Represents a Binary Decision Diagram.
Beispiel #1
        ///// <summary>
        ///// View the given BDD as a graph. Requires that dot.exe is installed.
        ///// Uses dot.exe to create a file and produces a layout in name.format.
        ///// If showgraph is true, starts a process to view the graph.
        ///// For example if name = "foo" and format = "gif", creates a file
        ///// with the dot output and a file foo.gif as a picture.
        ///// Uses the current working directory.
        ///// </summary>
        ///// <param name="fa">the BDD to be viewed</param>
        ///// <param name="name">name of the file where the graph is stored</param>
        ///// <param name="dir">direction of the arrows</param>
        ///// <param name="fontsize">size of the font in node and edge labels</param>
        ///// <param name="showgraph">id true, the graph is viewed</param>
        ///// <param name="format">format of the figure</param>
        //static public void DisplayBdd(BDD bdd, string name, RANKDIR dir, int fontsize, bool showgraph, string format)
        //    string currentDirectory = System.Environment.CurrentDirectory;
        //    string dotFile = string.Format("{1}\\{0}.dot", name, currentDirectory);
        //    string outFile = string.Format("{2}\\{0}.{1}", name, format, currentDirectory);
        //    FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(dotFile);
        //    if (fi.Exists)
        //        fi.IsReadOnly = false;
        //    fi = new FileInfo(outFile);
        //    if (fi.Exists)
        //        fi.IsReadOnly = false;
        //    BddToDot(bdd, name, dotFile, dir, fontsize);
        //    System.Diagnostics.Process p = new System.Diagnostics.Process();
        //    p.StartInfo = new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo("dot.exe", string.Format("-T{2} {0} -o {1}", dotFile, outFile, format));
        //    try
        //    {
        //        p.Start();
        //        p.WaitForExit();
        //        if (showgraph)
        //        {
        //            p.StartInfo = new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo(outFile);
        //            p.Start();
        //        }
        //    }
        //    catch (Exception)
        //    {
        //        throw new AutomataException(AutomataException.MissingDotViewer);
        //    }

        /// <summary>
        /// Store the set as a BDD in dot format
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bdd"></param>
        /// <param name="bddName"></param>
        /// <param name="filename"></param>
        /// <param name="rankdir"></param>
        /// <param name="fontsize"></param>
        static public void CharSetToDot(BDD bdd, string bddName, string filename, RANKDIR rankdir, int fontsize)
            StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(filename);

            CharSetToDot(bdd, bddName, sw, rankdir, fontsize);
Beispiel #2
 internal BDD(IBDDAlgebra algebra, int ordinal, BDD one, BDD zero)
     this.One = one;
     this.Zero = zero;
     this.Ordinal = ordinal;
     this.algebra = algebra;
Beispiel #3
 internal BDD(IBDDAlgebra algebra, int ordinal)
     this.One = null;
     this.Zero = null;
     this.Ordinal = ordinal;
     this.algebra = algebra;
 public CSharpGenerator(Automaton<BDD> automaton, CharSetSolver solver, string classname, string namespacename, bool OptimzeForAsciiInput = true)
     this.solver = solver;
     this.automaton = automaton;
     this.namespacename = namespacename;
     this.classname = classname;
     ASCII = solver.MkCharSetFromRange('\0', '\x7F');
     helper_predicates = new HelperPredicates(solver, OptimzeForAsciiInput);
        public Automaton<BDD> getDFA(BDD alphabet, CharSetSolver solver)
            var opt = this.Normalize(solver).PushQuantifiers();
            var dfa1= opt.getDFA(new List<string>(), alphabet, solver);

            var moves = new List<Move<BDD>>();
            foreach (var move in dfa1.GetMoves())
                moves.Add(new Move<BDD>(move.SourceState, move.TargetState, solver.MkAnd(move.Label, alphabet)));                
            return Automaton<BDD>.Create(dfa1.InitialState, dfa1.GetFinalStates(), moves, true, true).Determinize(solver).Minimize(solver);
Beispiel #6
        public ulong MapPredToBV(BDD pred, BDD[] minterms)
            if (pred == null)
            var   alg = pred.algebra;
            ulong bv;

            bv = zero;
            for (int i = 0; i < minterms.Length; i++)
                if (alg.IsSatisfiable(alg.MkAnd(pred, minterms[i])))
                    bv = bv | MkBV(i);

Beispiel #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Assumes that set is a union of some minterms (or empty).
        /// If null then null is returned.
        /// </summary>
        public BV ConvertFromCharSet(BDD set)
            if (set == null)
            var alg = set.algebra;
            BV  res =;

            for (int i = 0; i < partition.Length; i++)
                BDD bdd_i = partition[i].AsBDD(alg);
                var conj  = alg.MkAnd(bdd_i, set);
                if (alg.IsSatisfiable(conj))
                    res = res | atoms[i];
        internal override Automaton<BDD> getDFA(List<string> variables, BDD alphabet, CharSetSolver solver)
            //Automaton<BDD> for formula
            var varCopy = new List<string>(variables);
            varCopy.Insert(0, variable);
            var autPhi = phi.getDFA(varCopy, alphabet, solver);

            //Remove first bit from each move
            var newMoves = new List<Move<BDD>>();
            foreach (var move in autPhi.GetMoves())
                var newCond = solver.LShiftRight(move.Label);
                newMoves.Add(new Move<BDD>(move.SourceState, move.TargetState, newCond));

            var dfanew = Automaton<BDD>.Create(autPhi.InitialState, autPhi.GetFinalStates(), newMoves).Determinize(solver);
            var dfamin = dfanew.Minimize(solver);

            return dfamin;
        private static bool[] Precompute(CharSetSolver solver, BDD domain, int precomputeLimit)
            bool[]           precomp = new bool[precomputeLimit + 1];
            Func <int, bool> F       = i =>
                var bdd = solver.MkCharConstraint((char)i);
                if (solver.IsSatisfiable(solver.MkAnd(bdd, domain)))

            for (int c = 0; c <= precomputeLimit; c++)
                precomp[c] = F(c);
Beispiel #10
        public BV MapPredToBV(BDD pred)
            if (pred == null)
            BV bv;

            if (!predMap.TryGetValue(pred, out bv))
                bv = zero;
                for (int i = 0; i < minterms.Length; i++)
                    if (solver.IsSatisfiable(solver.MkAnd(pred, minterms[i])))
                        bv = bv | MkBV(i);
                predMap[pred] = bv;
Beispiel #11
        //private static void GenerateCodeForBDD(StringBuilder code, BDD pred, string methid)
        //    code.Append(string.Format("return {0};", RangesToCode(pred.ToRanges())));

