public void WriteData <TInternal>(string name, DateTime start, DateTime end, uint dataCount,
                                          IEnumerable <PersistedDataSource> sources, KeyedDataStore <TInternal> data)
            where TInternal : class, IInternalData, new()
            var header = new PersistedDataHeader(name, start, end,
                                                 sources, this.dimensionSet, dataCount);

            this.WriteDataWithLengthAndCRC32(ms =>
                header.Write(new BufferWriter(ms));
            }, header.SerializedSize, true);

            // The raw data does not compress particularly well. There is some overlap in the keys, but particularly
            // for histograms they come pre-compressed. We also use VLE heavily in KeyedDataStore.Serialize which
            // makes for pretty compact data.
            this.WriteDataWithLengthAndCRC32(data.Serialize, data.SerializedSize, false);

            // We can now determine what our block length really is and back-fill our data.
            var currentPosition = this.sourceStream.Position;
            var blockLength     = this.sourceStream.Position - this.blockStartOffset;

            this.sourceStream.Position = this.blockLengthOffset;
            this.sourceStream.Position = currentPosition;
Beispiel #2
        private unsafe PersistedDataHeader LoadLegacyHeader()
            MemoryStream memoryStream = null;

                // legacy data used a variant of LZ4Net.
                var codec = new LZ4Codec(this.memoryStreamManager, LZ4Codec.CodecProvider.LZ4Net);
                using (var decompressionStream = codec.GetStream(this.sourceStream, CompressionMode.Decompress, true))
                    var lengthData = new byte[4];
                    LegacyCheckedRead(decompressionStream, lengthData, sizeof(int));
                    var length  = BitConverter.ToUInt32(lengthData, 0);
                    var crcData = new byte[4];
                    LegacyCheckedRead(decompressionStream, crcData, sizeof(int));
                    var crc32 = BitConverter.ToUInt32(crcData, 0);

                    memoryStream = this.memoryStreamManager.GetStream("PersistedDataReader", (int)length, true);
                    var buffer = memoryStream.GetBuffer();
                    LegacyCheckedRead(decompressionStream, buffer, length);
                    var dataCRC = CRC32.Compute(buffer, length);

                    if (crc32 != dataCRC)
                        throw new PersistedDataException(string.Format("CRC failed for data, expected {0} was {1}",
                                                                       crc32, dataCRC));

                    PersistedDataHeader header;
                    fixed(byte *buf = buffer)
                        header = new PersistedDataHeader(new BufferReader(buf, length));

            catch (Exception ex)
                if (ex is EndOfStreamException || ex is InvalidDataException)
                    throw new PersistedDataException("Stream data may be truncated", ex);

Beispiel #3
 private unsafe PersistedDataHeader LoadHeader()
     return(this.LoadAndValidateData((ms, buffer, length) =>
         // Do not do 'using' here because if an exception leaks we are
         // cleaned up elsewhere.
         PersistedDataHeader header;
         fixed(byte *buf = buffer)
             header = new PersistedDataHeader(new BufferReader(buf, length));
         return header;