Represents a dynamic unary operation in C#, providing the binding semantics and the details about the operation. Instances of this class are generated by the C# compiler.
Inheritance: System.Dynamic.UnaryOperationBinder
Beispiel #1

        private static bool IsIncrementOrDecrementActionOnLocal(DynamicMetaObjectBinder action)
            CSharpUnaryOperationBinder operatorPayload = action as CSharpUnaryOperationBinder;

            return(operatorPayload != null &&
                   (operatorPayload.Operation == ExpressionType.Increment || operatorPayload.Operation == ExpressionType.Decrement));
Beispiel #2

        private EXPR BindUnaryOperation(
            CSharpUnaryOperationBinder payload,
            ArgumentObject[] arguments,
            Dictionary<int, LocalVariableSymbol> dictionary)
            if (arguments.Length != 1)
                throw Error.BindUnaryOperatorRequireOneArgument();

            OperatorKind op = GetOperatorKind(payload.Operation);
            EXPR arg1 = CreateArgumentEXPR(arguments[0], dictionary[0]);
            arg1.errorString = Operators.GetDisplayName(GetOperatorKind(payload.Operation));

            if (op == OperatorKind.OP_TRUE || op == OperatorKind.OP_FALSE)
                // For true and false, we try to convert to bool first. If that
                // doesn't work, then we look for user defined operators.
                EXPR result = _binder.tryConvert(arg1, SymbolLoader.GetReqPredefType(PredefinedType.PT_BOOL));
                if (result != null && op == OperatorKind.OP_FALSE)
                    // If we can convert to bool, we need to negate the thing if we're looking for false.
                    result = _binder.BindStandardUnaryOperator(OperatorKind.OP_LOGNOT, result);

                if (result == null)
                    result = _binder.bindUDUnop(op == OperatorKind.OP_TRUE ? ExpressionKind.EK_TRUE : ExpressionKind.EK_FALSE, arg1);

                // If the result is STILL null, then that means theres no implicit conversion to bool,
                // and no user-defined operators for true and false. Just do a must convert to report
                // the error.
                if (result == null)
                    result = _binder.mustConvert(arg1, SymbolLoader.GetReqPredefType(PredefinedType.PT_BOOL));
                return result;
            return _binder.BindStandardUnaryOperator(op, arg1);