        /// <summary>
        /// Generate a string representing a predicate that is equivalent to the BDD pred
        /// </summary>
        public string GeneratePredicate(BDD pred)
            if (!pred.IsLeaf && pred.Ordinal > 31)
                throw new AutomataException(AutomataExceptionKind.OrdinalIsTooLarge);

            string res;

            if (!this.predicateCache.TryGetValue(pred, out res))
                if (this.optimzeForASCIIinput)
                    var predascii        = pred.And(this.ascii);
                    var predascii_ranges = predascii.ToRanges();
                    var prednonascii     = pred.Diff(this.ascii);
                    if (prednonascii.IsEmpty)
                        res = RangesToCode(predascii_ranges);
                        var asciiCase    = RangesToCode(predascii_ranges);
                        var nonasciiCase = this.GeneratePredicateHelper(prednonascii);
                        res = string.Format("(c <= 0x7F ? {0} : {1})", asciiCase, nonasciiCase);
                    res = this.GeneratePredicateHelper(pred);

                this.predicateCache[pred] = res;

Beispiel #12
        /// <summary>
        /// returns -1 if the minimum element in this BDD is smaller than the minimum element in the otther BDD or if this BDD is empty
        /// returns 0 if the minimum elements are equal or if the BDDs are equal,
        /// returns 1 otherwise
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="other">the other BDD</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public int CompareTo(object other)
            BDD bdd = other as BDD;

            if (bdd == null)
            if (bdd == this)
            if (this.IsEmpty)
            if (bdd.IsEmpty)
            var min1 = this.GetMin();
            var min2 = bdd.GetMin();

            if (min1 < min2)
            else if (min2 < min1)
Beispiel #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Concertize the SFA by including at most k characters in the label.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="k">upper limit on the number of included characters in the output automaton, when 0 or negative then include all elements</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Automaton <BDD> Concretize(int k = 0)
            //if (k <= 0)
            //    throw new AutomataException(AutomataExceptionKind.InvalidArgument);

            var mem = new Dictionary <TERM, BDD>();

            var concrete_moves = new List <Move <BDD> >();

            var moveMap = new Dictionary <Tuple <int, int>, BDD>();
            Action <int, int, BDD> AddMove = (from, to, guard) =>
                BDD pred;
                var key = new Tuple <int, int>(from, to);
                if (moveMap.TryGetValue(key, out pred))
                    pred = solver.CharSetProvider.MkOr(pred, guard);
                    pred = guard;
                moveMap[key] = pred;

            Predicate <TERM> IsGround = t =>
                foreach (var v in solver.GetVars(t))

            foreach (var move in automaton.GetMoves())
                if (move.IsEpsilon)
                    concrete_moves.Add(Move <BDD> .Epsilon(move.SourceState, move.TargetState));
                BDD set;
                if (mem.TryGetValue(move.Label, out set))
                    AddMove(move.SourceState, move.TargetState, set);
                    //concrete_moves.Add(Move<BvSet>.M(move.SourceState, move.TargetState, set));
                if (k > 0)
                    if (IsGround(move.Label))  //must be satisfiable so same as true
                        set             = solver.CharSetProvider.MkRangeConstraint((char)0, (char)(k - 1));
                        mem[move.Label] = set;
                        AddMove(move.SourceState, move.TargetState, set);
                        //concrete_moves.Add(Move<BvSet>.M(move.SourceState, move.TargetState, set));
                    var elems = new List <uint>();
                    foreach (var v in solver.MainSolver.FindAllMembers(move.Label))
                        if (elems.Count == k)
                    set             = solver.CharSetProvider.MkSetFromElements(elems, ((int)solver.CharSetProvider.Encoding) - 1);
                    mem[move.Label] = set;
                    AddMove(move.SourceState, move.TargetState, set);
                    //concrete_moves.Add(Move<BvSet>.M(move.SourceState, move.TargetState, set));
                    BDD cond = solver.ConvertToCharSet(solver.CharSetProvider, move.Label);
                    if (cond != null)
                        throw new AutomataException(AutomataExceptionKind.ConditionCannotBeConvertedToCharSet);

                    mem[move.Label] = cond;
                    AddMove(move.SourceState, move.TargetState, cond);
                    //concrete_moves.Add(Move<BvSet>.M(move.SourceState, move.TargetState, cond));
            foreach (var entry in moveMap)
                concrete_moves.Add(Move <BDD> .Create(entry.Key.Item1, entry.Key.Item2, entry.Value));

            var res = Automaton <BDD> .Create(this.solver.CharSetProvider, this.automaton.InitialState, this.automaton.GetFinalStates(), concrete_moves);

Beispiel #14
        static public void CharSetToDot(BDD bdd, string setName, StreamWriter tw, RANKDIR rankdir, int fontsize)
            if (bdd.IsLeaf)
                throw new AutomataException(AutomataExceptionKind.CharSetMustBeNontrivial);

            Dictionary <BDD, int>         nodeIds   = new Dictionary <BDD, int>();
            Dictionary <int, int>         nodeLevel = new Dictionary <int, int>();
            Dictionary <int, List <int> > sameRanks = new Dictionary <int, List <int> >();
            List <Move <string> >         links     = new List <Move <string> >();
            Stack <BDD> stack = new Stack <BDD>();

