Beispiel #1
        public override async Task <TextEdit[]> ApplyFormattedEditsAsync(
            DocumentUri uri,
            DocumentSnapshot documentSnapshot,
            RazorLanguageKind kind,
            TextEdit[] formattedEdits,
            FormattingOptions options,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken,
            bool bypassValidationPasses = false)
            if (kind == RazorLanguageKind.Html)
                // We don't support formatting HTML edits yet.

            var codeDocument = await documentSnapshot.GetGeneratedOutputAsync();

            using var context = FormattingContext.Create(uri, documentSnapshot, codeDocument, options, isFormatOnType: true);
            var result = new FormattingResult(formattedEdits, kind);

            foreach (var pass in _formattingPasses)
                if (pass.IsValidationPass && bypassValidationPasses)

                result = await pass.ExecuteAsync(context, result, cancellationToken);

Beispiel #2
        public override async Task <TextEdit[]> FormatAsync(Uri uri, DocumentSnapshot documentSnapshot, Range range, FormattingOptions options)
            if (uri is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(uri));

            if (documentSnapshot is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(documentSnapshot));

            if (range is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(range));

            if (options is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(options));

            var codeDocument = await documentSnapshot.GetGeneratedOutputAsync();

            var context = FormattingContext.Create(uri, documentSnapshot, codeDocument, options, range);

            var result = new FormattingResult(Array.Empty <TextEdit>());

            foreach (var pass in _formattingPasses)
                result = await pass.ExecuteAsync(context, result);

Beispiel #3
        public override async Task <TextEdit[]> FormatAsync(Uri uri, RazorCodeDocument codeDocument, Range range, FormattingOptions options)
            if (uri is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(uri));

            if (codeDocument is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(codeDocument));

            if (range is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(range));

            if (options is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(options));

            var formattingContext = FormattingContext.Create(uri, codeDocument, range, options);
            var edits             = await FormatCodeBlockDirectivesAsync(formattingContext);

Beispiel #4
        public override async Task <TextEdit[]> FormatAsync(
            DocumentUri uri,
            DocumentSnapshot documentSnapshot,
            Range range,
            FormattingOptions options,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            if (uri is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(uri));

            if (documentSnapshot is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(documentSnapshot));

            if (range is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(range));

            if (options is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(options));

            var codeDocument = await documentSnapshot.GetGeneratedOutputAsync();

            using var context = FormattingContext.Create(uri, documentSnapshot, codeDocument, options, _workspaceFactory);
            var originalText = context.SourceText;

            var result = new FormattingResult(Array.Empty <TextEdit>());

            foreach (var pass in _formattingPasses)
                result = await pass.ExecuteAsync(context, result, cancellationToken);

            var filteredEdits = result.Edits.Where(e => range.LineOverlapsWith(e.Range));

            // Make sure the edits actually change something, or its not worth responding
            var textChanges = filteredEdits.Select(e => e.AsTextChange(originalText));
            var changedText = originalText.WithChanges(textChanges);

            if (changedText.ContentEquals(originalText))
                return(Array.Empty <TextEdit>());

            // Only send back the minimum edits
            var minimalChanges = SourceTextDiffer.GetMinimalTextChanges(originalText, changedText, lineDiffOnly: false);
            var finalEdits     = minimalChanges.Select(f => f.AsTextEdit(originalText)).ToArray();

Beispiel #5
        public override async Task <TextEdit[]> ApplyFormattedEditsAsync(
            DocumentUri uri,
            DocumentSnapshot documentSnapshot,
            RazorLanguageKind kind,
            TextEdit[] formattedEdits,
            FormattingOptions options,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken,
            bool bypassValidationPasses = false,
            bool collapseEdits          = false)
            if (kind == RazorLanguageKind.Html)
                // We don't support formatting HTML edits yet.

