Beispiel #1
        // does the emotion part of the trySolution function
        private static void trySolution_emotion(ClassicalSentence belief, ClassicalTask task, DerivationContext ctx)
            ClassicalSentence problem = task.sentence;
            Memory            memory  = ctx.memory;

            ClassicalSentence oldBest = task.bestSolution;

            if (oldBest != null)
                TemporalRules.EnumRateByConfidence rateByConfidence =
                    oldBest.term == belief.term ? TemporalRules.EnumRateByConfidence.YES : TemporalRules.EnumRateByConfidence.NO;

                float newQ = TemporalRules.solutionQuality(rateByConfidence, task, belief, memory, ctx.compoundAndTermContext);
                float oldQ = TemporalRules.solutionQuality(rateByConfidence, task, oldBest, memory, ctx.compoundAndTermContext);
                if (oldQ >= newQ)
                    if (problem.isGoal)
                        memory.emotion.adjustHappy(oldQ, task.budget.priority, ctx);
                    //System.out.println("Unsolved: Solution of lesser quality");
                    //java memory.emit(Unsolved.class, task, belief, "Lower quality");
Beispiel #2
        // TODO< rename to evaluateQualityOfBeliefAsASolutionToProblemAndReward and refactor into functions >
        /* ----- Functions used both in direct and indirect processing of tasks ----- */

         * Evaluate the quality of a belief as a solution to a problem, then reward
         * the belief and de-prioritize the problem
         * \param problem The problem (question or goal) to be solved
         * \param solution The belief as solution
         * \param task The task to be immediately processed, or null for continued process
         * \return The budget for the new task which is the belief activated, if
         * necessary
        public static ClassicalBudgetValue solutionEval(
            ClassicalTask problem,
            ClassicalSentence solution,
            ClassicalTask task,
            DerivationContext ctx
            ClassicalBudgetValue budget = null;

            bool feedbackToLinks = false;

            if (task == null)
                task            = ctx.currentTask;
                feedbackToLinks = true;
            bool taskSentenceIsjudgment           = task.sentence.isJudgment;
            EnumRateByConfidence rateByConfidence = problem.sentence.term.hasVarQuery() ? EnumRateByConfidence.YES : EnumRateByConfidence.NO; // here its whether its a what or where question for budget adjustment
            float quality = TemporalRules.solutionQuality(rateByConfidence, problem, solution, ctx.memory, ctx.compoundAndTermContext);

            if (problem.sentence.isGoal)
                ctx.memory.emotion.adjustHappy(quality, task.budget.priority, ctx);

            if (taskSentenceIsjudgment)
                float taskPriority = task.budget.priority; // +goal satisfication is a matter of degree -!topic/open-nars/ZfCM416Dx1M
                budget = new ClassicalBudgetValue(UtilityFunctions.or(taskPriority, quality), task.budget.durability, BudgetFunctions.truthToQuality(solution.truth));
                task.budget.priority = Math.Min(1 - quality, taskPriority);

            // TODO< implement links >

            /* LINKS commented because links are not implemented
             * if (feedbackToLinks) {
             *  TaskLink tLink = ctx.currentTaskLink;
             *  tLink.setPriority(Math.Min(1 - quality, tLink.getPriority()));
             *  TermLink bLink = ctx.currentBeliefLink;
             *  bLink.incPriority(quality);
             * }*/