            //nodeIds.Add(bdd.Solver.False, 0);
            //nodeIds.Add(bdd.Solver.True, 1);
            nodeIds.Add(bdd, 2);
            nodeLevel[2] = bdd.Ordinal;
            int id       = 3;
            int maxLevel = 0;

            while (stack.Count > 0)
                BDD        node   = stack.Pop();
                int        nodeId = nodeIds[node];
                List <int> rankGroup;
                if (!sameRanks.TryGetValue(node.Ordinal, out rankGroup))
                    rankGroup = new List <int>();
                    sameRanks[node.Ordinal] = rankGroup;

                maxLevel = Math.Max(node.Ordinal, maxLevel);
                if (!nodeIds.ContainsKey(node.Zero))
                    if (node.Zero.IsLeaf)
                        if (node.Zero.IsEmpty)
                            nodeIds[node.Zero] = 0;
                            nodeIds[node.Zero] = 1;
                        nodeIds[node.Zero] = id++;
                if (!nodeIds.ContainsKey(node.One))
                    if (node.One.IsLeaf)
                        if (node.One.IsEmpty)
                            nodeIds[node.One] = 0;
                            nodeIds[node.One] = 1;
                        nodeIds[node.One] = id++;
                links.Add(Move <string> .Create(nodeId, nodeIds[node.Zero], "0"));
                links.Add(Move <string> .Create(nodeId, nodeIds[node.One], "1"));

            nodeLevel[0] = maxLevel + 1;
            nodeLevel[1] = maxLevel + 1;

            tw.WriteLine("digraph \"" + setName + "\" {");
            tw.WriteLine(string.Format("rankdir={0};", rankdir.ToString()));
            tw.WriteLine(string.Format("node [style = filled, shape = circle, peripheries = 1, fillcolor = white, fontsize = {0}]", fontsize));
            foreach (var kv in sameRanks)
                string ranks = "{ rank = same; ";
                foreach (int n in kv.Value)
                    ranks += n.ToString() + "; ";
                ranks += "}";

            foreach (var n in nodeIds.Keys)
                if (!n.IsLeaf)
                    tw.WriteLine("{0} [label = {1}]", nodeIds[n], n.Ordinal);

            tw.WriteLine("//True and False");
            tw.WriteLine(string.Format("node [style = filled, shape = plaintext, fillcolor = white, fontsize = {0}]", fontsize));
            tw.WriteLine("{ rank = same; 0; 1; }");
            tw.WriteLine("0 [label = False, group = {0}]", maxLevel);
            tw.WriteLine("1 [label = True, group = {0}]", maxLevel);

            foreach (Move <string> t in links)
                tw.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} -> {1} [label = \"{2}\", fontsize = {3} ];", t.SourceState, t.TargetState, t.Label, fontsize));
Beispiel #15
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs a new part with the given single element.
 /// </summary>
 internal Part(int element, BDDAlgebra solver, int maxbit)
     this.solver = solver;
     this.maxbit = maxbit;
     elems       = solver.MkSetFrom((uint)element, maxbit);
Beispiel #16
 /// <summary>
 /// Remove the element from this part.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="elem">element to be removed</param>
 public void Remove(int elem)
     elems = solver.MkAnd(elems, solver.MkNot(solver.MkSetFrom((uint)elem, maxbit)));
        internal static Automaton<BDD> computeDFA(List<string> variables, BDD alphabet, CharSetSolver solver, string set, BDD pred)
            int setbit = variables.IndexOf(set);

            //Compute predicates for pos-th bit is 0 or 1
            var trueBv = solver.MkSetFromRange(0, (uint)(Math.Pow(2, variables.Count + 16) - 1), variables.Count + 16 - 1);
            var posIs1 = solver.MkAnd(new BDD[] { trueBv, solver.MkSetWithBitTrue(setbit), solver.ShiftLeft(pred, variables.Count) });
            var posIs0 = solver.MkAnd(trueBv, solver.MkSetWithBitFalse(setbit));

            //Create automaton for condition
            var moves = new Move<BDD>[] { 
                new Move<BDD>(0, 0, posIs0),
                new Move<BDD>(0, 0, posIs1)

            var dfa = Automaton<BDD>.Create(0, new int[] { 0 }, moves);
            return dfa;
Beispiel #18
 public bool TryConvertToCharSet(HashSet <char> pred, out BDD set)
     set = null;
Beispiel #19
 internal CsPred(CsAlgebra <T> alg, BDD <T> pred)
     this.alg  = alg;
     this.pred = pred;
Beispiel #20
 public BDD And(BDD other)
     return(algebra.MkAnd(this, other));
        internal static Automaton<BDD> computeDFA(List<string> variables, BDD alphabet, CharSetSolver solver, string set1, string set2)
            int pos1 = variables.IndexOf(set1);
            int pos2 = variables.IndexOf(set2);

            Dictionary<int, Dictionary<Pair<int, int>, Automaton<BDD>>> dic1;
            if (!hashedDfa.ContainsKey(alphabet))
                hashedDfa[alphabet] = new Dictionary<int, Dictionary<Pair<int, int>, Automaton<BDD>>>();

            dic1 = hashedDfa[alphabet];

            Dictionary<Pair<int, int>, Automaton<BDD>> dic2;
            if (!dic1.ContainsKey(variables.Count))
                dic1[variables.Count] = new Dictionary<Pair<int, int>, Automaton<BDD>>();

            dic2 = dic1[variables.Count];

            var hash = new Pair<int, int>(pos1, pos2);
            if (dic2.ContainsKey(hash))
                return dic2[hash];

            //Create conditions that bit in pos1 is smaller than pos2
            var trueBv = solver.MkSetFromRange(0, (uint)(Math.Pow(2, variables.Count + 16) - 1), variables.Count + 16 - 1);
            var both1 = solver.MkAnd(new BDD[] { trueBv, solver.MkSetWithBitTrue(pos1), solver.MkSetWithBitTrue(pos2) });
            var both0 = solver.MkAnd(new BDD[] { trueBv, solver.MkSetWithBitFalse(pos1), solver.MkSetWithBitFalse(pos2) });
            var eqCond = solver.MkOr(new BDD[] { both0, both1 });

