/// Returns all the dependencies of a number of projects.
		static ProjectInstance[] getDependencies(ProjectInstance[] allInstances, ProjectInstance[] roots)
			var allGuids = allInstances.ToDictionary(getProjectGuid);
			var todo = new Queue<Guid>(roots.Select(getProjectGuid));
			var rootSet = new HashSet<Guid>(roots.Select(getProjectGuid));
			var dependencies = new HashSet<Guid>();
			while (todo.Count != 0)
				var next = todo.Dequeue();

					.Where(g => !dependencies.Contains(g) && !rootSet.Contains(g) && allGuids.ContainsKey(g))
					.ForEach(g =>

			return dependencies.Select(g => allGuids[g]).ToArray();
		/// Returns all the affected projects of the given list of projects. 
		/// Since the roots may refer to each other, the roots are included in the result set.
		static ProjectInstance[] getAffectedProjects(ProjectInstance[] allInstances, ProjectInstance[] roots)
			var dependentMap = createDependentMap(allInstances);
			var allGuids = allInstances.ToDictionary(getProjectGuid);
			var rootGuids = roots.Select(getProjectGuid).ToArray();
			var todo = new Queue<Guid>(rootGuids);
			var affected = new HashSet<Guid>(rootGuids);

			while (todo.Count != 0)
				var next = todo.Dequeue();

				HashSet<Guid> dependents = null;
				if (!dependentMap.TryGetValue(next, out dependents))

				dependents.ForEach(dep => {
					if (affected.Add(dep))
						todo.Enqueue(dep); }

			return affected.Select(g => allGuids[g]).ToArray();
		void printSummary(SummaryLogger logger, ProjectInstance[] allProjects)
			var results = logger.ProjectResults;
			var filenamesOfProjects = new HashSet<string>(allProjects.Select(pi => pi.FullPath));
			// we must group by filename and not by project id, it seems that we get multiple results with different project ids for the same project.
			// and even that list may include projects that we did not actually build explicitly.
			var projectResults = 
				.GroupBy(result => result.Filename)
				.Select(rs => rs.Last())
				.Where(rs => filenamesOfProjects.Contains(rs.Filename))
			var succeded = projectResults.Count(result => result.Succeeded);
			var failed = projectResults.Count(result => !result.Succeeded);

			coreToIDE(() => _pane.OutputString($"========== BuildOnSave: {succeded} succeeded, {failed} failed ==========\n"));