionalStatement)
     ConditionalStatement mutableConditionalStatement = new ConditionalStatement(conditionalStatement);
     this.resultStatement = this.myCodeCopier.DeepCopy(mutableConditionalStatement);
        // i   :  loc := e0;
        // i+1 :  if (loc) S0; else S1;
        //  ==>
        //        if (e0) S0; else S1;
        // and delete statement i
        // This is done only if loc is in this.branchConditionLocals
        private void FindPattern(List<IStatement> statements)
            for (int i = 0; i < statements.Count - 1; i++) {
            IExpressionStatement/*?*/ expressionStatement = statements[i] as IExpressionStatement;
            if (expressionStatement == null) continue;
            IAssignment/*?*/ assignmentStatement = expressionStatement.Expression as IAssignment;
            if (assignmentStatement == null) continue;
            if (assignmentStatement.Source is Pop) continue;
            ILocalDefinition/*?*/ localDefinition = assignmentStatement.Target.Definition as ILocalDefinition;
            if (localDefinition == null) continue;
            if (localDefinition.Type.TypeCode != PrimitiveTypeCode.Boolean) continue; // cheaper test than looking in the table
            if (!this.branchConditionLocals.ContainsKey(localDefinition)) continue;

            IConditionalStatement/*?*/ conditional = statements[i + 1] as IConditionalStatement;
            if (conditional == null) continue;
            BoundExpression/*?*/ boundExpression = conditional.Condition as BoundExpression;
            if (boundExpression == null) continue;
            ILocalDefinition/*?*/ localDefinition2 = boundExpression.Definition as ILocalDefinition;
            if (localDefinition2 == null) continue;
            if (localDefinition != localDefinition2) continue;

            var newLocs = new List<ILocation>(expressionStatement.Locations);

            statements[i + 1] = new ConditionalStatement() {
              Condition = assignmentStatement.Source,
              TrueBranch = conditional.TrueBranch,
              FalseBranch = conditional.FalseBranch,
              Locations = newLocs,

Beispiel #11
    /// <summary>
    /// Create the body of the generic version of GetEnumerator for the iterator closure class.
    /// The body's pseudo code. 
    /// {
    ///   if (Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId == this.l_initialThreadId AND this.state == -2) {
    ///     this.state = 0;
    ///     return this;
    ///   }
    ///   else {
    ///     return a new copy of the iterator instance with state being zero.
    ///   }
    /// }
    /// </summary>
    private BlockStatement GetBodyOfGenericGetEnumerator(IteratorClosureInformation iteratorClosure) {
      var thisDotState = new BoundExpression() {
        Definition = iteratorClosure.StateFieldReference,
        Instance = new ThisReference(),
        Type =
      var thisDotThreadId = new BoundExpression() {
        Definition = iteratorClosure.InitThreadIdFieldReference,
        Instance = new ThisReference(),
        Type =
      var currentThreadId = new MethodCall() {
        MethodToCall = ThreadDotManagedThreadId.Getter,
        ThisArgument = ThreadDotCurrentThread,
        Type =
      var stateEqMinus2 = new Equality() { LeftOperand = thisDotState, RightOperand = new CompileTimeConstant() { Type =, Value = -2 }, Type = };
      var threadIdEqCurrentThreadId = new Equality { LeftOperand = thisDotThreadId, RightOperand = currentThreadId, Type = };

      var thisDotStateEq0 = new ExpressionStatement() {
        Expression = new Assignment() {
          Source = new CompileTimeConstant() { Type =, Value = 0 },
          Target = new TargetExpression() {
            Definition = iteratorClosure.StateFieldReference,
            Instance = new ThisReference(),
            Type =
          Type =
      var returnThis = new BlockStatement();
      returnThis.Statements.Add(new ReturnStatement() { Expression = new ThisReference() });
      var returnNew = new BlockStatement();
      var args = new List<IExpression>();
      args.Add(new CompileTimeConstant() { Value = 0, Type = });
      var closureInstanceLocalDecl = new LocalDeclarationStatement() {
        LocalVariable = new LocalDefinition() {
          Name ="local0"),
          Type = iteratorClosure.ClosureDefinitionReference
        InitialValue = new CreateObjectInstance() {
          MethodToCall = iteratorClosure.ConstructorReference,
          Arguments = args,
          Type = iteratorClosure.ClosureDefinitionReference
      var returnNewClosureInstance = new ReturnStatement() {
        Expression = new BoundExpression() {
          Instance = null,
          Type = iteratorClosure.ClosureDefinitionReference,
          Definition = closureInstanceLocalDecl.LocalVariable
      if (!method.IsStatic) {
        ExpressionStatement assignThisDotThisToNewClosureDotThis = new ExpressionStatement() {
          Expression = new Assignment() {
            Source = new BoundExpression() {
              Definition = iteratorClosure.ThisFieldReference,
              Instance = new ThisReference(),
              Type = iteratorClosure.ClosureDefinitionReference
            Type = iteratorClosure.ClosureDefinition,
            Target = new TargetExpression() {
              Instance = new BoundExpression() {
                Instance = null,
                Definition = closureInstanceLocalDecl.LocalVariable,
                Type = iteratorClosure.ClosureDefinitionReference
              Definition = iteratorClosure.ThisFieldReference,
              Type = iteratorClosure.ClosureDefinitionReference

      ConditionalStatement returnThisOrNew = new ConditionalStatement() {
        Condition = new Conditional() {
          Condition = stateEqMinus2,
          ResultIfTrue = threadIdEqCurrentThreadId,
          ResultIfFalse = new CompileTimeConstant() { Type =, Value = false },
          Type =
        TrueBranch = returnThis,
        FalseBranch = returnNew
      BlockStatement block = new BlockStatement();
      return block;
Beispiel #12
 /// <summary>
 /// Rewrites the children of the given conditional statement.
 /// </summary>
 public virtual void RewriteChildren(ConditionalStatement conditionalStatement)
       conditionalStatement.Condition = this.Rewrite(conditionalStatement.Condition);
       conditionalStatement.TrueBranch = this.Rewrite(conditionalStatement.TrueBranch);
       conditionalStatement.FalseBranch = this.Rewrite(conditionalStatement.FalseBranch);
Beispiel #13
 /// <summary>
 /// Visits the specified conditional statement.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="conditionalStatement">The conditional statement.</param>
 public override void Visit(IConditionalStatement conditionalStatement)
     ConditionalStatement mutableConditionalStatement = conditionalStatement as ConditionalStatement;
     if (alwaysMakeACopy || mutableConditionalStatement == null) mutableConditionalStatement = new ConditionalStatement(conditionalStatement);
     this.resultStatement = this.myCodeMutator.Visit(mutableConditionalStatement);
Beispiel #14
 /// <summary>
 /// Visits the specified conditional statement.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="conditionalStatement">The conditional statement.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public virtual IStatement Visit(ConditionalStatement conditionalStatement)
     conditionalStatement.Condition = Visit(conditionalStatement.Condition);
       conditionalStatement.TrueBranch = Visit(conditionalStatement.TrueBranch);
       conditionalStatement.FalseBranch = Visit(conditionalStatement.FalseBranch);
       return conditionalStatement;