Beispiel #1
        private Task ProcessResponse(TrackingDictionary state, object result, HubRequest request, Exception error)
            var    exception    = error.Unwrap();
            string stackTrace   = (exception != null && _isDebuggingEnabled) ? exception.StackTrace : null;
            string errorMessage = exception != null ? exception.Message : null;

            if (exception != null)

            var hubResult = new HubResponse
                State      = state.GetChanges(),
                Result     = result,
                Id         = request.Id,
                Error      = errorMessage,
                StackTrace = stackTrace

Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes the hub's incoming method calls.
        /// </summary>
        protected override Task OnReceivedAsync(IRequest request, string connectionId, string data)
            HubRequest hubRequest = _requestParser.Parse(data);

            // Create the hub
            HubDescriptor descriptor = _manager.EnsureHub(hubRequest.Hub,

            IJsonValue[] parameterValues = hubRequest.ParameterValues;

            // Resolve the method
            MethodDescriptor methodDescriptor = _manager.GetHubMethod(descriptor.Name, hubRequest.Method, parameterValues);

            if (methodDescriptor == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "'{0}' method could not be resolved.", hubRequest.Method));

            // Resolving the actual state object
            var state = new TrackingDictionary(hubRequest.State);
            var hub   = CreateHub(request, descriptor, connectionId, state, throwIfFailedToCreate: true);

            return(InvokeHubPipeline(request, connectionId, data, hubRequest, parameterValues, methodDescriptor, state, hub)
                   .ContinueWith(task => hub.Dispose(), TaskContinuationOptions.ExecuteSynchronously));
Beispiel #3
        public static TestableChat GetTestableChat(string connectionId, TrackingDictionary clientState, ChatUser user, NameValueCollection cookies)
            // setup things needed for chat
            var repository = new InMemoryRepository();
            var resourceProcessor = new Mock<IResourceProcessor>();
            var chatService = new Mock<IChatService>();
            var connection = new Mock<IConnection>();
            var settings = new Mock<IApplicationSettings>();
            var mockPipeline = new Mock<IHubPipelineInvoker>();

            settings.Setup(m => m.AuthApiKey).Returns("key");

            // add user to repository

            // create testable chat
            var chat = new TestableChat(settings, resourceProcessor, chatService, repository, connection);
            var mockedConnectionObject = chat.MockedConnection.Object;

            chat.Clients = new HubConnectionContext(mockPipeline.Object, mockedConnectionObject, "Chat", connectionId, clientState);

            var prinicipal = new Mock<IPrincipal>();

            var request = new Mock<IRequest>();
            request.Setup(m => m.Cookies).Returns(new Cookies(cookies));
            request.Setup(m => m.User).Returns(prinicipal.Object);

            // setup context
            chat.Context = new HubCallerContext(request.Object, connectionId);

            return chat;
Beispiel #4
        private Task ProcessTaskResult <T>(TrackingDictionary state, HubRequest request, Task <T> task)
            if (task.IsFaulted)
                return(ProcessResponse(state, null, request, task.Exception));

            return(ProcessResponse(state, task.Result, request, null));
Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="HubConnectionContext"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pipelineInvoker">The pipeline invoker.</param>
        /// <param name="connection">The connection.</param>
        /// <param name="hubName">The hub name.</param>
        /// <param name="connectionId">The connection id.</param>
        /// <param name="state">The connection hub state.</param>
        public HubConnectionContext(IHubPipelineInvoker pipelineInvoker, IConnection connection, string hubName, string connectionId, TrackingDictionary state)
            _send = (signal, invocation, exclude) => pipelineInvoker.Send(new HubOutgoingInvokerContext(connection, signal, invocation, exclude));
            _connectionId = connectionId;
            _hubName = hubName;

            Caller = new StatefulSignalProxy(_send, connectionId, hubName, state);
            All = AllExcept();
            Others = AllExcept(connectionId);
Beispiel #6
            public void CanDeserializeClientState()
                var clientState = new TrackingDictionary();
                string clientId = "1";
                var user = new ChatUser
                    Id = "1234",
                    Name = "John",
                    Identity = "foo"

                var cookies = new NameValueCollection();
                cookies["jabbr.state"] = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new ClientState { UserId = user.Id });

