         * Method:      ValidateHasParameter
         * Validates that the the given ToolTaskExtension's command line contains the indicated
         * parameter.  Returns the index of the parameter that matched.
        internal static int ValidateHasParameter(ToolTaskExtension t, string parameter, bool useResponseFile)
            CommandLineBuilderExtension b = new CommandLineBuilderExtension();

            if (useResponseFile)

            string cl = b.ToString();
            string msg = String.Format("Command-line = [{0}]\r\n", cl);
            msg += String.Format(" Searching for [{0}]\r\n", parameter);

            string[] pieces = Parse(cl);

            int i = 0;
            foreach (string s in pieces)
                msg += String.Format(" Parm = [{0}]\r\n", s);
                if (s == parameter)
                    return i;


            msg += "Not found!\r\n";
            Assert.Fail(msg); // Could not find the parameter.

            return 0;
Beispiel #2
		public void ARFC (CommandLineBuilderExtension commandLine)
			base.AddResponseFileCommands (commandLine);
#if !NET_4_0
			string s = commandLine.ToString ();
			if (s.Length == 6)
				Assert.AreEqual ("/sdk:2", s);
				Assert.AreEqual ("/sdk:2 ", s.Substring (0, 7));

			BindingFlags flags = BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic;
			PropertyInfo pi = typeof (CommandLineBuilderExtension).GetProperty ("CommandLine", flags);
			System.Text.StringBuilder sb = (System.Text.StringBuilder) pi.GetValue (commandLine, null);
			sb.Length = 0;
			if (s.Length > 6)
				sb.Append (s.Substring (7));
        public void AppendItemWithInvalidBooleanAttribute()
            Assert.Throws<ArgumentException>(() =>
                // Construct the task item.
                TaskItem i = new TaskItem();
                i.ItemSpec = "MyResource.bmp";
                i.SetMetadata("Name", "Kenny");
                i.SetMetadata("Private", "Yes");       // This is our flag.

                CommandLineBuilderExtension c = new CommandLineBuilderExtension();

                // Validate that a legitimate bool works first.
                        new ITaskItem[] { i },
                        new string[] { "Name", "Private" },
                        new bool[] { false, true }
                    Assert.Equal(@"/myswitch:MyResource.bmp,Kenny,Private", c.ToString());
                catch (ArgumentException e)
                    Assert.True(false, "Got an unexpected exception:" + e.Message);

                // Now try a bogus boolean.
                i.SetMetadata("Private", "Maybe");       // This is our flag.
                    new ITaskItem[] { i },
                    new string[] { "Name", "Private" },
                    new bool[] { false, true }
                );  // <-- Expect an ArgumentException here.
Beispiel #4
            /// <summary>
            /// Fills the provided CommandLineBuilderExtension with all the command line options used when
            /// executing this tool that can go into a response file.
            /// </summary>
            /// <comments>
            /// ResGen 3.5 and earlier doesn't support response files, but ResGen 4.0 and later does.
            /// </comments>
            /// <param name="commandLine">Gets filled with command line options</param>
            protected internal override void AddResponseFileCommands(CommandLineBuilderExtension commandLine)
                string pathToResGen = GenerateResGenFullPath();

                // Only do anything if we can actually use response files
                if (
                    pathToResGen != null &&
                    !pathToResGen.Equals(ToolLocationHelper.GetPathToDotNetFrameworkSdkFile("resgen.exe", TargetDotNetFrameworkVersion.Version35), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) &&
                    // 4.0 resgen.exe does support response files, so we can return the resgen arguments here!
                    CommandLineBuilderExtension resGenArguments = new CommandLineBuilderExtension();
                    GenerateResGenCommands(resGenArguments, true /* arguments must be line-delimited */);

                    // return nothing -- if it's not 4.0, or if we're building strongly typed resources, we assume that,
                    // as far as ToolTask is concerned at least, response files are not supported.
Beispiel #5
		public void TestDefineConstants2 ()
			CscExtended csc = new CscExtended ();
			CommandLineBuilderExtension c1 = new CommandLineBuilderExtension ();
			CommandLineBuilderExtension c2 = new CommandLineBuilderExtension ();

			csc.DefineConstants = ";;;";
			csc.ARFC (c1);
			csc.ACLC (c2);

			Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, c1.ToString (), "A1");
			Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, c2.ToString (), "A2");
Beispiel #6
		public void TestWin32Resource ()
			MCExtended mc = new MCExtended ();
			CommandLineBuilderExtension c1 = new CommandLineBuilderExtension ();
			CommandLineBuilderExtension c2 = new CommandLineBuilderExtension ();

			mc.Win32Resource = "A;B";
			mc.ARFC (c1);
			mc.ACLC (c2);
			Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, c1.ToString (), "A1");
			Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, c2.ToString (), "A2");
Beispiel #7
		public void TestTreatWarningsAsErrors2 ()
			MCExtended mc = new MCExtended ();
			CommandLineBuilderExtension c1 = new CommandLineBuilderExtension ();
			CommandLineBuilderExtension c2 = new CommandLineBuilderExtension ();

			mc.TreatWarningsAsErrors = false;
			mc.ARFC (c1);
			mc.ACLC (c2);
			Assert.AreEqual ("/warnaserror-", c1.ToString (), "A1");
			Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, c2.ToString (), "A2");
Beispiel #8
		public void TestSources ()
			MCExtended mc = new MCExtended ();
			CommandLineBuilderExtension c1 = new CommandLineBuilderExtension ();
			CommandLineBuilderExtension c2 = new CommandLineBuilderExtension ();

			mc.Sources = new ITaskItem [2] { new TaskItem ("A"), new TaskItem ("B") };
			mc.ARFC (c1);
			mc.ACLC (c2);
			Assert.AreEqual ("/out:A.exe A B", c1.ToString (), "A1");
			Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, c2.ToString (), "A2");
Beispiel #9
		public void TestOptimize2 ()
			MCExtended mc = new MCExtended ();
			CommandLineBuilderExtension c1 = new CommandLineBuilderExtension ();
			CommandLineBuilderExtension c2 = new CommandLineBuilderExtension ();

			mc.Optimize = false;
			mc.ARFC (c1);
			mc.ACLC (c2);
			Assert.AreEqual ("/optimize-", c1.ToString (), "A1");
			Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, c2.ToString (), "A2");
Beispiel #10
		public void TestMainEntryPoint ()
			MCExtended mc = new MCExtended ();
			CommandLineBuilderExtension c1 = new CommandLineBuilderExtension ();
			CommandLineBuilderExtension c2 = new CommandLineBuilderExtension ();

			mc.MainEntryPoint = "A";
			mc.ARFC (c1);
			mc.ACLC (c2);
			Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, c1.ToString (), "A1");
			Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, c2.ToString (), "A2");
Beispiel #11
		public void TestKeyContainer ()
			MCExtended mc = new MCExtended ();
			CommandLineBuilderExtension c1 = new CommandLineBuilderExtension ();
			CommandLineBuilderExtension c2 = new CommandLineBuilderExtension ();

			mc.KeyContainer = "A";
			mc.ARFC (c1);
			mc.ACLC (c2);
			Assert.AreEqual ("/keycontainer:A", c1.ToString (), "A1");
			Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, c2.ToString (), "A2");
Beispiel #12
		public void TestEmitDebugInformation2 ()
			MCExtended mc = new MCExtended ();
			CommandLineBuilderExtension c1 = new CommandLineBuilderExtension ();
			CommandLineBuilderExtension c2 = new CommandLineBuilderExtension ();

			mc.EmitDebugInformation = false;
			mc.ARFC (c1);
			mc.ACLC (c2);
			Assert.AreEqual ("/debug-", c1.ToString (), "A1");
			Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, c2.ToString (), "A2");
Beispiel #13
		public void TestDefineConstants ()
			MCExtended mc = new MCExtended ();
			CommandLineBuilderExtension c1 = new CommandLineBuilderExtension ();
			CommandLineBuilderExtension c2 = new CommandLineBuilderExtension ();

			mc.DefineConstants = "A;B";
			mc.ARFC (c1);
			mc.ACLC (c2);
			Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, c1.ToString (), "A1");
			Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, c2.ToString (), "A2");
Beispiel #14
		public void TestDefineConstants ()
			CscExtended csc = new CscExtended ();
			CommandLineBuilderExtension c1 = new CommandLineBuilderExtension ();
			CommandLineBuilderExtension c2 = new CommandLineBuilderExtension ();

			csc.DefineConstants = "A;B;;CD;;;Foo  Bar";
			csc.ARFC (c1);
			csc.ACLC (c2);