            //Create automaton for condition
            var moves = new Move<BDD>[] { new Move<BDD>(0, 0, eqCond) };
            var dfa = Automaton<BDD>.Create(0, new int[] { 0 }, moves).Determinize(solver).Minimize(solver);
                dic2[hash] = dfa;
            return dfa;
 internal override Automaton<BDD> getDFA(List<string> variables, BDD alphabet, CharSetSolver solver)
     //Build DFA corresponding to regexp
     return computeDFA(variables, alphabet, solver, set1, set2);
        internal static Automaton<BDD> computeDFA(List<string> variables, BDD alphabet, CharSetSolver solver, string set1, string set2)
            var pos1 = variables.IndexOf(set1);
            var pos2 = variables.IndexOf(set2);

            Dictionary<Pair<int, int>, Automaton<BDD>> dic1 = null;
            Pair<int, int> pair = null;
            if (hashing)
                if (!hashedDfa.ContainsKey(alphabet))
                    hashedDfa[alphabet] = new Dictionary<int, Dictionary<Pair<int, int>, Automaton<BDD>>>();

                var dic = hashedDfa[alphabet];

                if (!dic.ContainsKey(variables.Count))
                    dic[variables.Count] = new Dictionary<Pair<int, int>, Automaton<BDD>>();

                dic1 = dic[variables.Count];

                pair = new Pair<int, int>(pos1, pos2);

                if (dic1.ContainsKey(pair))
                    return dic1[pair];

            //Create conditions that bit in pos1 is smaller than pos2
            var trueBv = solver.MkSetFromRange(0, (uint)(Math.Pow(2, variables.Count + 7) - 1), variables.Count + 7 - 1);
            var pos2is1 = solver.MkAnd(trueBv, solver.MkSetWithBitTrue(pos2));
            var pos1is0 = solver.MkAnd(trueBv, solver.MkSetWithBitFalse(pos1));
            var subsetCond = solver.MkOr(pos2is1, pos1is0);

            //Create automaton for condition
            var moves = new Move<BDD>[] { new Move<BDD>(0, 0, subsetCond) };

            var dfa = Automaton<BDD>.Create(0, new int[] { 0 }, moves).Determinize(solver).Minimize(solver);
                dic1[pair] = dfa;
            return dfa;
        internal static Automaton<BDD> computeDFA(List<string> variables, BDD alphabet, CharSetSolver solver, string set1, string set2, int n)
            int pos1 = variables.IndexOf(set1);
            int pos2 = variables.IndexOf(set2);

            Dictionary<int, Dictionary<Pair<int, Pair<int, int>>, Automaton<BDD>>> dic1;
            if (!hashedDfa.ContainsKey(alphabet))
                hashedDfa[alphabet] = new Dictionary<int, Dictionary<Pair<int, Pair<int, int>>, Automaton<BDD>>>();

            dic1 = hashedDfa[alphabet];

            Dictionary<Pair<int, Pair<int, int>>, Automaton<BDD>> dic2;
            if (!dic1.ContainsKey(variables.Count))
                dic1[variables.Count] = new Dictionary<Pair<int, Pair<int, int>>, Automaton<BDD>>();

            dic2 = dic1[variables.Count];

            var hash = new Pair<int, Pair<int, int>>(pos1, new Pair<int, int>(pos2, n));
            if (dic2.ContainsKey(hash))
                return dic2[hash];

            var trueBv = solver.MkSetFromRange(0, (uint)(Math.Pow(2, variables.Count + 16) - 1), variables.Count + 16 - 1);
            var pos1is0 = solver.MkAnd(trueBv, solver.MkSetWithBitFalse(pos1));
            var pos1is1 = solver.MkAnd(trueBv, solver.MkSetWithBitTrue(pos1));
            var pos2is0 = solver.MkAnd(trueBv, solver.MkSetWithBitFalse(pos2));
            var pos2is1 = solver.MkAnd(trueBv, solver.MkSetWithBitTrue(pos2));

            var both0 = solver.MkAnd(new BDD[] { pos1is0, pos2is0 });
            var pos11pos20 = solver.MkAnd(new BDD[] { pos1is1, pos2is0 });
            var pos10pos21 = solver.MkAnd(new BDD[] { pos1is0, pos2is1 });

            //Create automaton for condition
            var moves = new List<Move<BDD>>();
            moves.Add(new Move<BDD>(0, 0, both0));
            moves.Add(new Move<BDD>(0, 1, pos11pos20));
            for(int i = 1;i<n;i++){
                moves.Add(new Move<BDD>(i, i+1, both0));
            moves.Add(new Move<BDD>(n, n+1, pos10pos21)); 
            moves.Add(new Move<BDD>(n+1, n+1, both0));

            var dfa = Automaton<BDD>.Create(0, new int[] { n+1 }, moves).Determinize(solver).Minimize(solver);
                dic2[hash] = dfa;
            return dfa;
 internal override Automaton<BDD> getDFA(List<string> variables, BDD alphabet, CharSetSolver solver)
     return computeDFA(variables, alphabet, solver, set, pred);
Beispiel #26
 public bool TryConvertToCharSet(HashSet<Tuple<char, char>> pred, out BDD set)
     set = null;
     return false;
Beispiel #27
        public void TestBvSetSolver5()
            var solver = new BDDAlgebra();
            var a = solver.MkSetFromRange(0, 3, 6);
            var b = solver.MkSetFromRange(0x40, 0x43, 6);
            var c = solver.MkSetFromRange(0x20, 0x23, 6);
            var d = solver.MkSetFromRange(0x60, 0x63, 6);

            var all = new BDD[] { a, b, c, d };


            var a_size = solver.ComputeDomainSize(a, 6);
            var b_size = solver.ComputeDomainSize(b, 6);

            var x = solver.MkAnd(a, b);

            var u = solver.MkOr(all);
            var u_size = solver.ComputeDomainSize(u, 6);


            var u_compl = solver.MkNot(u);

            var u_compl_size = solver.ComputeDomainSize(u_compl, 6);