            // If we only received a single edit, let's always return a single edit back.
            // Otherwise, merge only if explicitly asked.
            collapseEdits |= formattedEdits.Length == 1;

            var codeDocument = await documentSnapshot.GetGeneratedOutputAsync();

            using var context = FormattingContext.Create(uri, documentSnapshot, codeDocument, options, _workspaceFactory, isFormatOnType: true);
            var result = new FormattingResult(formattedEdits, kind);

            foreach (var pass in _formattingPasses)
                if (pass.IsValidationPass && bypassValidationPasses)

                result = await pass.ExecuteAsync(context, result, cancellationToken);

            var originalText = context.SourceText;
            var edits        = result.Edits;

            if (collapseEdits)
                var collapsedEdit = MergeEdits(result.Edits, originalText);
                edits = new[] { collapsedEdit };

            // Make sure the edits actually change something, or its not worth responding
            var textChanges = edits.Select(e => e.AsTextChange(originalText));
            var changedText = originalText.WithChanges(textChanges);

            if (changedText.ContentEquals(originalText))
                return(Array.Empty <TextEdit>());

Beispiel #6
        private FormattingContext CreateFormattingContext(SourceText source, int tabSize = 4, bool insertSpaces = true, string fileKind = null)
            var path = "file:///path/to/document.razor";
            var uri  = new Uri(path);

            var(codeDocument, documentSnapshot) = CreateCodeDocumentAndSnapshot(source, uri.AbsolutePath, fileKind: fileKind);
            var options = new FormattingOptions()
                TabSize      = tabSize,
                InsertSpaces = insertSpaces,

            var context = FormattingContext.Create(uri, documentSnapshot, codeDocument, options);

Beispiel #7
        public override async Task <TextEdit[]> ApplyFormattedEditsAsync(
            DocumentUri uri,
            DocumentSnapshot documentSnapshot,
            RazorLanguageKind kind,
            TextEdit[] formattedEdits,
            FormattingOptions options,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken,
            bool bypassValidationPasses = false,
            bool collapseEdits          = false)
            if (kind == RazorLanguageKind.Html)
                // We don't support formatting HTML edits yet.

            // If we only received a single edit, let's always return a single edit back.
            // Otherwise, merge only if explicitly asked.
            collapseEdits |= formattedEdits.Length == 1;

            var codeDocument = await documentSnapshot.GetGeneratedOutputAsync();

            using var context = FormattingContext.Create(uri, documentSnapshot, codeDocument, options, isFormatOnType: true);
            var result = new FormattingResult(formattedEdits, kind);

            foreach (var pass in _formattingPasses)
                if (pass.IsValidationPass && bypassValidationPasses)

                result = await pass.ExecuteAsync(context, result, cancellationToken);

            var edits = result.Edits;

            if (collapseEdits)
                var collapsedEdit = MergeEdits(result.Edits, context.SourceText);
                edits = new[] { collapsedEdit };

Beispiel #8
        public override async Task <TextEdit[]> FormatAsync(
            DocumentUri uri,
            DocumentSnapshot documentSnapshot,
            Range range,
            FormattingOptions options,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            if (uri is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(uri));

            if (documentSnapshot is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(documentSnapshot));

            if (range is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(range));

            if (options is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(options));

            var codeDocument = await documentSnapshot.GetGeneratedOutputAsync();

            using var context = FormattingContext.Create(uri, documentSnapshot, codeDocument, options, _workspaceFactory);

            var result = new FormattingResult(Array.Empty <TextEdit>());

            foreach (var pass in _formattingPasses)
                result = await pass.ExecuteAsync(context, result, cancellationToken);

            var filteredEdits = result.Edits.Where(e => range.LineOverlapsWith(e.Range)).ToArray();

Beispiel #9
        public override async Task <TextEdit[]> ApplyFormattedEditsAsync(Uri uri, DocumentSnapshot documentSnapshot, RazorLanguageKind kind, TextEdit[] formattedEdits, FormattingOptions options)
            if (kind == RazorLanguageKind.Html)
                // We don't support formatting HTML edits yet.

            var codeDocument = await documentSnapshot.GetGeneratedOutputAsync();

            var context = FormattingContext.Create(uri, documentSnapshot, codeDocument, options, isFormatOnType: true);
            var result  = new FormattingResult(formattedEdits, kind);

            foreach (var pass in _formattingPasses)
                result = await pass.ExecuteAsync(context, result);