			Assert.AreEqual ("/define:\"A;B;CD;Foo;Bar\"", c1.ToString (), "A1");
			Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, c2.ToString (), "A2");
Beispiel #15
		public void TestAdditionalLibPaths ()
			CscExtended csc = new CscExtended ();
			CommandLineBuilderExtension c1 = new CommandLineBuilderExtension ();
			CommandLineBuilderExtension c2 = new CommandLineBuilderExtension ();

			csc.AdditionalLibPaths = new string [2] { "A'Foo", "B" };
			csc.ARFC (c1);
			csc.ACLC (c2);

			Assert.AreEqual ("/lib:\"A'Foo\",B", c1.ToString (), "A1");
			Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, c2.ToString (), "A2");
Beispiel #16
		public void TestWarningNotAsErrors ()
			CscExtended csc = new CscExtended ();
			CommandLineBuilderExtension clbe = new CommandLineBuilderExtension ();

			csc.WarningsNotAsErrors = "A'B";
			csc.ARFC (clbe);

			Assert.AreEqual ("/warnaserror-:\"A'B\"", clbe.ToString (), "A1");
Beispiel #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a string with those switches and other information that can't go into a response file and
        /// must go directly onto the command line.
        /// Called after ValidateParameters and SkipTaskExecution
        /// </summary>
        override protected string GenerateCommandLineCommands()
            CommandLineBuilderExtension commandLineBuilder = new CommandLineBuilderExtension();
            bool serializationAssemblyPathExists           = false;

                if (SerializationAssembly == null)
                    Debug.Assert(ShouldGenerateSerializer, "GenerateCommandLineCommands() should not be called if ShouldGenerateSerializer is true and SerializationAssembly is null.");

                    SerializationAssembly = new TaskItem[] { new TaskItem(SerializationAssemblyPath) };

                // Add the assembly switch
                commandLineBuilder.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/assembly:", AssemblyFullPath);

                commandLineBuilder.AppendWhenTrue("/proxytypes", Bag, "UseProxyTypes");

                //add the keep switch
                commandLineBuilder.AppendWhenTrue("/keep", Bag, "UseKeep");

                // Append the references, if any.
                if (References != null)
                    foreach (string reference in References)
                        commandLineBuilder.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/reference:", reference);

                //Append the Types to the command line, if any.
                if (Types != null)
                    foreach (string type in Types)
                        commandLineBuilder.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/type:", type);

                // The arguments to the "/compiler" switch are themselves switches to be passed to
                // the compiler when generating the serialization assembly.

                // Add the compiler command switches for strong naming on the serialization assembly
                if (KeyFile != null)
                    commandLineBuilder.AppendNestedSwitch("/compiler:", "/keyfile:", KeyFile);
                else if (KeyContainer != null)
                    commandLineBuilder.AppendNestedSwitch("/compiler:", "/keycontainer:", KeyContainer);

                commandLineBuilder.AppendPlusOrMinusSwitch("/compiler:/delaysign", Bag, "DelaySign");

                // Add the Platform switch to the compiler.
                if (Platform != null)
                    commandLineBuilder.AppendNestedSwitch("/compiler:", "/platform:", Platform);

                serializationAssemblyPathExists = File.Exists(SerializationAssemblyPath);
            catch (Exception e) when(ExceptionHandling.IsIoRelatedException(e))
                // Ignore the expected exceptions because they have already been logged

            // Delete the assembly if it already exists.
            if (serializationAssemblyPathExists)
                // Of all of the exceptions that can be thrown on a File.Delete, the only ones we need to
                // be immediately concerned with are the UnauthorizedAccessException and the IOException
                // (file is in use exception).  We need to make sure that the assembly is gone before we
                // try to produce a new one because it is possible that after some changes were made to the
                // base assembly, there will, in fact, not be a serialization assembly produced.  We cannot
                // leave the earlier produced assembly around to be propagated by later processes.
                catch (UnauthorizedAccessException e)
                    Log.LogErrorWithCodeFromResources("SGen.CouldNotDeleteSerializer", SerializationAssemblyPath, e.Message);
                catch (IOException e)
                    Log.LogErrorWithCodeFromResources("SGen.CouldNotDeleteSerializer", SerializationAssemblyPath, e.Message);
                // The DirectoryNotFoundException is safely ignorable since that means that there is no
                // existing serialization assembly.  This would be extremely unlikely anyway because we
                // found the serializer just a couple of milliseconds ago.