            Assert.AreEqual<ulong>(4, a_size);
            Assert.AreEqual<ulong>(4, b_size);
            Assert.AreEqual<ulong>(16, u_size);

            var ranges = solver.ToRanges(u, 6);
            Assert.AreEqual<int>(4, ranges.Length);
            Assert.AreEqual<uint>(0, ranges[0].First);
            Assert.AreEqual<uint>(3, ranges[0].Second);
            Assert.AreEqual<uint>(0x20, ranges[1].First);
            Assert.AreEqual<uint>(0x23, ranges[1].Second);
            Assert.AreEqual<uint>(0x40, ranges[2].First);
            Assert.AreEqual<uint>(0x43, ranges[2].Second);
            Assert.AreEqual<uint>(0x60, ranges[3].First);
            Assert.AreEqual<uint>(0x63, ranges[3].Second);
Beispiel #28
 private BooleanDecisionTree(bool[] precomputed, DecisionTree.BST bst, BDD domain)
     this.precomputed = precomputed;
     this.bst         = bst;
     this.domain      = domain;
        internal static Automaton<BDD> computeDFA(List<string> variables, BDD alphabet, CharSetSolver solver)
            var hash = new Pair<BDD, int>(alphabet, variables.Count);
            if (hashedDfa.ContainsKey(hash))
                return hashedDfa[hash];

            //Create condition that only considerst bv of size |variables|
            var trueBv = solver.MkSetFromRange(0, (uint)(Math.Pow(2, variables.Count + 7) - 1), variables.Count + 7-1);
            var moves = new Move<BDD>[] { new Move<BDD>(0, 0, trueBv) };
            //True automaton 
            var dfa = Automaton<BDD>.Create(0, new int[] { 0 }, moves);
            hashedDfa[hash] = dfa;

            return dfa;
Beispiel #30
        /// <summary>
        /// Make a product between leafpred and vals.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="leafpred">input predicate</param>
        /// <param name="vals">sequence of counter conditions</param>
        /// <param name="isAND">if true then treat vals as a conjunction, else as a disjunction</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public CsPred <T> MkPredicate(T leafpred, bool isAND, params CsCondition[] vals)
            if (vals.Length != K)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("vals", "Incompatible number " + vals.Length + " of conditions, expecting " + K);

            var     alg      = NodeAlgebra;
            var     node     = alg.MkLeaf(leafpred);
            BDD <T> vals_bdd = (isAND ? (BDD <T>)alg.True : (BDD <T>)alg.False);

            for (int i = 0; i < K; i++)
                int canexit_bit = (i * 2);
                int canloop_bit = (i * 2) + 1;

                CsCondition cond = vals[i];

                BDD <T> union = (BDD <T>)alg.False;
                if (cond == CsCondition.TRUE)
                    union = (BDD <T>)alg.True;
                    if (cond.HasFlag(CsCondition.LOW))
                        union = (BDD <T>)alg.MkOr(union, alg.MkAnd(node, alg.MkBitFalse(canexit_bit), alg.MkBitTrue(canloop_bit)));
                    if (cond.HasFlag(CsCondition.MIDDLE))
                        union = (BDD <T>)alg.MkOr(union, alg.MkAnd(node, alg.MkBitTrue(canexit_bit), alg.MkBitTrue(canloop_bit)));
                    if (cond.HasFlag(CsCondition.HIGH))
                        union = (BDD <T>)alg.MkOr(union, alg.MkAnd(node, alg.MkBitTrue(canexit_bit), alg.MkBitFalse(canloop_bit)));
                    if (cond.HasFlag(CsCondition.EMPTY))
                        union = (BDD <T>)alg.MkOr(union, alg.MkAnd(node, alg.MkBitFalse(canexit_bit), alg.MkBitFalse(canloop_bit)));

                if (isAND)
                    vals_bdd = (BDD <T>)alg.MkAnd((BDD)vals_bdd, union);
                    if (vals_bdd.Equals(alg.False))
                    vals_bdd = (BDD <T>)alg.MkOr((BDD)vals_bdd, union);
                    if (vals_bdd.Equals(alg.True))
            node = (BDD <T>)alg.MkAnd((BDD)node, vals_bdd);
            return(new CsPred <T>(this, node));
 public WS1SUnaryPred(string set, BDD pred)
     this.set = set;
     this.pred = pred;
 internal override Automaton<BDD> getDFA(List<string> variables, BDD alphabet, CharSetSolver solver)
     return WS1SSingleton.computeDFA(variables, alphabet, solver, this.set);
Beispiel #33
 IEnumerable <Tuple <CsConditionSeq, T> > EnumerateCases(BDD <T> bdd)
     if (bdd.IsLeaf)
         var val = ((BDD <T>)bdd).Leaf;
         if (bdd.Algebra.Second.IsSatisfiable(val))
             //note that CsConditionSeq.False means that all counters are disabled
             yield return(new Tuple <CsConditionSeq, T>(alg.TrueCsConditionSeq, ((BDD <T>)bdd).Leaf));
         //even bit is about exit condition, odd bit is about increment condition
         bool is_canexit_bit = (bdd.Ordinal % 2 == 0);
         //counter id
         int i = bdd.Ordinal / 2;
         if (bdd.Zero == bdd.One)
             ; //TBD
             foreach (var path in EnumerateCases((BDD <T>)bdd.Zero))
                 #region Zero branch: means that the bit is 0
                 var v = path.Item1[i];
                 if (is_canexit_bit)
                     v = v & CsCondition.CANNOTEXIT; //cannot exit
                     v = v & CsCondition.CANNOTLOOP; //cannot increment
                 if (v != CsCondition.FALSE)         //FALSE means unsatisfiable
                     yield return(new Tuple <CsConditionSeq, T>(path.Item1.And(i, v), path.Item2));
             foreach (var path in EnumerateCases((BDD <T>)bdd.One))
                 #region One branch: means that the bit is 1
                 var v = path.Item1[i];
                 if (is_canexit_bit)
                     v = v & CsCondition.CANEXIT; //can exit
                     v = v & CsCondition.CANLOOP; //can increment
                 if (v != CsCondition.FALSE)      //FALSE means unsatisfiable
                     yield return(new Tuple <CsConditionSeq, T>(path.Item1.And(i, v), path.Item2));
        private void InitializeUnicodeCategoryDefinitions()
            if (encoding == BitWidth.BV7)
                for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++)
                    if (UnicodeCategoryRanges.ASCIIBdd[i] == null)
                        catConditionsBDD[i] = solverBDD.False;
                        catConditionsBDD[i] = solverBDD.DeserializeCompact(UnicodeCategoryRanges.ASCIIBdd[i]);
                whiteSpaceConditionBDD = solverBDD.DeserializeCompact(UnicodeCategoryRanges.ASCIIWhitespaceBdd);

