public void TransmissionProcessorStartsChannelSanitizationAfterDebugOutputSanitization()
            var debugOutput = new StubDebugOutput
                OnWriteLine = message =>
                    // do nothing
                OnIsAttached = () => true,

            PlatformSingleton.Current = new StubPlatform { OnGetDebugOutput = () => debugOutput };

            var channel = new StubTelemetryChannel { OnSend = t => new Task(() =>
            var configuration = new TelemetryConfiguration { InstrumentationKey = "Test key", TelemetryChannel = channel };

            var client = new TelemetryClient(configuration);

            var transmissionProcessor = new TransmissionProcessor(configuration);

            const int ItemsToGenerate = 100;
            Random random = new Random();

            for (int i = 0; i < ItemsToGenerate; i++)
                EventTelemetry telemetry = new EventTelemetry();

                int len = random.Next(50);

                for (int j = 0; j < len; j++)
                    telemetry.Properties.Add(j.ToString(), j.ToString());


            // There were a bug that causes Sanitize call from DebugOutput tracer conflict with Sanitize call from Channel
            // If no exceptions here - everything fine
        public void TrackWritesTelemetryToDebugOutputIfIKeyNotEmpty()
            string actualMessage = null;
            var debugOutput = new StubDebugOutput
                OnWriteLine = message => actualMessage = message,
                OnIsAttached = () => true,

            PlatformSingleton.Current = new StubPlatform { OnGetDebugOutput = () => debugOutput };
            var channel = new StubTelemetryChannel { DeveloperMode = true };
            var configuration = new TelemetryConfiguration
                TelemetryChannel = channel,
                InstrumentationKey = "123"

            var client = new TelemetryClient(configuration);

            client.Track(new StubTelemetry());

            Assert.True(actualMessage.StartsWith("Application Insights Telemetry: "));
            PlatformSingleton.Current = null;
        public void TrackDoesNotWriteTelemetryToDebugOutputIfNotInDeveloperMode()
            string actualMessage = null;
            var debugOutput = new StubDebugOutput { OnWriteLine = message => actualMessage = message };
            PlatformSingleton.Current = new StubPlatform { OnGetDebugOutput = () => debugOutput };
            var channel = new StubTelemetryChannel();
            var configuration = new TelemetryConfiguration
                TelemetryChannel = channel,
                InstrumentationKey = "Test key"
            var client = new TelemetryClient(configuration);

            client.Track(new StubTelemetry());
            PlatformSingleton.Current = null;