Beispiel #18
		public void TestDelaySign2 ()
			MCExtended mc = new MCExtended ();
			CommandLineBuilderExtension c1 = new CommandLineBuilderExtension ();
			CommandLineBuilderExtension c2 = new CommandLineBuilderExtension ();

			mc.DelaySign = false;
			mc.ARFC (c1);
			mc.ACLC (c2);
			Assert.AreEqual ("/delaysign-", c1.ToString (), "A1");
			Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, c2.ToString (), "A2");
Beispiel #19
		public void TestMainEntryPoint ()
			CscExtended csc = new CscExtended ();
			CommandLineBuilderExtension c1 = new CommandLineBuilderExtension ();
			CommandLineBuilderExtension c2 = new CommandLineBuilderExtension ();

			csc.MainEntryPoint = "A;B";
			csc.ARFC (c1);
			csc.ACLC (c2);

			Assert.AreEqual ("/main:\"A;B\"", c1.ToString (), "A1");
			Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, c2.ToString (), "A2");
Beispiel #20
		public void TestFileAlignment1 ()
			MCExtended mc = new MCExtended ();
			CommandLineBuilderExtension c1 = new CommandLineBuilderExtension ();
			CommandLineBuilderExtension c2 = new CommandLineBuilderExtension ();

			mc.FileAlignment = 100;
			mc.ARFC (c1);
			mc.ACLC (c2);
			Assert.AreEqual ("/filealign:100", c1.ToString (), "A1");
			Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, c2.ToString (), "A2");
Beispiel #21
		public void TestReferences ()
			CscExtended csc = new CscExtended ();
			CommandLineBuilderExtension c1 = new CommandLineBuilderExtension ();
			CommandLineBuilderExtension c2 = new CommandLineBuilderExtension ();

			csc.References = new ITaskItem [2] { new TaskItem ("A;C"), new TaskItem ("B") };
			csc.ARFC (c1);
			csc.ACLC (c2);

			Assert.AreEqual ("/reference:\"A;C\" /reference:B", c1.ToString (), "A1");
			Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, c2.ToString (), "A2");
Beispiel #22
		public void TestKeyFile ()
			MCExtended mc = new MCExtended ();
			CommandLineBuilderExtension c1 = new CommandLineBuilderExtension ();
			CommandLineBuilderExtension c2 = new CommandLineBuilderExtension ();

			mc.KeyFile = "A";
			mc.ARFC (c1);
			mc.ACLC (c2);
			Assert.AreEqual ("/keyfile:A /publicsign", c1.ToString (), "A1");
			Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, c2.ToString (), "A2");
Beispiel #23
		public void TestResponseFiles ()
			CscExtended csc = new CscExtended ();
			CommandLineBuilderExtension c1 = new CommandLineBuilderExtension ();
			CommandLineBuilderExtension c2 = new CommandLineBuilderExtension ();

			csc.ResponseFiles = new ITaskItem [2] { new TaskItem ("A\'Foo"), new TaskItem ("B") };
			csc.ARFC (c1);
			csc.ACLC (c2);

			Assert.AreEqual ("@\"A'Foo\" @B", c1.ToString (), "A1");
			Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, c2.ToString (), "A2");
Beispiel #24
		public void TestNoLogo1 ()
			MCExtended mc = new MCExtended ();
			CommandLineBuilderExtension c1 = new CommandLineBuilderExtension ();
			CommandLineBuilderExtension c2 = new CommandLineBuilderExtension ();

			mc.NoLogo = true;
			mc.ARFC (c1);
			mc.ACLC (c2);
			Assert.AreEqual ("/nologo", c1.ToString (), "A1");
			Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, c2.ToString (), "A2");
Beispiel #25
		public void TestWin32Resource ()
			CscExtended csc = new CscExtended ();
			CommandLineBuilderExtension c1 = new CommandLineBuilderExtension ();
			CommandLineBuilderExtension c2 = new CommandLineBuilderExtension ();

			csc.Win32Resource = "A;B";
			csc.ARFC (c1);
			csc.ACLC (c2);

