Beispiel #1
        public static IEdmModel BuildEdmModel(ODataModelBuilder builder)
            if (builder == null)
                throw Error.ArgumentNull("builder");

            EdmModel           model     = new EdmModel();
            EdmEntityContainer container = new EdmEntityContainer(builder.Namespace, builder.ContainerName);

            // add types and sets, building an index on the way.
            IEnumerable <IEdmTypeConfiguration> configTypes = builder.StructuralTypes.Concat <IEdmTypeConfiguration>(builder.EnumTypes);
            EdmTypeMap edmMap = EdmTypeBuilder.GetTypesAndProperties(configTypes);
            Dictionary <Type, IEdmType> edmTypeMap = model.AddTypes(edmMap);

            // Add EntitySets and build the mapping between the EdmEntitySet and the NavigationSourceConfiguration
            NavigationSourceAndAnnotations[] entitySets = container.AddEntitySetAndAnnotations(builder, edmTypeMap);

            // Add Singletons and build the mapping between the EdmSingleton and the NavigationSourceConfiguration
            NavigationSourceAndAnnotations[] singletons = container.AddSingletonAndAnnotations(builder, edmTypeMap);

            // Merge EntitySets and Singletons together
            IEnumerable <NavigationSourceAndAnnotations> navigationSources = entitySets.Concat(singletons);

            // Build the navigation source map
            IDictionary <string, EdmNavigationSource> navigationSourceMap = model.GetNavigationSourceMap(edmMap, navigationSources);

            // Add the core vocabulary annotations
            model.AddCoreVocabularyAnnotations(navigationSources, edmMap);

            // TODO: support etags on contained nav props
            // Support for this in 5.x adds annotations to navigation properties. Ideally would add annotations to entity set/singleton for
            // containing type(s) with nav paths to the contained nav property.
            // model.AddNavPropAnnotations(builder, edmMap);  // implemented in EdmModelHelperMethods.cs of 5.x branch

            // Add the capabilities vocabulary annotations
            model.AddCapabilitiesVocabularyAnnotations(navigationSources, edmMap);

            // add operations
            model.AddOperations(builder.Operations, container, edmTypeMap, navigationSourceMap);

            // finish up

            // build the map from IEdmEntityType to IEdmFunctionImport
            model.SetAnnotationValue <BindableOperationFinder>(model, new BindableOperationFinder(model));

Beispiel #2
        private static Dictionary <Type, IEdmType> AddTypes(this EdmModel model, IEnumerable <StructuralTypeConfiguration> types,
                                                            IEnumerable <EnumTypeConfiguration> enumTypes)
            IEnumerable <IEdmTypeConfiguration> configTypes = types.Concat <IEdmTypeConfiguration>(enumTypes);

            // build types
            EdmTypeMap edmTypeMap = EdmTypeBuilder.GetTypesAndProperties(configTypes);
            Dictionary <Type, IEdmType> edmTypes = edmTypeMap.EdmTypes;

            // Add an annotate types

            // add annotation for properties
            Dictionary <PropertyInfo, IEdmProperty> edmProperties = edmTypeMap.EdmProperties;


            // add dynamic dictionary property annotation for open types