                wordLetterConditionBDD = solverBDD.DeserializeCompact(UnicodeCategoryRanges.ASCIIWordCharacterBdd);
            else if (encoding == BitWidth.BV8)
                for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++)
                    if (UnicodeCategoryRanges.CP437Bdd[i] == null)
                        catConditionsBDD[i] = solverBDD.False;
                        catConditionsBDD[i] = solverBDD.DeserializeCompact(UnicodeCategoryRanges.CP437Bdd[i]);
                whiteSpaceConditionBDD = solverBDD.DeserializeCompact(UnicodeCategoryRanges.CP437WhitespaceBdd);
                wordLetterConditionBDD = solverBDD.DeserializeCompact(UnicodeCategoryRanges.CP437WordCharacterBdd);
                for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++)
                    catConditionsBDD[i] = solverBDD.DeserializeCompact(UnicodeCategoryRanges.UnicodeBdd[i]);
                whiteSpaceConditionBDD = solverBDD.DeserializeCompact(UnicodeCategoryRanges.UnicodeWhitespaceBdd);
                wordLetterConditionBDD = solverBDD.DeserializeCompact(UnicodeCategoryRanges.UnicodeWordCharacterBdd);
            #region create corresponding ranges
            for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++)
                var ranges = solverBDD.ToRanges(catConditionsBDD[i]);
                catConditions[i] = new HashSet <Tuple <char, char> >();
                foreach (var range in ranges)
                    catConditions[i].Add(new Tuple <char, char>((char)range.Item1, (char)range.Item2));

            var ranges1 = solverBDD.ToRanges(whiteSpaceConditionBDD);
            whiteSpaceCondition = new HashSet <Tuple <char, char> >();
            foreach (var range in ranges1)
                whiteSpaceCondition.Add(new Tuple <char, char>((char)range.Item1, (char)range.Item2));

            ranges1             = solverBDD.ToRanges(wordLetterConditionBDD); //new Utilities.UnicodeCategoryRangesGenerator.Ranges();
            wordLetterCondition = new HashSet <Tuple <char, char> >();
            foreach (var range in ranges1)
                wordLetterCondition.Add(new Tuple <char, char>((char)range.Item1, (char)range.Item2));
Beispiel #35
 public BDD Diff(BDD other)
     return algebra.MkDiff(this, other);
Beispiel #36
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs a new part with the given elements.
 /// </summary>
 internal Part(IEnumerable <int> elements, BDDAlgebra solver, int maxbit)
     this.solver = solver;
     this.maxbit = maxbit;
     elems       = solver.MkSetFromElements(elements, maxbit);
Beispiel #37
 public BDD Or(BDD other)
     return algebra.MkOr(this,other);
Beispiel #38
        //Part(BvSet set, BvSetSolver solver, int maxbit)
        //    this.elems = set;
        //    this.solver = solver;
        //    this.maxbit = maxbit;

        /// <summary>
        /// Add the element to this part.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="elem">element to be added</param>
        public void Add(int elem)
            elems = solver.MkOr(elems, solver.MkSetFrom((uint)elem, maxbit));
        internal override Automaton<BDD> getDFA(List<string> variables, BDD alphabet, CharSetSolver solver)
            int varbit = variables.IndexOf(var1);

            Dictionary<Pair<int, int>, Automaton<BDD>> dic;
            if (!hashedDfa.ContainsKey(alphabet))
                hashedDfa[alphabet] = new Dictionary<Pair<int, int>, Automaton<BDD>>();

            dic = hashedDfa[alphabet];

            var hash = new Pair<int, int>(variables.Count, varbit);
            if (dic.ContainsKey(hash))
                return dic[hash];

            //Create conditions
            var trueBv = solver.MkSetFromRange(0, (uint)(Math.Pow(2, variables.Count + 7) - 1), variables.Count + 7 - 1);
            var posis1 = solver.MkAnd(trueBv, solver.MkSetWithBitTrue(varbit));
            var posis0 = solver.MkAnd(trueBv, solver.MkSetWithBitFalse(varbit));

            //Create automaton for condition
            var moves = new Move<BDD>[] { 
                new Move<BDD>(0, 1, posis1),
                new Move<BDD>(1, 1, posis0) 

            var dfa = Automaton<BDD>.Create(0, new int[] { 1 }, moves).Determinize(solver).Minimize(solver);
            dic[hash] = dfa;

            return dfa;
Beispiel #40
 /// <summary>
 /// Updates the set of elements in this part to the set of the given part.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="part">given part</param>
 public void Update(Part part)
     this.elems = part.elems;
 internal override Automaton<BDD> getDFA(List<string> variables, BDD alphabet, CharSetSolver solver)
     return Automaton<BDD>.Empty;
        internal override Automaton<BDD> getDFA(List<string> variables, BDD alphabet, CharSetSolver solver)
            //Create condition that only considerst bv of size |variables|
            var trueBv = solver.MkSetFromRange(0, (uint)(Math.Pow(2, variables.Count + 7) - 1), variables.Count + 7 - 1);
            var moves = new Move<BDD>[] { new Move<BDD>(0, 0, trueBv) };

