Apply() public static method

public static Apply ( string input ) : string
input string
return string
Beispiel #1
        public void TestHtmlEncodeDecode()
            //geberate a random string
            StringBuilder sb  = new StringBuilder();
            Random        rnd = new Random();
            int           k   = 0;
            int           MAX = 1000;

            while (k < MAX)
                char c = (char)rnd.Next(0x100);
                if (!char.IsSurrogate(c)) //ignore surrogates
                    k += 1;

            string str = sb.ToString();
            string e   = HtmlEncodeStrict.Apply(str);
            string d   = System.Net.WebUtility.HtmlDecode(e);

            if (!str.Equals(d))
Beispiel #2
        public void RunPerformanceComparison()
            //string testfilesDirectory = @"C:\Users\margus\Desktop\IJCAR12\proceedings";
            string testfilesDirectory = "../../../GeneratedCodeSamples/SampleTexts";
            var    someTestFiles      = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(testfilesDirectory);

            int decodeTimeSystem_tot    = 0;
            int decodeTimeSystemWeb_tot = 0;
            int decodeTimeA_tot         = 0;
            int decodeTimeS_tot         = 0;

            long totsize = 0;

            int someTestFileNr = 0;

            while (totsize < 100000000)
                string file = someTestFiles[someTestFileNr];
                someTestFileNr = (someTestFileNr + 1) % someTestFiles.Length;

                int    LIMIT   = 1000000;
                var    fi      = new System.IO.FileInfo(file);
                var    size    = fi.Length;
                string content = "<" + System.IO.File.ReadAllText(file, Encoding.UTF8) + ">";
                string encoded = HtmlEncodeStrict.Apply(content);

                string decoded_System    = "";
                string decoded_SystemWeb = "";
                string decoded_A         = "";
                string decoded_S         = "";

                //--- decode with system
                int decodeTimeSystemNet = System.Environment.TickCount;
                for (long K = 0; K < LIMIT; K += size)
                    decoded_System = System.Net.WebUtility.HtmlDecode(encoded);
                    totsize       += size;
                decodeTimeSystemNet = System.Environment.TickCount - decodeTimeSystemNet;

                int decodeTimeSystemWeb = System.Environment.TickCount;
                for (long K = 0; K < LIMIT; K += size)
                    decoded_SystemWeb = System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(encoded);
                decodeTimeSystemWeb = System.Environment.TickCount - decodeTimeSystemWeb;

                //--- decode with methB (using StringBuilder)
                int decodeTimeS = System.Environment.TickCount;
                for (long K = 0; K < LIMIT; K += size)
                    decoded_S = HtmlDecodeS.Apply(encoded);
                decodeTimeS = System.Environment.TickCount - decodeTimeS;

                //--- decode with methA (using Array)
                int decodeTimeA = System.Environment.TickCount;
                for (long K = 0; K < LIMIT; K += size)
                    decoded_A = HtmlDecodeA.Apply(encoded);
                decodeTimeA = System.Environment.TickCount - decodeTimeA;

                //--- summary of times
                //string summary = string.Format("{0}: System:{1}ms, methA:{2}ms, methS:{3}ms", fi.Name, decodeTimeSystem, decodeTimeA, decodeTimeS);

                //--- validate outputs
                Assert.AreEqual <string>(decoded_System, decoded_SystemWeb);
                if (!decoded_System.Equals(decoded_A))
                    for (int i = 0; i < decoded_System.Length; i++)
                        if (decoded_System[i] != decoded_A[i])
                Assert.AreEqual <string>(decoded_System, decoded_S);

                decodeTimeSystem_tot    += decodeTimeSystemNet;
                decodeTimeSystemWeb_tot += decodeTimeSystemWeb;
                decodeTimeA_tot         += decodeTimeA;
                decodeTimeS_tot         += decodeTimeS;

            string summary_tot = string.Format("{0}MB: System.Net.WebUtility.HtmlDecode:{1}ms, System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlDecode:{4}, methA:{2}ms, methS:{3}ms",
                                               totsize / 1000000, decodeTimeSystem_tot, decodeTimeA_tot, decodeTimeS_tot, decodeTimeSystemWeb_tot);