                TestableChat chat = GetTestableChat(clientId, clientState, user, cookies);

                bool result = chat.Join();

                Assert.Equal("1234", clientState["id"]);
                Assert.Equal("John", clientState["name"]);
Beispiel #7
        private IHub CreateHub(IRequest request, HubDescriptor descriptor, string connectionId, TrackingDictionary state = null, bool throwIfFailedToCreate = false)
                var hub = _manager.ResolveHub(descriptor.Name);

                if (hub != null)
                    state = state ?? new TrackingDictionary();

                    hub.Context = new HubCallerContext(request, connectionId);
                    hub.Clients = new HubConnectionContext(_pipelineInvoker, Connection, descriptor.Name, connectionId, state);
                    hub.Groups  = new GroupManager(Connection, descriptor.Name);

            catch (Exception ex)
                Trace.TraceInformation("Error creating hub {0}. " + ex.Message, descriptor.Name);

                if (throwIfFailedToCreate)

Beispiel #8
        private Task InvokeHubPipeline(IRequest request, string connectionId, string data, HubRequest hubRequest, IJsonValue[] parameterValues, MethodDescriptor methodDescriptor, TrackingDictionary state, IHub hub)
            var args    = _binder.ResolveMethodParameters(methodDescriptor, parameterValues);
            var context = new HubInvokerContext(hub, state, methodDescriptor, args);

            // Invoke the pipeline
                   .ContinueWith(task =>
                if (task.IsFaulted)
                    return ProcessResponse(state, null, hubRequest, task.Exception);
                    return ProcessResponse(state, task.Result, hubRequest, null);
 public StatefulSignalProxy(Func <string, ClientHubInvocation, IEnumerable <string>, Task> send, string signal, string hubName, TrackingDictionary state)
     : base(send, signal, hubName)
     _state = state;
Beispiel #10
            public void CanJoinChatIfIdentitySet()
                var clientState = new TrackingDictionary();
                string clientId = "1";
                var user = new ChatUser
                    Id = "1234",
                    Name = "John",
                    Identity = "foo"

                TestableChat chat = GetTestableChat(clientId, clientState, user);
       = "1234";

                bool result = chat.Join();

                Assert.Equal("1234", clientState["id"]);
                Assert.Equal("John", clientState["name"]);
                // TODO: find out why these don't work
                //Assert.Equal(1, user.ConnectedClients.Count);
                //Assert.Equal("1", user.ConnectedClients.First().Id);
Beispiel #11
 public static TestableChat GetTestableChat(string clientId, TrackingDictionary clientState, ChatUser user)
     return GetTestableChat(clientId, clientState, user, new NameValueCollection());
Beispiel #12
            public void MissingUsernameReturnsFalse()
                var clientState = new TrackingDictionary();
                string clientId = "1";
                var user = new ChatUser();

                TestableChat chat = GetTestableChat(clientId, clientState, user);

                bool result = chat.Join();

Beispiel #13
            public void CannotJoinChat()
                var clientState = new TrackingDictionary();
                string clientId = "1";
                var user = new ChatUser
                    Id = "1234",
                    Name = "John"

                TestableChat chat = GetTestableChat(clientId, clientState, user);
       = "1234";

                bool result = chat.Join();

Beispiel #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="HubConnectionContext"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pipelineInvoker">The pipeline invoker.</param>
        /// <param name="connection">The connection.</param>
        /// <param name="hubName">The hub name.</param>
        /// <param name="connectionId">The connection id.</param>
        /// <param name="state">The connection hub state.</param>
        public HubConnectionContext(IHubPipelineInvoker pipelineInvoker, IConnection connection, string hubName, string connectionId, TrackingDictionary state)
            _send         = (signal, invocation, exclude) => pipelineInvoker.Send(new HubOutgoingInvokerContext(connection, signal, invocation, exclude));
            _connectionId = connectionId;
            _hubName      = hubName;

            Caller = new StatefulSignalProxy(_send, connectionId, hubName, state);
            All    = AllExcept();
            Others = AllExcept(connectionId);
 public StatefulSignalProxy(Func<string, ClientHubInvocation, IEnumerable<string>, Task> send, string signal, string hubName, TrackingDictionary state)
     : base(send, signal, hubName)
     _state = state;