			Assert.AreEqual ("/win32res:\"A;B\"", c1.ToString (), "A1");
			Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, c2.ToString (), "A2");
Beispiel #26
		public void TestOutputAssembly ()
			MCExtended mc = new MCExtended ();
			CommandLineBuilderExtension c1 = new CommandLineBuilderExtension ();
			CommandLineBuilderExtension c2 = new CommandLineBuilderExtension ();

			mc.OutputAssembly = new TaskItem ("A");
			mc.ARFC (c1);
			mc.ACLC (c2);
			Assert.AreEqual ("/out:A", c1.ToString (), "A1");
			Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, c2.ToString (), "A2");
Beispiel #27
 override protected string GenerateCommandLineCommands()
     CommandLineBuilderExtension commandLineBuilder = new CommandLineBuilderExtension();            
     return commandLineBuilder.ToString();
Beispiel #28
		public void TestTargetType ()
			MCExtended mc = new MCExtended ();
			CommandLineBuilderExtension c1 = new CommandLineBuilderExtension ();
			CommandLineBuilderExtension c2 = new CommandLineBuilderExtension ();

			mc.TargetType = "A";
			mc.ARFC (c1);
			mc.ACLC (c2);
			Assert.AreEqual ("/target:a", c1.ToString (), "A1");
			Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, c2.ToString (), "A2");
Beispiel #29
		public void TestAddModules ()
			MCExtended mc = new MCExtended ();
			CommandLineBuilderExtension c1 = new CommandLineBuilderExtension ();
			CommandLineBuilderExtension c2 = new CommandLineBuilderExtension ();

			mc.AddModules = new string [2] { "A", "B" };
			mc.ARFC (c1);
			mc.ACLC (c2);
			Assert.AreEqual ("/addmodule:A,B", c1.ToString (), "A1");
			Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, c2.ToString (), "A2");
Beispiel #30
		public void TestUtf8Output2 ()
			MCExtended mc = new MCExtended ();
			CommandLineBuilderExtension c1 = new CommandLineBuilderExtension ();
			CommandLineBuilderExtension c2 = new CommandLineBuilderExtension ();

			mc.Utf8Output = false;
			mc.ARFC (c1);
			mc.ACLC (c2);
			Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, c1.ToString (), "A1");
			Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, c2.ToString (), "A2");
Beispiel #31
		public void TestCodePage1 ()
			MCExtended mc = new MCExtended ();
			CommandLineBuilderExtension c1 = new CommandLineBuilderExtension ();
			CommandLineBuilderExtension c2 = new CommandLineBuilderExtension ();

			mc.CodePage = 1111;
			mc.ARFC (c1);
			mc.ACLC (c2);
			Assert.AreEqual ("/codepage:1111", c1.ToString (), "A1");
			Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, c2.ToString (), "A2");
Beispiel #32
		protected override string GenerateCommandLineCommands ()
			CommandLineBuilderExtension clbe = new CommandLineBuilderExtension ();
			AddCommandLineCommands (clbe);
			return clbe.ToString ();
Beispiel #33
        protected override string GenerateCommandLineCommands()
            CommandLineBuilderExtension extension = new CommandLineBuilderExtension();
            bool flag = false;

                if (this.SerializationAssembly == null)
                    this.SerializationAssembly = new TaskItem[] { new TaskItem(this.SerializationAssemblyPath) };
                extension.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/assembly:", this.AssemblyFullPath);
                extension.AppendWhenTrue("/proxytypes", base.Bag, "UseProxyTypes");
                if (this.References != null)
                    foreach (string str in this.References)
                        extension.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/reference:", str);
                if (this.Types != null)
                    foreach (string str2 in this.Types)
                        extension.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/type:", str2);
                if (this.KeyFile != null)
                    extension.AppendNestedSwitch("/compiler:", "/keyfile:", this.KeyFile);
                else if (this.KeyContainer != null)
                    extension.AppendNestedSwitch("/compiler:", "/keycontainer:", this.KeyContainer);
                extension.AppendPlusOrMinusSwitch("/compiler:/delaysign", base.Bag, "DelaySign");
                if (this.Platform != null)
                    extension.AppendNestedSwitch("/compiler:", "/platform:", this.Platform);
                flag = File.Exists(this.SerializationAssemblyPath);
            catch (Exception exception)
                if (Microsoft.Build.Shared.ExceptionHandling.NotExpectedException(exception))
            if (flag)
                catch (UnauthorizedAccessException exception2)
                    base.Log.LogErrorWithCodeFromResources("SGen.CouldNotDeleteSerializer", new object[] { this.SerializationAssemblyPath, exception2.Message });
                catch (IOException exception3)
                    base.Log.LogErrorWithCodeFromResources("SGen.CouldNotDeleteSerializer", new object[] { this.SerializationAssemblyPath, exception3.Message });