Beispiel #1
        public virtual IQueryable ApplyTo(IQueryable query, ODataQuerySettings querySettings)
            if (query == null)
                throw Error.ArgumentNull("query");

            if (querySettings == null)
                throw Error.ArgumentNull("querySettings");

            IQueryable result = query;

            // First apply $apply
            // Section 3.15 of the spec
            if (IsAvailableODataQueryOption(Apply, AllowedQueryOptions.Apply))
                result = Apply.ApplyTo(result, querySettings);
                InternalRequest.Context.ApplyClause = Apply.ApplyClause;
                if (Apply.SelectExpandClause != null)
                    // In case of just expand in $apply falling back to $expand serialization
                    InternalRequest.Context.ProcessedSelectExpandClause = Apply.SelectExpandClause;
                this.Context.ElementClrType = Apply.ResultClrType;

            // Apply compute
            // It should be executed before $filter, because it defines computed properties that can be used in a $select or within a $filter or $orderby expression.
            if (IsAvailableODataQueryOption(Compute, AllowedQueryOptions.Compute))
                result = Compute.ApplyTo(result, querySettings);

            // Construct the actual query and apply them in the following order: filter, orderby, skip, top
            if (IsAvailableODataQueryOption(Filter, AllowedQueryOptions.Filter))
                result = Filter.ApplyTo(result, querySettings);

            if (IsAvailableODataQueryOption(Count, AllowedQueryOptions.Count))
                if (InternalRequest.Context.TotalCountFunc == null)
                    Func <long> countFunc = Count.GetEntityCountFunc(result);
                    if (countFunc != null)
                        InternalRequest.Context.TotalCountFunc = countFunc;

                if (InternalRequest.IsCountRequest())

            OrderByQueryOption orderBy = OrderBy;

            // $skip or $top require a stable sort for predictable results.
            // Result limits require a stable sort to be able to generate a next page link.
            // If either is present in the query and we have permission,
            // generate an $orderby that will produce a stable sort.
            if (querySettings.EnsureStableOrdering &&
                (IsAvailableODataQueryOption(Skip, AllowedQueryOptions.Skip) ||
                 IsAvailableODataQueryOption(Top, AllowedQueryOptions.Top) ||
                // If there is no OrderBy present, we manufacture a default.
                // If an OrderBy is already present, we add any missing
                // properties necessary to make a stable sort.
                // Instead of failing early here if we cannot generate the OrderBy,
                // let the IQueryable backend fail (if it has to).

                orderBy = GenerateStableOrder();

            if (IsAvailableODataQueryOption(orderBy, AllowedQueryOptions.OrderBy))
                result = orderBy.ApplyTo(result, querySettings);

            if (IsAvailableODataQueryOption(SkipToken, AllowedQueryOptions.SkipToken))
                result = SkipToken.ApplyTo(result, querySettings, this);

            if (!IsAggregated(Apply?.ApplyClause))

            if (SelectExpand != null)
                var tempResult = ApplySelectExpand(result, querySettings);
                if (tempResult != default(IQueryable))
                    result = tempResult;

            if (IsAvailableODataQueryOption(Skip, AllowedQueryOptions.Skip))
                result = Skip.ApplyTo(result, querySettings);

            if (IsAvailableODataQueryOption(Top, AllowedQueryOptions.Top))
                result = Top.ApplyTo(result, querySettings);

            result = ApplyPaging(result, querySettings);

Beispiel #2
        public virtual IQueryable ApplyTo(IQueryable query, ODataQuerySettings querySettings)
            if (query == null)
                throw Error.ArgumentNull("query");

            if (querySettings == null)
                throw Error.ArgumentNull("querySettings");

            IQueryable result = query;

            // First apply $apply
            // Section 3.15 of the spec
            ApplyClause apply = null;

            if (IsAvailableODataQueryOption(Apply, AllowedQueryOptions.Apply))
                result = Apply.ApplyTo(result, querySettings);
                InternalRequest.Context.ApplyClause = Apply.ApplyClause;
                this.Context.ElementClrType         = Apply.ResultClrType;
                apply = Apply.ApplyClause;

            // Construct the actual query and apply them in the following order: filter, orderby, skip, top
            if (IsAvailableODataQueryOption(Filter, AllowedQueryOptions.Filter))
                result = Filter.ApplyTo(result, querySettings);

            if (IsAvailableODataQueryOption(Count, AllowedQueryOptions.Count))
                if (InternalRequest.Context.TotalCountFunc == null)
                    Func <long> countFunc = Count.GetEntityCountFunc(result);
                    if (countFunc != null)
                        InternalRequest.Context.TotalCountFunc = countFunc;

                if (InternalRequest.IsCountRequest())

            OrderByQueryOption orderBy = OrderBy;

            // $skip or $top require a stable sort for predictable results.
            // Result limits require a stable sort to be able to generate a next page link.
            // If either is present in the query and we have permission,
            // generate an $orderby that will produce a stable sort.
            if (querySettings.EnsureStableOrdering &&
                (IsAvailableODataQueryOption(Skip, AllowedQueryOptions.Skip) ||
                 IsAvailableODataQueryOption(Top, AllowedQueryOptions.Top) ||
                // If there is no OrderBy present, we manufacture a default.
                // If an OrderBy is already present, we add any missing
                // properties necessary to make a stable sort.
                // Instead of failing early here if we cannot generate the OrderBy,
                // let the IQueryable backend fail (if it has to).
                List <string> applySortOptions = GetApplySortOptions(apply);

                orderBy = orderBy == null
                            ? GenerateDefaultOrderBy(Context, applySortOptions)
                            : EnsureStableSortOrderBy(orderBy, Context, applySortOptions);

            if (IsAvailableODataQueryOption(orderBy, AllowedQueryOptions.OrderBy))
                result = orderBy.ApplyTo(result, querySettings);

            if (IsAvailableODataQueryOption(Skip, AllowedQueryOptions.Skip))
                result = Skip.ApplyTo(result, querySettings);

            if (IsAvailableODataQueryOption(Top, AllowedQueryOptions.Top))
                result = Top.ApplyTo(result, querySettings);


            if (SelectExpand != null)
                var tempResult = ApplySelectExpand(result, querySettings);
                if (tempResult != default(IQueryable))
                    result = tempResult;

            int pageSize = -1;

            if (querySettings.PageSize.HasValue)
                pageSize = querySettings.PageSize.Value;
            else if (querySettings.ModelBoundPageSize.HasValue)
                pageSize = querySettings.ModelBoundPageSize.Value;

            if (pageSize > 0)
                bool resultsLimited;
                result = LimitResults(result, pageSize, out resultsLimited);
                if (resultsLimited && InternalRequest.RequestUri != null && InternalRequest.RequestUri.IsAbsoluteUri &&
                    InternalRequest.Context.NextLink == null)
                    Uri nextPageLink = InternalRequest.GetNextPageLink(pageSize);
                    InternalRequest.Context.NextLink = nextPageLink;