            //True automaton and then difference
            var trueAut = Automaton<BDD>.Create(0, new int[] { 0 }, moves);
            var aut = phi.getDFA(variables, alphabet, solver);

            return trueAut.Minus(aut, solver).Determinize(solver).Minimize(solver);
Beispiel #43
 public BDD And(BDD other)
     return algebra.MkAnd(this, other);
Beispiel #44
 public HashSet<Tuple<char, char>> ConvertFromCharSet(BDD set)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
 public Automaton<BDD> getDFA(BDD alphabet, CharSetSolver solver)
     return this.ToWS1S(solver).getDFA(alphabet, solver);
 internal override Automaton<BDD> getDFA(List<string> variables, BDD alphabet, CharSetSolver solver)
     var aut1 = left.getDFA(variables, alphabet, solver);
     var aut2 = right.getDFA(variables, alphabet, solver);
     return aut1.Union(aut2, solver).Determinize(solver).Minimize(solver);
Beispiel #47
        Tuple <uint, uint>[] ToRanges1(BDD set)
            Tuple <uint, uint>[] ranges;
            if (!rangeCache.TryGetValue(set, out ranges))
                int  b    = set.Ordinal;
                uint mask = (uint)1 << b;
                if (set.Zero.IsEmpty)
                    #region 0-case is empty
                    if (set.One.IsFull)
                        var range = new Tuple <uint, uint>(mask, (mask << 1) - 1);
                        ranges = new Tuple <uint, uint>[] { range };
                    else //1-case is neither full nor empty
                        var ranges1 = LiftRanges(b, (b - set.One.Ordinal) - 1, ToRanges1(set.One));
                        ranges = new Tuple <uint, uint> [ranges1.Length];
                        for (int i = 0; i < ranges1.Length; i++)
                            ranges[i] = new Tuple <uint, uint>(ranges1[i].Item1 | mask, ranges1[i].Item2 | mask);
                else if (set.Zero.IsFull)
                    #region 0-case is full
                    if (set.One.IsEmpty)
                        var range = new Tuple <uint, uint>(0, mask - 1);
                        ranges = new Tuple <uint, uint>[] { range };
                        var rangesR = LiftRanges(b, (b - set.One.Ordinal) - 1, ToRanges1(set.One));
                        var range   = rangesR[0];
                        if (range.Item1 == 0)
                            ranges    = new Tuple <uint, uint> [rangesR.Length];
                            ranges[0] = new Tuple <uint, uint>(0, range.Item2 | mask);
                            for (int i = 1; i < rangesR.Length; i++)
                                ranges[i] = new Tuple <uint, uint>(rangesR[i].Item1 | mask, rangesR[i].Item2 | mask);
                            ranges    = new Tuple <uint, uint> [rangesR.Length + 1];
                            ranges[0] = new Tuple <uint, uint>(0, mask - 1);
                            for (int i = 0; i < rangesR.Length; i++)
                                ranges[i + 1] = new Tuple <uint, uint>(rangesR[i].Item1 | mask, rangesR[i].Item2 | mask);
                    #region 0-case is neither full nor empty
                    var rangesL = LiftRanges(b, (b - set.Zero.Ordinal) - 1, ToRanges1(set.Zero));
                    var last    = rangesL[rangesL.Length - 1];

                    if (set.One.IsEmpty)
                        ranges = rangesL;

                    else if (set.One.IsFull)
                        var ranges1 = new List <Tuple <uint, uint> >();
                        for (int i = 0; i < rangesL.Length - 1; i++)
                        if (last.Item2 == (mask - 1))
                            ranges1.Add(new Tuple <uint, uint>(last.Item1, (mask << 1) - 1));
                            ranges1.Add(new Tuple <uint, uint>(mask, (mask << 1) - 1));
                        ranges = ranges1.ToArray();
                    else //general case: neither 0-case, not 1-case is full or empty
                        var rangesR0 = ToRanges1(set.One);

                        var rangesR = LiftRanges(b, (b - set.One.Ordinal) - 1, rangesR0);

                        var first = rangesR[0];

                        if (last.Item2 == (mask - 1) && first.Item1 == 0) //merge together the last and first ranges
                            ranges = new Tuple <uint, uint> [rangesL.Length + rangesR.Length - 1];
                            for (int i = 0; i < rangesL.Length - 1; i++)
                                ranges[i] = rangesL[i];
                            ranges[rangesL.Length - 1] = new Tuple <uint, uint>(last.Item1, first.Item2 | mask);
                            for (int i = 1; i < rangesR.Length; i++)
                                ranges[rangesL.Length - 1 + i] = new Tuple <uint, uint>(rangesR[i].Item1 | mask, rangesR[i].Item2 | mask);
                            ranges = new Tuple <uint, uint> [rangesL.Length + rangesR.Length];
                            for (int i = 0; i < rangesL.Length; i++)
                                ranges[i] = rangesL[i];
                            for (int i = 0; i < rangesR.Length; i++)
                                ranges[rangesL.Length + i] = new Tuple <uint, uint>(rangesR[i].Item1 | mask, rangesR[i].Item2 | mask);
                rangeCache[set] = ranges;
Beispiel #48
 public BDD Or(BDD other)
     return(algebra.MkOr(this, other));
Beispiel #49
 public bool TryConvertToCharSet(HashSet <char> pred, out BDD set)
     set = ConvertToCharSet(pred);
Beispiel #50
 public BDD Diff(BDD other)
     return(algebra.MkDiff(this, other));
Beispiel #51
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate method code for a given BDD with given methid as method name
        /// </summary>
        private static void GenerateCodeForBDD(StringBuilder code, BDD pred, string methid)
            Dictionary <BDD, int> idMap = new Dictionary <BDD, int>();
            int             nextLabelId = 0;
            Func <BDD, int> getId       = bdd =>
                int bddid;
                if (!idMap.TryGetValue(bdd, out bddid))
                    bddid      = nextLabelId++;
                    idMap[bdd] = bddid;


