Beispiel #1
        private async Task DoSomething()
            DocumentClient client = new DocumentClient(new Uri(""), "xxx");

            Database database = client.GetDatabaseReference("db");
            if (!await database.ExistsAsync())
                await database.CreateAsync();

            DocumentCollection collection = client.GetCollectionReference("db", "coll");
            if (!await collection.ExistsAsync())
                await collection.CreateAsync(new PartitioningPolicy { PartitionKeyName = "Artist" }, 1000);

            Song song = new Song { Album = "IV", Artist = "Led Zeppelin", SongTitle = "Stairway to Heaven", Year = 1971 };
            await collection.CreateDocumentAsync(song);

            song.Album = "Greatest Hits";
            await collection.ReplaceDocumentAsync(song);

            Document readSong = await collection.ReadDocumentAsync("Led Zeppelin", "Stairway to Heaven");

            await collection.DeleteDocumentAsync("Led Zeppelin", "Stairway to Heaven");

            IQueryable<Song> query = new DocumentQuery<Song>().Where(s => s.Year == 1971).Take(10);
            await collection.ExecuteQueryAsync<Song>(query);

            FeedResponse<dynamic> results = await collection.ExecuteQuerySegmentedAsync<Song>(query);
            results = await collection.ExecuteQuerySegmentedAsync<Song>(query, new FeedOptions { RequestContinuation = results.ResponseContinuation });

            await collection.UpdateThroughputAsync(500);

            await collection.StoredProcedures.CreateStoredProcedureAsync(new StoredProcedure { Id = "Aggregate", Body = "function() { ..}" });