            HashSet <BDD>     done = new HashSet <BDD>();
            SimpleStack <BDD> todo = new SimpleStack <BDD>();

            StringBuilder leaves = new StringBuilder();

            while (todo.IsNonempty)
                var bdd = todo.Pop();
                if (bdd.IsLeaf)
                    leaves.Append(String.Format("\r\n        P{0}_{1}: return {2};", methid, getId(bdd), bdd.IsEmpty ? "false" : "true"));
                    BDD exit         = !bdd.Zero.IsLeaf && (bdd.Zero.Zero == bdd.One || bdd.Zero.One == bdd.One) ? bdd.One : bdd.Zero;
                    BDD continuation = bdd;
                    int zeros        = 0;
                    int ones         = 0;
                    while (true)
                        if (exit == continuation.Zero)
                            zeros       |= 1 << continuation.Ordinal;
                            continuation = continuation.One;
                        else if (exit == continuation.One)
                            ones        |= 1 << continuation.Ordinal;
                            continuation = continuation.Zero;

                    var anyZero       = string.Format("(c & 0x{0:X}) != 0x{0:X}", zeros);
                    var anyOne        = string.Format("(c & 0x{0:X}) != 0", ones);
                    var exitCondition = zeros == 0 ? anyOne : ones == 0 ? anyZero : string.Format("({0}) || ({1})", anyOne, anyZero);
                    if (bdd != pred)
                        code.Append(string.Format("P{0}_{1}: ", methid, getId(bdd)));

                    code.Append(string.Format("if ({2}) goto P{0}_{3}; else goto P{0}_{4};", methid, getId(bdd), exitCondition, getId(exit), getId(continuation)));
                    if (done.Add(exit))

                    if (done.Add(continuation))

 internal abstract Automaton<BDD> getDFA(List<string> variables, BDD alphabet, CharSetSolver solver);
Beispiel #53
        /// <summary>
        /// Predicate for the BDD predicate
        /// </summary>
        private string GeneratePredicateHelper(BDD pred)
            string res;

            //generate a predicate depending on how complex the condition is
            if (!this.predicateCache.TryGetValue(pred, out res))
                if (pred.IsLeaf)
                    if (pred.IsEmpty)
                        res = "false";
                    else if (pred.IsFull)
                        res = "true";
                        throw new AutomataException(AutomataExceptionKind.UnexpectedMTBDDTerminal);
                    //if there is a single node in the BDD then
                    //just inline the corresponding bit mask operation
                    if (pred.One.IsLeaf && pred.Zero.IsLeaf)
                        res = string.Format("c & 0x{0:X} {1} 0", 1 << pred.Ordinal, pred.One.IsFull ? "!=" : "==");
                        var ranges = pred.ToRanges();
                        if (ranges.Length <= 3)
                            res = RangesToCode(ranges);
                            //generate a method for checking this condition
                            StringBuilder helper_method = new StringBuilder();

                            //create a new method for this predicate
                            var methid     = this.helperPredicates.Count;
                            var methodName = string.Format("{0}_predicate{1}", this.prefix, methid);

                            GenerateCodeForBDD(helper_method, pred, methid.ToString());

                            //                            helper_method.Append("        return ").Append(RangesToCode(ranges));
                            this.helperPredicates.Add(new Predicate {
                                Name = methodName, Body = helper_method.ToString()
                            res = string.Format("{0}(c)", methodName);

                this.predicateCache[pred] = res;

        internal static string ToRegexCharSet(BDD label, IUnicodeCategoryTheory <BDD> categorizer, CharSetSolver solver)
            if (categorizer.CategoryCondition(8) == label)
            if (solver.MkNot(categorizer.CategoryCondition(8)) == label)
            if (categorizer.WordLetterCondition == label)
            if (solver.MkNot(categorizer.WordLetterCondition) == label)
            if (categorizer.WhiteSpaceCondition == label)
            if (solver.MkNot(categorizer.WhiteSpaceCondition) == label)
            for (int i = 0; i < categorizer.UnicodeCategoryStandardAbbreviations.Length; i++)
                if (categorizer.CategoryCondition(i) == label)
                    return(@"\P{" + categorizer.UnicodeCategoryStandardAbbreviations[i] + "}");

            var ranges = solver.ToRanges(label);

            if (ranges.Length == 1 && ranges[0].Item1 == ranges[0].Item2)

            var res = new StringBuilder("[");

            for (int i = 0; i < ranges.Length; i++)
                var range = ranges[i];
                if (range.Item1 == range.Item2)
                else if (range.Item1 == range.Item2 - 1)
        internal static Automaton<BDD> computeDFA(List<string> variables, BDD alphabet, CharSetSolver solver, string set)
            int setbit = variables.IndexOf(set);

            Dictionary<Pair<int, int>, Automaton<BDD>> dic;
            if (!hashedDfa.ContainsKey(alphabet))
                hashedDfa[alphabet] = new Dictionary<Pair<int, int>, Automaton<BDD>>();

            dic = hashedDfa[alphabet];

            var hash = new Pair<int, int>(variables.Count, setbit);
            if (dic.ContainsKey(hash))
                return dic[hash];

            //Create conditions that bit in pos1 is smaller than pos2
            var trueBv = solver.MkSetFromRange(0, (uint)(Math.Pow(2, variables.Count + 16) - 1), variables.Count + 16 - 1);
            var posIs1 = solver.MkAnd(trueBv, solver.MkSetWithBitTrue(setbit));
            var posIs0 = solver.MkAnd(trueBv, solver.MkSetWithBitFalse(setbit));

            //Create automaton for condition
            var moves = new Move<BDD>[] { 
                new Move<BDD>(0, 0, posIs0),
                new Move<BDD>(0, 1, posIs1), 
                new Move<BDD>(1, 1, posIs0)

            //Generate the dfa correpsonding to regexp
            var dfa = Automaton<BDD>.Create(0, new int[] { 1 }, moves);
                dic[hash] = dfa;
            return dfa;